Suno CEO interview

Discussion in 'Ai for Music' started by tzzsmk, Jan 17, 2025.

  1. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Well, first you have to go to school so you can pay for the cake later at the checkout.
    Reading is very beneficial, and basic arithmetic should be familiar to you.
    Operating the air fryer requires a little technical understanding and a look at the manual.

    I forego baking and leave it to the baker, who has a thorough 3-year training course. I give him the price he asks for his work, land, taxes, profits, etc. By baking myself, I would save a lot of money. I would forego AI altogether and put the money in a savings pot.

    As you can see, almost all people prefer convenience to hard work. A microwave and other machines make everyday life much easier. However, watching aYouTube video about a heart transplant will certainly not enable you to perform a heart operation in the hospital.
  2. Shiori Oishi

    Shiori Oishi Platinum Record

    Oct 21, 2023
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    Mostly yes, but it's radically different with hobbies, art and things you want to do in general. It's 'more convenient' to not even play a game you don't have to. But this much is obvious (unless you're CEO at Suno); what I find interesting is that convenience in all the rest (the things you have to do) could lead to a bland, tedious and possibly pointless life of spleen. (There are of course many different cases: compare the art of seduction to paying for sex.)
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I keep asking the same question about how AI is all that different from sampling, in electronic music. Obviously, you do not "sample" an entire track. It's still audio files that you did not make the content of yourself, to start out with. I watched some of the Marshmello song "production video" yesterday, and I do not see any real difference about it. Well, one difference. Someone like that will be using stuff from AI free and clear, and putting out tons of tracks; while the rest of "dance music producers" will be discussing the morality or creativity of using it, all the while falling further behind.

    Does it really make those kinds of tracks more "disposable" than some samples and plugins? I would also like to know about the hypothetical situation where someone sends you a track to mix/master for money; willing to pay whatever your regular rate is. You think some of the track may have been created using AI. Are you going to pass on doing the work and turn down the money? Why am I guessing the answer to that question is "No"?

    I've watched "production videos" from Groove3 where the entire video revolves around downloading songs from Youtube with Jdownloader, using web based AI to stem separate the song, and using someone else's isolated vocals. There are some very long threads here about AI stem separation tools, and so this discussion makes me wonder what people are using all of these separated audio files for.
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  4. Shiori Oishi

    Shiori Oishi Platinum Record

    Oct 21, 2023
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    There are similarities and differences all over the gray area, but you can't deny that the process of creation of Dimitri from Paris is rather different from the process of creation of a Suno user. I would NOT argue that one final product has 'more soul' than the other (especially as AI gets better and better), but of course one process involves a whole life (feelings, references, memories, culture) while the other is, well, machine-made.

    An important difference concerning both process and product is the chance of making mistakes, settling for less than you wished for and, in the process, making something new. Beethoven wasn't as good as his predecessors in harmony or melody, let alone orchestration, but something very special happened there. Also, consider how fawlty humanizer algos still are at very simple tasks like mimicking drummers' standard deviations.
  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    The tracks output by Suno are not very high quality, at all. But no-one is saying these objections to AI due to lower quality output. That's a reason to not use it yourself, and to stick to your normal workflow. If you can out-produce and out-mix Suno, then you should have nothing to worry about (and as of today v4 is very easy to do that with).

    The quality, creativity. and originality are just about the last things anyone is complaining about. I predict it to become an even more obvious double standard. We will have experienced producers saying things such as "I made this using AI, but I could have made it on my own. I'm just being efficient." Where when someone new to production, will be criticized for using the same AI to do something that they wouldn't be able to. Just like with David Guetta's Eminem controversy track. He uses an AI and is told "it's ok", where any number of us would be getting cease and desist DMCA letters.

    So a guy who has sold 60 million records over the course of his career is ok to use AI, and other people are not because they haven't sold 60 million records? The biggest thing AI is going to generate is a bigger bunch of hypocrites.
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  6. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Every technology has advantages and disadvantages. The legislator will pass laws that regulate how it is used. Like everywhere else in the world, people lie and cheat. Let's look at the question of how AI can be used positively in society. I think they want to make money above all, but they also have to abide by the law. Also remember that in Silicon Valley they are trying to gain market dominance with investors' money.
  7. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Rock Star

    Aug 27, 2024
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    My peers who have been doing music on here for quite a long time seem to be all on the same page even though our opinions and metaphors only slightly differ.

    I think we're all basically saying much the same things from different angles. We cannot lose touch with our humanity. The reasons we entered into music as a career a long time ago and compose different music is because of something that touched our hearts and not just our minds. All the people I know or have had private conversations with on here know that if a job is worth doing it is worth doing well and that if it was easy, anyone could be amazing at it. This means that nothing worth becoming really good at will be handed to anyone on a silver platter.
    A great musician or a great audio engineer spends more than ten years to become that. Not minutes, months or a single year or two. A.I can only generate from what is put into it or from what already exists by humans. If it replaces humans, it still will not be human. It will be a robot that some moron let replace a human. Intelligence is not limited to scholastic and technological skills.
  8. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    First of all, consumers of music, music products, i.e. songs by artists, want to turn on the radio and listen to music. They want to listen to pop or classical music while driving.

    They go to a concert to experience and hear something out of the ordinary. Music is part of culture, from street musicians who throw a few cents into a hat to free YouTube music videos on online radio stations, which are also free.

    AI is a new, profitable business, investors are investing in start-up companies in Silicon Valley, they want a return on their investment, the marketing manager has the job of advertising and selling the product. In short, he should win them over as customers and persuade them to make a purchase decision.

    Advertising will also use psychological knowledge about your psyche. They will use all kinds of tricks and even half-truths to tell you that you need this product, they will not tell you what negative consequences the product has, they will not tell you how many workers will become unemployed as a result. You won't be told what impact it will have on children's brain development.

    Many people warn about AI, but ultimately we have to decide for ourselves and find out what consequences
    AI will have on our lives. We will probably have a lot of victims of AI and of course we will also have winners with AI.
  9. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Rock Star

    Aug 27, 2024
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    Historically, humans have a really bad habit with every good invention, of trying to weaponize it. The additional bad and greed-based human trait is when an invention turns out to be a great replacement for something, and it is healthy, or good for the atmosphere/environment, or helps everyone, or cures something, but it will financially damage a fuel/oil company, or big Pharma, or some other corporation, they shut it down so nobody hears of it.

    We already have issues with deep fakes and people seemingly no longer knowing the truth, and worse, thinking it is ok to not be fact checked, which is a free pass to lie. You are correct, someone is almost guaranteed to abuse it. :(
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2025
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  10. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    We need critical thinking and education, we need law and democracy, and not the right of the strongest and the violent.

    In short, this runs through the whole of human history, human greed, whoever has money wants even more money, everything for me - nothing for the others. And power wants more power - democracy was invented to counter this desire for power.

    Elon Musk and Facebook now want to enforce more freedom of expression, many people turn off the TV and get their information from critical thinkers and journalists on the Internet. Freedom is not given to you, you have to fight for it. The climate narrative about man-made climate change is shaky.

    There are 3 groups of people: The first group does something, the second group observes and comments on what the first group does and the third group doesn't even know what's going on.

    I've seen so many science fiction films and hope that these dystopias don't actually become 100% reality.
    We can still defend ourselves and say no to some extent.
  11. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Share many
    According to my own post and after testing some AI "products"... Firstly Its more the products of others AI is aggregating, secondly the outcome is quite lukewarm if we are fair. Generating whole pictures is only quite ok, not great. Generating sound on Suno is a bit like "elevator music", answers in Chat GPT (paid) is quite OK but not on the level of an expert what they want to make us to believe. If I ask questions on an expert level GPT 4o often lies and if I present it with the real facts it excuses and says I'm right. I would expect an expert to know at least as much as me (ofc without using books or google). This ist NOT the case atm.
    So all in all AI is a help, but only if you know exactly what you do. And that's by no means what an AI is suppoesed to be. It's astonishing good from the view of non-experts but everything is a bit superficial.

    From now on I call these lukewarm AIs "Superficial Intelligence" or SI :rofl:
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2025
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  12. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    The term Artificial Intelligence was invented by American marketing experts.

    The appropriate term used by German experts is: Artificial Stupidity.
  13. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    indeed artificial intelligence is marketing term, would be more accurate statistical automation
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  14. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Thanks @tzzsmk for the term "statistical automation"!

    Statistical AI models
    Statistical AI models (e.g. genetic algorithms, neural networks and deep learning) recognize patterns based on data rather than human expertise.

    Symbolic AI
    Symbolic or knowledge-based AI uses human-created logical representations to derive a conclusion from a set of constraints (variables).
  15. Demloc

    Demloc Rock Star

    Mar 10, 2020
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    I don't have any problems with all the new tools Diffussion Models are putting in our hands. I do have problems with the economic system that are created in and the consecuences we all be suffering in the near future cause of it, but that's political for this forum so fuck Suno CEO but also @clone can you please send me the link to that Marshmello video you are talking about? Thanks!:bow:
  16. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    First page of the thread showing that he is using scene "goods".

    It's just a lot of samples being used for someone who has videos with billions of views on YT. I do not see how getting samples from Suno types of AI generators is really any different than this. Neither approach bothers me. I do not care where somoene's sounds come from. It's dance music. It's an argument about your samples coming from the wrong computer (neither of which belong to you.)
  17. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    The guy reflects the mass of uncritical young people, stealing everything, hardly thinking or creating anything themselves.
    Exactly the right person at the right time and the money is flowing in.

    That's all we wanted as a production company. Insignificant, boring, meaningless, just the thing to make you stupid...!
  18. Demloc

    Demloc Rock Star

    Mar 10, 2020
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    Oh, I thought he was using some kind of model, like I saw SamelessR from HOW TO BASS did using Stable Audio. So he is using craked software like the rest of us. What a rascal :rofl:

  19. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    The reason I mentioned it is because if someone is making good money from hit records, and not paying for everything they are using; what is the percent chance that someone like that will not also use an AI? I'm going to go with Zero. Meanwhile, people with far less money will be playing the morality card about some samples from an AI; while "industry plants" do whatever they want with impunity.

    I think small commercial productions like "jingle hut" work will probably go away due to AI. But real music will not. This whole AI-phobia is going to amount to about the same thing as Y2K. imo
  20. Demloc

    Demloc Rock Star

    Mar 10, 2020
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    Totally agree, for me is somewhat of neoludism, but again is tricky to touch those subjects without entering hard into politics. My avatar is made with difussion models, I train loras on other people's work, mix them togheter to create new things with them. We have done this process before AI on the creative world. Is not truly "new" or innovating. I despide Suno CEO but for making copyright claims on youtube content, for example, which is hilarious and I hope that the copyright industry change radically for the benefit of creators instead of tech bros, but money rules so...
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2025
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