Fl studio plugin list setup

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by FrankWhite23, May 12, 2019.

  1. FrankWhite23

    FrankWhite23 Producer

    May 1, 2019
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    I'm trying to not have a long list of mixed plugins so can someone tell me how I can set up the plugins with tags like old synths, real instruments, reverb, delays, because I know how cluttered a list can get it.. so if you can tell me my options.
  3. 11Fletcher

    11Fletcher Platinum Record

    Sep 12, 2016
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    Not sure if you can use tag for plugin in FL Studio. I organize everything manually, it's a bit of work the first time (especially if you got some big bundle like the Waves suite), but then it's easy to add a new plugin and everything is well organised.
    I'm on Windows, so if you're on OSX it's maybe different. You have to go in your plugin database folder, which should be in "documents/image-line/data/FL studio/plugin database", if you can't find it you can access it from the FL brower, right clic on "plugin database" and choose open.

    From there you have effect and generator, so in each folder you can create a new category, like delay, filter, eq, compressor, flanger in the or whatever you want, and as much as you want, same in the generator section.

    Then in those folder you have 3 files for each plugin added, you can move them where you want in the folder you create (just effect have to stay with effect and generator with generator), the 3 files have to be together. If you want to rename a plugin (like for exemple in my list, I add all the original synth name for each vst emulation) you have to rename the 3 files, and open the .nfo to change the name of the file too (this one is to tell FL studio where the png file is, for the picture in the plugin selection).

    When you have all you're folder, each time you install a new plugin, you have to add it to the database (clic on the arrow in the top left corner of the plugin, "add plugin to database (flag as favorite)", but before doing that, you have to select the folder you want it to be added.

    If you want a smaller view with all those plugin, you have to choose to view as "tree" (I think it's in "categorie" by default). To do that, go in the select menu where you choose your plugin, and at the end of the list, you have 3 choice (categorie/simple/tree). With simple, it looks like old version, categorie is nice if you don't have too much, tree is the clearest one with a good folder organisation.

    For exemple my effect are organised by type of FX (like compressor, eq, dynamics eq, delays, vocoder...), and in each type of FX it's organised by brands (like wave, fabfilter, arturia...). In my generator section, it's more simple, I got just folder for type on synth, like drum, synth, rompler, sampler, midi, emulation, real sound, midi, and some other more specific (and also a folder for Kontakt with pre loaded bank for the one that are not official).

    All that took lot of time the first time I made it, and I hated FL 20 for that kind of organisation, but now that it's all done, I would not go back to the old version. It's also easier now when you update cause it's in the document folder and the database is not linked to the version you use, so nothing to do to recover your database when we'll update to FL 21. The database can also be move from one computer to another, and all plugin will load normally (only if you install them at the same place of course).

    Hope this all clear, not sure if that really answer your question
  4. FrankWhite23

    FrankWhite23 Producer

    May 1, 2019
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    Thank you for taking the time I'm just looking for the folder path so I was thinking that this would work since I'm on 32 bit PC
    This PC > local disk C > program files Vst plugins> then have folders in there saying softsynths, reverb etc. And inside the next folder having the .vsts in ... will the folders show up in fl studio?
  5. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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