May 28, 2012
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Like 804 277
Dislike 10 3
Agree 332 132
Disagree 15 11
Funny 92 146
Winner 104 16
Interesting 69 49
Love it! 98 85
Useful 22 24
Creative 5 4
July 3


Audiosexual, Male

"So I'm leaving you tonight, It's not fun here anymore, I'll be joining the parade, Of the ghosts who came before" Dec 20, 2020

    1. Andrew
      I hope you didn't forget about me and the album. Still waiting for the payment..
    2. ( . ) ( . )
      ( . ) ( . )
      I know ur gone and are in a really depressive mood right now, but if by any chance you see this, alot of us regular members don't care about what you did and your mistakes. We think you're an awesome guy and made us feel highly welcome here on the forums, and that's all that mattered to us.
      1. Catalyst
        Thank you for your support, it really means a lot to me particularly during my darkest hour. The irony is that I didn't even do half of it and anything that I did, I'd be willing to openly admit to since I have nothing to hide. I've been dealing with my mother's health issues as well as my own so this all came at an inopportune time but I will be posting a public response. Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts.
        Oct 15, 2015
      2. BumBcL0t
        A year later and no public response, lol. 'Nothing to hide' - more like 'Guilty as charged'.
        Oct 20, 2016
    3. ( . ) ( . )
      ( . ) ( . )
      i pity thee fool who doesn't follow me!
      1. superliquidsunshine likes this.
    4. ArticStorm
    5. Willum
      Hiya, thanks for the Bitwig forum, one thing though, the tagline says "by Cakewalk" ?
    6. ( . ) ( . )
      ( . ) ( . )
      Yeah I was actually thinking, making it a more prominent feature would make the site more exciting to use. I kinda had a feeling it would be made more prominent in the new site update, :)
      I would probably abuse it though, posting waaay too many dark jokes :O
    7. ( . ) ( . )
      ( . ) ( . )
      I am now audiosexual. i deserve some solid, sweet, juicey and cleanly shaped vagina :D
      Also have a good day :)
    8. Catalyst
      Thanks a lot man, glad you're enjoying them. ;)
    9. Levitate
      I absolutely love your status updates.
      The Johnny Depp and Bruce Lee ones.
      Rock on Cat!!!
    10. Catalyst
      Thanks a lot Algae. This is how it all begins. ;)
    11. rhythmatist
      Good to know that you know administrate vice.
    12. Catalyst
      Thank Intro that really means a lot to me brother, you know you can always count on me as well.
    13. Introninja
      No matter the situation i got your back, if you want it or not. That's what separates loyal from hypocrite
      1. Graf likes this.
    14. Catalyst
      Glad to hear it Andrew, you certainly deserve it my friend.
    15. Catalyst
      Thanks for the kind words Whatsinaname, welcome to the forums. If you think it's great now just wait until you see what we have in store for the future. ;)
    16. Andrew
      Thank you for the promotion, it's awesome!
    17. FluteBoy
      You guys are amazing, I am so glad I came across this forum! Learning a lot!! :-)
    18. Introninja
      Thanks for the kinds words, it's always good when great people stick together:)
    19. Catalyst
      Thanks Andrew, that really means a lot. It's an exciting project and I'm happy that it's finally coming to fruition thanks to everyone's continued dedication and involvement.
    20. Andrew
      The album will be awesome, no doubt about that, thanks to you and other awe-inspiring members of this spiritually-larger-than-vikontrol community :D
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  • About

    July 3
    My Gear:
    MOTU M4, M-Audio Axiom 61, Casio CTK-4000
    An old box of matches and a gasoline can.

