How to contact Cataly5t Our former moderator of AudioZ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by LV4-26, Oct 26, 2016.

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  1. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    I would bother to apply it to the above ^^ post ddoctor.... but looks like Dom PabliTTo joined yesterday to troll... :), why bother?
  2. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America

    Damn right! Now I couldn't have said that any better!

    There is so much I want to say about the Benedict Arnold's :dont: that have love and respect and want to contact Catalyst...But I will refrain from
    giving you fools room to spit more bullshit. There were and still remains plenty of us that appreciated the works shared by all hardworking people /teams/ releasers/ packers/ reuppers/ moderators/ thoughtful members...But, If you help do good things to a person and then murder them as a last act, all your good will be forgotten!

    The reason SAiNT booted him says it all. And I HATE the fact he took Copylefter with him due to his brainwashing of same. Which left us Mac guys( no disrespect to the guys that still give us mac releases) basically screwed! Here it is a year later and we still don't have most of the iLok2 releases that windose heads do. And all though most won't say it, Mac guys are pissed everytime we see massive windows releases that would normally have been released on our platform as well. The little buddy buddy club that continues here still. F**K your Catty friend.

    For those that love and respect what he did and try to mask it as "he had our best at heart to make good changes" , the change you need to make is to go join him. Leave here. Because what you say is B.S! Obviously you still belong to that CLUB!

    I commend SAiNT for making such a difficult decision and standing on it regardless of understanding the impact it would make on all of us.

    Respect his decision and these sites or step off.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2016
  3. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Dear Von_Steyr You have no insight at all .... U just respont positive/negative on everything here because you wanna be the popular kind of guy!

    What exactly do you want to achieve?
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  4. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Well its my personal opinion, sure you can disagree with me, but please for the love of god stop riding my back just to start a feud once in a while with me.

    Andrew: Moderated
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 28, 2016
  5. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Seems you got yourself a stalker?
  6. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Lol.... :rofl::rofl::rofl:

    You´re back at your very best Von_Steyr!
  7. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    He could be Vanilla Ice or Hans Zimmer ,what do i care? He offers space where software worth thousands of dollars is made available for us to demo.
    Fuck do i care if he earns some money with it, for him there are still huge risks in just providing the space for us.
    I dont think many are aware how important audioz is, not just for the actual releases but for the morale and the fight against the greedy corporations that want to make us nothing but a bunch of slaves.
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  8. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    P.S. It's very easy to see what members still belong to Catalyst's Kiss Arse Club! :rofl::rofl::rofl::guru:
  9. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    all respect to YOU, blaqmatic, but since you copied and pasted from one of my posts, I just thought I should ask what you are trying to say? (and i mean this not rhetorically, but seriously...hmmm)...

    what are you talking about with "But, If you help do good things to a person and then murder them as a last act, all your good will be forgotten!"... i mean, I get the sentiment, and I have read Shakespeare too.. but not sure what you are referring to...

    And all respect, SAiNT didn't boot Catalyst. He removed his moderator status. If I remember correctly, Catalyst was more then welcome to enjoy the site and participate and talk with his friends etc, just not in a moderator capacity. All good, they had a difference of opinion, and it's SAiNT's house. Seems to make sense. And I think Cat got more then his fair share of people piling on etc... so yeah, maybe he didn't feel comfortable coming back. Maybe there are far more important things going on in his life.

    And there was no "brainwashing" of Copylefter. I don't think that's possible..;)..

    And sure, some of us OSX guys would LOVE to have some of the Windows releases. But we really are taken care of pretty darn well for the most part. Far from screwed, although the loss of HEXWARS is extremely palpable. But where is this sense of entitlement or expectation of iLok 2 being cracked for osx coming from? Or how does it have anything to do with Catalyst? You all know he is/was my friend, but he wasn't reversing it, nor did his loss of moderator status kill that deal.

    I guess I am really just trying to type as a question that I am not sure what you are trying to say. (?)

    There has been no disrespect shown to the site or SAiNT in regards to this, there is no "club" that I know of, and I don't understand how asking how to contact an old friend or moderator raises such vitriol and incensed posts.. and I certainly don't see how kissing "catalysts arse" would accomplish anything here or why that would bother you...

    I hear that you are angry about something, and I am not trying to start anything, just wondering about what in particular, ... because I really couldn't follow from your post...
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2016
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  10. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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  11. ddoctor

    ddoctor Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2016
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    Von_Steyr for the new moderator of audiosex! Cannot disagree with him on anything!
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  12. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Haha.Thanx brother but i have have been involved in too much controversial stuff here, plus many hate me, plus i dont have that much time.
    Pinkman, Cav Emp,Superliquidsunshine,Herr Durr, these people are far more capable to be mods than i am.
    Im like Alec Baldwin,mostly cool but sometimes i explode, lol.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2016
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  13. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    not to mention there are corporate guys hanging out here anyway... and advertising their "wares" legit stuff..
    they know that people eventually will come clean to some extent and buy the stuff they use.. if it is well made..
    and useful to them..

    We have guys like @Cav Emp who highlight legit plugin buys and sales... all to the many people I cannot name them
    let us know about specials..where we feel like our money is well spent..

    @Von_Steyr is among those who highlight products too, and many of us, including myself, have bought things thanks
    to the info they bring.. and we can be reasonably confident that they are letting us know about it to our benefit
    rather than their own...

    and then we have our own @Oysters who shows us all the good free plugs available..and those who add to his thread,
    and other threads made by other users

    This site actually ends up resulting in substantially more legit sales on the whole.. I would say

    so can we lighten up on each other a bit? who needs an aggro contest... ??!!

    @phloopy could you find a place to bury that hatchet for a while? please?
    you've been alright with me.. but sheesh..give it a rest...with all due respect

    @blaqmatic this is the one and only thing I probably agree with you on... copylefter was a big loss to us..sorry to see him go
    even I am not a Big Mac user... well there was bound to be some fallout...I wish him the best as well.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2016
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  14. celtic3342

    celtic3342 Audiosexual

    Oct 15, 2014
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    I´ve read the last posts for simply curiosity. That´s not my thread. Not my business. And this is the last I write here. My land is on Kontakt walls and questions.

    Nothing more to say about Catalyst. Sure the PM he sent to me could be recovered because he only banned me but my prime user sure still there. But it´s time to finish this question. The life of this child is not too my business.

    One detail should be interesting to know from this site is the middle age of the users.

    I make the same question. Saint saved the scene? Is it a joke? I think you are working hard for Saint gives you moderator status. One person doesn´t save a community. Never. And I suspect that the own Saint (I don´t know him, not interesting for me as I´m not interesting for him) is not reading this thread. But yes Catalyst. Under the name he want. This goes on page 4. He must be enchainted with that expectation months later that he was replaced because wanted to have more power than the own Saint.

    I have no doubt about Saint is a business man who has no time to read, for instance, this post. Mods work, not Saint work if it´s not very critical. When you have a problem related to the money you can lost, you appear publically and put things were must be. And he did that when was necessary. That´s all. Don´t think he will be millionaire (or yes) but also think He doesn´t lose money with this. He lives from this and from other things. He doesn´t sleep on underground on NYC. The same case as Fantastic, for instance. All day uploading and publishing. Perfect. Business men.

    You say audioz is one of the last strong sites on scene. I can give you the name of two other sites more powerful than audioz. And I give you two reasons: in one of this sites, comments are disabled. The owner of the site publishes all he find, you pay for register and pay for accessing downloads. Two payments. But he has much more stuff than audioz. And in the other site, there are only one admin, three mods and half a dozen of official uploaders. The rest, only users.

    What´s the difference between these two sites and audioz? Other sites have no restriction. Spitifre or 8Dio chiefs don´t write to them "asking" for not publish their products. In these two sites, you can find everything. You can find 75 8Dio libraries as I have on my PC. There is not a blacklist from companies that menaces owner if publishes the cracked versions of their products as exists on audioz. They don´t send agents who have admin privileges on Uploaded for deleting links. Do you remember Hans Zimmer piano on audioz? How many times was uploaded? 196 GB, it´s not a joke. 2 hours later the upload, links were deleted yet. Again and again. In these other two sites, links still there. Links from 5 years ago still there.

    But I like audioz. It begins to be a tradition for me opening the page at first morning and take a look. And I live 5000 miles away from the most of you. So quietly.

    And other thing I´m sure is Saint sleeps perfectly all nights. His neck is completely safe. And you can still going on to get that status you wish.
  15. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    @blaqmatic there's so much wrong to unpack here. But I think I'll just address your attitude. People who are/were cool with Cat have been largely positive and have been diplomatic, if not cool to everyone else. But in you come, calling names, accusing people of kissing ass, etc. As if anyone has any reason to kiss Cat's ass.

    And your presumption that copylefter was brainwashed, and your statement that you get mad when a Windows release comes out, demonstrates part of the reason why he stopped releasing. You see it as a personal loss to be angry about because it limits your access to stuff you're not entitled to... or in the case of the latter, just makes you mad because other people have stuff you don't. a.k.a. me me me. He was very public about why he was getting fed up and it was that. There really isn't any room to speculatively throw stones unless you've got an axe to grind which you obviously do.

    But check this out. I can be a way bigger dick than even you. Have you tried the Slate stuff? I have. Sounds gooood. I was personally a big fan of Duende SSL as well. Ended up uninstalling them both, but man Soundtoys 5 is nice. I use it in every project. every. project. Mmmm, UVI Sparkverb too, boy that preset interpolator will change your workflow forever. and Relayer when I need a really special delay. Of course I bought those... but lots of other Windows guys didn't, and I'm sure they also use ST5 in every project.
    Bet that stings :rofl:

    Absolutely not. I reserve the right to retaliate to someone being an asshole by... being an asshole :)

    disclaimer: sorry, other Mac guys who aren't jerks
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  16. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    blaqmatic: I absolutely respect your right to disagree with me, and I clearly said so. are obviously reading this thread, and are still angry... so I will just ask again, no biggie...:

    ... I am just wondering why you are so mad about someone wondering how to contact Catalyst or caring about his well-being?.... because I just can't tell from your post, regardless of how emphatic about something or another it was, ....what you are trying to say...:dunno: ?

    I get it somewhat...

    1. you did not like Catalyst or did not get along. ok, he's not here right now. your problem is solved.

    2. somehow he "brainwashed" HEXWARS into stopping releasing stuff... nope..

    3. There is some club of Catalyst lovers that meet in secret or something? let me know..

    4. Somehow this has something to do with ilok2 for osx? ... i doubt it..

    5. is anyone disagreeing with SAiNT for taking care of business and his vision in his OWN house? - not at all.

    6. for some reason this is a big deal to you or something...

    just not sure... seem a little upset about things that aren't really going on or something.. i dunno.. again, not trying to poke you, just don't know why you are so mad at this thread... If you could just clearly delineate your thoughts...
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2016
  17. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    You need some Clarity? I thought i spoke in detail the King's English. It would be pointless to say again what I just said or what I know happened. I know what Catalyst is responsible for. So stop kissing his ass and trying to make it right what he did. Did you understand that? Except I didn't know you were an OSX guy...I know you are his friend... I truly disagree with everything you stated just now. Did you understand that too? Yes I copied that line about teams releasers, etc...why type that again, lol. And he did brainwash Copylefter. It is in my Copylefter made statements before he left that sounded all to close to how Catalyst was thinking/doing. I don't care if you agree.

    Now in regards to your statement about Catalyst, You again sir are INCORRECT! He did get BOOTED from his cushy position and that was what I was referencing. He did good, but in the end he was doing more DAMAGE!

    @Cav Emp, Sounds like your the one like your friends with the "Kiss Ass" issue. So let me break it down to ya...Frankly I don't, won't couldn't and never will give a Damn about any stupid thing you say! Got that? I only respond once to People like you.

    Everybody knows I'm opinionated. I go against the grain. I am not perfect. But at the end of the day I believe in What AZ and AS is and has
    become! That is all that matters to me. And it isn't about you or Catalyst. For those that made nasty statements against SAiNT, you don't have to be here and thats the bottom line. Fortunately for you, SAiNT puts up with you.

    I have spoke my last on this stupid thread!

    I'm Out!

    P.S. ok, sisyphus, I can always agree to disagree. But why idolize a person that damaged a part of this community? I just can't see it.

    Andrew: Moderated
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 28, 2016
  18. kjfarrell

    kjfarrell Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2014
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    God you guys don't even remember this idiot do you? I remember the way he treated people, he was an A grade asshat that was given to much power and abused it absolutely. Kill this thread, we don't deserve this name being dredged up and paraded like he was some hero.
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  19. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    How about you all soothing your soul in this thread?
    Guarding your sleep

    * Hears whispers in the room: Shameless self-advertising *
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  20. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    I'm going to give you a view from a prospective that you don't see this from, the outside. Before I joined about a year ago, I lurked here for a year and a bit. I don't mean occasionally, I was here every day. I probably spent more time here than most of you posting in this thread right now. At that time I would never have considered joining. I was very much a noob, and I still am. To be honest it was a very itimidating place at times, and I'm sure it still seems like that to a noob looking in, especially if they end up reading threads like this, and I'm sure they do, as there is usually a 5 to 1 ratio of guests at any one time. Yes hundreds of people are judging your egos right now while reading this thread.
    Now, I'm not going to demonize Cat, not anyone. I feel he did a lot of good, and that can be seen by the things he started and got involed in, but that does not absolve him from the way he treated people at times, as he could be real nasty. If you didn't see it, then you had your eyes shut.
    The moral of this thread is this. If you want to get in cantact with an old hand/friend who was somewhat controversial, then a disctete PM to someone who you believe would posibly know the answer, would be the way to go, don't you think?
    Now it's time to stop this nonsense and get back to making music and trying to help each other. I mean, that's why joined, right?:bow::mates:

    P.S. Someone wanted to know what people thought the nasty rating. I don't care much for negative ratings, people who use them a lot come across as twats really, but should I use it, it means I think you're being a twat.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2016
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