kontakt library issues on mac are driving me crazy

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by kontakthelp, Jul 5, 2018.

  1. kontakthelp

    kontakthelp Newbie

    Jul 5, 2018
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    so, after reading various posts here, i finally managed to get the libraries into kontakt 5.8.1 and stay there (i think the steps i did was changing some SNPID numbers in the xml files etc).

    however, some of my libraries (in that case evolution songwriter, rock standard and accordions 2) are added and show up in kontakts browser but as i try to load them an error message "this instrument belongs to a library that is currently not installed"

    i cant get a fix for this anywhere. i tried changing the SNPID numbers again, i checked the application support/native instruments/service center folder and the mentioned libraries show up there.

    please help me, am i missing something here?

    im on Mac OS High Sierra
  3. JSaidler

    JSaidler Newbie

    Aug 25, 2018
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    Hi! Did you manage to solve the problem with Accordions 2?

    If not: Change the xml file to <SNPID>P18</SNPID>. This did the trick for me!
  4. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Accordions 2 works on v5.7.3, at least.
    I can't test it on 5.8.1 as I'm still on Yosemite. So it's hard to find the solution remotely.
    Check if the com.native-instruments.[this problematic library].plist file exists in [system drive] > Library > Preferences
    What if Kontakt created a duplicate .plist with altered name?
    Or the same could happen with the .xml file, who knows.
    Or this is related to Machine, Kontrol users when those are installed, as this Accordions 2 has some lines in .nicnt file about those softwares... just guessing.
  5. celtic3342

    celtic3342 Audiosexual

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Download a different copy and try again.
  6. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    yeah, try another copy. Now I could finally test it (Accordions 2) on 5.8.1 and for me it works, however I'm not on High Sierra, so there can be some permission issues with some folders in (system) Library. Like the Preferences folder.
  7. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    I just went into my own very similar problems about this on another thread, so I won't rehash them here, but there's one crazy thing that I haven't tried -- one that more than likely won't work:

    1) Go into Kontakt 5.5 (or whichever version you're using to add libraries with) and remove one of your problem libraries. Quit out of 5.5.

    2) Go into Kontakt 5.8.1. Go into your Files menu and select "Batch Resave". This is the part that may not work: try batch resaving that problem library you just removed from your Kontakt 5.5. If it actually works, quit out of 5.8.1. If not, disregard the rest of this post and find a different solution.

    3) If it did work, reopen Kontakt 5.5 and try re-adding that problematic library to your Library tab.

    4) Now see if it shows up in Kontakt 5.8.1's Library tab.

    The only reason I bring this up is because, every time I've gotten a new version of Kontakt, I usually do a batch resave of everything in my Kontakt 5 folder. And so far, only Akoustik and Elektrik Piano -- two libraries that NI claims they can't get to work inside of any version of Kontakt after 5.6.6 -- haven't shown up in my 5.8.1 Library tab (they can't even be loaded manually from the File menu). I haven't done that with 5.8.1 yet, and I may even try this out on Akoustik or Elektrik Piano, just to see if it's even possible, but every other library I own, even the old, creaky ones, can at least load up manually. I've even been using KLE v1 with Wine to create new .nicnt files (I just did it with Insolidus) and those load up fine. But It's possible that batch re-saving in 5.8.1 might fix the problem.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2018
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  8. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    Update: it looks like my theory is a wash, at least for Akoustik and Elektrik Piano. I attempted to batch resave Elektrik Piano in 5.8.1. 5.8.1 immediately warned me that the library wasn't installed, then started to resave anyway. It couldn't find any of the samples. Finally, I gave up and tried reopening Elektrik Piano in 5.6.6, which is now telling me that 5.6.6 is too old to open the library ... so I assume 5.8.1 saved something.

    Interestingly enough, I've been on a massive "add libraries" kick in the last couple of days. I haven't had any problems with any of my other libraries, except for Scarbee Jay-Bass. I created a .nicnt and dropped in a wallpaper for it, and was able to add the library in 5.6.6 with no problem ... until I quit out of 5.6.6 and re-opened it. The library vanished from the Library tab and I had to re-add it. It did this every time I quit 5.6.6 and re-opened it. I tried batch re-saving a few times, still no dice. And it doesn't show up in 5.8.1's Library tab at all, although both versions of Kontakt can manually load it with zero problems (meaning, 5.8.1 isn't considering it an "uninstalled library"). Since I don't use Jay-Bass that much (or at all), I just deleted the library off my drive. Scarbee Pre-Bass, on the other hand, has always shown up in the Library tab in both versions of Kontakt. It's just weird that all three of the libraries that have given me problems with 5.8.1 are NI libraries.
  9. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    When a story looks too mysterious, we should always be more suspicious and think there are some more obvious causes and nothing mystery.
    I just tried Jay-Bass, adding in 5.6.0, didn't disappear and could open in 5.8.1 without problem. You mentioned that had created an nicnt file. That's the problem here, I think. It's an NI library, it came with an original nicnt file. These usually come with some special codes that I can't recognize as I just open the file in TextEdit which doesn't visualize every part correctly.
    Why did you have to create the nicnt file? (by the way the SNPID number I see was 415)
  10. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    btw, I've said it before in another thread on sistersite when people mentioned having problem adding Akoustik Piano in Kontakt.
    I was like :wtf:These libraries (Akoustik and Elektrik) were VSTi plugins, not Kontakt libraries. I guess someone took the samples and opened it in Kontakt (which was possible) and created a homemade Kontakt library. NI reused those samples too, in their then new Pianos collection for Kontakt but if you got that one, you wouldn't say the name Akoustik as the later release didn't have this name, as far as I remember.
    So, I really don't understand what's going on related to this. But clearly these issues are not Kontakt version specific, perhaps the newest versions are more picky to maintain a more trouble-free environment. When the newer versions load quicker, for example, it's because it doesn't let libraries to be added that have shitty sample structure.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2018
  11. Mahmudul Hasan

    Mahmudul Hasan Newbie

    Feb 14, 2019
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    Brother Thank you from the deepest part of my being :)
  12. Mahmudul Hasan

    Mahmudul Hasan Newbie

    Feb 14, 2019
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    Those who are having the same issue with other libraries just check the SNPID number of your .nicnt file and check if this 3 digit (or Alphanumeric Number) is the same with the SNPID in the xml file located in (Mac HD:Library:Application Support:Native Instruments:Service Center). Usually the number in the xml is set to "000" that's what causes the problem.
  13. Le Fernandé

    Le Fernandé Newbie

    Jun 20, 2019
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    I just signed up to help with this issue, as i was having it myself

    Yes, the problem is that the xml generated when adding the library (with an older Kontakt Version) gets its SNPID to 000, you need to change it, but YOU NEED TO USE THE SNPID that is inside the .ncint file (in the root folder of the library you added). Just use TextEdit to open the .ncint file

    If you put any other number in the SNPID property inside the xml, the Library will show, yes, BUT you will get a ¨This is part of a library that is not currently installed¨ message

    So, add the library with an older version of Kontakt (sometimes i dont know why, library dissapears, check in the Desktop for a .tmp file usually called sc3.tmp, rename it to NAMEOFYOURLIBRARY.xml)

    Open that xml and replace the SNPID property to the same 3 alphanumeric characters in SNPID inside your library .ncint file

    Put that .xml in HD > Library > Application Support > Native Instruments > Service Center

    Restart Kontakt

    It should work now
  14. b3wilson

    b3wilson Newbie

    Jun 20, 2019
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    Signed up just to say thanks.

    Saw a million posts about the topic but this is the one that fixed it. Kept me from throwing out a bunch of libraries that had the issue. However, I didn't have to deal with a .tmp file (didn't see one anywhere). I just changed the 3-digit SNPID number in the .xml file in NI Service Center folder to match the one in the .nicnt file. Problem solved!

    It doesn't show up immediately in the old Kontakt 5, but it will in the Kontakt you use to run the libraries.

  15. Jambuw

    Jambuw Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    What version of Kontakt are you using? I ran into an interesting issue......I am running a cracked version of Kontakt version 6.1.1 (R66). I also experienced a few libraries that gave me the dreaded "This instrument belongs to a library that is currently not installed". The libraries were Evolution Hollowbody, Scarbee Funk Guitarist, Vir2 Acou6tics and the Cinesamples RUNS. The Scarbee and Evolution Hollowbody turned out to be SNPID issues. These were difficult to find, and the reason was not simple. I went through all of the steps to delete the registry keys associated with the libraries, but I kept noticing that there were no XML files in the the Service Center folder. I then began to notice that some libraries generated an XML file while others didnt. I kept chasing the problem. Then I noticed that there was a NATIVE ACCESS XML file inside the service Center folder. I opened this file and searched for the libraries I was having issues with. The SNPID was different than the one I was attempting to use. In every problem library, I noticed that the HKEY_ Current User was not created in the registry. A quick navigational tool is to right click on the registry key in the Local Machine key, if it doesnt have a "Go to HKEY_Current_User_ at the bottom of the list, this library will probably give you problems.
    The HKCU has the User List index which tells contakt where to display your wallpaper starting at 0. IF you move a library around, that number will change as well when you reopen Reg Edit. Side note....Although I havent tried it, I wonder if you can swap the index number of libraries you want to move and save time from dragging....just a thought.
    Once I matched the NICNT file data with the data contained in the Native Access file, the second Reg Key was generated. There was no XML created in the service Center folder, but the libraries Loaded and Worked. I copied the HU, JDX and SNPID strings from Native access to the NICNT file.
    The Cinesamples Runs library was a bit trickier. The NICNT file floating around was Cinestrings - Runs.nicnt. I checked the Nativ access file and all of the data including the SNpid matched. I must have deleted the registry keys a half dozen times. I tried this library in earlier versions of Kontakt as well with no success. I noticed Reg Key in the Native Access file was Cinestrings Runs without the hyphen. So I thought I would just try the change in the NA file. I was unable to modify and save this file. I got the message when trying to save the changes This file is being used by another program. To my apprehension, I made a copy of the NICNT file and made the changes. I could not do the ctrl H replace all function since there is a space after Cinesamples. I searched for Runs and took out the hyphen and space. I think there were 4 occurrences.
    I tried Kontakt again and the library loaded and functioned correctly. Hopefully this info will help others struggling with the dreaded "This Instrument belongs......) issue. Also check for duplicate SNPID as others have stated in previous posts. But when you dont find a duplicate

    Step 1. Save your library NICNT file.
    Step 2. Check registry and verify that both KEYS are generated. HKLM will have the HU and JDX numbers that have to match the Native Access XML entry. The HKCU has the list location entry in Kontakt.
    Step 3. Check for a Native Access XML in the service center directory. Locate your file and modify your NICNT to match as you will not be able to modify the NA file. I think this hyphen has been an issue with a lot of the Cinesamples libraries. Native Access doesnt put in their Reg Key entry with a hyphen.
    Step 4. Delete Registry Key of affected library
    Step 5. Open Kontakt and Re add library with modified NICNT file.
    Step 6. Should this not work, Consult Forum experts, as I by no means claim to be one!!!! This fix worked for my troublesome libraries and I wanted to share Hope it helps.
    This is my theory, the cracks without Native Access generate the registry entry and Service Center XML based on the NICNT file. Native Access XML CHECKS the NICNT file and wont make the HKCU registry entry unless the data contained in the 2 files matches.
    Lastly, maybe one the forum experts can identify which program is keeping the Native Access XML from being modified.
  16. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    Yikes, sorry it's taken me over a year to respond to this! It's been a while, but as I remember, Scarbee Jay-Bass, at least the version I downloaded (may have been on the sister site) did not have an .nicnt file and wasn't recognized as a library in any version of Kontakt. I tried compiling all the instruments into an Instruments folder and then adding a new .nicnt file via KLE and a custom wallpaper, as I've done countless times with zero problems. It then loaded as a library in v5.6, but would disappear after I closed Kontakt and have to be re-added every time I opened v5.6. As for v5.8.1, it wouldn't recognize the library at all (most likely, because it never stuck in v5.6). However, I could still load the individual patches just fine in either v5.6 or v5.8.1. It could have been a faulty version of Jay Bass, it could have been an early version, I have no idea. I could never get that particular library to stick, so I removed it.

    Akoustik and Elektrik Piano would show up as libraries in v5.6, but v5.8.1 and beyond refused to recognize either one, and I would get the same "this instrument belongs to a library that is currently not installed" message as the OP when I tried loading individual instruments in v5.8.1. Apparently, this is an ongoing issue with a lot of users, but I think this was intentional on NI's part, as they've released new acoustic and electric piano libraries for Kontakt and would rather people used those instead. I guess I could have kept them around and just used them with v5.6 only, but I have other piano sample libraries and VIs and it just didn't seem like it was worth it to keep them around, either.
  17. Jambuw

    Jambuw Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Do you need the nicnt file for Scarbee Jay-Bass?
  18. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    Scarbee Pre-Bass had one, and it seems like Jay Bass may or may not have also had one. The version of the Jay Bass library I have doesn't have an .nicnt file and isn't recognized as a library in any version of Kontakt. I always assumed it was because the instrument is in multiple parts (NECK, BRIDGE and NECK + BRIDGE, if I remember correctly) and you had to be able to load each one separately. The individual parts loaded up in Kontakt v5.6 and later just fine via the Load menu, so I'm assuming, whatever the case, the library is still completely usable if you don't mind not being able to load it from the Library tab.

    I put the instruments in a folder named "Instruments", then created a custom .nicnt file with KLE and snagged a wallpaper for it. In Kontakt v5.6, I was able to recognize and add the library via the Library tab. However, every time I quit Kontakt v5.6 and restarted, the library was no longer there, and had to be re-added. This also meant that it didn't show up in the Library tabs of any later version of Kontakt at all. From the sound of it, I may have gotten a re-packed library that's missing the original .nicnt file or somehow corrupted.
  19. Rob James

    Rob James Ultrasonic

    Feb 17, 2017
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    As far as it's not sticking, I'm wondering if you are adding it when in Stand Alone Mode as Admin? I don't know about a Mac, you have to do that on PC's.
  20. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Yes, doing it in Standalone is the way on both platforms. But Mac users have to do it that way anyway, because there has to be 2 versions of Kontakt in standalone; an old version to add the libraries, and the newest version.
    On PC you don't have to do that.
  21. Eddy1987

    Eddy1987 Newbie

    Nov 26, 2019
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    hey there. Ive tried every version of kontakt also reformatted my mac pro! I try to add libraries and they dont show up. And the ones that do i cant use them it says that they need to be installed. Im using kontakt 5.6.6 and 5.6.8 to add and kontakt 6.2 please help its driving me crazy :(
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