Native Instruments ras3 problem

Discussion in 'Software' started by koschke, Jul 26, 2021.

  1. koschke

    koschke Noisemaker

    May 25, 2012
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    Hi Audioz Family,

    I have a problem with the ras3 folder I can’t see it if go to

    Windows: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Native Instruments\Native Access\ras3

    but if I put the address into my tab, I have access and I can see all the reg files.

    hope someone can help out here.
  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    I sent you something - check your mailbox!
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2021
  4. josenacha

    josenacha Producer

    Dec 17, 2016
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    Ocultar archivos protegidos del sistema operativo = no native access

    untick this on your system to see the ras3 files. they are in the system protected files group.
  5. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    View hidden files and folders in Windows 10
    1. Open File Explorer from the taskbar.

    2. Select View > Options > Change folder and search options.

    3. Select the View tab and, in Advanced settings, select Show hidden files, folders, and drives and OK.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2021
  6. koschke

    koschke Noisemaker

    May 25, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Hi Audiz Brothers,

    first of all, thank you for all the replies…

    my hidden folder option was already activated and that did not solve the problem.

    I delete my Public Documents folder and created a new one after that I could create the folder

    C:\Users\Public\Documents\Native Instruments\Native Access\ras3

    But now all my legit Ni Plugins are in demo mode. So, I reinstall NI access but unfortunate that did not solved the problem. The weird think is that after new installation NI access did not create the ras3 folder. Bu when I open the Ni access it recognizing my plugins and they are activated…

    The only plugins that are working are the plugins that are prepatch from the sister site like Kontakt Maschine and Massive X…

    Real strange problem….

    I hope someone can help me out here…
  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    In my opinion it is not good to use plugins from native instruments and use the cracked plugins. I advise you to decide either native acces (these are purchased) or you delete native acces and only use cracked ones. In my opinion, both lead to conflicts.
  8. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    what for you need "see" this folder? it was on your hdd you was able to go inside this folder with full path.

    are you sure?

    sorry, it was a real stupid action...

    try to reinstall each product in native access.
  9. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    working without any problems.

    conflicts? maybe you can post a proof of this?...
  10. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    .... and with Win10 it is even more important to keep reminding yourself to start a program with administrator rights.

    If you have made sure you are logged in with the correct email address, please try the following basic troubleshooting that can also get the DEMO warning to disappear.
    Go the directories listed below that pertains to your operating system:

    For Mac
    Mac HD > Library > Application Support > Native Instruments > Service Center

    For Windows
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center

    Then delete the following .xml files:
    Native Access.xml

    Should that not help either, please go to the following article and thoroughly go through all the steps to make sure you get the desired result:

    After helping some of you on that thread, it looks like there is two issues here:

    - You have the demo mode on third party instruments. it's possible that you've exceeded the amount of activation allowed by the manufacturer.
    - You have the demo mode on our products. The license may not in the account and you are most likely not logged into Native Access with the right email.
  11. koschke

    koschke Noisemaker

    May 25, 2012
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    thx again fort he replies….

    So tried all like reinstalling through NI Access or delating the xlm file….

    Then I tried to install Guitar Rig the Vr version now every NI plug in is in Demo Mode :woot::rofl:

    Can it be that NI Access put the ras3 folder to the different path any ideas where I can edit them…
    I think i messed up my whole Sys:dunno:

    one more think is that some of my NI plug ins that I bought also shown in Ni Access in demo mode is there a chance that they loked up some of my products. But only some of them....
  12. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    no, ni don't doing this.

    ok, if these products are legit, go to native instruments website and log into your account. then go to page with all your serials and check list of products.

    yes, that's right.

    I can't understand you, guys... you know a 1% of main information about how ni software and activation working, but again and again trying to change it and after that you installed instruments can't working properly. maybe you will asking other users before any changes?
  13. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    My Products Are Showing As DEMO in Native Access

    1. Check your NATIVE ID
    It may be that you are logged in via Native Access with the incorrect account (Native ID). Ensure that you are logging in with the same email address you initially used to register your NI products.

    2. Your activation fails because of corrupted or missing activation tokens
    This can be solved by following the steps outlined here:

    1. Make sure Native Access is closed.
    2. Navigate to the following directory:
      C: > Users > Public > Public Documents
      Important note: Do NOT navigate to "C: > Users > *Your Username* > Documents"!

    3. Delete the folder Native Instruments.
    4. Restart Native Access.

    2.1 If missing the Native Instruments folder
    Please note that if you can't carry out the steps in chapter 2, you might be missing the “Native Instruments” folder at the above location.

    1. Navigate to:
      C: > Users > Public > Public Documents
    2. In this location please create a new folder and name it "Native Instruments".
    3. Within that "Native Instruments" folder, create a new folder called "Native Access".
    4. And finally, within the "Native Access" folder, create an additional folder named "ras3".
      The folder structure should then look like this:
      C: > Users > Public > Public Documents > Native Instruments > Native Access > ras3[​IMG]
    5. Now open Native Access in administrator mode. This can be done by right-clicking the "Native Access.exe" and selecting "Run as administrator".
    3. You have corrupted XML files
    This can be solved by deleting the corrupted XML files and restarting Native Access.
    You can do this as follows:

    1. Navigate to:
      C: > Program Files > Common Files > Native Instruments > Service Center
    2. Delete the Native Access.xml file and the *NAME OF PRODUCT IN DEMO MODE*.xml file.
    3. Restart Native Access. New .xml files will automatically be created.
  14. koschke

    koschke Noisemaker

    May 25, 2012
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    now it’s really crazy....:disco:

    I have now two folders with the same name.....the Public Documents Folder:unsure:

    C: > Users > Public > Public Documents

    two times:woot:

    in one folder everything is as it should but in the other its only NI Resources.:guru:

    In the folder where you can only see the NI Resources is also containing the folder Native Access but you can’t see....:excl:
    it to enter the folder you have to tip in the addressee manually....:excl:

    Still thinking that Win 10 is doing some shitty thinks...:snuffy:

    the good think is that I put inside that folder the ras3 with all VR licenses and most of the plug ins are working again but some not....
    any suggestion are welcome again thanks to all members that are helping...
    and one last thing
    NEVER CHANGE A WINNING TEAM (or a working System):bow:
  15. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    these folders have different names...
    or it was your mistake - look better at folders names.

    what is the ui language of your system? english or any other?
  16. koschke

    koschke Noisemaker

    May 25, 2012
    Likes Received:
    sorry for the confusion it was C: > Users > Public > Public Documents
    the folder Public Documents was two times i deleted both and change win 10 language to english and reinsall Ni Access but this time I saw that only a couple of legit plugins been activatet and some legit not in my NI Access. So put my Serial again in but nothing changed.
    So this time I can only use two plugins that are also activated in Ni access but I do not understant where NI Access can see how many plugins are activated without the ras3 files...
    And why are the plugin not checkin the root of
    C: > Users > Public > Public Documents > Native Instruments > Native Access > ras3
    I created that folder with all the licence...
  17. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
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    you didn't untick, hide protected system files.
    the ras3 folder is an hidden system file. the licenses are inside
  18. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Show hidden files
    Windows 7 Windows 10 Windows 8.1

    Here's how to display hidden files and folders.

    1. In the search box on the taskbar, type folder, and then select Show hidden files and folders from the search results.

    2. Under Advanced settings, select Show hidden files, folders, and drives, and then select OK.
    1. Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, then select Search (or if you're using a mouse, point to the upper-right corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer down, and then select Search).

    2. Type folder in the search box, then select Folder Options from the search results.

    3. Select the View tab.

    4. Under Advanced settings, select Show hidden files, folders, and drives, and then select OK.
    1. Select the Start button, then select Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization.

    2. Select Folder Options, then select the View tab.

    3. Under Advanced settings, select Show hidden files, folders, and drives, and then select OK.
    View hidden files and folders in Windows 10
    Windows 10
    1. Open File Explorer from the taskbar.

    2. Select View > Options > Change folder and search options.

    3. Select the View tab and, in Advanced settings, select Show hidden files, folders, and drives and OK.
  19. koschke

    koschke Noisemaker

    May 25, 2012
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    thank you for alle the advises bevor I can go through all that is their possibility to recover my deleted public folder

    I create a new one but I search through google and saw that creating a new folder is not the same as windows creating it so any advises how to recreate the public folder under Windows 10…
  20. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
    Likes Received:
    you need to turn on "show system files and folder" too.

    open that folder in explorer entered full path, right click -> properties (of folder) -> attributes
    and look at folder attributes to understand permission limitations, etc...

    and little note: screenshots better then words, always.
  21. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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