Camel Audio Alchemy Libraries

Discussion in 'Software' started by mlb4sheaz, Jan 25, 2015.


    DISTR3SSOR Noisemaker

    Apr 8, 2021
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    Please send it to me too
  2. Aussiebat

    Aussiebat Noisemaker

    Jul 11, 2021
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    NSW South Coast
    How do you install the samples from the "Camelsounds" file? I read that you need Alchemy 2? Is that right? I'm looking through my backups but don't seem to have that - just an Apple Alchemy 2.3.9. IPA file.
  3. Aussiebat

    Aussiebat Noisemaker

    Jul 11, 2021
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    NSW South Coast
    Oops, sorry, I found it hiding in the same folder as my old Alchemy dll. However I found that a lot of presets require sample files in the factory samples that I don't have (I only have the player 1,55). Does anyone have the Alchemy Factory presets and samples in the same format as these ones created by Phatboy?
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2021
  4. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    I have send you a PM. Better you take the Full Version of Alchemy. The Last Alchemy is: v1.5.0 - 64 Bit.
    Please always specify your operating system - Windows or Mac.

    1.) Create a folder for example "Camel Audio - Alchemy
    2.) Pack all Alchemy files in this folder including the registry key "AlchemyKey.aky" and the "AlchemyWin-1-50-1.exe"
    3.) Do not unzip the files - click on the installer / Setup.exe and the installer will install everything and unzip it.


    Free Soundbank Bundle for Alchemy
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2021
  5. Aussiebat

    Aussiebat Noisemaker

    Jul 11, 2021
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    NSW South Coast
    Thanks - great information and will no doubt save heaps of time in the end. Great to see the "original" Camel software being preserved. It was my favourite years ago and is stlll better than a lot of the stuff being delivered now.

    Cheers mate, really appreciated.
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  6. Strat4ever

    Strat4ever Rock Star

    Aug 17, 2019
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  7. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I don't fond Alchemy outdated at all. That's like saying Virus TI is outdated because it's 10 years old [estimation]. Alchemy is still a great synth with great sounds. :wink:
  8. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Well there also was version 1.55:
    Just search "Camel-Audio Alchemy Full v1.55 CE R5-V.R" on sister site.
    There is an issue with that, and one needs to scan using the "1.55 Player Only" to avoid some issue due to the presets not being cleaned up perfectly.
    I used to keep both the 1.55 Full & "Player Only" .dlls in my "64vst-hold" folder to swap in:
    The player only for scanning the library and the Full for main use /editing.
    As was mentioned
    "SineWave 2017.04.10:
    I think maybe you should try overwriting your factory patches with the ones from "Alchemy Player Expanded".
    Those are newer than the ones that come with this version. Maybe some of these are not cleaned up properly.
    Also, all other patches should be from the "1.50" series here @ AudioZ.

    So to avoid any problems, the best course of action is to install the player version and scan all the presets with it.
    Then if you wish to "edit source", backup the VST DLL, install R5 over it and edit your sound.
    You may wish to backup the VST DLL of this R5 for future usage, so you don't have to reinstall everything,
    just overwrite the Alchemy Player VST DLL with the R5 one and vice versa if you feel like using the Player version.
    Both DLLs work alright without any re-installation."
    Also another recent comment (of course you can read on the 3rd page):
    So I had been using the Alchemy Player "Expanded" version for quite some time with all the libraries posted here by the user phatboy303. I had placed all the libraries on a separate drive.
    When I tried to install this on top of the Player, it resulted in a crash while scanning for plugins in REAPER. After looking around, I found out that installing this version initialises the configuration file named AlchemyConfig.txt which is present in C:\ProgramData\Camel Audio\Alchemy, which changes the path for the library directories. I changed the paths to the correct location, rescanned in REAPER, and now it works fine.

    So if anyone has their samples in another location and is facing a similar problem, simply change the paths to the correct location and it should fix the problem!"

    Player Only is also available:
    (but as @demha mentions below you can also use the 32-bit full version- rename the DLLs and you can have both available in your DAW for 'scanning' vs 'normal use')
    Search:"Camel Audio Alchemy Player v1.55.0 WiN X86 X64 ONLY Patch 1"

    Well there is plenty in this thread and in AZ comments to help get it working - cool thing :yes:
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2021
  9. demha

    demha Producer

    Nov 3, 2017
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    Btw instead of the "Player" version you can also use the 32bit only version of the Full plugin v1.55 CE R5 to scan for presets without crashing the daw. I swap between 32bit for scanning new presets and 64bit for main use. If using FLstudio just be aware that by default if both the dll are the same name it combines 32 and 64 bit as a single entry. You can also just have both without having to swap by just renaming the 32 bit dll as Alchemy32.dll...

    Oh i forgot to mention that all presets work with the 1.55 full version except for some (58 presets) from "Cameleon Remixed" Library see this link for the list
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2021
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  10. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Reading this thread and looking on Sister Site is maybe the best way to know all there is to know on this :yes:
  11. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I find that installing the 1.55 Full does the trick.
    The 32-bit scans presets well with no problem and also can edit.
    The 64-bit works great, but as noted, it crashes while scanning.

    I renamed the 32-bit DLL to "Alchemy.32.dll" & the 64-bit to "Alchemy.64.dll" and both show with those names in FL Studio.
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  12. Aussiebat

    Aussiebat Noisemaker

    Jul 11, 2021
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    NSW South Coast
    Thanks and Kudos to Beat16, Phatboy303, DoubleTake and anyone else that gave advice. I had forgotten just how brilliant Alchemy is! Many of the samples are superior to those I have bought recently from big-name companies. Eventually I kept the version of Alchemy Player I still had installed and updated / replaced the presets and soundbanks from the Sister Site thanks to Phatboy :) - Everything worked just fine! The only slight issue was some of the dwnld sites had since remove the files I needed, but eventually was able to download all 7 parts. I'm installing one at a time so I can "taste" each library as I go.
    Thanks again to all those on the forum who saved the CamelSounds Alchemy from extinction!
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  13. livemouse

    livemouse Producer

    Feb 13, 2016
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    i've been trying off and on to get this to work for many years. I can get Alchemy to work but just about any preset i try to load ends up missing several samples. I've also spent so much time searching for every possible full release in order to collect all the factory sounds, but it never seems to be enough. always missing some samples. Is there a master list of all the preset libraries so I can try to find which ones contain the samples that are missing? that way i could just directly search for those libraries.
  14. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    I have a send a PM to you !
  15. Aussiebat

    Aussiebat Noisemaker

    Jul 11, 2021
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    NSW South Coast
    Does anyone have any suggestions re DL of Achemy "Dream Voices"?

    On the Sister Site, there are 4 or 5 DL options. All lead to dead links except one to 'Uploaded'. As its 1GB, I needed a premium subscription, which seems to be slower than the free subscription! Promising a 16 hour DL, but at the current rate (less than 1MB per minute!), it will not meet that target. Does anyone know of another option that is actually reliable?

    UPDATE: Using the (not so) premium service, I finally accessed the file, but it took 20 hours for 1GB. Seems Uploaded has faced legal action and while it still operates (after a fashion) it seems it may no longer be maintained, fixed or updated. :-(
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2021
  16. livemouse

    livemouse Producer

    Feb 13, 2016
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    very helpful comment.

    I still am unable to get this thing going. the problem is that i have every _preset_ in the world for this, but for some reason almost none of the _samples_ that correspond to the presets. I'd need to do some factory re-installs. very clunky preset management to the point of forget this. this is a case of "even if it was free..." damn i wish i could figure this out but there's only so many hours in the day.
  17. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    All Wav samples go into the sample folder.
    C:\ProgramData\Camel Audio\Alchemy\Samples

    .acp ------> C:\ProgramData\Camel Audio\Alchemy\Presets
    .wav ------> C:\ProgramData\Camel Audio\Alchemy\Samples

    Last edited: Jul 28, 2021
  18. livemouse

    livemouse Producer

    Feb 13, 2016
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    the trouble is i have a bunch of presets that i don't have the samples for. i think they should be in the 9GB pack. but my new strategy is to just delete then reinstall from scratch what 3 or 4 versions I do have, working my way up to version 155.
  19. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Many people feel that they are missing samples! You can then download my soundsets later.

    Free Soundbank Bundle for Alchemy

    Rainbow Spectrum - 54 Presets - *:ACP - *.AAZ -*. WAV - 01-2012 - 82 MB
    Mission Soundset - 32 Presets - *:ACP - *.AAZ -*. WAV - 02-2012 - 293 MB
    Circadian Rhythm - 32 Presets - *:ACP - *.AAZ -*. WAV - 05-2013 - 27 MB
    Orion-Nebula-Floating - 93 Presets - *:ACP - *.AAZ -*. WAV - 09-2013 - 4,9 MB
    Electronic PC - 71 Presets - *:ACP - *.AAZ -*. WAV - 03-2012 - 13 MB
    Art of Wave - 66 Presets - *:ACP - *.AAZ -*. WAV - 01-2013 - 6,6 MB
    Chronometer - 52 Presets - *:ACP - *.AAZ -*. WAV - 07-2013 - 163 MB
    Radio Waves - 64 Presets - *. ACP, *.AAZ, *.WAV - 12-2013 - 51 MB
    Yanomamai Drum - 64 Presets - *:ACP - *.AAZ -*. WAV - 12-2013 - 2,6 MB
    Ebb and Flow - 64 Presets - *:ACP - *.AAZ -*. WAV - 02-2014 - 9,67 MB
    Sound Waves - 69 Presets - *:ACP - *.AAZ -*. WAV - 08-2014 - 135 MB
    Abiogenesis - 27 Presets - *:ACP - *.AAZ -*. WAV - 12-2011 - 37 MB
    Tone Adventure - 100 Presets - *.ACP - *.AAZ -*.WAV - 04-2015 - 53 MB
    Digital Revolution - 64 Presets - *.ACP - *.AAZ -*.WAV - 08-2016 - 13 MB.

    This free soundest is royalty free but may not be resold for a profit.

    Sonic Sirius - Synthesizer Soundsets
    Freeware Soundsets for Software and Hardware Synthesizer

    Put The Soundsets Into: C:\ProgramData\Camel Audio\Alchemy\Presets
    Don't Forget To “ Rescan “ In The Alchemy Preset Browser

    Free Download
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2021

    Attached Files:

  20. Aragorn

    Aragorn Newbie

    Mar 4, 2024
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    Newb here trying to revive my old CA Alchemy patches on Logic ... most were built on the sample libraries (I owned a majority of them). I stupidly backed up .acp files but not samples and the external hd took a dump.

    Can someone PM me where I can go. Danke.
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