Why don't most people here share their musics?

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by foster911, Dec 18, 2016.

  1. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    That's one of the the most stupid questions. If Picasso had answered to it after every finished work he would probably painted 10% of what we know today.

    Music making is as much making melody and sound design as knowing when is enough. It's the art of compromise between the artist and it's work. It's the power to make a step back and say "it's finished" even if it's flawed. Art making is for really strong people.

    The knitting club is not the ideal place to sell (and get appreciation for) one's own knitting. Etsy is...
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  2. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    When I complete and sign off a piece it no longer belongs to me It becomes the IP of the label, tv, radio or film company that commissioned it. All written notes, scraps, outtakes, preliminary work, third-party consent forms and financial accounts are considered to be "deliverables". That's simply how it is when you're a media whore. Cash in the pocket, nothing in the coffers.:dunno:

    To date, nobody cared about precisely how the product was created. A robust method for patenting the electrochemical process of my brain is yet to be invented. Yes, a majority of contracts specify the technology, the hardware and the O/S that will be used but that's merely for costing and amortization purposes. A verifiable financial exercise to justify the cost and revenues. Claiming back the cost of buying a VSTi has to be backed up by receipts, or else you can't actually include it in the expenses column. No backing documentation? No chance!

    But wait.... I'm just nattering about why I don't share my music on AS. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.:unsure:
  3. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I like seeing how you have grown over the months, artistically and sound wise.
    Nice work bro :wink:
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  4. PopstarKiller

    PopstarKiller Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2016
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    The site itself might not be linked with piracy (questionable), but as I said, my posts admit that I use illegal products. I like the possibility of speaking freely about those things here without worrying that somewhere down the line they will be connected to me. Labels might not care about that, but word of it might get to some very big manufacturers.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2016
  5. jvne

    jvne Kapellmeister

    Oct 3, 2012
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    I would like to, but since I've made most of all my mixes with poor headphones (until few months ago when I've at last bought some nice speakers) actually I'm not happy with these old songs. So many to rework and so little time... Since I'm also working on new material I don't plan to remix it for the moment. So why not share it anyway :

    Maybe some advices will help do it more quickly
  6. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Still, when someone post his/her track here, it's by any means no indication whether that person is legit owner of their tools they used or not.
    In another words, "post a track here" != "you're pirate".

    Also your post only hints, you might have used pirated content at one point in time.
  7. PopstarKiller

    PopstarKiller Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2016
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    Ok Andrew I'll simplify it.

    I talk about using an illegal product here > I post my music here > I get world famous for my music (yeah right) > some jealous pillock connects these dots and rats me out to, say, native instruments > I get sued and become known as a thief. No thanks...
  8. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    I totaly understand your concern popstar, the music business is a very small world and it doesnt take much to ruin a name.
  9. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    So where are your balls? I don't see them. Today even females have got two of them. I think you're still tying to your mom's apron strings.

    @Impressive please tell your pussy (what was his name?) to catch and eat this guy.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2016
  10. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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  11. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Because very few actually make music in here <---- would be the easy answar! But..........

    There might be a few pros and also a few really skilled people around, but Im pretty sure they´ll keep from uploading anything here.

    Just a suggestion - what do I know?
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  12. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Yes, it seems strange not many tunes get posted.

    But if it is excellent, why give it away? And if it's rubbish, why bother anyone with it?

    A forum where everybody was rubbish would post much more music, I'm sure.

    Everybody with half a mind to bother can produce music nowadays, and we're swamped by media - the world is awash with images and sounds. I have a gazillion songs and books to get around to as it is, why do I need to bother with listening to yet another bedroom cowboy?

    I can play guitar and produce just about as well as I had desperately hoped to do as a teenager. But why should anybody else care? Like most people, I suppose, I am not talented and have nothing particularly to offer.

    No doubt I'm jaded by the overwhelming tsunami of sound and vision these last 20 years. And the bar is set so very high nowadays, excellence is the minimum expected. Nevertheless, it's a buzz to listen to tracks posted by 'real' people.

    They don't have to be commercially (or musically) worthy of much attention, but they always speak of a great flowering of creativity - largely brought about by piracy btw. Going off-topic a bit, we are surely already entering a period in which most people will have got to prominence through initial piracy. Piracy has been a fabulously democratising force for creativity - in the digital realm especially (it's an aspect of its strength). Obviously, piracy isn't a possible basis of an entire economy, but to imagine it represents "lost sales" is untrue: poor kids don't buy $200 digital reverbs any more than they buy $5000 hardware units.

    The last decade has been The Golden Age of Piracy, and it's put the prerequisite tools of creativity in the hands of millions (billions?) of people whom, until now, have been denied a voice simply by being priced out. Ultimately that is going to produce a lot of audio engineers, a lot of film and graphics folk, a lot of new voices and visions - all of which will drive the wider digital economy and serve its commercial stakeholders' interests. And we all win because we're all richer for it. I have no doubt plenty of The Smarts know this, but they can't acknowledge it. Plus, it's a temporary situation because the period of easy and prevalent piracy is soon going to be over.

    I invented "Pirate Music" - which is music produced entirely on pirated software and stolen samples. Nobody owns it and everyone is anonymous, of course. And it is impossible to pirate it. Blah blah woof woof.
  13. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    So far I've not downloaded even 1Mb of samples (containing free and non-free ones) from the sister site. Most of times people don't need anything but creativity. I also just use the stock plugins. They're enough for my whole life.

    How much a person needs samples depends on the genre he/she's producing. For example electronic dance genres really don't need vast amount of samples. They need tweaking the synths more than anything else so I'm not worried about anything.
  14. Menorah

    Menorah Producer

    Sep 21, 2013
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    I'm not a music producer, my productions suck.

    I'm just a simple hobbyist sound designer and I joined to this forum to get fresh ideas.
  15. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
  16. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    But a sample of a famous, culturally important sound/riff/vocal is its own thing.

    As a painter, or poet, one references "the greats" and is applauded. TS Eliot wrote that
    But in music, even a few notes of reference of the highest reverence, let alone a direct sample, is enough to set the lawyers salivating.

    And that's BS. The digital form includes duplication as one of its (maybe its greatest) strengths. To take that away from digital audio is to deprive it of one its greatest assets - indeed, the thing that makes it sooooo......what it is.

    Artists should be allowed to sample whatever they like. And they do. The real action is taking place away from the mainstream and its IP police.

    Pirate the software and then sample anything. Then release the product without ownership - give it all away. There's an inarguable ethic in there that's exciting. It's the most punk, ever.

    There must be a gazillion tunes that wouldn't exist without piracy. A gazillion videos, a gazillion images......none of which could have happened without piracy. [It has to be said that nothing would be produced by a world of pirates alone. I'm not arguing Piracy is necessarily "good", only that some of its consequences are. Software engineers have to eat too, eventually.]
  17. complete

    complete Producer

    Sep 19, 2013
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    Awesome track dude, you better finish that one! :wink:
  18. jaymo99

    jaymo99 Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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  19. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    There's some funny, cop out logic going on in this thread. Unless one know our songs genuinely suck and cause embarrassment, If you're proud of what you've made, I don't see any reason why not to share your music. Hell, even if it's sh1t, so what? Not that it's everyone's goal, but no one ever made it by keeping it to themselves.
    Sure this place isn't the forum to get noticed on, but we're creators and surely as such just share for the sake of it.

    I don't care a crap about the warez argument. Buy the stuff when a label signs you up, with your advance package, or your independent release makes some money. No big deal. Who cares except the twats on kvr?
    Someone might steal your songs off soundcloud. To be fair, that may be the only way some of us get famous or make cash. Keep your dated project files and when another artist has done the hard work of getting noticed, a release and promotion you're one step away from the royalties and sh1t load of publicity. The bigger the stolen tracks success the better it is for us.
    Don't live in fear, live in expectation.

    Of course there's always the sting of rejection, and I can tell there are a lot of fragile souls on here, but then you must wonder if the game is one you want to play?
    Maybe take up fly fishing. lol :lmao:
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  20. CelsoBJ

    CelsoBJ Guest
