Pulling hair out! Kontakt 5 libraries suddenly in Demo?

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by ted2020, Feb 28, 2018.

  1. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    You are clearly doing something wrong. If I were you I would start over from scratch. get the latest everything and follow the directions. Also if you don't have it get Little Snitch too.
  2. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    from what I have read or remember, it just seems there are problems with Colossus, whether its the snpid number or whatever... do you really need that?
  3. ted2020

    ted2020 Noisemaker

    Feb 27, 2018
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    Yes I could do with Colossus, as it was like a go-to workstation for me to sketch ideas before using other libraries, as it had a taste of everything in that library.

    I just need to find out what the problem is, resolve it and write it down so i can overcome this if it happens the next time?

    It could well be the snipid number or something else in the .ninct file which i need to change or changed wrongly and is the reason for my problems
  4. FranckMuziq

    FranckMuziq Newbie

    Aug 6, 2018
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    Ok, so I might have a solution. I bought and installed legit Komplete Ultimate 11. A few of my old sound libraries did not work and loaded in Demo Mode.

    I installed Kontakt 5.6.0 (k) and 5.8.1 (k). With 5.6.0 I managed to load the libraries in Legit Mode. Komplete Kontrol however still showed them in Demo Mode. I then installed Komplete Kontrol 2.0.2 (k) but still my libraries showed in Demo Mode.

    I solved this by completely uninstalling Komplete Kontrol using TrashMe.app. I reinstalled Komplete Kontrol 2.0.2 (k). This solved the library problem!

    The only problem I still had to tackle were the plugins (.vst and .component) that kept crashing while opening in Logic Pro X 10.4.1.

    I solved this by running the terminal app using the following command:

    xattr -cr (Drag “Komplete Kontrol.vst” here) and hit enter

    then do the same for “Kontakt 5.vst”, “Komplete Kontrol.component” and “Kontakt 5.component”

    After that repeat dragging the files using the following command:

    sudo codesign -f -s - (drag files here).

    This should work.
  5. ted2020

    ted2020 Noisemaker

    Feb 27, 2018
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    Thanks FranckMuziq, I will try this..

    I am not at the studio at the moment, but will give it a shot.

    I am completely baffled, as a version of Kontakt (k'd 5.XX can't remember which) worked fine without any 'demo' hiccups on 10.9.5 on an i5 Mac, streaming from 2 different library drives via FW800 linked.

    This slightly newer iMac running HiSierra and the same Kontakt, just keeps doing this 'demo' on every re-launch.

    I have used the same Kontakt version, and newer versions as its a newer OS X, even rolled back to 10.9.5 and the same Kontakt and it still flags up as DEMO.

    So I am thinking its an internal file? or a NICNT and SNPID number problem on the drive??

    I have numerous K'd libraries from years ago (some of which are no longer available so still use these) but also want to buy some newer libraries (Spitfire etc) to 'mix & match" between my older K'd and newer purchased libraries all on one drive and in one place, so am desperate to get this issue solved if I can! (then write it down so it never happens again on any future re-installs!)

    - I am even thinking of going PC / Windows as I am sure these loaded fine as a test on Windows 10 when i tried it? which would indicate its probably a tiny Mac OS file somewhere! :woot:
  6. relexted

    relexted Producer

    Jun 18, 2011
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    It's a registration error. If you've not done so already, make sure the SNPID of the .nicnt is the same in the .xml file.

    After adding the library:
    1. Open the original .nicnt with text editor. Copy the SNPID number
    2. Now open the .xml with text editor, located in HD-Library-Application Support-NI-Servicecenter
    3. Replace, paste the SNPID into the .xml
    4. Save.

    Hope it helps.
  7. ted2020

    ted2020 Noisemaker

    Feb 27, 2018
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    @relexted - thank you for this! and I do hope this works! :)

    I am sure I changed the SNPID numbers on most of the libraries, and it didn't work - but not sure I touched the .xml number to match?
    So this maybe where I'm going wrong?

    Thank you for this help and all the others in this thread. I am away until the weekend in order to try this on the Mac :)
  8. relexted

    relexted Producer

    Jun 18, 2011
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    I had a similar issue and tried everything, reinstalling and rebooting, changing Kontakt versions etc. :crazy:
    But by changing the .xml to the correct SNPID number found in the .nicnt, the library finally worked.

    For example:
    The .nicnt says <SNPID>034</SNPID> (I consider this as a serial number)
    And the .xml says <SNPID>000</SNPID (Sound like demo mode)

    Let us know how it works out
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  9. ted2020

    ted2020 Noisemaker

    Feb 27, 2018
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    So what i need to do is :

    The .nicnt says <SNPID>034</SNPID>
    Make sure the .xml says <SNPID>034</SNPID too in order to get rid of demo mode?

    I think you said i can use textedit on a Mac to change both of these (or one)?
  10. relexted

    relexted Producer

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Open both files with text editor.
    Check if the SNPID number is the same.
    If not, then change the .xml and save that
    Leave the .nicnt unchanged, it only provides you the correct number.
  11. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    Okay, here's an interesting dilemma (and a potential problem for future Kontakt upgrades):

    I recently snagged Kontakt 5.8.1 (k) and still have 5.6.6 (also k) for adding libraries on my Mac. I loaded up 5.8.1 to discover that some of my libraries were missing -- something that seems to be an issue amongst people who have recently upgraded past 5.6.6. On closer inspection, I realized that it was my Akoustik and Elektrik Piano libraries that were missing, specifically. Every other library was present, even ones with homemade .nicnts. I figured that, since both Akoustik and Elektrik Pianos somehow operate and show up in the Library section without .nicnt files, that maybe this was some kind of glitch. I removed and re-added both libraries in 5.6.6. No dice. I removed them again, deleted the prefs files, restarted my computer, said a prayer to Baphomet, re-added them in 5.6.6, still no dice. I generated .nicnts using KLE in Wine, still no dice. I even rescanned my entire K5 database. Nothing. At this point, I decided to bite the bullet and just resign myself to loading these instruments manually in 5.8.1 for the rest of whatever, except that 5.8.1 won't let me. It claims that neither library is installed, even though 5.6.6 loads them up just fine. I also have Session Strings, which is the same age as Akoustik and Elektrik Piano, and Action Strikes, and those load in 5.8.1 (and show up in the Library panel) just fine. It's not an .xml/SNPID problem, it's not a prefs problem, and I don't even think it's a Kontakt problem.

    A little scouting around online reveals that a lot of people are having problems with these two specific libraries, and seem to be pleading with NI to fix it. NI claims it doesn't know why this is happening. They also haven't offered a solution, despite the fact that 5.6.8, where the problem apparently started with the implementation of Native Access, has been around for a while, and there have been a few versions since then. Fortunately, while I like both libraries, I have plenty of bigger and better acoustic and electric piano libraries I can use, so I've moved them off of my hard drive for the time being. Maybe NI is actually fixing the problem. What I actually think is happening, though, is forced obsolescence, as NI has several new acoustic and electric piano libraries based on Akoustik and Elektrik Piano, and if you're happy with the original libraries, you might not be so inclined to purchase the new ones. When they released sampled organ libraries, they immediately killed of development of B4-II, which, up until that point, was the definitive organ VI (although it still runs pretty well somehow; Pro-53, their old Prophet 5 VI, which they killed off at the same time and had a very similar engine won't open at all). I imagine it won't be long before the same thing happens to Session Strings, or any number of old Komplete bundled libraries. NI seems to get rid of their tech at an alarming rate (R.I.P., Absynth!).
  12. ted2020

    ted2020 Noisemaker

    Feb 27, 2018
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    Thank you for this Iggy!

    I have PM'd you also, but this is something I never thought of.. I need Kontakt 5.8.+ then I need to try the other responses earlier with regards the xml / snipd file number being the same, as still not got round to it.

    Once I do I will update here :)
  13. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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  14. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
    Likes Received:
    The stage, man
  15. macaca

    macaca Noisemaker

    Nov 29, 2016
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    I've had 5.5 for the longest, because if it's not broken, why fix it. But I've waited long enough, and there are several libraries that have my interest. My worry has always been, reading these forums after a new update has been released is not a positive reassurance.

    If I somehow have NI Kontakt 5.6.8 (no install), can I just install that, then the NI Kontakt 5.8.1 update and be done with it?
    Or do I need to uninstall the previous version? (I have windows 8.1)

    Thanks a lot.
  16. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    Are you on Windoze? If so, ignore this reply. If you're on a Mac, you'll want to hold on to 5.5 (or, better still, track down a k'd copy of 5.6.6, the last version that doesn't require Native Access to add libraries). In either event, rename your standalone to "Kontakt 5.5" or "Kontakt 5.6.6". Don't worry about the plugs. I've read some stuff that says you have to perform a clean install of the latest version of Kontakt -- I've never had to. Instead, find the full/k installer for 5.6.8 (it's up to 5.8.1 now). Perform the full install, which will overwrite your plugs, but not your standalone 5.5 or 5.6.6 that you renamed, and will also add a new Kontakt 5 standalone alongside your existing, renamed 5.5 or 5.6.6. Now, install the k's per the install instructions included. You should now have two k'd standalones, one for the most recent version, and one for 5.6.6 or older. You'll have to add new libraries via 5.6.6 or 5.5, but they should show up and be usable in the more recent version. Confusing enough for you?

    If you've installed other versions of 5, I'm not sure performing a full install and then overwriting them with k'd files is even necessary. I recently installed 5.8.1 next to my 5.6.6, replaced the legit plugs with k'd plugs, decided I didn't like 5.8.1 at that moment, and just replaced the 5.8.1 plugs with my old k'd 5.6.6 plugs. It ran with no problems.

    ted, I don't have a problem trying to help you out, but you gotta understand that, when you repeatedly PM me with questions like "What is the sister site?", it sets off my more paranoid tendencies. If you're here, knee-deep in a discussion regarding k'd software (that you started, I might add) and you claim to have no idea what I'm talking about when I refer to "the sister site", it makes me think I'm better off keeping the discussion here in a public forum. Sorry, man.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2018
  17. markmar

    markmar Newbie

    Feb 14, 2016
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    An interesting thing just happened. I have k'd Kontakt 5.8 on my Mac, and I have a bunch of new libraries that require native access, so I've downloaded NA and the first thing that happened was an update. So NA now knows all the libraries that I have, legit and 'not-that-legit'. I realized that NA added my serial number to my k'd Kontakt (I recently also bought the legit one), but nevertheless, all libraries are up and running, including the k'd ones, no demos.
  18. ted2020

    ted2020 Noisemaker

    Feb 27, 2018
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    Finally getting round to looking at this.

    I have my Samples drive connected and now installing Kontakt 5.6.5 K'd (player? for some reason)
    I tried one library, "The Giant" which appears in Kontakt, played midi and saved a sequence with this loaded in Ableton.

    Closed, and went to look for the SNIPD which I have for the Giant,
    Then located in HD-Library-Application Support-NI-Servicecenter, but there is no XML?

    EDIT : This may have been down to my sharing and permissions were locked?
    I have hopefully changed these to READ AND WRITE for everything and now a GIANT.xml has shown up!
    But its XML has the same number in both the .NINCT and the XML and its still in Demo??

    reopened, the project to say

    "Loading instruments has failed as the Library "The Giant" is not installed on this computer"

    Have I missed something, as its been so long with re-adding these to my Mac? I thought the libraries just streamed from its drive location?

    Secondly, I've been told to only use Kontakt 5.6.5 to add libraries and then move up to 5.8.1 (due to the "add libraries" being removed i think?)
    BUT i have a few newer libraries, that need 5.6.8 or higher to load and read?!

    So... 5.6.5 won't recognise them to 'load in' as its too old, and 5.8.1 'should' play them, but now doesn't have the 'add libraries'' tab to add them?

    When did the "Add libraries" tab vanish? in a later version between 5.6.5 and 5.8.1? Or is there a cracked way around this new NATIVE ACCESS to add libraries in the old way??

    Please help.....:dunno::woot:
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2018
  19. ted2020

    ted2020 Noisemaker

    Feb 27, 2018
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    Ok so after fighting over this for the past few hours, I am a little closer...

    Turns out I needed to "Disable SIP" on my Mac running High Sierra, as its a precaution thing that stops the permissions on
    the Mac HD, and it wouldn't let me change permissions to keep these libraries installed! So after a couple of Terminal processes and reboots done!

    Hopefully all is well now.

    Installed a standalone 5.6.5 just for adding libraries, and the full Kontakt 5.8.1 inside my DAW.

    Some libraries after adding in 5.6.5, ask for my password?, and im sure they are the ones that stay when loading up 5.8.1?

    Some have the library stay inside Kontakt, but when launched I get "This instrument belongs to a library that is currently not installed" ?

    Others I get are "This patch cannot be loaded Make sure that the original library is properly activated"

    So I have got a little further, and have some libraries permanently inside Kontakt now, which is a bonus!, I just need to find out how to get the others working with the error messages above, and I maybe able to use it!
  20. Trilla13

    Trilla13 Newbie

    Mar 7, 2020
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