Not any religion- Do you believe in an intelligent GOD?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by foster911, Aug 19, 2016.

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  1. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    You're welcome.
    I've used dictionaries just to highlight a basic, summarized explanations of these things. Like I said, there's more than enough scientific material available about any of these phenomenons. More than enough for anyone to become a true expert in any of them. It would be a waste of time to write a book about any of these things here just to answer your rhetorical questions...You really didn't think it's possible to profoundly describe these things on an internet forum, right?
    Absolutely not. Read above.
    Basically, genetics. We're "hard wired" to assume a defensive stance when confronted with any kind of potential threat, just like all other animals.
    You're confused about distinct things: The phenomenon (storm), the agents involved in the phenomenon (water/wind), the experience of the phenomenon (getting wet, cold) and the possible consequences of experiencing the phenomenon (getting sick).

    The virus is one thing. The process of the disease caused by it is another. The perceptual experience of the individual effected by it is another. All this things could be explained individually or not, depending on your field of study. Focus is essencial.
    Well, being a scientist is not an exclusive attribute of those who have participated in the bureaucratic process of acquiring a diploma. Anyone who values curiosity, logic and reason, which are fundamental parts of the scientific methodology, is a scientist.

    That being said, yes, I'm a "proper" scientist. I have a masters in Behaviorist Psychology and I'm starting a PHD in the same field.

    I'm only evoking my titles because you asked. I don't want to be interpreted as if I'm appealing to authority, which would be a very ugly fallacy.

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  2. Erik_Menton

    Erik_Menton Producer

    Jun 16, 2013
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    the consesnsus says is also manmade, 1% of scientists claim is a hoax without evidence. I havem't seen the video, i'm not particularly interesyed in conspiracy theories, especially climate change deniers.
    exactly, taxes are an expense, not an economical gain, i'm italian, we pay 3 times the taxes you pay in US, i see the difference, sure we have free healthcare and schools, but our economy is weaker

    media are not part of scientific community, i agree they spread a lot of bs about science, but peer review has nothing to do with media.

    it's not, actually many even debate if maths is a science

    Not sure how it's in your country but here it's actually forbidden, the research can be privately funded but it has to disclose about that and the information and peer review must be free, to be honest you may even find papers that haven't been submitted to peer review for free online

    science is a tool, it can't be dead and it doesnt have to speak, the people need to speak. When we developed atomic weapons, the problem wasn't with science, it was with people who decided to use that knowledge in a harmful way, when a guy is killed, the shooter is guilty, not the gun
    i only have a phd in physics, i'm not a scientist (i'm not doing research) so im not talking for personal interest, i'm just stating my opinion, we just have different ideas, but this is just because we have a different personality or different ideas, it has nothing to do with what we studied
  3. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Thanks for the prompt and short answers Master R.
    I am also glad to learn that our obscure audio community is well educated.

    Ok you missed the point here.
    Before you decide for yourself "I am now experiencing a storm" there is a mental process going on which eventually leads to a conclusion: "This is a storm". For everybody this process of coming to a conclusion is a bit different so I ask for yours if you can remember a particular storm. You may see a picture or movie, hear a sound, maybe getting wet, you may remember an old storm and think oh this one is stronger or whatever. A lot of these goes on subconsciously but if you pay attention you'll discern your process.
    Check those and try to lay them down so that we can see how scientific they are.
    I bet your process of knowing the storm would then stop and you'll move away from it, maybe close the window and forget about it. Storm is just storm.
    And all of that will be a very superficial although economical attitude towards knowing as if the mind doesn't want to know more than it practically needs. You will not go and study this storm and than other ones and than try to create one by creating chemtrails and so on to really start to know the storm.

    Let me generalize:
    Isn't probably 99% of your vocabulary unstudied content for which you are simply incompetent.
    Life is too short so there is no choice here, we just need to understand limitations.
    Your storm (or mine) is not what best weather scientists know, for you the storm is what little your mind gives you from what little experience you have or have read.
    Perception is filled with errors, distortions, omissions so is the intellect and memory... ah...
    Books are other people generalization and for most empriical subjects you have to get kung fu dirty (except for the mental subjects such as philosophy etc, which exist purely in mind so reading books is equal to doing the work).
    But we are searching (slowly) here for external reality not internal which is self evident.
    So for now the only way to really know anything is by filling your mind with the subject/object as much as you can and do with it as many actions as possible.
    When mind assimilates enough data and skills it can perform and predict with scientific precision. You'll be able to tell how the storm will develop, will be wet, for how long etc.
    So in order to be a good scientist on any subject you have to turn your consciousness into that subject, you need to internalize external data, you have to exercise and perform actions related to the subject.
    In effect you mind becomes the storm not only through perception but through many different views and understandings.
    You eventualy start to get a feel about it and you intuitively start to know what storm is what without linear deduction as you unconsciously change gears while driving. Unconscious competence.
    So although there is a storm out there (in crudified consciousness which you call matter) you really know it only by merging your mind and actions with it.
    Many scientist who go really deep into their subject become aware how little they now and how much more is being opened to learn.
    In essence to really know anything totally you have to become one with it. You have to live it and breath it.
    And even then you end up just with a better map and not the territory. But it serves us well.

    Now what do you do when you are not an expert for a particular field?
    For example in case you did not study a witnessing part of yourself.
    If you never focused your attention to that subtle feeling of certainty of existence, if you never emptied mind from interpretations and generalization and just reflected what is, directly, without translation of the inner dialog.
    If somebody tells you there are numerous ways to know things, interpretative is one very indirect way, doing something is more direct and than turning towards subtler mind even more direct.
    What do you do? Do you just dismiss it?

    Try to empty your mind of thoughts for just 15 to 20 seconds but you have to be fully aware, not sleeping or drowning in slumber and thoughts have to be totally off not just quiet or non auditory.
    If you can't it is interesting as a lack of control of your own mind, if you can interesting things will probably happen.

    Confused how? I simply took events that fit dictionary description well to prove the problem with generalizations. Just for fun.

    It is as you'll find out if you try the exercise above.
    Yes, object, process, experience and above all the witnessing of the mind handling perceptual experiences and impressions is yet another thing you keep forgetting.
    Talking about the witness how come you skipped this question;
    are you really just 99% (or less) sure that you exist? Do you really doubt that for even a one point?
    Be honest please.
  4. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Both videos are interviews with real men in their fields. The older guy if I remember correctly was a member of Greenpeace and they were measuring ocean temperatures. He left and he explains why. No theories here just personal experiences.
    Again I am not talking about climate change deniers but of those who say that the main cause is natural (sun activity etc.)
    who say if the carbon is a problem it could be easily treated by forestation as almost all mass from the trees comes from the carbon in air.

    Ha ha, expenses for us, income for governments and agencies to spend more on something probably very useful such as more government and administration.
    Italian design is expensive so I suppose Italian designed taxes should not be an exception.

    Say you keep your gun in closet in your bedroom. Friends come for a visit with their children who by playing hide and seek find your gun which looks almost exactly as their toy at home and start playing with it until little Luigy shoots his sister Maria.
    How is Luigy guilty? He didn't mean to kill innocent people.

    You don't leave weapons near hands of children or stupid people. Scientists have responsibility for the things they create especially when the sole purpose of what they create is to kill and when they are surrounded by millions of irrational people.
    If you build atomic bomb you already know that it is made to make a boom and to take lives and that majority of those lives will be innocent people.
  5. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Aliens who designed us as an experiment, plopped us on this planet, kicked back in their space ships with some relaxing music, popcorn and a surveillance monitor, looking at us like National Geographic look at animals and documenting our dis-functional behavior. There-that's our God, take it or leave it!

    P.S. I thought we weren't supposed to get into religion and politics? What happened?

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    This merry-do-round will go on forever... You will NEVER convince me, nor will anyone EVER convince you. So, why don't we all stop while we're 'still' ahead?
  7. Erik_Menton

    Erik_Menton Producer

    Jun 16, 2013
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    then, it's not science
    Ah then i know who he is, Moore, so no he is not really his field, despite common belief ecology is marginal in the topic, climate is a much more complex topic that touche primarily chemistry, physics etc...
    Beside i heard him already and he claims the Sun activity explains better the global warming, very weak argument and honestly inable to explain global warming, the 11 year cycle doesn't match observations, and by the way science already consider the solar activity cycle, thinking it doesn't when it even consider Milankovic cycle is quite dishonest.
    It's like with the precession of Mercury's perihelion, it was already predicted with newton's gravitation but then it was greater than expeccted and relativity explained why, here we have a set of causes contrivuting to global warming but the observation is greater than expected so here is where manmade contribution comes in and is ALSO a cause, and while we can't do anything for Sun activity we can for sure reduce co2 emissions.

    So the big pharma owns scientist and forces them to support climate change so that they can pay more taxes?
    No, we have higher taxes on everything and it's suffocating our economy, we have a taxation on salaries of 47% for example, anyway it's a very complicated topic cause of difference in culture and tradition, but i assure you, our economy suffers for taxation, and you are right we have a lot of agencies etc cause of that, but luckily government can't control science. There was an incident when government tried to force a scientist it liked to a leader position in CERN, the result was a protest ffrom the CERN's scientists so loud that he had to drop the candidacy, and now he is considered a joke (or worst) in his field being basically a pariah

    SO the governement there is like a child who doesn't know that a bomb might kill people? Then i suggest electing a better government.
    But i know for sure they were aware of the risk of atomic weapons for example, yet they used it anyway

    i disagree, scientists are just normal people with a great talent for science, why would we have to consider their political opinion in a higher consideration? They are just good with science, they can be stupid as everyone else when it comes to other subjects.
    Being a even a genius in one area won't make you an authority in another area, Kanye West seems to be considered a msucial genius (i have never heard his music, i'm into rock so he doesn't play something i would listen so i have to trust other people judgement about this) yet look at how many dumb things he said, scientists are the same, Heisenberg was a giant of physics, politically he was a bloody nazi.. we don't have to idealize scientists, they are often horrible men like anybody else can be.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2016
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  8. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Just googling:

    God (1,490,000,000 results)

    Human (1,680,000,000 results)

    Science (2,020,000,000 results)

    Software (2,120,000,000 results)

    Computer (2,190,000,000 results)

    Religion (2,990,000,000 results)

    Sex (3,270,000,000 results)

    Internet (3,490,000,000 results)

    Life (5,560,000,000 results)

    Music (5,800,000,000 results):bleh:-------->So we're going on the right direction.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2016
  9. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    It seams that you follow this topic closely.
    In that video with Stephan Moore outlines his main points within first 6 minutes. So no need to watch the whole discussion. Although he might not be an expert that you'd accept his arguments sound very reasonable to me and since you already know a lot more I'd appreciate if you can help by sharing your thoughts on his arguments, that is in case you are willing to take some time for that. If not I'll understand.

    Here is the link again so you don't need to search for it just in case you decide to take a look.

    I was stacking cases for corrupt scientists of different sorts, excuse me if I wasn't clear.
    Pharmaceutical industry isn't probably overly interested in climate change.
    However they order biased or fake case studies manipulate statistics and pay doctors to fake clinical results so that they can put their patented drugs on shelves and hospitals, while those drugs aren't nearly as effective as claimed and in many cases they are life threatening and fatal cases are being pushed under rug and families bought out or threatened with financially devastating legal cases.
    They also use millions to push legislation that will stop production of natural remedies. Particularely in USA and EU where their influence is ongoing for a long time.

    Sorry to hear that. Also when you add 20% IVA that you pay for every goods and service, you pay lot more in taxes than you earn and we didn't touch massive hidden taxes fees that they don't consider taxes such as car insurance or additional tax on gas/oil.
    I don't think there are many counties left (if any) where over taxation doesn't create huge problems.
    Modern enslavement...
    If I remember well from what they thought us in primary school, in medieval times peasants used to pay (in crops or live stock) 10% to church, 10% to feud (feudatory) and 10% for military.
  10. Erik_Menton

    Erik_Menton Producer

    Jun 16, 2013
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    if i remeber well now it's even 22%

    yes it was called "decima" italian for tenth

    not really my field so i am not very informed and i don't doubt it can happen and it happened, but beside being illegal it's just a matter of time that another scientist finds out, publishes a paper in peer review and your credibility is gone forever (and your work with that) like what happened to Wakefield

    i will watch with attention, but tomorrow, now after work i'm quite tired, sorry mate!
  11. Erik_Menton

    Erik_Menton Producer

    Jun 16, 2013
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    our society is really fucked up :woot:
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  12. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Oh God....on with the politics again!:no:
  13. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    I wish I could believe that this could become a trend. Values and morality are falling so rapidly that it doesn't matter much except maybe in very tiny circles. Media machine and marketing power of huge companies and government will bypass any exposed fraud and general population remains the victim. Knowledge demands responsibility so scientist shall be more active in opposing and exposing fraudulent industries that use their work. It is much more wide spread than reported.

    Check out this article:

    Thnx. Looking forward to your comments.
  14. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Please don't quote anything from the bible to me, my guy. LOL at the "New King James" version. Instead of asking me who I am, ask King James who the Hell is he to have his own version? Lol. Believe what you want. No hate... or care, for that matter.
  15. foster911

    foster911 Guest

  16. jaymo99

    jaymo99 Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    My sense of God is my sense of wonder about the universe.
  17. Jedi_Knight

    Jedi_Knight Kapellmeister

    Jan 28, 2012
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    I like money! You like money too?!? We should like hang out some time.
  18. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    But despite my last comment, I do believe in Jesus. I believe he was a real man, who DID in fact walk the earth, & die for our sins. I have let him into my life, I have accepted him as my savior. I believe he is the only one of his kind.
    Oh, and here's some things you should also know about where I stand...
    No, I don't think you're going to hell for not believing in him.
    No, I don't hate fags.
    No, I'm not a virgin. I never been married before either. No, I'm not going to hell. I'm already there.
    No, I don't hate people of other religions. I love muslims, buddhists, atheists, hindus, jews, & other religions all alike. Just so as long as they're not trying to chop my head off... or lower me in a nitric acid vat (aka ISIS's "new" execution method as of May 2016).
    No, I'm not as good as Jesus. No one is that good unless they are little kids who died at like age 4 or something. But that's what Jesus died for, so that we could be forgiven for that.
    Yes, I could be living a fairy tale. But the truth is, I don't care. I love Jesus, I firmly believe he is real, & I will not stand against him.
    No, I'm not afraid to admit this. You wanna kill me for believing in our savior? Try it, terrorists. I dare you! I promise you it won't be easy to do. I will fight to the very end. Some violent terrorist cowards in black masks don't scare me at all. In fact, I wouldn't mind killing some ISIS terrorists. I think there's a line you cross before you should be killed.
    I'm not a hateful person. I may say crazy shit & spurt hateful things like my last sentence, but I wanna love. I have so much love in my heart to give to people but some people don't allow it. I do it anyway, but sometimes hate wins. Despite that, I'll tell you what love DOES do - If you fight hate with love, the person whose hate you fight with love, may still hate you no matter how much you love them. In fact, they may hate you even more because of it. But in turn, the world around will realize that THEY are the piece of shit, & YOU are the saint. If you fight hate with hate, it makes shit worse. When your stove catches on fire, do you use a flamethrower to put out the fire? No. You probably use a fire extinguisher filled with water to put it out. Now I'm not saying it will successfully put out the fire. I mean, if your stove's been on fire for an hour, you're gonna need more than that fire extinguisher, my friends. Lol. Jesus fought hate with love. Yeah, he didn't win. But billions of people - dead & alive - love him because of his love. This is why I identify with Jesus. Because his heart is similar to mine. Obviously there are exceptions to that matter, but for the most part, I identify more with him than I do with asshole satan. I'm anti-satan, & pro-christ.
    Send me negative comments & leave negative ratings all you'd like. I don't care. You won't make me mad. But in turn, you will look immature by doing so. :guru:
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  19. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    Do you think Christopher Hitchens was immature?
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  20. Boujwa

    Boujwa Ultrasonic

    Mar 4, 2014
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    After Adam and Eve sin, all humans who came after are sinners automatically because the original nature was corrupted.

    Romans 3:19-26
    Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. 20 Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin.

    God’s Righteousness Through Faith
    21 But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, 22 even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe. For there is no difference; 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25 whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, 26 to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.
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