Idiots rulez the world... our world

Discussion in 'humor' started by thantrax, Aug 18, 2016.

  1. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Idiots rulez the world... our world

    There is who believe the video is real... for real! :rofl:
  3. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Expected this ^ when I read the topic title. Am disappoint =(
  4. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    The police are not involved. Which means there was no dead body, no blood on the ground, no indication of someone actually croaking.

    The camera man is obviously American, unless he is really really good at forging our accent.

    Someone is going to get sent home and some dean or professor is going to be really really angry at them for being really really really smart and really really dumb at the same time. You don't get access to that stairwell right in front of the LHC as an American unless you are supposed to be in the building actually working on something.

    The Swiss in general do not have much of a sense of humor, so this is not going to play out well for whoever was involved and whatever University sent them. It wont loud and obnoxious but privileges and access are going to take hit and that is a shame for someone who was probably working on something for their entire lives to have their research setback by an assistant or PhD candidate who has an unconventional sense of humor and bad judgement.
  5. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    I just got off the Phone with Chase customer service, after their reps had played interdepartmental, intercontinental telephonic hot-potato with me. Three out of the nine reps with whom I had convo were Americans; the rest were non-native English speakers, if Filipinos and Indians count as such. (I love Filipinos and Indians, just not with their heavy accents over garbled trans-Pacific cable or metal can connected by a string to a comsat.) They required me to answer questions redundantly, even within the same calls. They kept coming up with new "security" measures which repeated the same as the previous reps had put me through. I won't try to describe the extent of the bungled communication and transference of information. What it came down to was my having to get a new card with a different number (which the final rep couldn't even keep straight), since I hadn't received the first card because my mailing address had been mangled by someone on their end. At least I got them to expedite the thing, this time. But y'know what the really stupid thing is? That Chase had issued me a first credit card, last year, let alone a second card this year. Idiots.
  6. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I dont think its fake,seems like they got caught and played the "fake" card.
    Same ritual has already been taped in the states,skull and bones have a similar initiation,the victim doesnt die,but they do worship satan.
    It may be ridiculous or childish to you or me,but this is how they behave,because they are f-ed up psychos.
  7. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    Time will tell.

    My experience with the Swiss Police from driving through, vacation or visiting, is they are humorless robots and generally lack the creativity to cover up anything, much-less allow a crime to go unpunished or unreported.
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  8. ca5plays

    ca5plays Member

    Jan 7, 2015
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    this is very " con -cern-ing " ........baadoomping!!!!!
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  9. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    The problem with our world is that the intelligent are unconfident while the unintelligent are highly confident. The unintelligent then come off as "role models" because of their success, which spreads the unintelligence, making the intelligent people weed themselves out & causing an uprising of rectal brained mayhem that destroys the world.
    It's pretty clear the human race is running its last lap. One proof is Islamic terrorism. Here's my prediction: You can bomb the shit outta these isis guys but they're always gonna come back. Look folks, they're gonna get you someday. I predict that the USA is gonna fall & because the USA is basically the only superpower in the world, the rest of the nations will fall too. Then there's gonna be that handful of survivors who will have the world to themselves. But look, we can't even get past our skin colors, so obviously these people are gonna kill each other, or they will get sick & die because they're too stupid & don't know medical procedures. I predict this will start sometime between 2030 & 2050, & end around 2050 & 2063. And they say they're gonna put a man on mars in 2024. But I hate to break it to you, it ain't gonna work out. It ain't gonna be like the movie either, where one guy grows plants from his own poop. The reason why I say this is because we have less than 10 years before that kicks in. But you know what the most advanced technology of 2016 was? Pokemon GO. That's right - a fucking smartphone game where you catch little ugly childish cartoon animals. And you think we're gonna pull off a terraformation of mars? Lmao that's cute but sorry, we aren't ready for that. And we won't be capable anytime soon.
    Nuclear warfare is gonna come. And it ain't gonna be pretty. So - go out & do your own thing. Go get laid, make music, drink some whiskey, go stick a plastic butterknife into your ex's nose up into her brain & cut her brain up while she's asleep, go skydiving, go smoke some funny substances, or whatever the hell is on your bucket list & fuck what other people think. You only got one life, so live it to the fullest.
    No but I am serious. That's my prediction, & I stand by it with full fledged confidence. In fact, I'd almost be willing to bet my life on it. That's how confident I am that this prediction will be proven true in 30 years or so. That's okay tho. I'll be 53 years old in 30 years & that's long enough curse to be in the purgatory of sharing the oxygen with 6.9 billion morons who love their cell phones more than they love their own mother or each other.
    Whatever happened to chivalry, love, loyalty, intelligence, innovation, kindness, generosity, compassion, self confidence, happiness, life, united we stand? Instead of irreverence, hatred, disloyalty, stupidity, unproductiveness, oblivion, antagonization, ingratitude, inferiority complex, despair, death, & divided we stand. Remember when "hey you wanna hang this afternoon?" meant going out for a bike ride or something instead of playing video games on the couch? Remember the days when something was broken, you fixed it instead of throwing it away? Remember when the radio was worth listening to because you didn't have all these shitty pop stars who are famous for their looks? Remember the days when people didn't get offended by virtually everything that moves? Remember when you could go eat chipotle & take a massive dump in the restroom without being on camera? Remember when there were more people who weren't always playing the victim, but instead they took responsibility for their own bullcrap? Remember when guys didn't think sending dick pictures to hot women was the perfect way to score them as a date? Remember when parents weren't getting arrested for spanking or disciplining their children? Remember when mankind was capable of putting a man into space without taking 280 Septillion selfies first? Remember when working 40 hour per week was enough to feed your family & pay the bills & still have money left over to spend time with your family? Remember when society wasn't arguing about stupid shit like pineapples on pizza? Whatever happened to all that? It's gone, folks. And it isn't coming back. There's no going uphill, there's only going downhill. They got us all packed into one big corner, & yet we're still more divided than ever.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2016
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  10. muaB

    muaB Producer

    Nov 17, 2012
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    crazy shit man!

    If youre so smart why is your grammar incorrect ? : D

    that guys reaction was very realistic... i doubt hes on the side of the robe people
    what does that mean?
    I dont know.
    if it would have been a joke of some kind, they would have made sure someone would tape it, or otherwise whats the point?

    Someone on youtube said theres a hotel in the next building.
    That is a relatively public spot, sooo if they wanted to make a ritual they would have made it in private.

    so its a very stupid joke, almost so close to insanity.
    the thing i thought is, who is stupid enough to make this joke?
    not who is stupid enough to believe it.

    and that holden tune is damn cool

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    So, you're only 23? You write like a world-weary war veteran, dude. Most likely in 30 years none of us will be around to even 'remember' one tenth of the crap we're talking about right now. You give this planet far too much survival time. I say the jig will be up in about 15 years, tops!
  12. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    Clinton or Trump.
    America is fucked either way. It just keeps getting more insane and in your face where more and more people see it but seem more powerless to do anything about it!
    Idiots and psychopaths rule the world!
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2016
  13. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    B-cause, thanks god ( :guru: ), I'm not english :)
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2016
  14. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Yeah I am only 23 but I'm pretty intelligent, too. According to the tests I took in college when I was 19, My IQ is 149, which is basically superior. And yeah 15 years sounds about right, honestly. Being a smart guy in this world full of stupid people is a curse more than it is a blessing. I see it as this - 99.5% of the global population is dumber than me. People often misunderstand my words & sentence structure. Especially in America. Holy shit the people around here are dumb as hell. :hahaha:
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  15. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    Its fine being smart but boasting about it sort of defeats the purpose!
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  16. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    That's very true. It does make me look pretty stupid. But that's fine because I don't care what other people think of me. :wink:
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  17. Bobs Ur Unkle

    Bobs Ur Unkle Ultrasonic

    Dec 23, 2015
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    Very Good.
  18. OBKenobi

    OBKenobi Producer

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Ritual human sacrifice? Probably Hillary Clinton supporters.
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  19. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @Impressive it's great that you are smart and all.. and I would love to partake of your thoughts, but again your text
    is so dense I get eyestrain after 2 sentences. oh well F me.. ha ha....

    You're too smart to use paragraphs .. I get it.. :bleh:

    one piece of advice you might accept from Shakespeare, brevity is the soul of wit !!
  20. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    They went home afterwards & carved Bernie's face into the soap bars so he'd die the next day. And if you stand in front of the bathroom mirror at night, turn off the lights, spin around 3 times & say "Hillary", a big man-hating feminazi will come out from behind you & devour you with her ferocious razor-toothed vagina. :rofl:
  21. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Society went to shit in the last 10-15 years.
    Its hard to watch.
    Craziness is mostly in the cities,go outside of the city,live off the grid.
    They will call you crazy but when the shit hits the fan its always the cities that take the most damage.
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