Is this RAM some kind of ¨Super RAM¨?

Discussion in 'PC' started by Mixtic, Aug 20, 2018.

  1. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Q: Are Ryzen and EPYC cpus both Zen architecture ?
    A: Yes they are.
    Q: Do they both use the Infinity Fabric Interconnect technology to enable core "communication" ?
    A: Yes they do
    Q: Is a Threadripper cpu part of the Ryzen series ?
    A: Yes it is
    Q: Is the same Threadripper cpu in fact a re-branded EPYC cpu, just like Intel i9s are re-branded Xeons ?
    A: For the most part, yes it is.
    So a Ryzen cpy may not be an EPYC but an EPYC cpu is Ryzen bro if you know what i mean. Same architecture, same 14 nanometer "cut", same interconnect. But just bigger. If we were to explain this to someone who doesn't speak tech we should say that "An EPYC cpu is 2 Threadripper cpus stuck onto one die, which in their own term are 2 Ryzen cpus stuck together lol" and we would be 95% correct.
    Btw, here :
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2018
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  2. ddoctor

    ddoctor Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2016
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    american teenager - lay off me and everyone else!
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  3. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Really ? You should either say thanks for filling in for your ignorance, or express your dislike for whatever reason in a mild way. Was i trolling you in any way? If you find my virtual presence all over the place or insulting, you can pm me. But as it seems you prefer to be impolite, accusing me and calling me a teen lol ? Stay uncool.
    Ps: It's only my enthusiasm that is teen like. Other than that, i am 52 years old and nowhere close to the American continent. Your assumption only shows the level of your intelligence which of course is reflected in your posts too. Just know that next time i won't be this polite.
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  4. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    That's the thing I want to test next.

    Specially if you use a water cooler, I'd only OC at the beginning the (internal) CPU clock.

    I'm totally outdated though, with my ancient PC we had the huge FSB problem (that BTW also f*ed up the success of DDR3 RAM until they had to redesign the mess with the Core i family). Not that current Mobos are easy to OC.. it sure is a lot of digging and testing.

    That attitude portraits yourself.
  5. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    I 've tested a lot of liquid AIOs and the past years i stick with these in a build, if the person interested can afford it. The biggest misconception about them is that they will be better cooling the cpu than a huge air cooler would. In absolute temperature numbers, the good liquid AIO models offer about the same cooling efficiency as the top air coolers: Noctuas, DarkPros etc., perhaps slightly better on occassion. What they are really capable of, is do the same job more effortlessly, with much less clutter inside the case, letting users upgrade their components much easier and direct air flow as they want it, and in cases like an OC'd cpu, usually (but not always, to be clear) with less noise. Another factor to choose a liquid AIO would be the much easier installation, but this unfortunately doesn't cover all AIOs. And then there is the matter of price to consider, the better liquid AIOs are typically more expensive than Air coolers and the extreme triple fan models are easily twice the price.
    Absolutely. In fact modern mobos -especially those intended for OC- include a ton more variables than older gens.
    What makes OC easier now is that a good mobo, will set the correct values 99.999% of the times and won't have you pulling your hair wondering wtf is wrong with your settings hehe. In the past days you needed a separate device to measure temps,voltages etc because many times mobos reported false values. And while it's still good to have such a device, it is not mandatory anymore imho. Most users will settle for auto oc anyway either from the mobo or even from within Windows, as it does a fair job of setting acceptable values for cpu freq,voltage,etc. For people who go AMD, i was amazed with this app they came up with : It is the best of its kind imho.
    Cheers :)
  6. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    already last year you had one of those ? thats a crazy cpu :) i don't have one of those,
    there was something going on in your S1, it should not crash in the first place.
    but multi core usage is something else, i mean hyperthreading and the effective use of it.
  7. tnc

    tnc Producer

    Jun 16, 2011
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    New Zealand
    What your setup should be like, depeneds on what DAW and OS you are going to use!

    "As of Windows 10, the amount of real-time processing threads with Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) priority is limited to 32 per process - 4 of which are blocked by non-audio-threads already running."

    The Cubase audio engine is optimised specifically for Intel CPUs but will work fine with AMD aswell. (

    BUT DON'T FORGET that using a CPU with too many cores can be a problem in some DAW's, it might introduce drop-outs and performance issues.

    It's best to get a CPU with fewer but faster cores. You can get an unclocked CPU, just a little bit of overclocking can be done without getting the computer too noisy (VERY important for studio work), but it's not necsessary. I would choose "Intel Core i7 8700K 3,7GHz".

    Quote from Steinberg:
    "In short, the outcome of this is that on systems built around a CPU with more than 14 logical cores*, processing threads exceeding this amount will be carried out as non-real-time (like UI-threads), introducing drop-outs and performance issues."
    "Limit the amount of logical cores to 14 in your BIOS/UEFI."

    So I guess: don't buy a CPU with more than 7 cores (or 6 cores since there are no 7 core CPU's AFAIK) if you have HT turned on (which is default). You could go for 8 core CPU and limit the number of cores in use. Not a very economic thing to do to though I guess.
    Hyperthreading will double the amount of cores. Or try turn off HT if you have a which might help or not?
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2018
  8. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Thank you for the quick answer. Seems i have to go back and re-check S1 based on your testimony and i will happily do so :)
    As for the 7900X, :( i wish that was mine and i mean the whole comp not only the cpu hehehe. I just put the system together and made sure it was stable @ 4.3 ghz.
  9. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    I consider this a compliment for you. Your English is pretty perfect and with this mask you look as bright and shiny as a 16 year old. :yes:
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  10. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    XD Anyway, just out of interest, has anyone recd buying a large SSD to help w/ main job (orchestral scoring)? Also buying the right MOBO depending on M2 / SATA? That way you can "stream" stuff using Kontakt, rather than rely on weird ramdisk things etcs. It also helps w/ load speed too, if ur using lots of libs. Also, if ur main "instrument" is Kontakt based, you don't rly need an uber processor. Maybe think about buying moar, faster storage instead of worrying about the minutae of whatever CPU is marginally "best"?
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  11. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Hey, your shiny friend here, i don't recall the op mentioning doing orchestral scoring. His inital build here, included a 50 dlr mobo, a 25 dlr ssd, a 45 dlr hdd, a 90dlr audio interface and a previous gen cpu. I admit i was mislead in believing the OP was after a budget system, so i told him to just get a Z series mobo to at least take advantage of possible future upgrades like ram quantity. Then he came back with this thread and all his config went from the low tier to the top mid lol.
    Anyway, there are many angles on a mobo purchase, which of course you know. I will just say to my knowledge, if M2 nvme drives is what one's looking for, the best no compromise mobo must be the Gigabyte Aorus Gaming 5. Most Z370 mobos share bandwidth of their secondary m2 slot (or slots) with a couple of Sata ports, disabling those sata ports when a second m2 drive is present. The Gaming 5 makes no compromises on this and includes 3 discrete M2 slots. Moreover, it can take the additional Gigabyte TB card sold separately for about 60 dlrs which, also reported officially by UAD, works with TB audio cards, making it a really high end mobo and future proof because of the TB3 support.
    Also, for fast loading of huge projects and/or libraries, the best solution for a reasonable price imho is the use of both ssd and hdd using the ssd as permanent cache for the hdd with this
    If you haven't tried it yet and have the means to do so, it works very good :)
    All the best
  12. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Thx for the info, taskforce. Super useful, rly, been tryn to find something exactly like that! Just gotta find time / cash to build. Also intel chip w/o bugs =) prolly available next year :D

  13. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    Do not limit your multi core CPU, instead, never install windows 10. Read what your link says. Win 8.1 is the king.
  14. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    You got me :thanks:, wth it was the first sentence he wrote on the thread. Since i came here from his previous thread, his new build description took my whole attention. But of course this is negligence on my side, admittedly. He then said though he wants enough Serum instances to play along with Kontakt as well, so apparently he's aiming for a good all-rounder sys.
  15. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    I'm lost, why should too many cores be a problem?
    The only issue I can imagine is that multicore systems usually keep their clock lower to increase efficiency/match TDP as opposed to low core count and high frequency gaming rigs.
  16. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Because of what Steiny said here, i copy from tnc's post:
    I tried to cross check Steiny's data (their forum post is legit alright) but haven't found any specific corresponding info matching their claim yet. I find their advice a little on the odd side. I 'd break the effin machine to pieces before i started limiting the log.cores lol. But their suggestion seems wrong, since 14 logical cores means 14 threads and not 28 , that is 32 minus 4, as they write earlier on the same post, unless i am missing something obvious in this:
    Anyway, if this is a fact for Win10, desktop musicians with anything more than a 12 log.core cpu will either downgrade to a previous OS as @metaller suggested, or use something like Rewire or Vienna Ensemble within the same machine to re-distribute cpu resources to a slave+synced daw/app or in the case of VE (which i prefer as a solution), more plugs.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2018
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  17. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    after again some testing on a w3690 and a 4790k i have to confess that S1 actually sucks for hyperthreading,
    my mistake was that i had multithreading in the plugin itself turned on :deep_facepalm:, resulting in an impressive even load.:knock:
    Resulting in daw's that handle this well, get into trouble, if activated.

    i am an idiot

    chapeau :hillbilly:
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  18. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Why should MMCSS be a problem for ASIO driven interfaces?
    And even much CPU time does routing audio takes? 0.1% for any modern CPU probably.
    It's the plugs and internal mixing which taxes resources the most, so I can't see why Steinberg even brought up that point.

    Plugins either multithread on their own or DAW can do the thread scheduling.
    REAPER is quite efficient in that field, but one setting has to be altered in Preferences for it to apply.
  19. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    just found this on Ableton site,
    maximum amounts that can be utilized: 64 Cores on Mac and 32 Cores on Windows, interesting.
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  20. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Errr... the very same Ableton's FAQ continues immediately after that sentence:
    "Likewise Live supports 64 threads on Mac and 32 threads on Windows, across all cores."
    All this is enough to make an average thinking guy go :crazy: . This "Multi-core CPU FAQ" sounds like it's 100% simulated and not a real world test. Someone should go to their forum and ask 'em:
    1) How on earth 64 cores equals 64 threads. :wtf:They should distinguish between physical or logical cores.
    2) Where did they find the 64 thread Mac, do they come from the future ? :hahaha:

    3) If they come from the present are they pirates (lol) with a pc server rockin' Hackintosh ?