The last omnisphere R2R (2.8.1c) has again the recall preset issue (time bomb)

Discussion in 'Omnisphere' started by Blanche Neige, Nov 26, 2021.

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  1. Blanche Neige

    Blanche Neige Newbie

    Feb 15, 2019
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    It's only by your fault. You automatically dislike all my messages.Troll...
  2. koschke

    koschke Noisemaker

    May 25, 2012
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    let me put my experience with O2...

    the most stable O2 was the 2.6 or something like that….

    After that rls all O2 updates has for me the blank patch issues…

    Soo I was really happy with the r2r rls and first it worked with the new expansions all patches reloaded but after I open more instances with different patches (not only spectra patches) it happened again with the blank patch issue so I went back to Danilov and right now it works but I have to do more test to be sure ….

    Once again, I am thankful for all the releases and the hard work from the teams and members who are doing this…

    I hope that it will be fixed

    Win 10 Cubase pro-11
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  3. Blanche Neige

    Blanche Neige Newbie

    Feb 15, 2019
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    Hennessey, what can you say about koschke testimony? A comment?

    Do you want to promote with me the Danilov omnisphere (the only version without time bomb which forbiden a proper recall of presets)?
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2021
  4. koschke

    koschke Noisemaker

    May 25, 2012
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    Just for all guys here don’t get angry to each other we are all a big family here and should help each other and enjoy all rls from the groups...

    For me I want to say thank you Audioz Community and to all Groups and members who make it possible to try all this stuff

    Thank you merry christmas and a happy new year

    I Know it's november :)
  5. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Hé, Blanche Neige, on va se calmer là. C'est pas la foire ici.
    Et ce genre de réponse, je ne vais pas te les laisser passer 2 fois:

    Le respect c'est la base ici, et en plus qui est tu pour dire a un autre membre d'aller ailleurs? Attention là, il y a des limites.

    Pleases everyone calm down.

    If it works for some users and for a few others it does not, there must be a reason, and most certainly a solution.
    So it's better to search for the reason and the solution than try to prove anything to each other.

    That said by respect to Teams that give their time and work for free, there is a minimum of modesty needed instead of demanding.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2021
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  6. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    To whom do you address this question?
  7. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Would you mind providing links to a few of those hundreds of complaints?
    Or at least say where you find these complaints?
    It might help to read first-hand accounts and threads at other sites.
  8. Ted

    Ted Ultrasonic

    Jan 1, 2017
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    Please guys, I'm not talking for PC users, I've been using omnisphere since Day 1and call it as you like, Timebomb or not but the issue is still there on mac systems. You can't recall your multi patch, you get blank multi sometimes or everytimes. The solutions you're giving are not solutions: opening as many omnisphere plugin instances as patches or write patches names on tracks are a joke. I "save as" my multi and patchs but no way to recall them, well once on 100 ... changing folders auth never worked. (Sierra, Mojave, Catalina etc ..)
    So maybe R2R windows version is working but not on OSX, and for more than 10 years ...
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2021
  9. Ted

    Ted Ultrasonic

    Jan 1, 2017
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    On other forums, usually threads are quickly closed beacause losing patch or multi equals to have a cracked version...
    You can find on google very old thread about this subject. I just tried 2.8.1 on my mac and it still happening
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  10. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    I hope to be able to help some with this and ask for your indulgence for the original posters that I publish here! Thank You!


    I'm sure it will be delete .dat files and zmap file again and restart Omnisphere. Ot delete all that and reinstall Omnisphere)
    So from now on I use separate instance of Omnisphere for every patch. Name the instrument track with the patch name. Also Bounce into audio track for back up.

    Hopefully like this should be safer. Even thou now I have 15+ Omnisphere instrument tracks.
    I think this is the safest solution for now

    so my advice until you have this figured out is:
    1 - load individual Omnisphere instances for each patch/preset if possible or at max [...if possible..] use as little of the multi slots... i have 2 reasons for this advice

    1.1 (in my opinion) It saves CPU since that fully multi loaded instance all falls under the same CPU core, at least with cubase and with most DAW under my knowledge.... so even if your other cores are at 10% that one core load will screw you up...

    1.2 if it breaks down you'll be able to fix it more easily

    2- Save the patches/presets @ -> Utility -> Save patch as -> and create a new Folder

    **Note you don't need to fill out all that info/categorys/etc in preset/patch save....
    just choose a name for the preset and press save... done ;)
    if you just want to overwrite a presets just select --> Utility -> Save patch quick
    Hope it helps

    TS-12 wrote:
    Thank you all for your suggestions.
    So from now on I use separate instance of Omnisphere for every patch. Name the instrument track with the patch name. Also Bounce into audio track for back up.
    Hopefully like this should be safer. Even thou now I have 15+ Omnisphere instrument tracks.
    I think this is the safest solution for now
    I think this is as I imagine you know is a very inefficient way to use omnisphere.
    What I did and still do is using cubase's preset system, once I have an omnipshere or rmx mutli set up, save it with the project name......
    of course there was once that rmx broke this, but speaking nicely to spectrasonics, fixed that.

    rsp - Oh Cubase's vst preset save!!! I'll do that too. Didnt think of that.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2021
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  11. starkid84

    starkid84 Platinum Record

    Mar 29, 2015
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    It is well known that there ARE time bomb issues, or a 'bug' that causes omnisphere to forget presets.... this is not a rumor. I have been using omnisphere since v1, and I also experienced the preset recall issues after trying newer versions in the last year or two. If you search the net you will find others who share the same experience.

    I reverted back to 2.6 and haven't have the issue again. So now I refuse to update the software version until its confirmed stable for months by other users. I saw the 2.8 update and said to myself...."lets see if people are still loosing patches", and it seems like some are still having that issue.
  12. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Hello @starkid84, tell me how do you lose presets and how do you save your presets?
    Can you write a few sentences about what exactly you are doing? Does this only affect Multis?
    (P.S .: I have never lost presets or settings, nor did Omnisphere have any other problems, but I have never used multis.)

    Save as Default Multi
    Saving a Multi preserves the entire state of the plug-in for future recall. A Multi stores all of the settings from the MIXER page, the Multi FX, the LIVE MODE and STACK MODE pages, all MIDI Learn & Automation assignments, as well as all of the settings (including any unsaved edits) for each of the eight Parts.

    For example, if you want to change the default Patch, set a specific Master Output level or retain a MIDI Learn assignment, “Save as a Default Multi” will allow you to load all of your preferred settings each time you open a new instance of Omnisphere.

    NOTE: Selecting Reset Defaults and Preferences will take you back to factory settings.

    NOTE: For our visually-impaired users, we have created a special Default Multi with many useful parameters assigned to automation. These automated parameters can be used within your DAW. Please contact our Support team for more information.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2021
  13. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    I really don't feel to participate in this thread anymore, because some troll users are not even giving a proper explanation for what is the exact problem, neither their system specs...
    That is very bad, and even more, the OP is directly accusing Team R2R like they are incapables to do things right ,like they owe him something...
    That much frustration i have not seen anywhere in here....Even myself, with short nerves never was like him... :D

    What does that means?
    He is doing for someone, just to discredit R2R, maybe he is in VR Team or from that guy vkDanilov (sorry mate, i really don't know what is happening) but I don't see that hundreds of people that are complaining in this thread about problem he describes, in very bad and nasty way!
    If you can see from users who experience that problem is commonly related to mac systems, and not in Windows.
    So my conclusion would be, it is not about crack itself, because on Windows i have never experienced not to recall settings in project and here is where i have heard that for first time i my life for Omnisphere...
    This thread is a joke, and for sure should be deleted or closed for further postings, but better to be deleted because it is total misinformation!

    If someone experience problem with zmap or db file, just install patch update and that files will be replaces and Omnisphere will reread that and keep working like it is... Problem with patches could be various, and one of them, wrong patch update, bad sound source update, or permission issue, but all of that is solved by installing patches i have said...
  14. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    It was addressed for me :D
    But i didn't react cause that guy is talking funny stuff....
  15. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Please indicate your operating system and which DAW you are using.

    Possible solution:
    I read the answer from spectrasonics. hoping they will fix this soon. but in the meantime, I experienced the issue of Omnisphere 2 not saving patches and multis.
    if I’m only saving MULTIS and SONGS, when I reopen the song, Omnisphere will not load multi correctly. and I loose patches.
    I have to save every patch, then save multi and then songs, to be able to reopen multi correctly.

    Always make sure to close the Omnisphere window before saving and closing the project and/or Cubase!

    User @Mixdowner says:
    FIX : save the multi and if you see the file is just 10K savie each patch using the command "Save Patch As" from omnisphere into your User folder, then save your song, close cubase, reload cubase, reload the song, open Omni (it will be empty but with correct volumes) and reload each saved patch in the correct order, at that point you save your multi and it will always work, save the song and you're ok, after that if you don't change anything in Omni you can compose for hours and save your song as usual and everything works OK, however if you need to change any setting in your multi it probably won't save so once again you will need to save the single patches you've modified after the last save.

    KVR User: tasty tatsyn ssys:
    so my advice until you have this figured out is:
    - Save the patches/presets @ -> Utility -> Save patch as -> and create a new Folder
    **Note you don't need to fill out all that info/categorys/etc in preset/patch save....
    just choose a name for the preset and press save... done
    if you just want to overwrite a presets just select --> Utility -> Save patch quick

    Spectrasonics - Omnisphere 2 - Support

    Saving and Managing Sounds

    NOTE: Patches and Multis must be saved into a Category folder inside a user Patch Library —you cannot save at the User folder level itself. This folder can be in an existing user directory, a newly created sub-folder inside the User folder, or a new user directory. There is no need to press the “Refresh” button in the Full Browser after saving a new Patch or Multi.


    Save as Default Multi
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2021
  16. Deuterium

    Deuterium Kapellmeister

    Oct 15, 2021
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    If you don't report the problem properly, you have no excuse really for being such a sucker, don't you understand how troubleshooting works in the real world?....

    If you are a young teen, you should have grown up with this logic. If you are old, you should be used to this logic by now, its common sense/daily modern life.

    PLATFORM / OS / ARCHITECTURE / PLUGIN FORMAT / DAW / HOW TO REPEAT BUG / HOW USELESS IS YOUR SYSTEM? (traces of many old installs, tons of background shit running 24/7, networking etc messing up audio streams, ancient firmware you didnt even know needed updating etc etc etc

    I thought some of your insults were humorous, but then i realized you are on MAC, and i don't feel sorry for you then. IT JUST WORKS, when you pay. So.. PAY :)

    Because R2R do a lot of work in the warez scene, they don't ask for anything in return, and they very VERY rarely miss any license checks in decades of output.

    To me, R2R is more important, useful and selfless than Jesus Christ. Maybe not to you, because you are working on an apple mac.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2021
  17. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    A. Reopen Multi correct

    1.) Save every Patch
    2.) Then save Multi
    3.) Then save Songs

    B. Save Multi

    1.) Save the patches/presets
    2.) Utility
    3.) Save patch as
    4.) and create a new Folder

    C. User @Utada Hikaru says:

    1.) **Note you don't need to fill out all that info/categorys/etc in preset/patch save....
    2.) just choose a name for the preset and press save... done
    3.) if you just want to overwrite a presets just select --> Utility -> Save patch quick
    4.) You really don't need to save the multi (although is always safe to do it).
    The most important thing is to save the patches you are using/modifing.

    I have been using Omnisphere for some years and I have been dealing with this issue with the solution I posted years ago, which is to save the patches. What I do is to save them into the "user" folder of Omnisphere > Genre/Project/Album > Song name, and thats it.

    Everytime you change something in your patches just click on "Save patch quick". And if the next time you open your project and the patches dissapear just go to Patch browser > File Directory, and start selecting the patches, you can even change the "Part 1-8" just above in the same menu. Thats my easy way to deal with the problem, the workflow is minimally affected, at least for me.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2021
  18. Ted

    Ted Ultrasonic

    Jan 1, 2017
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    Personally i don't have anything but thanks for Teams work (R2R and others) it has nothing to do with the subject. I'm not a teenager. I'm just saying since Day 1 omnisphere crack never totaly worked for me and for many users. There are many threads over the internet about Omnisphere not saving patches and multi since 2009 (with all successive OS and re-install). Whatever the team crack. I'm speaking for OSX Users. However, a few OSX users have the chance not experiencing this bug/time bomb. But for me this is still happening with Moria 2.8.1 release.
  19. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    I would update - you will miss the news and with an update your system will be even more stable. I spent hours solving the problem. Here is the result: It is not a timebomb, but is due to the complexity of Omnisphere 2 and we hope that Spectrasonics can solve the problem. Please save your multi's according to the following instructions:

    User @Utada Hikaru says:

    1.) **Note you don't need to fill out all that info/categorys/etc in preset/patch save....
    2.) just choose a name for the preset and press save... done
    3.) if you just want to overwrite a presets just select --> Utility -> Save patch quick
    4.) You really don't need to save the multi (although is always safe to do it).
    5.) The most important thing is to save the patches you are using/modifing.

    I have been using Omnisphere for some years and I have been dealing with this issue with the solution I posted years ago, which is to save the patches. What I do is to save them into the "user" folder of Omnisphere > Genre/Project/Album > Song name, and thats it.

    Everytime you change something in your patches just click on "Save patch quick". And if the next time you open your project and the patches dissapear just go to Patch browser > File Directory, and start selecting the patches, you can even change the "Part 1-8" just above in the same menu. Thats my easy way to deal with the problem, the workflow is minimally affected, at least for me.
  20. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    I spent hours solving the problem. Here is the result: It is not a timebomb, but is due to the complexity of Omnisphere 2 and we hope that Spectrasonics can solve the problem. Please save your multi's according to the following instructions:

    User @Utada Hikaru says:

    1.) **Note you don't need to fill out all that info/categorys/etc in preset/patch save....
    2.) just choose a name for the preset and press save... done
    3.) if you just want to overwrite a presets just select --> Utility -> Save patch quick
    4.) You really don't need to save the multi (although is always safe to do it).
    5.) The most important thing is to save the patches you are using/modifing.

    I have been using Omnisphere for some years and I have been dealing with this issue with the solution I posted years ago, which is to save the patches. What I do is to save them into the "user" folder of Omnisphere > Genre/Project/Album > Song name, and thats it.

    Everytime you change something in your patches just click on "Save patch quick". And if the next time you open your project and the patches dissapear just go to Patch browser > File Directory, and start selecting the patches, you can even change the "Part 1-8" just above in the same menu. Thats my easy way to deal with the problem, the workflow is minimally affected, at least for me.
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