How many selfies u take,how many real friends u have !

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by spyfx, Oct 15, 2017.

  1. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    for the audiosex community.
    True story :
    About a week ago,i was taking a meditative walk around my neighborhood here in California.
    As i was walking i saw a girl in her 20's walking towards me with her phone in her hands taking selfie after selfie of her self in the most "narcissistic" way you can imagine.She was so absorbed in her iphone,she wasn't able to see in front of her.As the distance between us was getting smaller and just before she was ready to "crash on me " i said "hello".
    "oops" she goes,"i am taking this awesome selfies" ,i said "that's fine" just "watch your step" (for her safety).
    the thought that came right away in my mind was : How many selfies u take,how many real friends u have.
    I am not blaming her or judging her in any way.
    Going back home and in the studio the thought : How many selfies u take,how many real friends u have,
    was still in my head.
    Out of that experience this is what was born :
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2017
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  3. Tarkus

    Tarkus Producer

    Oct 3, 2015
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    N.Y.C. area
    I have never taken, nor will I probably ever take one, they are just not my generation.
    I am not judging those who have, just stating a fact. As far as friends, the ones that are still
    alive are just fine.
  4. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    thanks for your thoughts man :wink:,what do you think of the track & vid ?
  5. ontschoeit

    ontschoeit Kapellmeister

    Oct 10, 2017
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    I don't make selfies at all. Probably different generation thing. The track is lovely, that kind of arp guitar is well done. Also I like the drum programming. I wished for something even more interesting in the melody department (there's so many tracks with one chord progression w. 4 notes out there).
  6. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    thanks ! :wink: the track was made in the ''moment" and for fun !
  7. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    That voice sounds like Cave Johnson
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  8. Freakmaster

    Freakmaster Noisemaker

    Dec 28, 2016
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    A sign of the times we're living in - research #MGTOW and never look back! :bow:
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  9. Mahapurush

    Mahapurush Member

    Dec 3, 2016
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    Yo! I was just about to drop a link between Men and Women from The Red Pill perspective here but then I saw your post. No surprise most of the replies so far on this post have mentioned that they do not take selfies. Like-minded creators. :mates:

    The song is good especially that guitar inclusion.
  10. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    I cant stand that culture at all!
    i got no time for it..
    Nor do i engage in it......
    .............."like i honestly think its fukin pathetic"........................
    Always hilarious when the person takn the selfie fucks up n falls flat on theyre face tho...

    What truly amazes me ,is half the time these people are so oblivious to the fact that nobody gives a shit exept another fellow moron!
    That and the fact that so many people are deluded these days..

    Thinking they look beutifull, And that we the world ,need to see em in all theyre "Ahem"Glory!
    Or not as the case may be!
    Young girls especially...
    Incredibly shallow pastime!
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2017
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  11. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    I want to have many friends! Let's be friends!=D
  12. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Well its a reflection of the society, people are just too lazy to invest energy into something with more substance these days, so they choose phones and social media sites and most people cant control it.
    Instant ego boost, but its pretty much the same as with drugs, they need more and more, otherwise they feel empty and depressed.

    Although, im looking good today, its gonna be a great day.
    Gots to get dressed, grandma is calling.
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  13. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Spot on! I couldn't agree more.
  14. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Nice tune. What style would that be?
  15. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    hi my friend,thanks for your kind words ! :wink::bow:,respect.
    as for style i really don't know :guitarhero: maybe Insta Selfie Electro Rock :hahaha:(making fun of myself)
  16. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    The beat is super nice; the voice gets repeated too much so it loses importance, i'd have played only twice in the entire song.
    guitar is really neat, you're good man you made lots of different stuff from what i've seen :wink:

    about selfies: i don't condemn them. what i condemn is the fact that you have to share them on social medias to everybody just to fill yourself because (most of the time, we don't know) your life is empty. i'd have no problem if people would take pictures and then share only with those who need to see them. i don't even have a smartphone with internet or a good camera, nor do i need one.

    ps: i dont know why the word selfie is forced. people were always taking pictures of themselves before mobiles, was rare sure, i remember few years ago my dad showed me "hey here's the first selfie of the word" and there's a pic of him as a child in black and white taking a pic of himself, clearly with an old camera :D

    great track mate, the one i liked most from you is the lucid dreams one :wink:
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  17. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    thanks for the time writing this,it is much appreciated,you have my greatest respect. :like: :bow:
  18. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Ha!! "Spy fx"..


    I honestly went on a fukn rant when i read that first lil bit bout twetysuttns n selfies....
    And ovr looked your sc post

    I do love tht intro me ol m8....
    Very very very pre jungle ,pre dnb "Born of the rave era"!...

    Certainly up my street!....
    Sorry i breezed past it Before!..

    And yeah im bein mean coz im directing that at exactly those tht do....
    But watcha gon do......"tAKE A PIC OF YA SELF N SEND IT TO ME"....
    jus playn ....people jus playn..

    Twas deseving my attention, so i had to come bk n put it right....
  19. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    hey man thanks ! :like::bow:
    if you like d&b have a listen to this,would love to hear your thoughts !
    link :
  20. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Yeah im happy to go listen bro ,of course,....

    I do think variation with drm work is vital wth dnb /jungle...But i do like it ovr all..
    Are u lookn 4 constructv critt at all?..

    Theres not much of it btw...not much at all......

    Someone here told me i should kinda throw my hat in the ring so despite the recordings bein horrific...
    U should find my sc addrs below....

    Here ya,z all go....
    btw , i erased bout 30 tracks off my stream, and meant to replace it all,thn i got sick ,and took me nrly a yr to recover i guess..

    But im gonna be updatin my stream in a couple days...
    Everythns on my stream bar 1 track is ...droid......
    Jus for the planet h stuff really...
    Else idve deleted it all to ,to start a fresh....

    For the record guys "It does not represent my skillset right now whatsoever"
    Bear tht in mind if you listen to anythn ok../
    Also all drm sounds per trk are 1 shots...

    Sorry Here.............

    ..."and yes i realise theyre all recorded horrifiically"..

    hence me updating....
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2017
  21. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Yes, the young people live in the age of the cult of the photo, not always by far of the body.
    I often see in nice places like parks friends taking photos of each other. Which is great. But you can tell when it's for uploading them to social/dating networks.
    Take 500 pictures of yourself and you'll look like a model in one. Then apply filters and so on.

    I only take selfies for sexting, nothing more :wink: