Slate Digital MO-TT

Discussion in 'Software' started by Deceptive, Nov 27, 2021.

  1. Deceptive

    Deceptive Audiosexual

    Feb 17, 2016
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    For years, producers have turned to the legendary OTT setting in Ableton to add life and drama to their tracks. Now get that exact sound with MO-TT, our new dynamics processor that adds fire and energy to your tracks like never before.


    Last edited: Nov 29, 2021
  3. Stuck In The 80s

    Stuck In The 80s Rock Star

    Jul 29, 2019
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    So... I have Ableton... I also have the XFER version. No matter what... whatever I put it on, it sounds shit.

    "Now get that exact sound with MO-TT"... (ok?)
    "... that adds fire and energy to your tracks like never before"
    (unless you already have Ableton or the XFER version)
    (the latter is free by the way)

    Note... this can't be superior to the other two because it generates "that exact sound".

    How easy it must be to get a job in Slates R&D department?
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2021
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  4. Doctor_Me

    Doctor_Me Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2016
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    Looks interesting, way more versatile than the xfer version and the amount of control per band can help to use it on a more transparent way when needed, and the built-in multiband clipper can be pretty handy as well. I think Slate is doing a good job creating modern tools instead of emulating more compressors from the 70s. The big cons still the Ilok or subscription options that don't work for me.
  5. jon.dough.1991

    jon.dough.1991 Producer

    Feb 16, 2021
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    you add life and drama to a musical piece by composing something beautiful out of your soul, not with ott nor with anything , top10 beatport spotify all i hear is men singing like women using strange fx , a bunch of ppl that bent over to some hit producer to get their name heard , get rich quick and in 10-20 years will start some instagram me-too-molestified movement , a couple of cool sounding chords found in some scaler or reMidi and that's it , nuthin special , juzz promotion 6packs youtube advertisers clicking , poor music nevertheless

    anyway good thing Slate releases this OTT ,available to all thru V.R or whatnot , i wish and hope it blows Xfer OTT out of existence sonically quality-wise or whatnot,, it is unfair that up till now only Ableton users had this kind of sidepuncher,sidechain tool , FLstudio gives full Suite Daw and lifetime updates for $300 whilst ableton and cubase charge $150 yearly for their updates ,,, tthey are tthe bad and evil in this world where a bunch of poor underdog producers such as ourselves with no support are trying to make some art , add something beautiful to this freaked out,horrible world and society we call life , stock exchangers and sick ppl with all the money havin a party right now at their poolhouse with 20 playmate worthy beautiful girls , talk to me bout society,capitalism,what each of us is worth,our time

    i know i work 10 hours a day to earn $700 in some warehouse , yes i had beautiful hopes and dreams and wishes , me and my girl , friends bros and sisters dancing all day long whether to my tracks or someone elses , eternal sunshine, sunrise zone , some beautiful beach , sun shining , u see all your ancestor there at our best ,21 y old , some work out some dont,, its the afterlife no one is burning alive or suffering ,, even the worst of the worst , terrorists sick pedophiles the ilness from their mind has been erased they reborn under new circumstances everyones psychology is crafted thru birth and onto , imagine born the child of a warlord that teached you the most efficient ways to kill instantly or a savage who ate human beings for supper teaching you the prime cuts for human meatt ,,its juzz mental ilness - same goes for guys like Hitler or that dictator in Umuamba South Africa sellling his co-villagers in chains to slavemongers, ppl sick in the mind,there is hope even for the worst , no eternal fires and suffering - that is a sick minds want to exist such pain ,

    i have dedicated my life to music , women sorry we can only be together for an hour max per day , yes i know and am thankful to luck and destiny i came out good-lookin and well-endowed as you women say , but a bunch of kids, obligations ,changing diapers , pay the rent while you f@ck around with some younger hillbilly is your wet-dream , not mine ........i juzz wanna write music until i die out make something beautiful out of this wreck that i was born into
  6. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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  7. Noizey98

    Noizey98 Ultrasonic

    Feb 5, 2021
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    So a $150 version of a free plugin is a well... interesting business choice.

    But regardless, the Xfer OTT is a very useful tool and it looks like Slate has done a good job expanding on that. Plus the GUI looks fantastic and it seems like they made a good effort to create a good user experience compared to most dynamics tools.
  8. glassybrick

    glassybrick Producer

    Jan 13, 2020
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    Cubendo have something similiar in stock plugs upload_2021-11-28_22-2-23.png