Another Shit

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by foster911, Jun 19, 2017.

  1. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Cmon, don't you see I was joking since the beginning? :mates:
    (In the meantime you've quoted me, I lightly edited my post, so if you don't mind, please edit the quote, thanks...)
  2. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    No problem, i've removed your quote.:mates:
    I got the joke. Pretty sure foster can take it too. I just wish for him he would finish a beat.

    Well our ears may not like it...:rofl:. Still though.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2017
  3. teknomix

    teknomix Kapellmeister

    Sep 6, 2012
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    You need a concept, an idea with foots, legs, body and head. Try making some with your favorite music.
  4. gtripodi

    gtripodi Kapellmeister

    Apr 22, 2015
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    i love this style, a lot og 80's ispiration.. i will try to go over psychedelic sound but still in 80/90 style. like Inhalt or westban and all this world over her! anyway good artistic touch ;)
  5. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    My ears not like it, indeed.
    And you know why?
    Because it's so similar to my own shit (that - as him - I'm so frequently not able to finish!) :rofl:
  6. Satai

    Satai Rock Star

    Feb 23, 2013
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    This tune is constantly wiggling. Doesn't know how to shut up and take a breath for emphasis or to punctuate itself. Breathe in, breathe out Foster!

    If you were talking, you would not expect your listener to understand what you're saying if you come at them with no pauses or brain-space (where the brain thinks about what it just heard, enjoys it, just before the new stuff excitingly hits).
  7. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    Pura mierda!
  8. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    So it will be a future N°1 for sure!
  9. beatmagnus

    beatmagnus Guest

    All jokes aside this track has a good chord progression. Is it possible for you to adjust the arpeggio a little so that it has a slight groove (sometimes there is a groove knob on arp)? Try just duplicating the track and then add some more layers of synth and bass as the song continues, which the notes should reside within the same chord progression but try inverting the chord notes on some of the other layers to make things change up (without going outside of the song's melody). As the song continues things should come in and out to keep things interesting. Maybe make some call and response elements with synth and perc as well so that its not just the same melody on repeat. And OP has nothing to worry about, he's got over 40 followers on soundcloud which is actually more then a lot of more established writers:)
  10. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    what do you mean?
    there was a specific "problem" (figure of speech) that is seen and i specifically offered a specific solution, for which by following the solution as recommend he would have millions of options to implement it. which is to say would be no more limiting than the initial decisions he made.
    is it that you don't know what the words mean that i spoke of?
    i just don't see how it would be possible to know what was actually said, and then respond as you did, however it could be possible to respond that way if you didn't know the meaning.
    you don't have to answer that by the way it was rhetorical.

    (does "expressing yourself sonically" to you mean to not deal with building the foundation of music the way it actually works and then add in the detail last?( you could still say have multiple melodies harmony counterpoint in mind the whole time when building the structure)
    what I am saying to you is that what i suggested in no way impacts his ability to express himself, it does the opposite, GIVES him a way to express himself with millions of options how to exactly express himself in the way music actually works.)

    if i thought it was garbage i would have much more than one single suggestion don't you think?
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2017
  11. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Personally for me, it was too bland. The sounds were too generic, the quality was mediocre, and it was too repetitive. When I listen to a song, each one tells me a story. It brings me to a certain place, times, with different people. For example, the melodies act as the way I'm feeling when I'm there, the texture (quality) acts as my health while I'm there (too much bass = stressed, not enough bass = bored out of my mind, etc). The arrangement acts as the way everything is playing out when I'm there. The bass acts as my mood. If there's too much bass, it reminds me of arriving to this place in a bad mood and with a lot on my mind... stressed out... like how I feel when I have college finals tomorrow and I didn't study. The beat acts as my attitude towards the matter. Your attitude is the pen you use when writing the future. For instance, if it's a soothing melody but a heavy drum beat, I feel like I'm going rogue and beating the crap out of someone at a peaceful tropical beach at sunrise with the birds singing to me and the waves kissing my blood spattered toes. If the drum beat is too soft for the melody, then I see it like I'm overlooking significant problems that I need to deal with right away, but I'm avoiding them & essentially making them out to be less important than they really are. If there is no drum beat but a soothing melody, then it's more so a subconscious thing... submerged in a dream where my attitude doesn't apply. The chord progression, lastly, is the place I am in. For instance, my song "Us Against the World" had a chord progression of A/D Em7 D/G for the chorus, and A Bm7 F#m7 Gsus2 as the intro & verse. (Originally it was a semitone up, making it Bb/Eb Fm7 Eb/Ab chorus, and Bb Cm7 Gm7 Absus2 verse). This is also how I play it live, guitar tuned half step down). It takes me to the beach I grew up at, early in the morning (around 7AM), in early June. Ironically, this is when I wrote it so perhaps that's a contributing factor. Then I think of what the song is about, and it sets where it's happening. The elements of each song conveys a different aspect of it all.
    My entirely unheard of music aside, the song Bittersweet Symphony, for example, is an orchestral rock oriented song. The title matches the melody, it's a bittersweet melody out of symphonic instruments. Good match for the title, and what the song is about. It conveys itself and its message impeccably which is why it is easily one of the best songs ever written.
    The song you uploaded, with all due respects, could use some more melody. If you upload maybe a pluck melody, a better bassline, a better drum beat, and master it better, it can be something profitable. Right now though, and I say this not in a rude way but a constructive criticism way, it's wasting space on your Soundcloud's upload capacity (if you have a max upload capacity. Mine is unlimited tracks & time, all for free. I didn't pay a single penny. How I did that is something I'm not allowed to disclose publicly, but possibly thru PM if I trust you lol).

    Long story short, that particular song you posted doesn't tell me much of a story. It reminds me of the kind of stuff I would make back in 2007 from my Casio CTK-411 keyboard plugged into Audacity on Windows XP laptop with 768mb ram and a 40GB hard drive. If you wanna know how valuable that keyboard is, look it up and you'll die laughing. However, I still have it because of sentimental value - it reminds me of where I started out, it brings back memories of my youth and how stupid I was. It reminds me of how far I've come not only in music, but life in general. I have listened to some of your other tracks, good sir, and I know you can easily do better. I've actually been following you on Soundcloud for a year or two now. You have potential. I really enjoy some of it. Think I even have a couple of them on my iPod. Don't ask which ones. I have 409,000 songs on it lol.
    I'm not the guy who will ridicule you for your works. I don't condone those who say harsh things about you or your music. I started somewhere too. If you heard my first "album", you'd have a brain aneurism 15 seconds in. It was quite literally that bad. I'm the guy who will often help other musicians reach their fullest potential when my time permits. I have tutored musicians below you before. A lot of people I taught, had a good sense of rhythm, but couldn't find it... until I helped them dig it out of themselves.
    Even if you're Ace Frehley, Jimmy Page or Slash, they can't even judge a beginner guitarist. No musician has a right to judge another musician, no matter the gap in skill. Because they all started from the same point - a dumb ass kid with a musical instrument asking themselves "Well what the fuck am I gonna do with this thing?" The answer to that question is simple... If you dedicate enough time to it, a lot.

    Best wishes, :mates:

    Everlasting Friday
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2017
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  12. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Wow! What's going on here. I really appreciate you guys. I'll reply all of your lovely comments so soon.:thanks::hug:
    For now, let's listen to this multi snippet one. The first 2 parts are electronic but others are classical. Do you like much the electronic parts or classical ones? Thank you again.
  13. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    its got a lot of emotion that i enjoy in it. i like all the types of parts.
    you nailed it.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2017
  14. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I like a lot of ur productions, foster; mainly the stuff that's had a lil bit of work on it. I think that a lot of ur stuff sounds like a test bed for u 2 play (even fake) guitar over. Or (at least) smthn that slides between discrete notes. Maybe u need 2 embrace "mistakes" in timing etc, rather than algorithmic type stuff? I dunno. I enjoy hearing ur stuff tho, appreciate it!
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  15. beatmagnus

    beatmagnus Guest

    Now you're cooking, regarding your most recent track post in this thread "A Bit Better" how about combining these into a cohesive mix with a version of section 8 as the intro, then 4 is the first half of a verse leading into sec 5 to complete the b side, then sections 1 & 2 as your chorus (try to make it build up from 1 into 2 and maybe layer section 3 directly under 2 for a bigger sound), sections 6 & 7 could be your breakdown then repeat until you build to another chorus but this time with more stuff. Maybe try taking certain sections and rearrange the chord structures so that it doesn't quite sound like the same melody on repeat. Just a thought but this could be a simple idea to help start finalizing tracks. Cheers!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 22, 2017
  16. nycdl

    nycdl Kapellmeister

    May 31, 2014
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    figment of my imagination
    I really like the synth a lot, your synth parts are great ! I would try to bring the kick into balance and as other said make a little separating space for your base part but great work man !
  17. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    foster911 ,I come from a different background in electronica, but here is a song i wrote and recorded in 1997. you can see how amateur it is , although it is good in the emotional content. - JACQ - dealwithmix.mp3?dl=0

    my point is, what ever you decide that you want to accomplish with electronic music, my position is to take special care to building emotion for the listener.
    there are many ways to do this, one that i like, is to make the music feel like it is lifting up and then swooping back down.(I am describing this without getting into music theory at all, or anything technical)
    here is another song i wrote and recorded that same year of 1997. it was the first year i was able to use a computer for sound design elements, in this case i wrote this song through a method of sound design which i was new to, with the intent of creating a emotional backdrop - JACQ - Track 1.mp3?dl=0

    the ending of that song ties into the beginning of this song again wrote in that same year. again the focus above all else was to illicit emotion - JACQ - PULL TOGETHER.mp3?dl=0

    here is the most energetic song on that album again noe of these songs are very good i was amateur, however i the reason i dint get rid these old songs is the emotional context is decent. It is been 20 years since then and there is still something valuble to me about what i did then i try to hang onto that emotion. - JACQ - EVIL will LAST.mp3?dl=0

    here a couple more of the songs on that album - JACQ - Save Me.mp3?dl=0

    /MMJ%2020%20year%20old%20somgs?preview=16+-+JACQ+-+voices+in+my+head.mp3 - JACQ - voices in my head.mp3?dl=0
    i keep these songs around as a reminder where i came from, which is emotional pouring out of me although with no music theory understanding thats where i started and over the years i wanted to put all the pieces together to have that part also.( trying to perfect the music theory aspect in later years i mean) i dont have anything recent to show you yet my philosophy has changed at this current point with my music i have to be able to play it completely live as a performance perfectly every time then im okay recording it. needless to say it han't been recorded yet just wanted to share a little bit with you so far as maybe give you inspiration or ideas or different way of looking at things or understanding me a little.
    jsut to add a little, The theme of this album before i began to write it, which everything stemmed from, was a philosophical concept of those people in society who are poor and suffering that have no voice to be heard. this concept is where i drew on and tried to model emotional content for each song.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2017
  18. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I've always tried to find a powerful texture for my tracks and this is one of them. Sorry about the mix, transitions and also the variations and not considering your suggestions yet because I was just focusing on the texture. Absolutely, I'll complete this one.:mates:

    Better quality:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 23, 2017
  19. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I can def see that put in a movie soundtrack for a suspense action theme, or a tv show action buildup, or even video game foster911. are you familiar with TAXI?
    maybe you should consider getting a membership, then you can get your work put into projects and make connections with the industry in areas of film, movies, commercials, and tv shows, video games. one of the projects im getting involved recently with is making for virtual reality titles.
  20. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Thank you so much. You're a modern person but I was thinking you've got stuck in the music theory like me formerly have. :bleh:
    Game music is my favorite but officially have not registered anywhere because I'm here right now::rofl:

    About TAXI, I really appreciate. I must check it out.:mates:I'm still struggling to find my voice as a producer. Have you succeeded in finding your one? Which styles are your preferred ones?
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