Cubase/Nuendo 12/13/14 Pro (R2R/VR) (Win/MAC) workarounds, discussion, etc

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by ArticStorm, Apr 13, 2022.

  1. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I thought i create a topic again for this matter.

    I have installed R2R release this time.

    The certificate thing, was a bit tricky, but after some googling it was clear what to do and after running the setup i was able to open Cubase 12.

    Last time VRs setup required a lot more steps to install it, had to block one of the eLic applications with the firewall and also installing all the other things was not smooth. I appreciate VRs afford of course.

    Remember no warez links here!

    Release Notes are here:
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  3. Method69uk

    Method69uk Member

    May 9, 2020
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    How did you manage to install the certificate? When I tried I got the message "R2R Root certificate is not installed or this application is modified and broken"
    I eventually gave up and ended up going back to the VR version
  4. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    MRFEENIX Kapellmeister

    Oct 9, 2018
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    Just had to uninstall pervious R2R release and install . No problems apart from a screen saying which preferences to use due to unexpected problem. Had that a few times no big deal.
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  6. Method69uk

    Method69uk Member

    May 9, 2020
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    Thanks very much for your help! Certificate is installed now
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  7. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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    (Win+R ====>>> certmgr.msc)
    now go to Trusted Root Certfication -> Certificates
    Right-Click on the Certificates folder -> import the R2RCA.cer
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  8. HikaruSniper

    HikaruSniper Kapellmeister

    Nov 20, 2021
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    Hi everyone. Had R2R 12.0.0 and working with no problem. But I uninstalled it to install the new one but it refuses to install. Progress bar is stuck and nothing happens. I only uninstalled Cubase but not the certificate or silk emulator. Any tip? Thanks.
  9. bigbiggy

    bigbiggy Guest

    havent used Cubase in years so it will be fun trying it again to see whats new. recently I saw many release and thread issues, so is everything in cubase workin with the new r2r release this time and good to install? I see like 5 install files in the package so it seems theres lots of room for mistakes and issues if the instructions arent clear and precise
  10. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    1.) Uninstall Steinberg completely - delete all file remnants - delete old keys and old licenses from R2R. Run CCleaner once and then restart the PC. Now your system should be clean from old Steinberg/R2R file remnants. Install exactly according to the instructions in the enclosed NFO.

    C:\Program Files\TEAM R2R\Steinberg Silk Emulator
    C:\ProgramData\Steinberg (Hidden Folder)

    Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH

    2.) This is the cleanest way to wipe your Windows machine of Cubase VST.

    Click on the “uninstall” icon in the Cubase VST folder in the Steinberg Folder. Choose the “Custom” option when asked what kind of uninstall you’d like to do. Then proceed to click on “Select All” and “Next.” When you’re almost finished click on “Yes to All” when prompted to delete the following shared files.

    You’ll be informed the uninstall was successful and that a reboot is needed. Do not reboot the computer just yet as the Registry needs to be cleaned of Cubase VST From the Start button, go to “Run and type in regedit in the “Open” box. When the System Registry editor opens, click on the + next to “H Key Local Machine.”. Then click on the + next to Software.

    From this pull down set of folders, delete the ASIO, Steinberg, Syncrosoft and VST folders. When you are asked if you want to delete the keys, click on yes. Once these folders/keys are deleted, close the registry editor, reboot and the computer and reinstall Cubase VST form your CD Rom. This will give you the cleanest possible install. You may have to reinstall your sound card’s ASIO drivers.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2022
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  11. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i can write the step down later here. it was quite easy in the end.
  12. Method69uk

    Method69uk Member

    May 9, 2020
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    Now I have 12.0.10 installed (R2R) I'm noticing when loading, it's hanging for quite a long time on VST 2.x plugin manager.
    I've slimmed down the list of locations to only 2 where I have things installed but still the same. Anyone else with this issue?
  13. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Here are a few answers from a German Language forum:

    Either the VST path is not saved correctly or the PlugIns are not in the correct folder, defective licenses, PlugIns corpses, etc etc..
    Many times thoroughly check all paths in PlugIns by hand! Often the problem is in the detail.

    Maybe it also helps to reset the PlugIn Manager!
    Have you ever made a speed test with the SSD to see if everything is really installed / connected correctly?

    So, I have found it out for me: It was the Windows Defender real-time service, which obviously delayed the system while scanning. As soon as I turned it off, Cubase started within a few seconds. So disabled on Windows 10 :slight_smile: Thanks for your effort!

    Virus scanners etc read all the files that need to be loaded when you start Cubase and thereby it delays of course !!!
    Also would be in Cubase plugins, samples, effects loads etc..
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2022
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  14. db100

    db100 Kapellmeister

    Jan 16, 2016
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    i have r2r cubase 12 installed and i had legit pro 11 before.
    i had some weird error message about elicenser whenever i started up R2Rs 12. i then uninstalled elicenser control center and Cubase 12 wouldnt start up anymore hanging on vstconnect.dll. ive seen someone said he solved the problem by deleting or renaming the dll. i did and it would go further but later still hang on "checking licenses" not starting up.i reinstalled elicenser control center and it would start up.
    but i still get it to freeze randomly sometimes when closing projects or cubase itself or just in the middle of adding a vst or whatever and it would always hang and freeze up. when checked in windows task manager it always said cubase is not responding and another task of windows that says "checking licenses".
    afaik elicenser control center is not needed for R2R cubase 12 is it?
    ill update to the newer version that came out recently and hope that it will fix my problems.. if not i will revo unintall it and install it again.
  15. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Please uninstall everything and delete old file remnants, see my posting before,
    just follow the installation instructions from Team R2R (NFO).
    1.) Steinberg Cubase Pro 12 v12.0.10-R2R

    * No SteinbergLibraryMangager is required (optional).
    * No SteinbergActivationManager is required.
    * Loads faster than legit version.
    * No compatiblity issue with other legit Silk and Silk powered apps.

    Read included R2R.txt to see how to install.
    Read NFO of our emulator to know more about our emulator releases.
    2.) TEAM R2R Steinberg Silk Emulator v1.0.0- R2R

    Witches bring the true emulator of new Steinberg Activation Manager system (official code name : Silk).
    It supports all current Silk powered applications.

    * Works with R2R Steinberg releases.
    * R2R release does not affect the legit Silk installation (application and Avtivation Manager).
    * Emulated by single DLL less than 10KB DLL. No background process will run like original Silk.
    * Applications take almost zero delay to check license. More than 5 sec faster on some computers.

    Read included R2R.txt to check how to install and how legit Silk works!
    Check FAQ Below for more information!
    You need R2R Root Certificate installation due to the digital signature checks of Steinberg applications!
  16. Method69uk

    Method69uk Member

    May 9, 2020
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    Thanks! It was down to some old versions of Izotope plugins hanging around in the Blacklist like a bad smell. Deleted them from my system then deleted the Blacklist XML and all good :like:
  17. pon_pon

    pon_pon Ultrasonic

    Dec 20, 2015
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    with r2r version i have always runing in background (program files x86/elicenser/POS/synsopos.exe ) if i delete this folder on start cubase hangs on loading vstconect.

    is this normal>?
    (in task admin file is declared like protected objet server)
  18. Method69uk

    Method69uk Member

    May 9, 2020
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    Ok this is weird. The Izotope plugins that were being blacklisted were part of the Ozone9 suite. I downloaded the latest version and installed, and the same plugins are now blacklisted. And they aren't 32-bit plugins :dunno:

    SOLVED - OK I've found if you install Izotope plugins, you shouldn't select VST2 at all, they get Blacklisted. I re-installed Ozone 9 with just VST3 and all is fine. Same with Vocalsynth 2. Phew!
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2022
  19. db100

    db100 Kapellmeister

    Jan 16, 2016
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    As i said i will uninstall if the update doesnt show any improvement and i did read the r2r nfo. But did the r2r version install elicenser control center when you installed cubase 12?
    I had it installed bc of my legit 11. Nothing about elicenser CS in the r2r nfos. Therefore i guess its not installed bc 12 doesnt rely on elicenser but activation manager. If thats true then why would cubase 12 stops loading on vstconnect.dll and checking license when i delete elicenser control center even if that has nothing to do with the activation?
  20. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    1.) The new Cubase runs, as you said, without elicenser. It is often the case that old file remnants from previous installations, which are not deleted, cause difficulties, which is why we recommend a clean complete de-installation here.

    2.) VST Connect: In depth information and troubleshooting

    3.) vstconnect.dll - hanging on vstconnect.dll - doesn’t mean that vstconnect.dll is the problem…

    what it does mean is that “initializing: vstconnect.dll” is the last thing displayed on the splash screen before the hang. A common quick fix is to delete/rename the preferences folder - worth a try. Often this is just masking the real problem but it get’s you moving at least.
    Before deleting the preferences, you could try in Cubase Safe Start Mode
  21. db100

    db100 Kapellmeister

    Jan 16, 2016
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    Yes i read that before already about vstconnect and as i said it hangs at "checking license" when renamed. And again i ask why does cubase 12 r2r hangs on checking license when i delete elicenser control center when it doesnt even use it??

    You say
    It is often the case that old file remnants from previous installations, which are not deleted, cause difficulties, which is why we recommend a clean complete de-installation here.

    Why?? What should that acomplish when cubase 12 doesnt even use elicenser.

    Also could you explain what old file remnants do you actually mean? Cubase 12? I had it installed new from r2r. I had no other versions from vr or any other team installed before..