Komplete Kontrol - Get the cracked libraries visible (and other pbs!)

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by Nemorensis, Nov 27, 2019.

  1. Nemorensis

    Nemorensis Newbie

    Nov 26, 2019
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    Hi everyone,

    In short:
    I have libraries integration problems. Some disappear, some are not registered. I also have a volume problem while playing the Gentleman.

    I believe I did my homework before posting here but I cannot find solutions to my problems. I saw a post related to my current situation but, unless barrier language, it is not happening the way it is supposed to be.

    I installed the Portable cracked Kontakt 6.xx.
    I downloaded cracked versions of Chris Hein, the violin solo of Spitfire, Albion Iceni and EWQL RA.
    I bought the last NI KKS88 MkII with Komplete Krontol Essential included.
    Last, after downloading all the plugins from KK Essential I downgraded to a cracked version of KK 2.xx

    On the cracked Kontakt 6:
    I can see my Chris Hein plugins in the library and use them.
    I cannot see Albion Iceni.
    I can see EWQL RA but I cannot open it "Libray not registered".

    I tried tools to fix libraries found here and there but I don't really understand what to do and I believe it does match with my problems.

    MORE important, n Komplete Kontrol cracked:
    I can see and use the official libraries.
    I cannot see anymore the Chris Hein and other unofficial libraries. I saw I could load Kontakt in KK but the libraries still don't show up.
    I bought the keyboard to use the interface as I am a beginner and I thought it was more user-friendly.

    Right now, I can only use the Essential series and you can imagine, based on my custom download that I have no care whatsoever of what they propose as I want to create orchestral music, using the TEC Breath Controller 2 (that I hope will work smoothly).

    Last, The Gentleman (piano plugin) and Pianoteq 6 have such a weak sound that I can barely enjoy them! :( I saw that a few years ago it was a problem of velocity but it should be fixed by now. When I try to increase the volume, the sound is distorted ( this problem of distortion cap was also present on the demo computer of the shop I bought the material by the way).

    Those are lots of questions and I would appreciate your help, especially as I am considering returning the material so time is unfortunately limited.

    Thank you.
  3. Nemorensis

    Nemorensis Newbie

    Nov 26, 2019
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    PS: Not sure whether I can post the download links/torrents here to show what I have downloaded. If I can, just let me know!
  4. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    If you did some research, you would have seen that other people also have problems with Iceni. EWQL RA is also super old library, no wonder it is not recognised by Kontakt.
    About KK - do you honestly expect it to recognise illegally imported libraries? It will require some workaround, idk, I don't have NI keyboard and don't use KK.

    Honestly, no offense, you are a idiot for buying top tier hardware controller along with Komplete 12 and not even checking what you got (some of which is way better than downloaded libraries you listed). If you patches distort, check the volumes of the faders in the program..
  5. frozensnow

    frozensnow Producer

    Nov 2, 2016
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    Hey there, let me chime in here too to help you out a bit.

    Let me start from the beginning.

    First of all it is important to note that Komplete Kontrol and Kontakt are separated and that Kontakt Portable doesn't have the same level of integration with Komplete Kontrol because it's not "installed". I recommend you to use the one by R4E, or if you want the latest one, the 6.2.0 release that isn't portable. Komplete Kontrol loads Kontakt whenever it is told to load a library. If a library isn't "NKS" ready, it will not show up in the side panel. Thus, making you believe you can't load it.

    There is a workaround for this I found though. Please note that it will not map macro's to your piano. It will most likely show keyswitches lighting up though, so that's a plus!

    To do this:
    1. Open Komplete Kontrol

    2. Click the Plus button, in the square in the top left. Load up Kontakt.


    3. Enable "Edit View" (note, I modified Kontakt slightly so it looks different here)


    4. Click these 2 buttons to hide the remaining UI elements


    5. You can now load any Kontakt library


    It's also safe to note that Komplete Kontrol doesn't have to be cracked. Again, it isn't the thing that loads the libraries, it only loads plugins. All you need to know is that if Kontakt can load it, Komplete Kontrol can. Kontakt has to be cracked however, if you want to use cracked libraries.

    1. The Chris Hein libraries will work. They can be loaded and thus will show up within Komplete Kontrol (in the kontakt instance inside of it)
    2. Albion Iceni has some trouble working correctly. I recommend deleting the registry keys for it, and using a tool like mini-nicnt to add it instead.
    3. EWQL RA is old, and not made for Kontakt thus it will not work. And if it does, it will not work correctly. You may try to use mini-nicnt here too to force it to be a library.

    1. This is intended behavior, these libraries have NKS integration thus will directly show up.
    2. These libraries can work, with the fix posted above.
    3a. Komplete piano's aren't beginner pianos. But they aren't difficult to use. Please note that what you're trying to do is illegal. AKA, loading cracked libraries isn't intended. Also note that some libraries are not integrated with NKS, this has to be done by the sample library developer.
    3b. The issues you're facing have nothing to do with the interface nor keyboard itself as they work as intended. All you need to do is load Kontakt as a plugin ;)

    You shouldn't increase the gain too much. This introduces crackling and distortion. That's not a mistake in the plugin but rather just what happens when the output of the plugin becomes louder than the maximum set in Kontakt. I recommend using a compressor or something like that.

    I hope this answers the bulk of your questions, if you need more info let me know.

    There's no need to be so harsh, he's just asking a few questions. He said he did research but couldn't figure it out. Instead of slamming him for things he doesn't know, you could just tell him what you do know. No one here is an idiot. We all have to learn it one way or another and he did say he was a beginner after all. Also, since you don't have have a Komplete piano, nor use Komplete Kontrol, it's not really helpful towards him regardless. No offense of course. You were right in regards to RA and you have a point regarding patch distortion.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2019
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  6. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
  7. frozensnow

    frozensnow Producer

    Nov 2, 2016
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    Odd, I'll upload them to another host.

    EDIT: Fixed, hopefully they work now.
  8. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Hehe, dude, he payed more than 1000 euro for his premium midi piano and Komplete bundle. I didn't want to shame or be harsh; but it is silly to load some of the downloaded "garbage" like "Ra" or "Iceni" (at least, imo) when he already gets better libraries with Komplete.
  9. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    You cant, it is not allowed to post links to wares here ... :no:
  10. Nemorensis

    Nemorensis Newbie

    Nov 26, 2019
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    While I acknowledge that you possess good knowledge on this subject, since you cannot demonstrate a minimum of manners or positive thinking in your behavior, I, as the OP, would like you to refrain to post in this thread anymore.
    There is no place to debate here whether you have a point or not. I am simply not interested. Thank you.
  11. Nemorensis

    Nemorensis Newbie

    Nov 26, 2019
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    A big thank to you Frozensnow! :)

    First of all, I wanted to tell you how much I was charmed by so much generosity in your answer, very detailed, comprehensive and articulated. I even showed it to a friend yesterday! :)

    I spent some time to find the appropriate apps and install them properly while following your instructions. For the people who are interested, there is not yet a cracked version of Kontakt 6.2.0 from R4E that we can directly install. Only an update version is available so we need to install a complete version first (cracked or not), then launch the cracked update.

    I launched successfully the libraries and used them with my S88Mk2.

    As for Iceni, I looked for mini-nicnt but could not find it so far. Same issue with EWQL RA. However, there is no emergency.

    Of course, I have lots of questions but I wanted to thank you above all. Questions will come later, if you don't mind! ;)

    I just have one as it is annoying: How can I launch KK with Kontakt already open in the Library view as you showed me, so that I don't have to do it every time I close the application?

    Best to you! :wink:

  12. frozensnow

    frozensnow Producer

    Nov 2, 2016
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    Hey, thanks for the compliment Nemorensis!
    I think it's important to share info if you have it. In my case I know Komplete Kontrol and Kontakt inside out for the most part, so if I can help you with anything I'll do my best to do so :mates:

    This is absolutely correct, which is why I originally said that if you wanted the newer one you should look at another one :P

    Once you install Kontakt's latest version (or any 6 version) properly, it should show up in Native Access as "Kontakt 6 Player".
    From there, you can update it as a new version comes available so that you only have to download a patch whenever it's cracked.
    Keep in mind that you should only really update once a crack is available, as updating via Native Access returns it back to the free player status.

    You can find mini-nicnt here.
    Using it is very easy. A video is provided.

    One thing to keep in mind is that you should only have ONE nicnt in the root folder of a library. So, make sure to only have .nicnt file in the base folder where the library files are in. You will also need a wallpaper to go with the library. An NICNT generated by mini-nicnt alone will show up as a grey box. To have some form of image within Kontakt, you must place an image next to it.

    Provided for you here is an example for RA I downloaded from here:

    Download this and put it next to the NICNT file you made with mini-nicnt. Make sure it's called "wallpaper.png"!

    You can find more wallpapers by simply searching for the library name + wallpaper, either on google or here on the forum. If you can't find one you're looking for, there's a topic here that should be able to help you out further.

    In your venture with Kontakt you will sometimes encounter a library that only has an NICNT file, but still shows up having a wallpaper. That's because NICNT is a container, not just an XML file or what have you. The sample library developer can ask Native Instruments to embed one in their NICNT.

    Kontakt uses a load order for them, so you can still use your own if you really want.

    It first checks if the NICNT file has one inside
    Then it checks if you have one next to the nicnt with the name "Wallpaper"
    If it finds one next to the NICNT, it gets priority over the one embedded.

    Since Orchestral Tools libraries ship with wallpapers, that were all different from each other, I used this method to add some more consistency.

    This is how I went from:



    Remember though, a wallpaper is just there for you to look at, to get a quick glance at your libraries. It isn't mandatory to have :guru:

    Alternatively, you can also use the quickload method.
    You can find it here:


    It works like a mini file explorer specifically designed for instruments and multis

    To add folders to it, simply drag and drop one from your file manager or finder. It'll automatically ignore any file that it deems unimportant.

    No problem! Feel free to ask away. If there's something I can't answer I'll let you know too :wink:

    Don't worry, you're not annoying!

    This can only be done from within a DAW. Not in the standalone as far as I'm aware.
    My main DAW is Cubase. There it's really easy; just right click the top bar and save it as the default preset.


    I'm not sure how you'd do this for other DAW's. I think a google search would help you further there!

    Let me know if you have any further questions!
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2019
  13. Nemorensis

    Nemorensis Newbie

    Nov 26, 2019
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    Great answer once again! :)

    Sorry for the late reply. I got things to do in between.

    First of all, thanks again for this extremely comprehensive reply. There is no space for any doubt in your explanation. It is crystal clear.

    I faced a different problem with Iceni. I used the app as explained, deleted first anything related to its name in the registry and tried different SNPID numbers to see how it would work but I have two problems:

    - Library not detected and hence absent of the library thumbnails
    - if I use the quickload, I get this message: "This instrument belongs to a library that is currently not installed".

    Same for RA, but it appears in the library, at least.

    I fixed the problem with Iceni. I had to add some keys with Regedit as another tutorial was explaining on the forum AND I had to change the PID to 857 when creating the NICNT file.

    I received the TEC Breath Controller 2. It is nice and I am still working on setting up the Midi CC for it as it is the first time I am using them.
    My first feedback is that the biting is actually way too hard. It is dangerous for the teeth. I am considering disabling it.

    However, one more time, like the Gentleman, I observe that the velocity/volume of my keyboard is TOO low. I get the real volume only when I disable the velocity sensibility with the full left button on my keyboard (FIX VEL). Hammering the keyboard or using the wheel do not help. I suspect a problem with my keyboard. Or I am "the man in the middle..." :'D


    Last edited: Dec 3, 2019
  14. Nemorensis

    Nemorensis Newbie

    Nov 26, 2019
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    Addendum : The velocity tends to decrease after the beginning and get back to its original level after I reload the patch.
  15. Nemorensis

    Nemorensis Newbie

    Nov 26, 2019
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  16. cleta.huels

    cleta.huels Newbie

    Feb 14, 2020
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    Honestly, no offense, you are a idiot for buying top tier hardware controller along with Komplete 12 and not even checking what you got (some of which is way better than downloaded libraries you listed). If you patches distort, check the volumes of the faders in the program..
  17. Nemorensis

    Nemorensis Newbie

    Nov 26, 2019
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    Seriously, I am getting tired of people insulting others, providing the most stupid solution ever on top of it... Of course I checked the faders. I was doing it when I was 10 with my amplifiers...
    Criticizing a beginner is like beating up someone smaller than us. It is lame. YOU are lame!

    Even funnier: on one hand you criticize me for not choosing the best libraries, then you criticize me for buying one of the best keyboards. You would just find anything to complain and bitch around.

    In other words, you just have proved that you are a bitter loser Mr. "No offense".
  18. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Guys please, both of you get down of your horses, there is no need to be rude.
    @cleta.huels haven't you done any error ever?