True Strike Suddenly Missing from My Kontakt Library

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by ARTHEMISC, Mar 16, 2025 at 2:16 PM.


    ARTHEMISC Producer

    Dec 10, 2022
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    Hello friends,

    How are you?

    I used this library from a sister site a few years ago to learn music composition.
    As time went by, I tried other libraries and forgot about True Strike for a while.
    Sometime last year I discovered that True Strike did not appear at all in my Kontakt library.

    This was a year after I reinstalled my Windows OS. I installed all Kontakt libraries not on Drive C of course.
    I share some screenshots.

    I can't find it in my Kontakt library.

    I have tried opening the library this way, but it still doesn't work.

    There is not a single True Strike “par resource” folder or True Strike-related xml file in the :
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments
    I'm sure it's because the OS reinstall has wiped everything clean.

    Then I opened the NativeAccess file in the Service Center folder and found this.

    I also opened the nicnt file using Notepad+.

    On someone's advice, I also took a look at the Registry Editor.

    Then I tried to find a solution on this forum and found these :

    I tried each of these methods but to no avail.

    I also found the same SNPID number with another library (8DIO 1990 Studio Grand).

    But after trying to replace the SNPID number in the file with a unique number and alfabet, True Strike still does not appear and I still cannot open it.

    Someone has also tried this NICNT True Strike file of mine and there were no problems on his PC system.
    I uploaded NICNT file to WeTransfer, just in case.

    There may be a configuration issue on my system.

    I have also checked to :
    C:\Users\Public\Documents\Native Instruments\installed_products
    and did not find the json file of True Strike at all.

    1. Out of all this, have I missed anything?
    2. Can this problem be solved just by reinstalling Windows OS? Although it doesn't seem worth it. But just in case I want to make sure this problem happens in the configuration on my C Drive and not in the Library (NICNT file).
    3. Is there another solution to this problem? It seems like True Strike is becoming improperly registered.
    And only this library is problematic out of all my libraries.

    The system I am currently using:
    Windows 11 24H2
    Intel Core i7-12700
    Kontakt 8 v8.2.1 from bobdule
    Cubase 14 from R2R

    I'm a bit unfamiliar with this Kontakt issue, maybe one of you can help?
    Many thanks in advance.

    Edit : I'm using True Strike 1 v2.0 and True Strike 1 v2.1 (update), both from sister site.
    Because after I updated to version 2.1 there was no change, so I returned to using version 2.0 because the problem in my case started from True Strike 1 version 2.0.

    Last edited: Mar 16, 2025 at 3:49 PM
  3. secretworld

    secretworld Producer

    Mar 7, 2018
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    What version of true strike are you using? Latest is true strike 1 v2.1. Would you be willing to use Kontakt portable version? It is easier to add libs to it. You could also intall K7 portable and only add truestrike 1 to it. I would not reinstall windows, I suspect some library conflict you will just recreate. Do you use 8DIO 1990 Studio Grand which has the same snipd?

    ARTHEMISC Producer

    Dec 10, 2022
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    I was using True Strike 1 version 2.0 which was having problems and updated it to version 2.1 from the sister site, but it did not solve the problem.

    Just to make sure, will there be a conflict with Kontakt from Bobdule that I have installed before?

    I actually didn't know at all that they had the same SNPID at the time. I never created a custom library because I'm not familiar with this.
    I only found out when I installed the SNPID lister and found the same number between the two.
  5. secretworld

    secretworld Producer

    Mar 7, 2018
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    If you try changing the snpid dont change true strike since it is official.
    Kontakt 8 portable will conflict, but Kantakt 7 portable not at all.
    I use the same true strike 2.1 and the appear in both kontakt 8 portable and bobdule 8.2.1 and kontakt 7 portable.
    I guess it is indeed a snpid conflict. Try changing the other one and maybe removing all traces and json files of it too.
    But of course you can also just use the K7 portable just for true strike.
    I have K5 portable installed for only one library that does not fully work in later versions.
    If you like how K7 portable works, you can add a few libraries and see how you get allong, you might consider switching to K8 portable all the way, I did anyway. but do read a lot of K8 portable comments, there is some valuable info!
  6. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Best Answer

    What I would do: I’d go into the registry (regedit) and navigate to the corresponding entries. Check hkey_localmachine as well as hkey_currentuser and under both software->native instruments
    Look for the entries for 1990 studio grand and delete them. I‘d do the same for true strike. This will remove them from the library tab as if they‘d have never been added. After that, just open Kontakt and add true strike again. This will solve any problems with clashing snpid numbers between these two libraries. Just don’t add the 1990 Studio Grand again.
    8dio libraries usually don’t use the library tab anyway.
    i wrote this out of memory. Could be either hkey local machine or current user. I don’t recall without looking it up, but it should be pretty easy once you‘re in there. If you need me to look it up and give you more detailed explanation, just tell me and I will let you know, but I think it should work out just fine.
    And don’t worry, I don’t like deleting stuff from the registry as well but I did that many many times and it never caused me any problems as long as you stay within the native instruments Kontakt section. You will see it listed along with all the other Kontakt libraries you‘ve installed, there will be nothing else within that section. So you will just delete stuff that you added either yourself or by using Kontakt manager which also adds entries with the corresponding snpids you don’t even have.

    hope this solves your problem. Let me/us know :winker:

    EDIT: your screenshot already shows it. Delete that whole true strike folder under hkey_local_machine->software->native instruments and do the same for the 1990 studio grand. And then add only true strike again
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2025 at 6:40 PM
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    ARTHEMISC Producer

    Dec 10, 2022
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    I still have a back up True Strike library that has not been updated to version 2.1 and has not modified the SNPID at all.

    When I deleted True Strike and 8Dio 1990 Studio Piano from the registry, they disappeared from the Kontakt Library.
    Then I re-add True Strike but it still doesn't show up in Kontakt Library, what do you think I'm missing?
    Does the NativeAccess file have an effect?

    Yes, I did.

    Thanks for advices. :mates:
    Anyway, are you referring to the Kontakt portable version of VKDanilov?
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2025 at 8:38 PM

    ARTHEMISC Producer

    Dec 10, 2022
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    I have removed the registry you are referring to and of course 8Dio 1990 Studio Piano has disappeared from my Kontakt Library.

    I tried searching for 8Dio 1990 Studio Piano and it has disappeared.

    But after I re-added True Strike, it still didn't appear.
    Is there anything missing in your opinion? NativeAccess.xml file maybe?

    Noted, thanks.

    I followed your advice and it still didn't work.
    Do you think there are other factors causing True Strike not to appear? :unsure:

    Yes :mates:.

    I've done it, do I need to restart my PC after deleting the registry you're referring to?

    And thank you for wanting to help me. :mates:
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2025 at 8:42 PM
  9. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    what prompt did you get when you added true strike again?

    as you now got rid of 1990 piano, if it was caused by a snpid clash, this should be solved, meaning that if that problem still occurs it would be unlikely that it’s related to the snpid nr, which would be totally strange for me because that would be a big coincidence that this happens to the exact library where you have the same snpid twice even though it has nothing to do with it.
    Did you close Kontakt and open it again after adding the library? Also I would add it on Kontakt standalone, even though it’s not necessary.
    But if you add a library, it will only appear once you close Kontakt and reopen it. But I assume you already did that. So I would now look into the registry again and see if true strike has been added again there.
    Sure you could try to restart your system and see if anything changes, if not, I’d try it by deleting it again from the registry and adding it again and see what happens, especially looking at the prompt given. If your problem still occurs I’d assume that maybe you overlooked an entry. Also check the service center folder and try what happens if you remove corresponding xml files of those libraries also (no need to delete, just move em to another location for testing, then open Kontakt) another thing would be to just replace the .nicnt file with the one from your backup and try it once again just in case it has been altered for whatever reason. Check the whole folder structure. Maybe you have leftovers from your pre updated version like another (2nd) nicnt file.
    that’s how I would go about it.

    oh and you’re more than welcome. I just hope we‘ll get you there and find a solution to your problem.:mates:
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2025 at 9:13 PM
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  10. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    ARTHEMISC Producer

    Dec 10, 2022
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    After I read your post, I tried everything from the beginning.
    I have re-deleted the registry of True Strike.
    I use the search feature to make things easier.
    And everything related to this problem (both libraries have been deleted from the registry.)

    Checked the json file on the :
    C:\Users\Public\Documents\Native Instruments\installed_products
    And no json file of True Strike & 8Dio 1990 Studio Piano was found.

    Then I restarted my PC.

    Before opening Kontakt, I tried opening the NativeAccess file.

    But since I'm not used to dealing with the contents of files like this, I don't know what went wrong.

    I have also reopened the NICNT file from True Strike which I will add to the Kontakt library.

    Then I added True Strike to the Kontakt library.

    And it still hasn't appeared in Kontakt Library.

    Even repeating the process all over again and using the “add library” from the latest Kontakt bobdule version still didn't make the true Strike appear.

    I seem to have done what was suggested in that thread.
    Thanks for the information. :bow:

    I'll try everything over again and if it doesn't work maybe I'll give up for a while.
  12. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    It’s really strange. Another thing that just came to my mind is, you could try to delete all the registry entries of true strike again and then run the snpid checker and type in „885“… this alone won’t solve your problem but in theory it should now tell you that the snpid is available. If not, then you know there has to be another entry still blocking this specific snpid.
    I think you did that, but just in case, because you didn’t mention it specifically, did you close and reopen Kontakt after adding true strike again?
    I’m very sorry, I had a look at my own pc because I wanted to see if 885 is the official snpid of true strike but unfortunately I have an old version of true strike which doesn’t contain an nicnt file, that’s why i tried to google it and found the thread from 2017 that I just posted.
    It’s probably not a big deal but not always easy to figure it out.
    Another thing I noted was that in one of your screenshots it says add library tool for Kontakt 5.. but you already said you also used the corresponding tool for add library for your version of kontakt.
    At the moment I don’t have any other idea but I will think about it, maybe another thing will come to my mind.
    My guess is that there is still a problem with clashing snpid‘s.
    You could of course try changing the snpid manually or creating a custom nicnt but I wouldn’t prefer that option.
    It could also be related to the service center .xml but that’s usually only the case with newer libraries.

    ARTHEMISC Producer

    Dec 10, 2022
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    After I tried to repeat everything from the beginning again with a very sleepy feeling because it was already 5:21 AM here, somehow True Strike finally reappeared.
    But this is really very strange.


    I have also successfully updated it to version 2.1 and made it appear. :yes::yes::yes:

    Many thanks to @secretworld and of course @ThugLife for helping with the details.
    It really means a lot.

    Wish you all and everyone here a wonderful day. :bow::bow::bow:

    ARTHEMISC Producer

    Dec 10, 2022
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    I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you.
    thank you very much for your help.
    I can only give you many best emots and "Best Answer" to you.

    Have a wonderful day my friend. :bow:
  15. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Very happy to read that :):mates:

    you deserve it :) you did a great job in explaining your problem detailed and offering as many screenshots as possible. That helped a lot. Also thank you for your best answer rating.

    i wish you a whole lotta fun with your library and now you can go to bed with a great feeling of success.

    also thank you for letting us know that you solved it now.

    good night my friend :hifive:

    edit: you didn’t cause any problems. It was a pleasure to help such a grateful person like you. I really appreciate your ratings.