Integrals Posts Poll

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by lukehh, Dec 28, 2016.


Do you want Integral's posts at AudioZ?

Poll closed Jan 4, 2017.
  1. Yes

    29 vote(s)
  2. No

    58 vote(s)
  3. Yes, but with some changes in AudioZ structure

    39 vote(s)
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    HETISFRANK Producer

    Dec 1, 2012
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    Well, wouldn't be the first time that iNTEGRAL would create fake accounts to help his own cause so I wouldn't rule it out entirely. I'm pretty sure he has about 600 web proxies and VPNs laying about to make sure he can sway this vote to the outcome he desires. Can't imagine him getting back from this lead the legit way though, agree with you there.
  2. recycle

    recycle Guest

    oooh, I now understand what is this strange smell....
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  3. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    They had their dicks out for Harambe.

    Meanwhile, I can hear one of the garageband factory music beds in the background. You know, those stock music tracks that come installed with garageband? I didn't know people still used these. LOL
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  4. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Share many
    That's why he calls himself RECYCLE :yes:
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  5. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    His main gripe is your avatar. I think he's real Justin, has been dismissed from the music industry and joined here to learn something then makes us feel exhilarated again.
  6. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    ...and something else too maybe.
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  7. StUtOpi4

    StUtOpi4 Kapellmeister

    Apr 9, 2016
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    over a 2:1 ratio on the main poll for No.. % split has stayed pretty even since the beginning.

  8. StUtOpi4

    StUtOpi4 Kapellmeister

    Apr 9, 2016
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    let's not forget this stuff too...
  9. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I do not know about the whole thing in regards to making money or not but I have to agree with you on this
    >On the other hand without Integrals freeware posts, I would miss about 99%<

    Life is busy and most of the time having a one stop shop for audio stuff is really good.

    I do not see it as being negative in anyway.
    And before the negative comments this is a discussion not a war. We all have a voice and right to speak how we feel.

    My questions are:

    why are people upset with it?

    Can it be separated in a different tab / filter for only the users who want to see it?
  10. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    As already stated by other people, there are plenty of other websites that literally throw and review freewares for everybody
    i don't even understand why this has to be said lol

    now, if you prefer being lazy and don't give a shit about the situation that's another story

    also, your questions has been answered through the thread already
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  11. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I can see you have no clue as to being productive with your time and term lazy by this statement.
    It has nothing to do with laziness it has to do with productivity of my time.
    He in a way saves me a lot of time in searching the internet for stuff. He might even find stuff I could not find.
    Why go to two places to accomplish the same thing at one.
    I want to make Music not surf the internet all day looking for stuff.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2016
  12. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    took the words out of my mouth in fact... isn't it lazy to show up on page 7 and ask what has been discussed for the previous
    6 pages like someone is supposed is supposed to provide a synopsis?

    sorry @midi-man.. you're a good musician.. but he has you dead to rights on this one.. :wink:

    there is also a whole other thread devoted to the whys and wherefores of this issue, should you feel inclined to exert
    the effort to read it... peace
  13. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I was reading back a few and really could not find what is the real issue behind it.

    Thanks for the link and I will read that now.

    Also thanks for the compliment on my musicianship and have a Good New Year.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2016
  14. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Come on guys it's a thread about that topic, @midi-man just states his view on the matter. Asking him to read again what you think on it probably isn't going to change much.
    The other thread was also more or less about the same topic, and on this one too people had different views on this.
    The vote is split when you put a third option like here in asking if people don't mind about integral posts if they are not on the front page ("yes but change in the structure of the web site"), it shows that it's a matter where people have different approaches and not all think the same. If you add the "yes" and "yes but" together it's a couple of votes behing the "no". It's the problem when you just put "yes" or "no" in a poll, there is no nuance available and a lot cannot be said then. With a third options it immediately makes a difference.
    It's not a life or death debate, just saying.
    Everyone takes on this is interesting, I haven't voted yet on either poll, I'm on the fence about it, my opinion fluctuates as I read people pov on the matter.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2016
  15. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @Talmi.. you have two big feet ..and a big (maybe) mouth.. so why not take a stand one way or the other..
    there has been more than enough back and forth for a smart guy like you to decide by now

    no one's stopping @midi-man from stating his opinion, and he clearly did..

    don't bias the math.. the more appropriate thing to do is split the 3rd option between yes and no...then it comes
    back pretty much to the same proportions as @SAiNT 's poll in the Z... but as always.. we will not be the ones to decide this m8
  16. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I actually voted for the 3 option since it will be here and satisfy other people, I think
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  17. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I'm not deciding anything for anybody, and the vote is far from over, I'm sure there are other undecided voters, they always make the vote if they go voting. And I don't bias anything either, it's not math, just stating how I read those numbers. And if I may say, I'm pretty close to your opinion on the subject of integral but I don't analyze those numbers as you do at all, not that it's a big deal. Just different analysis.
    On the matter itself I think too the debate lacks nuance. When I go on one of integral post, which happens rarely but it does happen, it's because he posts an item of a dev that I know and sometimes it's something I'm happy to be aware of. When it's the case I go on the post made by integral and then follow the link to the dev website. that's about it, I'm not going to give myself an ulcer for that, plus what i'm really on the fence about is : is it so bad for the devs ? AZ drains a lot of traffic, probably more then a lot of small devs websites.
    A concrete example. He posted a link to an AirWindows product by Chris Johnson, those are really great freebies (this is his website please check those out :, his latest offering fracture is a great waveshaper, he does insanely good audio stuffs), a few topics were made here on AS about them and about the fact that this guy stopped developping his paid products only for mac to do free products for both mac and windows (and normally soon linux), but to live from it he did a patreon. So he gives his vsts for free and he calls for people generosity to give him something everymonth to pay the rent. A genius and a cool dude.
    I saw integral posted one of those and first (it's still there, airwindows fathom5) I got mad and almost downvoted his post, but then I changed my mind and I just posted a comment saying the story I tell now and advocating for people to both download the thing but go check on the dev site to check more freebies and to have a look at his patreon to be generous and support him.
    I don't know if it drained a lot of gift that day and the next ones but he must have had a lot more traffic then usual and maybe a couple of guys out of those hundreds that go by AZ and the free posts by integral everyday did what I did when I ended up on his website in pretty similar circonstances and helped the dude.
    Also a lot of people seem to appreciate his posts, I'm sensitive to that.
    So here you go my dear @Herr Durr , that's why I hesitate a bit, thank you for saying I'm smart btw, I think you are also a bright dude, and while we disagree sometimes I always enjoy exchanging with you.
    I will vote, btw, just weighting all my options.
  18. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    right on man... :wink:

    i think your example about airwindows is very informative to the arguments some people have made.. and I feel it sort
    of illustrates where I stand.. someone being generous and already providing something of value, so why not just have
    their site/content link posted here..instead of it being profited off of..

    someone mentioned the phrase "honor among thieves" earlier, is there such a thing here? or we have none at all ?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2016
  19. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I partly agree with you, obviously I get your point which also is a concern of mine, like probably most people here. It's not right, you see now why I'm split, because there is a but : developpers of freebies don't necessarily rely on people downloading directly there stuffs at home, they might rely, like it's the case for Chris Johnson and it will be the case for more and more talented devs who won't sell out, on ear to mouth phenomenon and people spreading the word no matter the way. i wouldn't have heard of that guy by browsing the internet, and searching for a best "freebie list of the year", the first time I read the word "AirWindows" was on a request on AZ, it was still mac only then, then I think it's Returnal who talked about those when C.Johnson went Patreon. Word to mouth nothing else. And C.Johnson wants donations, not downloads (although obviously it's because people use his products that he gets donations, but for people to use his products they must hear about it...etc). Other young developpers with talent might not care to reach the 100 000 download bar on their websites it might be more important for them that everyone use their plugs no matter the means so that they get a reputation, etc.
    It's kind of a youtube model, you know the internet channel who exploits freely contents made by others whose hopes rely on enought people viewing their channel or their clips or whatever the content to leverage something with their newly gained popularity.
    It's a naughty business model I agree, but it does bring some fame and fortune for a few elected folks.
  20. Marty

    Marty Noisemaker

    Jan 9, 2013
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    Come on guys...
    It is assumed that everyone has their own mind to choose between the original link and the integral link.
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