Favourite non physical ilok / no subscription compressor?

Discussion in 'Software' started by VSKZ, Nov 13, 2021.

  1. bondebara

    bondebara Guest

    I would recommend Cytomic The Glue, very good analog modeling, very good oversampling
  2. bondebara

    bondebara Guest

    I agree with @DJMani on aliasing, its not that I can hear it but it just ruins my hi-hats, I know that aliased plugins have been used in many big records but they may have been used subtly or in low frequency material where aliasing is not an issue
  3. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Let's change perspective for a moment...
    For decades, engineers have worked to reduce harmonic distortion in audio technology. Today we have super clean technology and intentionally add dirt that those engineers tried to remove. We use equipment whose distortion characteristics have been tuned to give us added value. They experimented and made the best of what they had. I do the same - with aliasing.

    In a mix, I try to avoid aliasing as much as possible, or keep it low, because it adds up. And I have absolutely no control over what is folded back in material with a wide and dynamicly changing frequency spectrum. As a result, I end up with uncontrollable masking, a tendency to harsh mids, and several other problems (but I'm not going crazy about it, though - what sounds good, sounds good and just because aliasing is visible on an analyzer doesn't mean it's audible).

    However... It's completely different in a sound design situation. Especially with material that goes through several resampling processes anyway. Here I have absolute control over which folded harmonics are baked into the sound. I have an analyzer, I have my two ears, and I can tune the aliasing for my needs. For example, I can use it to give the sound some dissonant harshness and edge if I want. I can insert a saturation/distortion plugin in parallel, drive it hard to get enough harmonics folded back, isolate the difference from the source sound, and manipulate the harmonics in all sorts of ways before adding it back to the original sound. It can be really useful, so it's definitely worth experimenting with it. Doesn't mean you have to do it, or anyone has to do it, but I do. And I get good results with it. So it can't be fundamentally bad. :)
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2021
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  4. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Wait.. what? :woot:
    Maybe it ruins your hihat, ok. But I wonder how you know it ruins your hihat if you can't hear it? :rofl:
  5. bondebara

    bondebara Guest

    By switching oversampling on an off
  6. DJMani

    DJMani Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Aliasing does not exist in Analog.
    Aliasing is bad, Science/dsp already proved this/vst plugin testing prove this.

    THE TOPIC OF THIS IS "Favorite Compressor"
    AGAIN, To get the best possible sound itb you do Not want Aliasing in Compressors. or really any vst.

    The Op mentioned the Arouser (Dave Derr got called out on over Aliasing, not understanding dsp and other B.S.) that led to my writing advice to look for a good clean Aliasing free compressor. not the Arouser
    Arouser is a bad vst and the developer is bad as well

    Some forum members posted poor vst recommendations as usually happens on here.

    You and another forum Clown chose to insert your Irrelevant opinions of Aliasing,
    You have repeatedly added your opinion.
    Yet Again you have added your Irrelevant opinion of Aliasing.
    You get TRIGGERED when your OPINION is NOT accepted as FACT.
    You keep trying to "debate" where there is NO DEBATE.

    The correct and proper response from you should have been, could have been as follows.
    "Yes Aliasing is bad and it will destroy your sounds/mix/projects and should try for purest, cleanest possible signal but i enjoy experimenting with Aliasing for "creative". I would have respected your opinion but INSTEAD, you want to debate the undebatable already proven that Aliasing is bad.

    Intentionally using Aliasing has Zero relevance and
    ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with trying to have the purest best cleanest possible itb signal in digital.
    Nor does "creative uses" Negate in any possible way that Aliasing is Fundamentally Bad.

    You wrote this,
    "Aliasing can be used intentionally to break up the harmonic pattern and cause a microtonal or dissonant shift of harmonics." (Again, here you Insert your Irrelevant Opinion)

    Does not matter if you can hear it or not.

    One more thing,
    Paul Frindle
    Fabien TDR
    Andy Cytomic
    Chris AirWindows
    Bitwig the Grid is always OS
    They all agree with what I have wrote.

    Fabien TDR wants some sort of classification of vst for nonlinear/aliasing so people can avoid problems

    So, are they all Mentally challenged as well?

    Go Sit in the corner in a Time Out, until you understand Aliasing. Stop projecting your FAILURES to understand.
    And, Trying to equate ring mod, eq phasing to digital Aliasing is idiotic, poor argument.
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  7. anonymouse

    anonymouse Platinum Record

    Jan 6, 2017
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    The Arouser compressor never worked for me, on anything. This is pretty bad though: Arousor aliasing audio

    Favourite compressor: Tim Petherick 100a
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2021
  8. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    If @VSKZ is okay with us going off-topic (remember, this thread is not about aliasing and he didn't even mention it), how about this:

    I applied Arousor with def settings (apart from output) on drums, a single bass and an orchestra with 6 - 14dB GR.
    1x at 44.1kHz and 1x at 176,4kHz (= 4x OS) and mixed both in a project at 176.4kHz.

    Here are Arousor's settings

    and here's the track

    Now where did I switch from 44.1 to 176.4? Spoiler alert, more than 2x, less than 20x, never less than 1 second. Good luck.
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  9. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Correct. But no one has claimed that.
    You repeat yourself.
    Since you're talking about science:
    Again, where is the evidence for your statement?
    Until YOU started the aliasing debate and insulted forum members, this was the topic, exactly.
    Sometimes aliasing is exactly what I want. And I want the option to enable or disable OS. Don't tell me what I have to want or dont want.
    You don't like contradiction very much, do you?
    Of course, mein Führer. Please forgive me for this inexcusable offense. Long live your universal opinion. Because you are always right.
    You can repeat this statement as often as you like, it will not become any more true. I am absolutely calm. I have no problem with opposing opinions. But you're right, my opinion is not a fact. Neither is yours, by the way.
    Holy cow! :woot:
    Now you also dictate how others have to respond to your statements? Perhaps isolation in the echo chamber would be more appropriate? Have you understood the purpose of a forum?
    If science has proven anything, it is that nothing is fundamentally bad.
    1. name dropping is not an argument.
    2. i doubt that most of these guys would agree with your statement in its absolutist finality.
  10. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    We do and it's useful to have the option to oversample. The point was, it's no good having antialiasing if the compression itself sounds bad. And the other way, if the compression sounds good, it's worth using it even if it has aliasing. It is just a part of the equation, not the only deciding factor.
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  11. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    No worse than bad algorithms with 16x oversampling. It's a part of the overall sound quality, not the only deciding factor. There are hundreds of plugins with 16x oversampling that sound garbage, and there are hundreds of plugins with no oversampling that sound great.

    If there's NO DEBATE, why are you so quick to argue with anyone who joins the topic? You're the only one getting TRIGGERED, posting irrelevant insults which are OPINION and NOT FACTS.

    Meanwhile pretty much everyone in the industry is looking for analog hardware, analog modelling plugins, and seeking for every possible way to get as far from purest, cleanest possible signal as it gets - by adding distortion, saturation, noise, randomization, etc.

    Tell that to people who use bitcrushers, lo-fi plugins and keep their old samplers because of the aliasing present in early digital gear. Tell this to all the MPC users in rap/hip hop, the SP-1200 users who love the 12-bit converter at 26kHz, and the drum&bass people who keep using their AKAI S900 rackmount samplers with 12-bit AD converters and 7.5kHz to 40kHz adjustable sample rate.

    It does matter. It can be used intentionally and is used like that daily. You can absolutely hear that, and could for years on Grammy winning, chart-topping hits.

    Not in the slightest. They understand the value of having oversampling and include it as an OPTION. Doesn't mean it's always necessary, nor desirable.

    Stop projecting your FAILURES to insult others when clearly nobody cares.

    FLRIZDARKK Producer

    Oct 19, 2021
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    100% this. Clean is boring and generic. It's simply not enough to make a clean mix especially in the digital world where it all will feel cold and lifeless. That's why we use saturation and even aliasing to help bring out the human qualities of music. Everything now is robotic, quantized and lifeless unless you add the imperfections. Just look at J Dilla, he never quantized anything, and yet everything feels right.
  13. DJMani

    DJMani Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2015
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    According to Sinuswell
    1. name dropping is not an argument.

    FLRIZDARKK Producer

    Oct 19, 2021
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    Well yes but I wasn't name dropping Dilla as a argument tho, I did as a example of how not "follow the rules" will still result in greatness
  15. DJMani

    DJMani Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2015
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    You wrote all this in some attempt to sound smart but you FAILED And You Self-Owned yourself

    1) Know the difference between Analog and Digital ITB

    2) My first comment to OP was in the context of the Arouser plugin and how poorly it works.
    I gave Op advice not opinion. to do research on a vst

    3) Well, my in first comment
    I did not Inquire about your or Sinuswell opinion of Aliasing.
    Sinuswell inserted his Irrelevant opinion after being TRIGGERED. He wrote "debatable" and got TRIGGERED so much he is putting words I never wrote on my comments.
    This guy just wants to sit in forums and feel improtant always "debating" his Irrelevant opinion

    Sinuswell has done this in Cubase threads
    Insert irrelevant opinions of Reaper (10 comments)
    and Op told him gtfo

    4) I did not once state or argue or demand anyone OS.
    I stated to get the best possible signal ITB you want No Aliasing. Aliasing is a big reason plugins do not sound "Analog" and Aliasing interferes with the proper operation/functiining of a compressor or other nonlinear vst.

    5) Learn the difference between Analog signal then digital signal ITB

    6) (About Aliasing/Function of vst)Fabien TDR even wrote somewhere online how Aliasing destroys the function of a compressor and other nonliner.

    7) "the industry looking for hardware sound"
    AGAIN learn the difference between A/D signals

    8) isn't "Grammy Winning" a sort of "name dropping" ?

    9) I dont care if you use Aliasing all over your bedroom mixes.
    Sinuswell has clearly shown he doesnt know how to mix, clean up a mix, he can keep his harsh midrange.

    10) the replies from you, Sinuswell and couple others further validates my first comment about Audiosex has alot of misinformation agents.

    Fact: Aliasing bad
    Opinion: your argument
  16. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Many great compressors out there. Since you have Pro C2, I would recommend these:

    Molot GE

    Get any one from these, learn it and only then seek for more.
  17. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Please do not namedrop me. Thanks
  18. DJMani

    DJMani Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Well, If I can't write about a dev who advocates for better standards in vst design, because you call it "name dropping"

    Then I will just Lol @ what you wrote about your mixing
    "As a result, I end up with uncontrollable masking, a tendency to harsh mids, and several other problems"
  19. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Nope. Not triggered and not irrelevant.
    I wrote "debatable", aside from that... Nope. That is an outright lie and distortion of the facts with lots of aliasing. But nice try :winker:
    Are you stalking me? Wow, I must have made a big impression on you.

    BTW not Cubase threads. Lounge thread. Singular. And nope, I did not.
    I made a good joke and someone felt TRIGGERED. Just like you are TRIGGERED. Really TRIGGERED!!!:facepalm:

    Fragile little snowflakes....
    That never happened. OP got the joke.

    I would say that it was a pleasure, but... not really.
    Have fun forcing your opinion on others. But without me.
    Man, I've got stuff to do. Bye.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2021
  20. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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