Audioz don't allow you to have your opinion!!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Vader, Dec 16, 2016.

  1. In many Eastern European countries the word "oly" means tolerance.
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  2. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    I think Olymoon does a great job taking care of a difficult job. People that stick to comments about releases never seem to have any problems. Just sayin'.
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  3. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Does a real hard job, real well in my own little opinion :yes:
    Seen many mods come and go and to be quite honest he seems the most consistently fair guy i have seen do the job.
    Takes no sides and enforces the rules consistently without letting his own opinions and preferences get in the way.
    Exactly what u need i reckon :)
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  4. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Really.. you said " fu*k Steinberg"? Then you are lucky that i aint MOD there cause i would have banned you for life and haunted you down for life.. ;)
  5. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Never had an issue like that.
    But IMO it's mostly not about what you say, it's how you say it.
    And that's pretty much where freedom of speech excels. Once you write intelligible response, critical or not, such response should not warrant removal regardless what's in it (with very few exceptions).
    However it should always reflect the topic at hand - on AZ it's about releases. Stirring way offtopic too much can get your post removed too.

    I'm more concerned about paradigm shift - people are repeatedly saying to just be grateful and shut up. That I find more disconcerting. The comment section should be open to people with constructive opinions on the content being presented, even if they're strongly opposing it, or their opinion isn't the popular one.
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  6. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    I have been here and there awhile, and I was and have been friends with moderators on this site, the sister site, and elsewhere, before or during their tenure as mods.

    I think Olymoon, walking into a tough job and position, has been VERY fair and tolerant. He has a really tough job. And the only time I have seen him come down on people are when they violate clearly presented rules, engage in hate speech, veer completely off topic, or start unnecessary flame wars etc..

    The threads on AZ are FAR FAR more tolerant of noise and opinions then most others sites, and he allows people room to vent, share their opinions, joke around, and go a little bit off topic...

    SAiNT has established some very very clear rules. And they are fair. And it is HIS house. He doesn't like swearing. Fine. Keep it clean. I don't swear on his sites or use foul language because I know he doesn't appreciate it. That's not tough. You can't sideways [REQUEST] something in another release. There is a place for that (clearly stated in the rules), and it is kinda poor form to do it in someone else's release. You can't go calling people names and starting some silly war over things and overrun a thread with senseless noise. You can't think it's ok to question someones sexuality or race or whatnot.

    All these things are fair... and are guidelines that exist on most sites in the world.

    I think Olymoon has been nothing but fair to most, and given people a lot of rope, and he never imposes his own opinion on these matters when dealing with them.... (which has to be pretty darn tough!)...
    He doesn't play favorites, he doesn't arbitrate arguments exept to stop them or remove them. He must go through thousands of posts a day and has to keep an eye on all.

    I really don't think he could do a better job in a very tough position. I am not kissing up to him by saying this, as I have been on the other side of his reprimands as well, but he has always treated me fairly, and from what I have seen, everyone else as well. I was a known friend of his predecessor, still am, but that does not preclude me from either respecting Olymoons position, his work, his way of handling things and navigating the difficult waters of a site populated by people from all over the worlds with many different beliefs and temperaments.

    I think we got it pretty good. Abide by a few simple courteous rules to avoid the madness that could ensue, be cool to everyone else, chime in with thoughtful comments, help other members out, do and provide what you can. Just be decent, and I can't see how you can fall on the wrong side of Olymoon, the other fine moderators here, or SAiNT.

    have a great day everyone.

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  7. It is impossible to understand the gist of this thread without understanding the actual content that created the rift in the first place. What was said in the offending post?
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  8. The Dude

    The Dude Audiosexual

    Aug 13, 2012
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    So dear Vater,

    What did you write (the truth, please) that cause that.
    Give us some context...
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  9. injun joe

    injun joe Newbie

    Nov 22, 2015
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    he's olymoon, not god, so he's allowed to err.

    "Again I got blocked for telling the truth."

    there are and ever have been enough self-proclaimed truth-tellers all around the universe, most of them complaining of a lack of free speech. Perhaps you're man enough to ask yourself: "who on AZ needs to hear the (my) truth and who wants to?" If you then had to draw the conclusion that our blindness was the result of withholding the plain truth, then go, tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere :scrapbox:. And perhaps you could spare the AZ-community some of your truth announcements. :wink:
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  10. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    like i wrote last time, its not easy to mod.
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  11. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    we have a winner
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  12. vladdrac

    vladdrac Kapellmeister

    Dec 20, 2015
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    Olymoon is doing a fine job filtering all the crap.

    No, you are not. Straight from the rules/FAQ: "Comments are open to discuss the release, not to make pointless statements."
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  13. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Bro, can you just take a minute & view some of my comments on AudioZ. Just browse thru them. That's all I'm gonna ask of you. Tell me some of the shit I say wouldn't give a liberal a fatal heart attack. If Olymoon was a liberal, he would have died from a heart attack by now from dealing with me & my disgusting humor. How bad, do you ask? Well some people half-jokingly ask me if I invented the game "Cards Against Humanity".
  14. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Whoever gave you those negative votes is an asshole.
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  15. kjfarrell

    kjfarrell Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2014
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    OP has disappeared cause he realized he's the problem lol.
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  16. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    It is getting really old, the rag about free speech.

    Where SHOULD you care care about speaking freely:

    In Public (if you live a country that is a guarantor of free speech, you should be able to say what you want in public.)
    In a Court House or During Legal Proceedings.
    In a Publication of YOUR MAKING, if you make your own site you should be able to say what you want on it, same goes for TV, Radio, Print.

    You do not have a guarantee to express yourself freely in other people's private publications. It is up to them to dictate the rules of participation. You do have the right to say whatever you want in person, in a real live setting, other people reserve the right to punch your lights out.... checks and balances.

    Free speech especially on the internet is highly misunderstood. This is not outside, my right to deck you is gone, and this is not a public space to begin with, so your right to speak freely does not even exist. There are extreme cases, a site that promotes itself as a no holds barred free speech area should not censor on any grounds.... I don't know of any, REDDIT probably comes closest, but even they have some extremes they are unwilling to tolerate.

    You want free speech on the internet, easy, make you own site... say whatever you want to say and nobody (well maybe your ISP,HP,DNSP) should squelch you.... Alas, the only FREE SPEECH that is protected is that of the spoken word (in public space) and that of print (you can hand out all the pamphlets you want and the police have to protect you,) as long the material is not deemed lude. Some countries in Europe also add an other caveat of hate speech ... though it has been my experience that those rules are flexible depending on who you hate.

    I know you probably know better, but just in case, and hopefully for the last time... there is no free speech in other people's houses. Not this one, not the next one, unless it is your own house. This isn't the state of Boobieslotta and none of us pay taxes here or have any rights beyond those that the hosts and moderators want to extend to us.

    Grow up.
  17. Impressive

    Impressive Guest


    MNDSTRM Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2011
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    I think the comments on AZ should be reserved for constructive and informative comments. Things like how to install (if it's not clear which it usually is), or if the k-ing has a timebomb or other issues with the release.

    All these thank you comments are polite and nice but get in the way.

    Look up Marshall MCLuhan, his famous quote is "the medium is the message". It's more important where and how you say something than what you say.

    In summary, Report issues related to the release on AZ, use AS to express your opinions about a product or company.
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  19. The Dude

    The Dude Audiosexual

    Aug 13, 2012
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    To your last question, nope.

    Can you show me how many times he called someone "a bit of a self righteous prick" to any of you?

    Apart from that, I personally find your logic does not make any sense at all...
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2016
  20. Revirau

    Revirau Kapellmeister

    Feb 7, 2014
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    I like to watch these soap operas when I'm too tired to do something useful.
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