Headphone listening

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by ZUK, Mar 10, 2017.

  1. ZUK

    ZUK Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2011
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    Hi guys,

    When you mixing/mastering or simply listen music with headphones, do you use any program/vst like:?

    TB Isone
    Wavearts Panorama
    112dB Redline Monitor
    Beyerdynamic Virtual Studio

    Any recommendation, suggestion?
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  3. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I recommend u use some kinda timer, and don't listen 2 moar than about ~10 songs w/o a rest. Or maybe 2 songs if u like prog rawk? Respect ur ears! Remember that u get no stereo stage, ur just putting two speakers directly @ some delicate lil organs! Also, when it says "listening above this volume is bad for ur ears" or equivalent, don't treat it liek a challenge!
  4. I never do for three reasons. I have been using the same Audio-Technica headphones for the last...10 years and know how they translate to other systems because of my familiarity with them, and the other is when I mix something for someone who I know will be listening with only headphones or ear buds I tend of course to mix differently, ie, less reverb and different panning than I would for a general mix. And thirdly, I am lucky to have decent monitors and do not need to rely on headphones for mixing. I have used the 112dB Redline Monitor to try them out about four or five years ago to see what they were all about and thought that they might come in handy for a person without monitors or unable to get up to good listening level of about 85dBs for whatever reason. However, whatever one uses, be it headphones, monitors, stereo speakers or a gramophone, it is good practice to hear your mix on other systems to see how your music translates and to find the most happy compromise that is possible.
  5. DJSabreblade

    DJSabreblade Ultrasonic

    Aug 17, 2012
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    my combo for mixing on sennheiser hd800.. Mathaudio Auto EQ 2.1.2 (the first version), and the latest 112dB Redline Monitor

    i usually mix a couple tracks one day then take like a month break with only listening on speakers ;) break is key.
  6. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    I'm always saying "It's got to pass the truck test" which is listening in a 2002 Toyota Tacoma with the stock system. My daily driver. I know what professional recordings sound like on that system because I listen to it at least 5 days a week. Also, a lot of the intended audience will be listening on stock car stereos. It's saved me from bass heavy mixes, gain staging problems, and overly bright mixes as I've learned to listen for such things on it. It has also taught me where the weaknesses are in my mix room monitors so that I could do some rearrangement and treatment in that room to help. Now if it sounds gorgeous in the sweet spot in my room, it usually does in the truck as well.

    I'm not a fan of headphones for mixing, except to spot noise, and set initial levels. I tried the TB Isone, and Waves NX, but didn't really like the results. Could be I'm using ATH-M35's which aren't open back. I'm looking into a good set of open backs for mixing purposes.
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  7. TW

    TW Guest

    Headphones (AKG 812 and beyerdynamic dt 990)- tonebooster morphit followed by waves nx - really great results.
    I even love to just listen to music with that vsts...
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  8. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Sometime,s whichever works for you.
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  9. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Yes, I have copied the eq of morphit with pro-q2 and use waves nx with a webcam
  10. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    No. I use heads phones nearly all the time. You should learn to know how your headphones translate, as there may come a time when you need to use them and don't have access to the software, which is changing the dinamics of the cans. For mixing and mastering, open or semi open back only, not closed back.
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  11. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I always use my Audio Technica ATH-M50X headphones and even got rid of my monitor speakers completely.

    What I do is to put Waves' Q-Clone as the final plugin on my final output channel on my production. I then load in an M50X preset I have for it that 'corrects' it and the preset is taken from the Sonarworks VST preset for the M50X. This method works for me and has not failed me yet. I do also own a Focusrite VRM Box too, which isn't that great in terms of exact emulation, but is enough in the ball park to let you test out mixes on different speaker systems through your headphones. You can also go further an use plugins like Waves NX to head track you and position the mix in the 'right' place in terms of position and stereo field that you choose.

    The method I use I got from this forum actually, here: https://audiosex.pro/threads/sonarworks-plugin-you-dont-need-it.24702/

    However, the zippy link for the Q-Clone seems to be dead now and I only kept the M50X preset that I slightly tweaked for my own headphones.
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  12. ZUK

    ZUK Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2011
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  13. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I used to have the finest and costly hardware, be it monitors, linear headphones or the like. But 15 or so years ago I needed headphones quickly while I was away. I took the cheapest I could find in the store I visited. $20. To my surprise the sound was overwhelmingly good. Deep, defined bass, clear highs. A ferrit core. It was from Sony (MDR-XD100). I never used anything else again for mixing/mastering. I just know how it has to sound like, plus it moved me away from too bassy mixes, since those headphones even let you notice bass frequencies well below 40 Hz. (Officially it ranges 12-22000 Hz, but I doubt that low-end)

    However, my point is: It isn't important what material you have. It also isn't important to use software that emulates (!) other headphones/monitors. More important is that you learn the difference between your headphones and a perfect mix. It is almost as with Shooters. The good ones know their point of aim, instead of directly focussing on the target.
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  14. Yevheniy Taskov

    Yevheniy Taskov Member

    Jan 18, 2017
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    I have tried ToneBoosters Morphit, Waves NX, and 112dB Redline Monitor. I personally like using Redline Monitor when trying to apply reverb, as I will often add too much without it (when mixing with headphones). It is less fatiguing on the ears also to mix for long sessions using it. I also tried ToneBoosters Morphit and set it to correct my headphones but frankly I couldn't tell much of a difference. I only shortly demoed Waves NX but didn't have a cam to track my head; I still prefer Redline Monitor over it soundwise.

    I can't really use my headphones much anymore though because they flare up my TMJ. :grooves:
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