Not any religion- Do you believe in an intelligent GOD?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by foster911, Aug 19, 2016.

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  1. starkid84

    starkid84 Platinum Record

    Mar 29, 2015
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    All "real world" evidence (not hypothetical equations and theories) point to their being an intelligent creator, so, YES.

    Although believing in a God is quickly becoming "unfashionable" in our present world, mostly due to ignorance from societal indoctrination and poor logical facilitates of the post modern thinker. It doesn't help that most people confuse "God" and "religious concepts" as if they are one and the same... another logical fallacy I see in many atheist's arguments.

    It is an empirical FACT that "true randomness" does NOT create order, nor can randomness SUSTAIN any form, repeat in an orderly fashion, or create systematic order. All of you who consider yourself intelligent, think about that, and then take a look at the extremely 'orderly' 'sustained' and 'systematic' world around you. "True randomness" MAY not even exist, but that's beyond this discussion...

    And if that's not enough, roll some dice until you hit ANY number over and over again until you establish a predictable pattern. I'll wait....

    The above will only make sense if you are truly intelligent. But most modern thinkers are only borrowing "their" ideas from others, and have done little critical thinking using your own mental facilities. That's why most people now a days (regardless to their educational background or occupation) are stupid in regards to true knowledge, and so easily fooled by any authority figure or institution...

    Its funny how many people who express strongly atheistic/anti-creationism sentiments, think they are smart for being able to recite information that lazily got from other sources, or information (propaganda) they clearly misunderstand. Being able to recite stuff (like they teach us to do in school) does not make your point valid, it just makes your a parrot. True intelligence (in a basic sense) is shown with the ability to objectively and critically analyze information.

    Its not my job to decide what you choose to believe, but if your argument against intelligent design or a God is that "science" and "math" some how disproves intelligent creation, you are truly lemming. Real math and science make it "empirically" and "numerically" obvious that our world could NOT have come into form through random chance. The chances are so beyond astronomical that for all practical purposes it would be considered impossible.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2018
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  2. Citrik Acid

    Citrik Acid Rock Star

    Feb 7, 2016
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    The Big Architect
  3. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Religion is just so funny. It always gives me a good laugh.

    I still firmly believe in Snow White. Gang bang with the dwarfs and all that. It's really nice. It jives with my convictions, so I believe it. :rofl:

    So.... if Adam and Eve were white, how come we have all these yellow, red and black people around, I wonder... hmmm

    We probably fed too much lemon to some children, too much carrots to the other ones and tried to fry the black ones? :rofl:

    It's all such a pile of rubbish I still cannot fathom how *grown up people* can still believe this shit! Get real, damn it! Take responsibility for your own actions and stop believing that when "your holiness" dies you'll actually live forever. You fucking won't. You fucking die. Just like the rest of us. And the animals. And everything around us. We all die and we're gone. Everything dies and your cells get recycled. Give birth to other creatures. "Usually" worms... :rofl:

    I have no problem with that. Why is it so hard to take?

    Ego and self-centred thinking.

    It is those who ones burned thousands of women at the stake just because their neighbours claimed they were witches. Can you believe that? It still makes me angry and makes my eyes wet. Do you cry for them you self-righteous "Borg" follower? Shame on you. :sad:
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2018
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  4. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    It is quite ironic how your nonsense in itself makes a case for evolution and/or determinism rather than you being created by an intelligent God.
  5. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    And dude, where did you get your "information". It is not propaganda of any kind? You just got it by yourself? Interesting.

    But when someone's opinion is colliding with yours, it must be a terrible kind of "propaganda". We "infidels" are all losers, aren't we? You are the centre of the universe and god speaks to you, eh? :rofl:

    So is he speaking to the other several billion, too who are not Christians? Or is he speaking to only Christians? Weird god, I must say...
  6. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Hey bro. You know what they say. Satan's biggest achievement is he convinced people he doesn't exist. Therefore God shouldn't exist either.
    As you can see though some are not "convinced". Me among them too. This world has witnessed too many manifestations of the supernatural to not even at least doubt there is something else beyond us. I won't succumb into unnecessary attempts to convert anyone. We pick our own paths.
    Only wanted to say that to renounce the teachings, you gotta first understand them correctly.
    Asking questions like "is he speaking only to Christians" is a bit immature my friend. Understanding that God is for all is mandatory.
    For those who believe, there shouldn't be any non believers - atheists etc. There should be only believers and "sleepers". Some sleepers choose to wake up, some don't, whatever the case we are all equal to the eyes of God and all equal to the laws of man.
    So whether you believe or not, spread the love baby :)
  7. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    the truth is.................

    "god" means "I , don't know"
    "soul" means lets pretend we live forever for no reason.
    "afterlife" means "I have unlimited time to procrastinate"

    "god" , "souls" and "afterlives" are fictional fake constructs. the type of use of the imagination you see in superman spider-man incredible hulk .

    the real answer.

    a human being is a two word symbol to represent a specific configuration of trillions of living cells.( that no religion or spirituality knew about" for some reason "god" never used a microscope before ?

    Consciousness is a symbol to describe " what a complex brain does made of living cells"

    how do we know that is what consciousness is?

    well, has a rock or a pond ever had consciousness? have we seen an earthworm do trigonometry?

    HAS a police officer EVER suggested the murder of and rapist of a young child was a "mind which required no body to exist?

    "Ma'am, we believe the perpetrator, was a mind which has no body or brain. we are terribly sorry."

    HAS the DMV issued any ID cards that have zero for height and weight?

    we KNOW there is no such thing as a mind which has no body or brain. we KNOW that is true YOU know it IS true.

    there is NO such thing as ANYTHING living forever.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2018
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  8. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    @taskforce There's absolutely nothing that makes love and religion come together. Except love of oneself that is misinterpreted for the love of god. Love has nothing to do with it. Is that like saying I am incapable of loving anybody because I'm an atheist? I love. I love more than any Christian I know. Most of the Christians I know are scum to other people [as in greedy, low-punch bastards] in their real lives and most of the atheists I know aren't. Interesting?

    One thing I don't like to discuss with religious people are morals. They assume that if you're religious you're a "moral" person. You're not. I am a really moral human being and I don't need religion to tell me that. I give coins to the poor even when I'm not well off myself. I household a dog and about a dozen cats because I feel sorry for them. Can you say the same?

    I also don't eat "meat" because I feel sorry for all the animals suffering. So I'm not "moral"? I don't love? You have to really question *your* believes. I don't have to question mine.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2018
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  9. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    "The above will only make sense if you are truly intelligent."

    Translation: If you don't believe what I believe you're not TRULY intelligent like I am.

    "That's why most people now a days are stupid in regards to true knowledge"

    Translation: I have TRUE knowledge, if you don't believe what I believe it's because you don't have TRUE knowledge.

    "Its funny how many people who express strongly atheistic/anti-creationism sentiments, think they are smart for being able to recite information that lazily got from other sources, or information (propaganda) they clearly misunderstand. Being able to recite stuff (like they teach us to do in school) does not make your point valid, it just makes your a parrot. True intelligence (in a basic sense) is shown with the ability to objectively and critically analyze information."

    "It is an empirical FACT that "true randomness" does NOT create order, nor can randomness SUSTAIN any form, repeat in an orderly fashion, or create systematic order."

    "Real math and science make it "empirically" and "numerically" obvious that our world could NOT have come into form through random chance."

    Translation: I not going to actually prove it but I know REAL math and science, I'm in no way expressing what people I agree with have expressed before me, and to me. Look at all my original thoughts everyone. I'm no lemming!

    :rofl:That's not REAL laughter, only TRUE funny things are funny. Unlike that propaganda you think is funny. Only TRULY INTELLIGENT FUNNY people know what is REALLY FUNNY!

    I don't care to feed your ego, or read long philosophical and or metaphysical circle jerks. I've been reading this nonsense my whole life and not one of you believers can show any intelligent creator whatsoever. All you have is words, piled on more words, mazes of words, none of it amounting to anything other than your imagination. So confident in that imagination, stubbornly.

    Show me the actual intelligent creator/s or just STFU. It's that simple. If you can't do that, don't bother responding. I promise it'll be a waste of your time. You are what you think you are not. Just another monkey (or lemming as you like) that isn't privy to any information the rest of the people in thread are not. You have zero special insight, and not 1 original thought was expressed whatsoever. Get over yourself. :welcome:
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2018
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  10. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I wish i could see my loved ones again but i can't, i wish i wasn't going to die, I am
    I wish there was "all the time in the world" to accomplish things, there isn't.
    we have this one tiny short life to make a difference, right now that is it.
    we live a tiny life , then we are gone back to the dust of the earth.
    we have to value all we have love and cherish, the world and all people,
    do our part to make a better world for those who live on.

    if we deny death we hurt ourselves.

    stand up against DEATH DENIIERS today.

    everlasting life= death denial
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2018
  11. tommyzai

    tommyzai Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2012
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    Loving God!
  12. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, Mormons, Scientologists, Baptists, Protestants, Pastafarians, Jedis and all others

    As Richard Dawkins says, I just don't believe in one more god than you do.
  13. tidus1990

    tidus1990 Producer

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Why did i know this was a foster post based on the title?
  14. BooBam

    BooBam Ultrasonic

    Jan 9, 2018
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  15. BooBam

    BooBam Ultrasonic

    Jan 9, 2018
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    “God is a comedian playing to an audience that is too afraid to laugh.”
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  16. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    of course i don't belive in a an intelligent adult human.....only children believe in the tooth fairy, santa clause, any god and all other lies told them by moronic adults
  17. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    ill have a kilo of whatever you are smoking friend...hold the unsub beliefs
  18. Vader

    Vader Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2011
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    All religion is garbage!!!
  19. m9cao

    m9cao Producer

    Oct 3, 2012
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    almost everyone need a GOD internally in their heart but the GOD was never same in everyone's heart,

    however the truth was so irony, some people believes they have SAME ONLY ONE GOD, this phenomenon in some country called religion, or belief, or believe THE GOD exist and only the same GOD, in some communism or socialism country it called party.

    if your GOD was same as someone else, the GOD yours have was FAKE, because everyone never same(probably a live was cloned, all technical properties was same, but their energy structure and fate was never same, *researched from western astrology)

    some people want to be THE GOD, and cheats everyone,(in communism or socialism country that's totally cheating and negetive, in western country its less negetive *was a cheating too indeed)

    for the justice and the truth, HUMAN MUST DIE.

    *why religion exist? because-
    1 any object moving need a direction
    2 if you want 2 of object dont clashing, they must not running in same direction(positive mean)
    3 if all people have same direction the true controller of specific country has greater power to control, and people was got cheated, the country becomes to dark, fake, negtive, to the direction to destruction.(negtive effect)

    *most of people have AUTISM, 'if you have, i must have', 'if i thinks its good, you must need it',
    how to found and kill those stupid??
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2018
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  20. Seedz

    Seedz Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Sitting on a Cornflake
    Life is exactly what you think it is :guru:
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