The AudioSex Noobie FAQ

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by mercurysoto, Aug 18, 2017.

  1. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    This is an attempt to help out newcomers to the site. This ongoing thread, which addresses the different positions of newbie vs. oldbie issues about questions that have been answered a million times before.

    It's inevitable that given the amount of rock-solid info around AudioSex that has been given by unbiased, experienced individuals (the best on Earth, I must say), newcomers who have to dive in this very large pond of information will end up asking around for things that have been a million and one times answered before, and it's understandable because any search within the site will throw hundreds of threads. This is why I want your help to create an updatable resource of information so that all the basics are covered for everyone, rookie or old timer. I'm still not quite sure how to deal with the amount of work it implies, but this is an outline on how to accomplish this task in 3 steps:

    - Step One: Create an outline of topics and typical questions.
    • I've already done part of this, but I need input from you. I need you to revise the topics and suggest typical n00b questions (the ones you could be tired of or those you want to ask yourself).
    - Step Two: Scan through AS to find the threads that match the topics/questions on list.
    • This is the part where a collaborative effort could be very productive. There are topics that some of you know really well (I'm lost in the synth department) and you may have stared one of these topics. Your help is invaluable.
    - Step Three: Put all the body of I formation in an organized thread.
    • This is the goal of this very thread. I can keep it up to date as new inquiries arise.

    Here's step one.:mates:

    I made a list of topics where I think noobie questions appear the most often. Please check it out. This is the roadmap to this task. If you think this idea is viable, please comment and offer suggestions and ideas on the following:
    • An update on this outline
    • The n00b questions
    After a couple of days, I'll see the progress we'll have made and take it from there. Any other inquiries, PM me.

    • I. Working with Sound
      • A. Recording
      • B. Sound Design and Samples
      • C. Synthesizers
      • D. MIDI and Virtual Instruments
    • II. Mixing and Mastering
      • A. DAW choice
      • B. Plugin Chains for Mixing
      • C. Gain Staging and Track Organization
      • D. EQ
      • E. Compressors
      • F. Metering and Reference Tracks
      • G. DJ and Remixing
      • H. Mastering
        • 1. A Separate Mastering DAW or Project
        • 2. Mastering EQs
        • 3. Mastering Compressors
        • 4. Mastering Plugin Chains
        • 5. Summing
        • 6. ITB or OTB
    • III. Studio
      • A. Kinds of Studios and the Music Industry
      • B. Home Studio Setup
      • C. Basic Studio Gear
      • D. Monitors, Cans, and Acoustic Treatment
      • E. DIY Acoustic Treatment
      • F. Gear Trade Basics
      • G. Cheap vs. Boutique Equipment
      • H. Commercially Speaking
    • IV. Software
      • A. Kinds of Plugin
      • B. Plugin Technologies
      • C. Plugin Formats
      • D. Why Some Software Can't Be Cracked
      • E. Time Bombs and Watermarking
      • F. The World of Kontakt
      • G. Audio Software Developers
        • 1. Small Developers vs. Big Corporations
        • 2. Plugin Bundles and Sales
        • 3. Subscription Mode vs. Perpetual Ownership
        • 4. Freebies

    Let's hope this idea takes off.

    Peace to you all.
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  3. Preza

    Preza Noisemaker

    Jun 16, 2016
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    [​IMG] .
  4. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    oh man, that would be amazingly useful :beg:
  5. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Nice idea! I would like to help in this of course.

    I am wondering if questions that probably don't get asked a lot are also welcome right here with a lot of useful information? Or is it really just more only for these typical common most asked questions?
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2017
  6. n0xin

    n0xin Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2014
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  7. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    I guess it all depends on how things are received by the community. I guess it could be both.
  8. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    I have bookmarked this thread so I can compile some ideas for it. Because I think this would be very helpful and in turn, great for the forum and the folks who are new to it.
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  9. Saur

    Saur Ultrasonic

    Jun 27, 2017
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    I'm a noob, so maybe I can contribute some questions a newb (like me) might ask (and actually wants to ask).

    Where are the best torrenting sites
    How do I get into chat (and is there an IRC channel).
    What's up with people making money on R2R and do I already have some kinda virus from them? :P
  10. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
    Likes Received:
    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    This site is not about torrenting (or even piracy per se, although associated to the other site). The leitmotif of AudioSex is first and foremost audio production. However, these questions will have to be considered at some point. However, here's my viewpoint:

    The best torrenting sites change constantly. They are busted from time to time and they are on an offline/online status constantly. They often get mirrored but beware of those mirrors. Those are usually the sites that give spamware, bloatware, and phishware. The Pirate Bay seems to be one of the most stable sites, but it's not the most complete. Private torrenting sites like ProAudio Torrents and similar dedicated, private sites usually suck. They have a lot of restrictions and they give you the boot for small reasons.

    I have no idea what or why you're asking about chat and IRC channels. I don't use them myself.

    People making money on R2R and their potential virus infections have been extensively discussed. Long story short, if you support R2R, don't visit such sites. It's their expressed will. If you want to be supported, don't ask about R2R or related scamming sites.
  11. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    @mercurysoto, this is a great idea!

    I'm not a big fan of the site's search feature. Anytime I've tried to use it to search for something I knew was there (eg. to get back to one of my own threads many months later) it returns a huge amount of hits. Possibly I'm not doing something right, but it seems like the keywords are matched using "or" instead of "and" logic. If the search feature were easier/more accurate or more specific, perhaps the repetitive question problem would lessen.

    Most of the time I've found threads relating to what I'm asking for, the hit came from a google search, not the site search.
  12. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    These 3 documents get used every few months & cover 90% of the utility of my documents (If you wanna help out you can spam them when appropriate).

    What's the best pitch shifter?

    How to make my sounds wide? Mono compat might be a concern

    How do i get that "3D (headphone)" sound? Or How do I add depth & height? (NB reverb might NOT be the right answer)

    ALSO, rather than separating the EQs & comps,

    • D. EQ
    • E. Compressors
    • H. Mastering
      • 2. Mastering EQs
      • 3. Mastering Compressors
    Do this

    • D. EQ
    • E. Compressors
    • H. Mastering
      • 2. EQ remarks when mastering
      • 3. Compressor remarks when mastering

    since Mastering EQs can be used when mixing, & vv.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2018
  13. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You

    Nobody torrents anymore, FTP is the real deal
    Plenty of chats around but invite only, hang around for 10 years and ask again
    That is because of the method used typically today, a user downloads from a file locker site and the uploader eventually get some change from all the downloads, R2R is just another one of the many groups that get their stuff shared, It's a software thing NOT a Audio thing. Here maybe this will help a bit.
  14. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    For starters,I think there should be a HUGE button that all newbies should be expected to click on. Behind that button should be the rules of the site in clearly written text.

    At the bottom of the rules should be two options. option a) to take you straight to the main site, and option b) for a listing of help regarding, DAW, Synths, Reverb,Compressors,Limiters etc. Those main options can house further options. I would however suggest, Omnisphere and Kontakt have their own listed segment buttons.

    I think the biggest problem with people asking the same questions over and over is because they aren't lead easily enough to where they should go, as opposed to where they want to go!
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