Windows10 without the updates

Discussion in 'PC' started by Beatle, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. Beatle

    Beatle Ultrasonic

    Aug 5, 2016
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    Long story short, my system drive (Windows 8.1 Pro) was due for replacement and it was obvious Windows 10 was the only way to go but the constant updates and the bloatware apps, that are never used, had to go.
    So here is the solution:
    Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB, short for Long Term Servicing Branch.
    You can only get it by installing Windows from Windows 10 LTSB installation media.
    LTSB version is designed for stability, it’s updated very differently from other builds of Windows 10. Microsoft will never publish a feature update like the Anniversary Update or November Update for Windows 10 LTSB. These machines will get security and bugfix updates through Windows Update, but that’s it. Even when Microsoft releases a new version of Windows 10 LTSB with new features, you’ll have to download new Windows 10 LTSB installation media and install or upgrade from the media. Windows 10 LTSB will never be automatically updated with new features.
    Windows 10 LTSB omits a lot of the new stuff in Windows 10: Windows Store, Cortana, Microsoft Edge, Calendar, Camera, Clock, Mail, Money, Music, News, OneNote, Sports, and Weather.
    In fact, the default Start menu on Windows 10 LTSB doesn’t even include a single tile. You won’t find any of those new Windows 10 apps installed, aside from the Settings app.
    I am not entirely positive but I use PureVPN and the Windows PureVPN app would not work so I installed the .exe I used on Windows 8.1 and it worked flawlessly. So I can only assume that Windows apps may not work on this version of Windows.
    Every Program I use, Ableton Live, Kontakt, Office 2016, Photoshop, Audition, VST's etc. installed and ran as normal.
    A bonus is that Windows 10 handling of Hi-DPI screens is much improved, so the new version of Ableton Live, 9.7.3, looks great and VST windows open appropriately sized.

    Hope this is useful to someone, search:
    Windows 10 Enterprise X64 2016 LTSB MULTi-20 June 2017 {Gen2}
    I tested several and found this was the best by a long margin.
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  3. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    I thought about it, but preferred to lock features on a regular one :wink:
    As few ppl will run LTSB (because they are not stock on regular computers), devs will miss some bugs.

    So, on one side, you get a nice clean Win. On the other side, you get more potential unsolved bugs related to missing features.
    For now, most ppl don't complain about LTSB. Wait and see on my side :wink:
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  4. boogiewoogie

    boogiewoogie Platinum Record

    Sep 15, 2012
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    I have an older build (1511) on win10 on my DAW and I simply disabled the Windows Update service. Also works :) no worrying about updates.
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  5. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Ive posted about this several times on this forum and have been running an LTSB version of Windows 10 for several months now. Its streamlined, no bloat and rock solid.
  6. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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    i heard about this version before and actually went to buy it, but could not find it

    gave up and forgot about it, cant be bothered to get a PHD in windows versions

    Would not have a problem paying 100 bucks for a proper windows 10 without the shit.

    It simply needs to work and run my applications, not bother me with its selfimportance, which apparently this version does, but where to BUY? Is this subscription only?
  7. Beatle

    Beatle Ultrasonic

    Aug 5, 2016
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    Just an update. It's been roughly a month using Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB and I have to say I'm impressed, security and system updates are still coming but it allows you to schedule reboots etc. to downtime. The system is rock solid and other than updates I haven't had one problem. My PC does dual duty as a DAW, Home Server, Media Server and general dogsbody. With 64TB of storage 128GB RAM it's a 24x7x365 machine. It can be serving a couple or three 4K or 1080p movies around the house, streaming offsite and running Live with 10to 30 instances of Kontakt etc. as well as a multitude of other tasks so reliability to me is paramount.
  8. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    there is one even little better version and that is Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB (without media player and other bullsh!t, designed for european market due to certain law stuff)

    EDIT: certain softwares will not even launch though, due to missing media components from system :/
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2017
  9. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    Thanks for that, @tzzsmk :wink:
    Been holding off migrating to 10, but after your plug for a bullshit limited version, I found a pre activated copy and did the deed.
    Took me a while to work out how to stop defender and halt auto updates, but it's done now and looks like it'll be a good move in the end.
    Of course it will take a day to install all my plugs and files :suicide:
  10. JudoLudo

    JudoLudo Kapellmeister

    Jul 27, 2014
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    I would not recommend that, I ran this version for a year and could not install programs wich required media features, such as Transcribe. I tried to install those missing feature but didn't manage to.
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  11. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    I dual boot my pc, with win 7 for regular pc stuff, and now an off line, daw only version of win 10.
    Everything I had on my old win 7 music boot has installed and works as it should.
    I can't speak for all, obviously, but the version I have is solid and fit for purpose.

  12. not sure

    not sure Ultrasonic

    Nov 28, 2015
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    So how does this work exactly? I just put a computer together and need to put an OS on it. I'm kind of skeptical of Win10 but want to give it a try. Do I just install Win10 and then get that LTSB update or is it a version of Win10 that I should purchase?


    So this?

    What happens after 90 days?
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2017
  13. thecow

    thecow Guest

    You need any windows ISO that has LTSB version on it :
    Latest LTSB DOESN'T exist in 1703 OS version (Windows 10 build v1703, aka creator's update) but in v1607 only, so it is LTSB 2016 (Windows 10 build, version 1607).

    Then just authorize with Microsoft Toolkit (KMS activator Tool)

    Or, easier, you could just search for Murphy78 Windows torrent to download, he is the most reliable "windows maker", search for the latest Microsoft Windows 10 AIO 30in1 build 14393 from murphy78 (30in1 I'm sure has LTSB in it). Then, same, Microsoft Toolkit to activate.

    That is true, Enterprise LTSB is very stable and reliable, no metro apps, no edge, no cortana etc. + a lot less programs and services running in the background. You just need to install your own web browser, media player etc. after. Next LTSB is due for 2018 (when they will have fixed all the bugs of 1703 version hehe). You can even upgrade from Pro to LTSB, as I did, with a simple registry trick without losing files and installed apps.

    My other advice is to have a look at mydigitallife forum, for ISO(s), toolkit and other usefull informations.

    For the upgrade "trick", here is the link:

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 15, 2017
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  14. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    You can buy the key on ebay for as low as 11 euros.
    Bought a key for win 7 pro for 5 euros and its working.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 15, 2017
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  15. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I will never touch that POS OS in a million years, no matter what. There's enough software that works for XP/7/8 and there is no need to "upgrade" at all. And please don't start me on that MS PR shit about newer CPUs not being compatible with older systems... :rolleyes:

    Try reading about it on a geek tech website like Slashdot that I follow regularly, not listen to some quasi-techs on a website like this. There are aa million of issues with that POS OS, no matter what version. Maybe some day some good soul will cut out absolutely everything that is bad with it, who knows?

    Here's a real technical thread by real technical people who know their shit [and are generally not into audio] about Windows 10. Read it.

    Cheers! :wink:
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  16. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    I have the Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB version and it's great. No issues whatsoever.

    I won't post the magnet link to the version I've got, but here some simple guides how to turn off updates and defender in it.
    I also cut the internet while doing music (dual boot) while keeping the lan connected to run some software, and the thread here, and files in it, let that happen automatically when set up like below.

    Turn off Windows Updates in Windows 10 -

    Disabling Windows Defender using the Group Policy -

    Bat file thread -
    Copy release bat file here
    'Drive':\Users\'Your user name'\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 15, 2017
  17. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    I switched from Win 7 x64 to win 10x64 family version since June 2017 and I'm happy with it.Not serious bug with them.Why switch on LTSB version?
  18. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    No updates, defender off, no apps/bloat and reduced background services.

    Probably not best version for a one suits all family pc, but perfect for a stand alone music machine.
  19. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    i agree with you . Automatic updates annoyed me a lot. It's so unfortunate ( and more! ) that (nobody)you can't stop updates easy.
    But once you've done it it is a good OS.I think it looks like win7.
    I just make music and a I go a bit on internet and no problem yet.
    And for sure I don't like (or I hate) "Windows Store, Cortana, Microsoft Edge, Calendar, Camera, Clock, Mail, Money, Music, News, OneNote, Sports, and Weather" !!! All this stuff sucks
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2017
  20. not sure

    not sure Ultrasonic

    Nov 28, 2015
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    Where can I get it without torrenting or getting cracked versions?
  21. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Ive been testing Win10 LTSB and Win 8.1 for the past week. Real world testing for my setup. After a little over a week Im back on windows 7. It takes me a little longer to boot (like 10 seconds) But as far as performance goes audio production with a crapload of vst/vsti and video fx like comping and rendering After effects projects, Win7 is faster. Loading the same heavy 60+ tracks projects in ableton and AE projects with a lot of 3d on all 3 OSes. Windows 7 seems like it can handle a little more before my system starts to sputter out. Ill wait an extra 10 seconds at boot for more horsepower. I do have a meager setup by today's standards late gen i5 with 8 gigs and 3 smaller ssds. nvidia gtx 750 but I know now. No reason for me to update. Now that I got the update itch out of the way, back to Win7

    Im a system tweaker as well. registry and services etc

    Speaking of services, I found a cool utility that automates the tweaking of services following the black viper recommended configs (Default/Safe/Tweaked/Extreme) It works with all versions of windows too. I use the tweaked config , but modify it a little like disabling windows update (i use wsus offline updater), action center, homegroup services and so on...

    If you're not familiar please refer to the black viper site before you eff something up
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2017