Kontakt crack on m1 big sur

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by ssssssssffffffff, May 11, 2021.

  1. ssssssssffffffff

    ssssssssffffffff Newbie

    May 11, 2021
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    so i install kontakt, i patch it and idk why but when i play fl and i open kontakt it look like not patched and when i add library it ask me to open native instuments
  3. jack76

    jack76 Newbie

    May 12, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Hi, My intel macook pro 2018 had some motherboard issues so its under replacement, in the mean time I got an apple M1 MacBook . The issue is that the Kontakt libraries are getting added in Kontakt version 5.6.6..Once I add the libraries and restart Kontakt 5.6.6 the libraries are missing in kontak 5.6.6 and Kontakt 6.5.1...Please some one help me out has I had to give an output of an ongoing project..
  4. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
    Likes Received:
  5. eyngii2

    eyngii2 Member

    Feb 16, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Hi! I have a M1 Macbook Pro and it was quiet complicated to make Kontakt 6 work. I have Kontakt 6.5.3 now. I'll explain how I did it, hope this will work for you.

    Before you begin, please install Kontakt 6 (I recommend 6.5.3 from MORIA)
    After that follow these steps:


    1. Type in terminal (only the first time or when Xcode is not installed yet):
    xcode-select --install


    2. Type in terminal:
    sudo codesign —force —deep —sign - /Applications/Native\ Instruments/Kontakt/Kontakt.app


    3. Type in terminal (only the first time):
    PRODUCT=("Abbey Road 50s Drummer" "Abbey Road 60s Drummer" "Abbey Road 70s Drummer" "Abbey Road 80s Drummer" "Abbey Road Modern Drummer" "Abbey Road Vintage Drummer" "Action Strikes" "Action Strings" "Alicias Keys" "Amati Viola" "Ambius" "Ambiant Guitars" "Analog Dreams" "ANALOG BRASS AND WINDS" "ANALOG STRINGS" "Antidrum Machine" "Apocalypse Elements" "Areia" "Arkhis" "Array Mbira" "Artist Series - Randys Prepared Piano" "Artist Series - Tina Guo Acoustic Cello Legato" "Artist Series - Tina Guo vol 2" "AURAS" "Balinese Gamelan" "Berlin Orchestra Inspire" "Berlin Orchestra Inspire 2" "Bioscape" "Bowls" "Box of Tricks" "British Drama Toolkit" "Broken Wurli" "Butch Vig Drums" "Capriccio" "Carillon" "Chime" "Cerberus" "Cinebrass" "CineBrass Sonore" "CineHarps" "CinePerc" "CineStrings CORE" "CineWinds CORE" "Cloud Supply" "Cuba" "Cycles" "Da Capo" "Damage" "Damage 2" "Drum Lab" "East Asia" "Eclipse" "Electro Acoustic" "Elysium Harp" "Emotional Piano" "Emotive Strings" "Espressivo" "Ethereal Earth" "Evolution Flatwound Bass" "Evolution Roundwound Bass" "Evolve Mutations" "Evolve Mutations 2" "Evolve R2" "EXHALE" "FORZO" "Genesis Childrens Choir" "George Duke Soul Treasures" "GGD Modern and Massive" "Glitch Hero" "GP01 Natural Forces" "GP02 Vocalise" "GP03 Scoring Guitars" "GP04 Vocalise 2" "GP05 Scoring Guitars 2" "GP06 Scoring Bass" "Grand Marimba" "Gravity" "Grosso" "Guarneri Violin" "Guzheng" "Haunted Spaces" "Hauschka Composer Toolkit" "Hopkin Instrumentarium Rattletines" "Hopkin Instrumentarium Tines and Echoes" "Hybrid Keys" "Hyperion Strings Elements" "Ibrido Cinematica" "Ibrido Cinematica Free Edition" "Indie" "India" "INVASION" "Jaeger" "Kinetic Metal" "Kinetic Toys" "Kinetic Treats" "Konkrete" "Kontakt Factory Library" "Kontakt Factory Selection" "SonokeneticLargo" "Legacy" "Lo-Fi Glow" "London Contemporary Orchestra Strings" "London Contemporary Orchestra Textures" "Lumina" "Mallet Flux" "Maschine Drum Selection" "Matt Halpern Signature Pack" "Maximo" "Metropolis Ark 1" "Metropolis Ark 2" "Metropolis Ark 3" "Metropolis Ark 4" "Middle East" "Mimi Page Light and Shadow" "Modal Runs" "Modular Icons" "Moonkits" "Monster Low Winds" "Morpheus" "Mosaic Keys" "Mosaic Voices" "Motor Rhythms" "Mysteria" "Noir" "Noire" "NOVO" "NP01 Intimate Textures" "NP02 Rhythmic Textures" "NP03 Synthetic Strings" "Nucleus" "Nyckelharpas" "Olafur Arnalds Chamber Evolutions" "Olafur Arnalds Composer Toolkit" "Olafur Arnalds Evolutions" "Ondes Martenot" "One Kit Wonder - Modern Fusion" "Orbit" "Ostinato Noir" "Ostinato Woodwinds" "P4 Matt Halpern Signature pack" "Pan Drums" "Pharlight" "Play Series Selection" "Requiem Light" "Retro Machines Mk2" "REV" "REV X-LOOPS" "Rhythmic Odyssey" "Rise And Hit" "Samulnori Percussion" "Scarbee A-200" "Scarbee Clavinet Pianet" "Scarbee Funk Guitarist" "Scarbee Jay-Bass" "Scarbee Mark I" "Scarbee MM-Bass" "Scarbee MM-Bass Amped" "Scarbee Pre-Bass" "Scarbee Pre-Bass Amped" "Scarbee Rickenbacker Bass" "Scarbee Vintage Keys" "Session Guitarist - Electric Sunburst" "Session Guitarist - Electric Sunburst Deluxe" "Session Guitarist - Picked Acoustic" "Session Guitarist - Strummed Acoustic" "Session Guitarist - Strummed Acoustic 2" "Session Horns" "Session Horns Pro" "Session Strings" "Session Strings 2" "Session Strings Pro" "Session Strings Pro 2" "Sheng khaen Sho" "Shreddage 3 Abyss" "Signal" "Skiddaw Stones" "Sleighbells II" "Sotto" "Studio Drummer" "Stradivari Cello" "Stradivari Violin" "Straylight" "SUBSTANCE" "Swing\!" "Swing More\!" "Symphobia" "Symphobia 2" "Symphobia 4 Pandora" "Symphobia Colours Animator" "Symphobia Colours Orchestra" "Symphony Essentials Brass Ensemble" "Symphony Essentials Brass Solo" "Symphony Essentials String Ensemble" "Symphony Essentials Woodwind Ensemble" "Symphony Essentials Woodwind Solo" "Symphony Series Brass Ensemble" "Symphony Series Brass Solo" "Symphony Series Percussion" "Symphony Series String Ensemble" "Symphony Series Woodwind Ensemble" "Symphony Series Woodwind Solo" "Talos" "The Attic 2" "The Canterbury Suitcase" "The Gentleman" "The Giant" "The Grandeur" "The Maverick" "Thrill" "Time Macro" "Tingklik" "Trailer Guitars 2" "Tutti Vox" "Una Corda" "Vibraphone" "Vintage Organs" "Voices Of Gaia" "Voices Of Rapture" "Voice Of Wind Adey" "Voices of War - Men of the North" "VOXOS" "Watchmaker" "West Africa" "Xtended Piano" )

    for product in "${PRODUCT[@]}"


    sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.native-instruments."$product".plist Name "$product"

    sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.native-instruments."$product".plist ContentDir Users/Shared



    4. Type in terminal:
    exec bash


    5. Type in terminal:

    cd "$(dirname "$0")"

    #xml=$(basename "$file" .nicnt).xml


    find "$(pwd)" -name "*.nicnt" -type f | while read file


    awk '/ProductHints/, $NF ~ /\/ProductHints/' "$file" | xmllint --format --recover - > "$xml"

    plist="/Library/Preferences/com.native-instruments.$(xmllint --xpath 'string(//Name)' "$xml").plist"

    sudo rm "$plist"

    ContentDir=$(echo $(dirname "$file") | tr / :)

    sudo defaults write "$plist" ContentDir "${ContentDir#":"}:"


    for key in RegKey SNPID Name HU JDX UPID AuthSystem ; do

    if [[ "$(xmllint --xpath "string(//$key)" "$xml")" ]]


    sudo defaults write "$plist" $key "$(xmllint --xpath "string(//$key)" "$xml")"



    v=$(xmllint --xpath 'string(//ProductSpecific/Visibility)' "$xml")

    sudo defaults write "$plist" Visibility -int $v

    defaults read "$plist"



    If you want to add libraries directly into Kontakt 6, I recommend to use the following tool by KiTTY

    If you have trouble with adding libraries because they don't have a .nicnt file, just use the app NICNT Generator before you add it with the app above
    Last edited: May 13, 2021
  6. rollerball

    rollerball Platinum Record

    May 27, 2020
    Likes Received:
    @eyngii2 Please remove all the links in your post.

    Take a look at the Forum Rules before posting:
    The links in your post are warez links, and are prohibited on the forum. :no:
  7. Dimentagon

    Dimentagon Rock Star

    Aug 7, 2018
    Likes Received:
    The Microshperic Anomaly
    Tested and working on
    Mac M1 Big Sur 11.5.2
    Logic 10.6.3
    Studio One 5.3.0 Build 65413
    Reaper 6.36.0
    Bitwig 4.02

    Spent some time getting this working as I have a big Windows Kontakt Library that I run Via AudioGridder and I wanted to have a smaller version of my main libraries in my main Daw.
    I Killed the previous Version 5 and 6 installs and started from scratch. That included deleting preference files, and service center XML's. Not saying this is essential, just tidier and it worked for me.

    Install the latest Native Access (Download from NI direct)
    Available on the sister site:
    Installed Native Instruments Kontakt 6 v6 5 2-macOS following all instructions

    Installed Kontakt.6.6.0.MORiA.Dmg (essentially an update to 6.6) following all instructions

    Use the NICNT Creator by Fred Bloggs

    Important Points:

    1: the latest Native Access must be installed to see any Library

    2: You can install libraries on an external drive other than your OSX drive.

    Some Libraries show up and some don’t. The fix that worked for me was to install the library (or drag an existing library that I have on my Windows Kontakt Library installation)

    To Mac\users\shared\ folder than use the NICNT creator

    There is a file created in library\preferences\ folder called

    com.native-instruments. "the library you are installing”.plist
    eg: com.native-instruments.straylight.plist

    This file is important and If you are having trouble delete this file and start again with the NICT creator

    3: I copied the whole Library folder created in Mac\users\shared\ over to my external drive.

    4: Boot Kontakt 6.6 standalone and hit manage libraries and see if the library appears and boot native access from the dialogue window.

    5 Sometimes Kontakt will ask you to locate the library from this window and at this point, you should locate the copy on your external drive

    6: If the Library is showing up delete the copy in your Mac\users\shared\ folder

    7. Close Kontakt and open it again and if it cannot locate the library (shows up Red) point it the copy on your external drive

    8: All Libraries show up as “Demo” and your Kontakt will show as player, this is normal.

    Hope this is helpful.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2021
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