Audioz don't allow you to have your opinion!!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Vader, Dec 16, 2016.

  1. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    So many positive comments towards Olymoon. I'm very happy i made that choice to accept him as moderator. Olymoon is the most selfless mod i've ever worked with :like: :mates: and I'm glad you guys understand that sometimes we have to make hard decisions for the good of our members in general :bow:

    and you, TeamVTX, after so many warnings and one ban, should know better when to stop telling your truth and speaking your opinion, which i somehow doubt anyone actually asked for, in that mystical thread which you didn't even bothered to name here :dont:

    that's your example, really?... :sad: well how about this example - imagine a person walking in your house/workplace, shouting and yelling. wouldn't that bother you? seriously? you don't need to make a rule for CAPITALIZED MESSAGES, because it is considered a bad tone in general all over the internet, just like yelling and screaming in a public places. :no:


    good, so it's all about the perspective. you all have your personal one, while moderator must always remain objective and Olymoon exactly that. :yes:

    again, so many wonderful comments. love you guys :cheers:
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2016
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  2. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Haha, i looked at your avatar and then read that as "Cats Against Humanity" and thought, damn, if cats are against us we're in deep shit. :)
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  3. vladdrac

    vladdrac Kapellmeister

    Dec 20, 2015
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    AudioZ needs to remain clean and objective. Help mods do their work and respect a few simple rules.

    There are dozens of other websites you can join to share your brilliant *cough* off-topic opinions.
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  4. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    ...So there you have it, and a perfect example of how AS/AZ allows people to have opinions (within clear and reasonable rules of general humanity).... This thread wasn't deleted/edited/modified/locked...

    Everyone was able to speak their mind and air their grievances and positive accolades.

    I love CavEmp, and I'm not sure what situation he is talking about, but he is absolutely one of the great ones here, always helping out etc... he had an issue, was able to say it, and while I agree with him on most things in life, I don't know the situation he is talking about here, so don't know... I know he rarely stirs up controversy, and if and when he has, he owns up to it, or defines his point. And that's great. I know that I have gotten in arguments with members here and on the sister site, but they are generally resolved, and through those I have actually MADE more friends through pm's of being cool, and whatnot. I'm absolutely capable of being a jerk, and when I am, I try and apologize, or make good on it... We are all human...

    Olymoon walked into the job with some serious landmines, ones that he had no part in the creation of. And his approach imho, has been nothing but selfless, tireless, and fair. And I know he has opinions that in his role he can't or isn't the right thing to say, as his duties involve a large amount of tolerance and impartiality.

    When there is a mod change, some things change in addition,... A lot of people didn't like the way his predecessor did it. Ok, I don't necessarily agree, it's none of my business, and that is far from the point... but I get that for the health of the community a change was made. I still call his predecessor my friend and am extremely thankful for his friendship and how much he contributed to making this place flourish and fun. And I absolutely respect others differing opinions on that. Olymoon (I imagine) is friends with him as well, and I'm sure it was difficult for him to step into the role, as he doesn't want to hurt anyone or appear like he pulled something.. He didn't. He is the right man for the job right now. and thumbs up to him. We have seen the site flourish.

    All good. I read these threads because I find it interesting... and I also sometimes speak my mind for whatever it is worth, in terms of what I have seen here and the general health of the community. But I am NOT a mod, or staff, or anything for that matter, so it's just bloviating.... and it doesn't matter.

    But I think this ship is being steered just fine... and I hope it continues.

    respect to all, and thank you for allowing us to have some fun here SAiNT and Olymoon and Articstorm, and EVERYONE else who spends a LOT of time for the end benefit of all of us.

    Last edited: Dec 16, 2016
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  5. jkst

    jkst Kapellmeister

    Oct 31, 2016
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    olymoon is a cool guy who no doubt has the strenous job of maintaining order and has time to upload to zippy on top of that :shalom:

    but let's forget about opinions for a minute and focus on a more important matter

    did anyone notice integral spam is back? :rofl:
  6. Questionsall

    Questionsall Newbie

    Apr 11, 2015
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    I have always found it quite funny about the internet and caps lock all caps make no sound.It is just bigger fonts on the screen.
    Or is there an audio broadcast from the words on the screen? what plug do you hear it from the rca jack or the quarter inch?
    Lol Just a little comedy to brighten the mood.:yes:
  7. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Eh... again the shouting analogy... I don't think it's a perfect 1:1 relationship between typing in caps/bold/whatever on a message board and shouting in public, seeing as everyone gets their turn to talk on a message board. I acknowledged that it was obnoxious. Beyond that, I'm not a big fan of regulating or restricting the conversation when not absolutely necessary, but I get that if you support that position you get the last word. So that's cool.

    Btw- the facepalm gif is cute but the point about people being shouted over is not a point that was originally raised by me. I see you agree that it's ridiculous though.

    @sisyphus I don't know that the praise is altogether deserved but I appreciate the kind words. As much as I help people out around here when I can, I am also sometimes a shit-stirrer and I do appreciate that my antics are tolerated by Saint and the rest of the mod team to the extent that they are, where the overall culture of this place is rather more reserved and temperate than I tend to be sometimes.

    Who knows, maybe I owe Oly an apology. I have considered that what I perceive as being kind of inflexible and self righteous could just be due to lack of nuance in his limited grasp the the English language, which is no doubt far better than my understanding of whatever his native language is. I'm far too impulsive. I just blurt shit out and then feel bad about what I've said to/about people. He was always cool to me on AS. Just some of my interactions on AZ left a bad taste in my mouth I guess.
  8. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    maybe you are a crap-stirrer CavEmp, I guess "I" just haven't seen it, perhaps we are on different threads due to OS differences and whatnot. I have just seen you lend a hand to others and to me etc in the threads I have seen you in... and I enjoy our discussions.

    I don't think Oly is inflexible or self righteous at all... I think he probably unfortunately has to spend half his day reminding people to obey the simple rules conveniently located on the side... and we do obviously have a multi-cultural and multi language environment here, so yeah, nuance and comments are absolutely lost sometimes, or taken the wrong way... and for that reason I always try and look at it that way... it would be too easy to flame up on something simply because english isn't a first language and we all know some of the epic fails of google translate and whatnot... i don't think Oly was trying to put a bad taste in your mouth!

    i think we can all get along....;) ... and would prefer to...
  9. Graf

    Graf Platinum Record

    Jul 6, 2015
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    interesting that this thread is at the same time I mentioned similar to him. above all, I am happy to hear that the boss (SAiNT) is happy. and also that the members are happy. it is a daunting task maintaining peace, and Oly is an exceptional person to volunteer for the task
    (edit better clarification)
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2016
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  10. Torrao

    Torrao Platinum Record

    Aug 26, 2015
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    Really? Olymoon gets on my nerves because every single time I see him "being a mod" he's just giving polite warnings (most of the time copy pasted) to users. I've probably banned the shit out of those assholes if I were him :rofl:

    Seriously. Compare him to Catalyst, who started a drama in pretty much every release thread. You people are never satisfied? Just stop trying to win the Internet and you'll be fine. :bleh:
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  11. wuzzle

    wuzzle Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
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    Lesser Galactic Co-ordinates: Earth (0.0.0)
    Sadly it's not a game, it's reality and they've already won. :woot:
  12. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    My only problem is how conversations on AZ are not allowed to veer even a little off topic. Before there used to be very long and interesting discussions, now it's pretty much dead. Sure, you get some good advice, some thank yous, troubleshooting, but it's much less colourful. I know it's not a forum, but still, I kind of miss it. It was fun reading through the heated discussions and all the inside drama while downloading.

    Nonetheless, Olymoon is a kind guy and is very devoted to his position of moderator. I can't imagine how much time it takes to sift through the whole site, keeping everyone in line. The positive of his moderation style is equality: no matter who you are, you get a warning if you break the rules. I think that's a step up. My concern is the chilling effect from deleting comments in discussions that organically take off in their own direction. It might be more relevant to the post, but it's not as engaging. Just my opinion, of course.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2016
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  13. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @lpu2n not easy to find the middle ground, as I suppose before, topics could veer wildly off the release, and degenerate
    into an insult/hate - fest, hence the current emphasis on remaining relevant to the release...

    we have seen over and over again how it can end up if the topic and comments take a turn for the worse,
    sure I have been guilty of tangents as well.. which still there is some level of tolerance for that, if it does not degenerate too much
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  14. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Well i got asked not to do that with the caps lock "when i first joined"
    Dont see the problem.."with turning off the caps if asked by a moderator i mean"
    Not that im some prude coz im not but im tired of seeing users leave pointless nonsesicle comments or just general unpleasentness

    Ive watched a change over the last few months and not for the better and not any moderators fault and all down to the calibre of recent users "and no i dont mean anyone specific and just mean those that dont care about the site is all
    I use this site all the time and surely others too wouldnt want to read all the bs non vst related dumbassery comments left behing in place.
    I personally dont find anything wrong with how olymoons been doin things recently at all
    I mean if your swearing your nut sack off in your comment then id fully expect him to remove it.
    My workround to this is pretty simple..
    "Learn how to implement the english language with a bit more finesse"
    Thats not to say i dont ever swear in a comment but its all bout time n place /context
    Hows am i being nasty btw Cocky maybe but im not being nasty by any stretch ,
    I probably mispoke saying "calibre of user" when what i truly mean is people that use the site that really dont give a shit about it!! "Maybe i shouldve chosen my words a little more carefully"
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2016
  15. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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  16. 4-LOM

    4-LOM Member

    May 29, 2016
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    What I find the most useful in AZ comments is looking at all of them and trying to figure out if the release is working or not...
    if I see too many "followed NFO, still not working", then I give it a miss. Also, many times, updates are about features I don't need/care about, and if the version I have has been working for a good long time, I'm not going to start breathing fast just b/c something was updated to work with a controller I don't have, etc. I do miss ye olden days of relatively simple installs.. I dread the day when all software companies use subscription-based models, and all software will require an internet connection to run...
  17. gurujon

    gurujon Kapellmeister

    May 28, 2012
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    I thought AZ was about sharing and saying thank you, not a place to tell the truth and swear.
    DL what you like, say thank you, shut up. What is the problem?
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  18. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Some people on AZ are real dicks, insulting warez teams , warez itself and users.
    Oly is ok in my book.:bow:
  19. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    OP actually left for 3 minutes to go fold his laundry but he was so tensed up that he folded the laundry vigorously & ended up with his testicles tangled in the clothes line. A rescue mission is still underway as we speak...
  20. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

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