My New Track - Hard Work pays off.. Don't give up.

Discussion in 'Music' started by TruBlood, Apr 1, 2017.

  1. pro-orchestrator

    pro-orchestrator Newbie

    Apr 4, 2017
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    I am REALLY SORRY for you....but please ....think of another job.... i don't know.....carpenter, electrician, butcher...pimp....but forget about going thru life pretending you are musician. too many clowns pretend that and spoil the noble art of composing. this is brain pollution. Long live piracy so all that bullshit supposedly music will sink by itself.
  2. Flow

    Flow Member

    Mar 21, 2017
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    Even a turd has it's use own when used creatively. Humans have used lots of turds for a long time as a help to fertilize the ground, to make it richer and yield more good foodies which will be turn in the turds again in our tummies, this is the circle of life man. Sometimes you must lay some turds around to grow something perfect. (I wish I was high then this would be acceptable..)

    But anyways, I have never really been a fan of wobbles n screeches, I often get disappointed when I hear a nice start for a song and then suddenly the drop is just plain awful screeching, and the song is ruined for me right there and I hope to find a remix of it without the dubstep element to it. Beautiful vocals have saved many dubstep tracks imo.
    But I like few artists who can use wobbles and stuff pretty well, in a way it actually adds something to the song instead of taking away from it, but even they use lots of melodic elements in their sound to compensate. I think those "turds" belong more in a gloomy/dark/mellow tier of sound, instead of happy, energetic EDM tracks. But I like how you said that sprinkled around in the right spots they can be effective, especially if an artist can make them fit to the song because very often they sound out of place like a song was switched to another track.

    But I honestly know nothing about music, so it's all my opinions with no basis on anything whatsoever.
    I'm just trying to say it is much easier to polish a gem when it already has gem elements to it (only top tier sounds) than turning a turd into a gem. It requires some serious alchemistic skills and talents to achieve that and I think it deserves more recognition than someone who likes to play with top tier elements only. It's much easier to turn something already beautiful and polish into something more beautiful, than turning a bad element into something beautiful, it requires certain magical skills which only few possess and that is talent and skill and hard work, etc.

    But going back to my first paragraph, modern wobbles and screeches might only be a stepping stone for something new and truly good sounding which would not come into existence without these musical pioneers experimenting with new sounds in their music. Music evolves after all, just like visual arts do.
    Or it might just hit a brick wall and nothing comes out of it, who knows, I'm just trying to be positive :) I mean, somebody did come with an idea "hey, lets lay around some cow turd in our plantantion which we will later eat and see what happens!" and it worked :)
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2017
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  3. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    ^ yeah, this man gets it.

    I just don't see how anyone can be so judgmental with a soundcloud page full of snippets, "ideas", and long meandering melodic progressions with no theme, repetition, or often even rhythm. No peaks and valleys, no appreciable effort to design or process sounds in a way that makes it sound like anything other than a brainstorm session. I've avoided interacting with the guy for a long time because it's really none of my business if he wants to play the music theory aficionado for message board theater but it becomes a little too obnoxious when he goes full-on judgmental prick toward someone who has made an actual song, and in the same breath broadly condemns whole families of genres as beneath him... while spouting some self aggrandizing, positively nonsensical tripe about each note has its own soul, story and intention. It has hopes and dreams. You have to hold its hand, walk it home, see where it lives, what kind of decorations it hangs on the wall shuuut the fuck up.

    It's plain that all the obsession over presenting himself as the guy who knows the most musics is an overcompensation and the over-commitment to studying theory and composing a series of single melodies and/or chord progressions with nothing supporting them is a procrastination aimed at avoiding actually committing to an idea and turning it into music.

    That was cathartic.
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  4. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    That's simply not true.

    I did know it, but to be sure, I googled it. Talent is researched by scientists and approved to be objectivly shown. People with a special artistic talent (in this case as a painter) use their left brain hemisphere a lot more, than people without this talent (who are mainly using their right hemisphere). Scientists can show and prove it with MR imaging.
    But it's not that easy: talent+learning=genius=millionaire.
    Here are two articles from Scientific American:
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2017
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  5. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    I agree completely with everything you say on this one Cav Emp :bow: :mates::bow: Makes plain sense:dunno:

    We are all a bit judgemental at times but learning how to keep it in check is also a skill.
    I'm judgmental myself sometimes but am trying constantly to reel it in & accept other peoples opinions, ideas and general ways in what they like is what they like and that's what's relevant to them. I've found it actually pretty therapeutic but that not a lecture just a simple what's cool 4 me.

    We can put a point across without the notion of I'm superior or this is right as we all have ideas. Sometimes they are spot on, sometimes they are not & recognising that is a cool life skill that will serve you real well outside music regarding life in general I guess.

    I'm trying to be not like full on hate mode either lol but I sometimes get to the point of enough is enough and snap lol which is one of my own shortcomings but hey.
    To be perfectly honest like I said would be real cool just to hear one finished track from the guy rather than a load of off topic sort of theoretical concepts that are often wrong or irrelevant :dunno:

    Basically Foster quit the theory ideology as at the moment it irrelevant in all honesty is mostly irrelevant when you consider the content itself.
    Quit the building a machine that writes songs crap and just write one from the heart dude!!
    It be so cool to hear.
    I'll do a backing track for you or play some lead if you can come up with some ideas & would be cool.

    Do it man & stop all the theory crap B4 it consumes you which it honestly will :sad:
    Speaking of B4 can make it that B key you so intent on "the community"
    exploring if u like lol :mates::mates: :bow::bow:
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  6. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Hey Steve. I see you've brought your Trollbase with you. Sorry guys, I meant fanbase. That Trollism just jumped out. It happens when you see comments like yours. You know 1st posts and all. Anyways, looking forward to the awesome tracks you'll be sharing with us all. Welcome to the forum and have a nice day!:thumbsup:
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  7. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Why do people do that troll shit :dunno:
    Another thing I really can't stand that just gets me going lol.
    Is real low & cowardly thing 4 me personally but i guess it has it's purpose.
    Never really understood I don't think and can't imagine how it feels to do it?
    Don't it make people feel like really low & generally shitty or do they think it's funny?
    I know I maybe sounding stupid here & possibly a little naive but can someone explain it's purpose or is it purely just to wind people up?
    If so, got to be one of the shittiest things a person can do imo.
    Real low class trash actions imo :dunno:
  8. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Agree with all that. It's all procrastination of course. While I'm here though...... @foster911 don't you have a track to finish. Coming on threads talking absolute balderdash isn't going to get it done now, is it? Don't tell me you've missplaced it again. Well here it is It's post number 5, just in case you forgot. Now be a jolly good chap and get on with it.:winker::wink:
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  9. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    @TruBlood The mixing was good in general. made my ears bleed, so you fulfilled the EDM loudness critirea, and it is so generic. So you've hit the jackpot there. Not the sort of track that makes me want to dance though, or hum along either. My I ask you a question though? Do you actually like dubstep, or did you just use wobbles, because it's the in thing? This is a real question I'm asking.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2017
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  10. rudolph

    rudolph Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2016
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    Some people misconstrue aimless mixing as music creation. Suppose how many mindless genres have emerged in this way.

    Great thought man.
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  11. strangeranium

    strangeranium Ultrasonic

    Jun 24, 2014
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    Sometimes i like going fishing. I don't take any bait, or even a line or rod. I just go fishing.
    I walk along the river bank until I find a nice quiet spot, and I sit quietly on the edge of the river and cast my imaginary line.
    As I sit there I smell the trees and the grass, and the river, and I hear the insects and the birds and the wind and if I have chosen a spot near some rocks I hear the gurgling of the water as it moves by me, on it's way to ocean a few hundred kilometres away.
    I love fishing.I find my mind slowly empties itself as I sit there waiting to catch a fish.
    As my mind empties itself I start to feel more relaxed and invariably I start to think about the fish I am hoping to catch.
    I like the fish. I would never want to hurt a fish, this is why I don't take any fishing kit.
    But if I am quiet enough I catch them every time I go.
    I like it when they come up to the surface and stare at me.
    I stare back.
    One fish caught.
    When I have had a good day and caught a few fish, I go home.
    When I get home I go back to my normal life and make some beats that I will probably never ever share with anyone because I make them in the moment and enjoy the moment.
    It is a bit like fishing.,
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  12. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Yeah. That's kinda where I ended up. That post of mine came off a little harsher than I originally intended (happens to me often when I "truth vomit") because mostly all the look-how-smart-I-am posturing is harmless... until it isn't. I mean there's always the suggestion of condescension in there but when it's outright putting people down I just can't resist responding in kind.
  13. GODSanAI

    GODSanAI Kapellmeister

    Dec 6, 2015
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    People are just magically born with "cosmically" ordained talent. It gives them a "mystical" aura. :deep_facepalm:

    Do yuo believe in indigo children too?
  14. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Don't think you were over harsh or any of that. Is kinda where it ended up for me also up I guess.
    We all smart in different ways I guess but it don't matter especially where music concerned. Isn't a pre-requisite.
    I also saw it as putting someone down also for no particular evident reason & that gets me going also I guess.
    Maybe Foster can explain why? Who knows :dunno:
    Guess his best answer to the critics would be to come up with some cool music which I hope he does as would be cool to listen :yes::bow:
  15. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Harmless? Maybe not for themselves dreaming of being a genius or at least a star. Ending up in one painful defeat after another...
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  16. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    That's not necessarily what was implied or maybe I'm wrong :dunno:
    No your not born like that but you are born with a genetic map that determines much of your future life before it starts.
    In that aspect alone, certain individuals will be more adept at certain tasks :dunno:

    Don't most of us dream of being a star or changing the world somehow with a moment of genius at some point in our lives? Is that really a bad thing :dunno:
  17. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    I find this post weirdly inspiring. Also it put a smile on my face after a long and somewhat stressful day at work. Thank you :)
  18. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    No, not at all. Most people, when they get older, learn to accept, not to be that smart. But some don't get it and terrorize the world with their "genius".

    The Motto of my wife is:
    Be careful what you wish, it could come true
  19. Jay Weed

    Jay Weed Ultrasonic

    Jan 4, 2016
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  20. Wando Waiato

    Wando Waiato Member

    Mar 31, 2016
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    nOW hERE lAND
    Foster, YOU MADE MY DAY. Do you remember YOUR MASTERPIECE...? Every note must have their vigorous meanings.... I NEARLY DIED LAUGHING MY ASS OFF..... inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale..... HAAAA HAAAAA HAAAAAAAAA.... inhale,exhale, gimme that paperbag, innnnnhaaaale, exxxxxhaaaaale.... you are really funny

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