Four new tracks this month

Discussion in 'Work in Process' started by Lenny Belardo II, Sep 26, 2021.

  1. Marseilles

    Marseilles Member

    Sep 4, 2021
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    The only chance we had to lead in the right direction was the guidance of a man of God like you. If you leave, we'll be immersed in pure misery. Please don't do this to us.:sad:
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  2. Fried Potato

    Fried Potato Member

    Sep 23, 2021
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    This is so good :like:
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  3. WizzDome71

    WizzDome71 Producer

    Apr 23, 2020
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    dont leave Lenny
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  4. Marseilles

    Marseilles Member

    Sep 4, 2021
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    Like a tired soldier, go get some rest, then come back soon. :bow:
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2021
  5. Okay. Here's the thing. I'm very sorry for having a tantrum. Where I live we are three months into total lockdown. I haven't left the house for 12 weeks. I am unstable at the best of times, but boredom, booze and pills have this Pope wondering if God has forgotten about me. Those who appreciate the effort I put into writing, I thank you. If it's not your thing, that's fine. We can't be all things to all people.
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  6. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    First of all, solidarity greetings from me.

    These lockdowns are pure agony for everyone, some lost their jobs and thus their income. Often people are scared and many are nervously tense. On the other hand, the only thing that helps is to turn off the television and not read the news any more.
  7. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    One of the greatest human gifts a musician can tap into is their sensitivity. As a musician, it is a double-edged sword. On a musical level, it enables us to feel, express, expand and attempt to inject it into the music we write and attempt to be one with the music and life.

    The flip side of this is very few musicians can take any criticism and even worse, a great many are masochists. They are their own worst critics.
    I always shake my head when people say things like "Harden the fuck up" to a creative musician. The moment they do that, their sensitivity and music also hardens up.

    I am a fan and your friend so I will say this because I know it to be 100% true - There is only one person who has to be happy with what you do - YOU. Sure nobody likes negative criticism and I do not know any creative musician who does - but it is a part of life, the moment we put anything we do, create or compose out into the world, it will be hit with criticism in one shape or form.
    Write on buddy, you love doing it and never let anyone take that love away from you :)

    EDIT - P.S - I do not care what you have done with your voice on an FX level, there is one thing I can say that is beyond reproach - You do not sound like anyone else regardless of who likes it or does not. Some people spend their entire life trying to find their own sound and never do. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2021
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  8. Marseilles

    Marseilles Member

    Sep 4, 2021
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    People's learning system never shuts down and negative opinions have more lasting and substantial effects on them than the positive ones.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2021
  9. Stuck In The 80s

    Stuck In The 80s Rock Star

    Jul 29, 2019
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    Hey thanks for the support. I must admit I was reeling when been told I don't have an ounce of talent but I dusted myself down, channelled those negative energies into something positive.

  10. MarkyMW

    MarkyMW Platinum Record

    Feb 13, 2021
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    Amen brother. No matter what you produce some people just wont like it or get it - and thats fine. Imagine what you'd be producing to get everyone to say "yeh its kinda ok".... probably something you would not be proud of (probably the usual beats and samples with no heart).

    You have your own voice - and thats really quite something, keep it a and keep on writing and recording - not that you need me or anyone else to tell you what to do.

    As for the long winter and lockdown, turn off the news - is probably the best advice (worked for me at least)

    Glad to see you back :yes:
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2021
  11. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    I support anyone who wants to write their own music no matter the style or genre.
    In a world so full of negativity which anyone can do, with a little effort we can all find something good.

    I was supporting him and you and everyone who writes.
    The reason Spotify and other extortionists have made billions is because musicians are divided. If we were all united, they would never have got a look in
  12. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    The worst thing is when you don't get any more criticism at all. Ignorance, intolerance, indifference and stupidity are known to be limitless. If you are famous, you will get to know a lot of people who deserve your fame and swim in your fame, these are the followers and yes-sayers. Most of us here are not famous and are not in the papers or on TV. Are they worth less than others? No, they too belong to the human family and everyone needs some praise and love, some legitimate criticism and some feedback. As long as you get criticism, you exist as a person.
  13. MarkyMW

    MarkyMW Platinum Record

    Feb 13, 2021
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    True - and constructive criticism can be useful, as long as feedback is thoughtful and constructive its usually welcomed by most creatives. That doesn't mean that it needs to be taken or acted upon - whats the quote about assholes? "Opinions are like assholes - everyone's got one".

    I guess if you get a response - any response is better than no response, if thats what you're saying then yes I agree, I think..?

    And no I didn't have any criticism for Lenny because his work sounded finished and complete to me. But again thats just my opinion... back to a-holes again... :woot::unsure::bleh:
  14. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    To the opinion: Many have an opinion - but few have any real influence on things.

    I think it's nice that you write something. If nobody says anything anymore - we can close the business.

  15. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    In this day and age that would be considered an anomaly. If you said completely ignored, to some people, perhaps and definitely more likely than no criticism. Everyone is a critic even if they say nothing. About 3% in the world could call themselves qualified to be a music critic and about .01% of that 3% can actually be objective without any personal likes or dislikes.

    The only time critiques are important is if the composer is making music for the masses. Then it is important. If a composer writes for the sake of the Art, then they never made it for any reason other than the Art and criticism is a moot point, depending on the composer's need to be liked by others. If they wrote for the sake of the Art they do not give a shit about criticism or being liked because they're not seeking anyone's approval. If they do care and they're writing for the Art, then they probably should consider writing for the masses.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2021
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  16. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Interesting views @BaSsDuDe, I prefer to write here in the forum than to write against studied music editors. As you have often mentioned, only a fraction of the editors have any idea of what they are criticizing. But they earn quite a bit from it, pretty poor people, I don't buy their journals. What we are writing here can be described as a counter-public. Nobody here gets paid for writing and doesn't have to figure something out to get paid by his boss. In our forum here, you can very democratically, in seconds, answers to something.
  17. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Opinions are like eyebrows...most people have at least one.

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  18. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    No argument but that's only the perspective I laid out - The thing is it is unlikely anyone won't get criticism of some kind if they post their music here. I do not think I have ever seen someone post some music without at least one person commenting or giving their opinion on this site. That's why I said unlikely and here it would be an anomaly. In other words, while someone may only get one comment, others who listened to it without posting will still have internally critiqued it.
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  19. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Please Help - I am an anomaly - These postings from me have no answer - so zero feedback!
    P.S .: I'm the sound designer Sonic Sirius who made this sound bank.

    The Planets Soundbank by Abc Sound Design for the E-phonic Invader 2 VST
    The Colours Soundset by Sonic Sirius for the Mastrcode Music - T-Force - Zenith VSTi
    The Energy Soundset by ' Sonic Sirius ' for the ' U-HE - Podolski ' Virtual Synthesizer
    The Sound Experience Soundbank by Abc Sound Design for the Psychic Modulation - Phonec 2
    The Abc Soundbank By Sonic Sirius for the Memory Moon - Messiah
    The Tone Adventure Soundbank by Abc Sound Design for the Arturia - Mini-V VST
    The Abc Soundset by Abc Sound Design for the Unfiltered Audio - Lion VSTi
    The ' Sound Experience ' Soundset by HO Sound Research Studio for the ' Ummet Ozcan - Genesis Pro '
    The ' Sound Research Studio ' Soundset By Che For the ' Rop Papen - B.I.T. ' Virtual Synthesizer
    The Wave Energy Soundset by ABC for the Native Instruments - Massive X
    The Beat 100 Soundset by ABC - Sound Design for the AudioRealism - ABL3 Synth
    The ' Sonic Transformation ' Soundset by HO for the ' Vember Audio - Surge ' Virtual Synthesizer
    The Wave Soundbank By Che For The Synapse Audio - Dune 3 Synthesizer
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  20. Stuck In The 80s

    Stuck In The 80s Rock Star

    Jul 29, 2019
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    Look at the stats...

    For this thread... 1,294 views, only 39 replies.

    Those 39 replies coming from 12 users only.

    Only 9 positive responses to the original OP poster.

    Can't see how many plays on Bandcamp for each of the four tracks.

    31 plays for my Soundcloud tongue-in-cheek response.

    I would further suggest that most of the 39 replies are nothing to do with these particular tracks and more to do with how feedback should be given and how it should be taken.

    Most people are apathetic because there is too much content from too many creators and very little originality.