Technology evolves,music suffers?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Von_Steyr, Aug 13, 2016.

  1. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Bowie's music was captivating.
    Miley's music is captivating when she's with The Flaming Lips
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  2. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    So, u know Bowie collaborated with plenty of musicians..
    And Miley collaborates with plenty of musicians...

    Whereas Miley doesn't try to please anyone, she does her own thing... Releasing albums gratis etcs.

    I dunno what u guys have got against pop music, all of a sudden? Have u heard Let's Dance et al?

    Guess it was Miley who released that deadly serious song about a laughing gnome, eh? =D
  3. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    I never ever expected to hear Miley Cyrus and David Bowie mentioned in the same sentence during my lifetime :rofl:
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  4. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    even more strange.. when I went to see the young Flaming Lips in the basement pub of my University many years ago , and saw the kind of show they used to put on, it would have been unfathomable that they would be hanging out with a viscous vapid pop tart...
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  5. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    It's not about qualified. It's about whether or not we can tell if a track was performed or programmed. As an experienced person I get fooled all the time as to the origins. In otherwords, to me the results technology is producing is pretty damned real. That is the point here, not qualifications. It's more about the qualification of a producer to make it believeable. Not really about me other than to bear witness that some are extremely real and authentic sounding. In other words the music does not need to suffer because of technology.
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  6. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Miley! Is that you!:winker:
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  7. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    To this I can fully agree!
  8. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    At least it's in the correct thread according to the thread's title...
  9. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Here is a little thing I came across from Nick Rhodes of Duran Duran talking about when technology is used appropriately
    for making music.. and the new analog synths available to them in the 80's and how they were used

    There’s beauty in the imperfection. . . .

    Yes. Completely. And there’s something about the fact that they’re wilder. You have to sort of get them under control, and fiddle with them manually to make them do what you want them to. Whereas with a digital sound, people just tend to keep clicking through them until they find something that works. I much prefer to make my own sounds. Even if you’re only changing something slightly, I firmly believe that those are the things that make records special. What was so incredibly exciting and inspirational in the early ’80s when I was making the first Duran Duran records, was that the synthesizers coming out at that time by Roland and Korg and Moog were completely unique. Each one had a sound all its own, and that really enabled people to make extraordinary records with synthesizers. The possibilities were endless.

  10. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    You are trying to convince us that a skoda with with wooden wheels

    Is basically the same as this(rolls royce).

    I know you are probably trolling,so lets get back to the topic,shall we?Thanks.
  11. In my mind, just because Let's Dance was a popular song doesn't lower it's wonderfulness. Nile Rodgers came up with, augmented and refined the groove that Bowie had in mind when the song was in its infancy, and the two tweaked it into what became a hit on Bowie's largest selling album. Stevie Ray Vaughen also played on the album. Bowie is and will always be one of our greatest musical innovators. His songs are all pretty dang unique, and but if someone wishes to lump it together with some of the mindless trash that splatters atop the Pop umbrella, no problem, the song will always remain shiney and appealing and easily discerned amongst the refuse (the noun) long after the garbage has finally broken down into it's constituent molecular tiniest pieces and they eventually return to dust. Bowie's work in it's entierty stands high above the norm just like Ayers Rock does in the Red Centre Desert.
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  12. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Can we get a troll icon for rating?
  13. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    There are 4 choices for the musics we hear (does not relate much to the technology):

    1- Music is good and we like it.
    2- Music is good but we don't like it.
    3- Music is not that good and we don't like it.
    4- Music is not that good but we like it.

    This is the reality that we don't like some musics and styles and want to blame all of the failures on the technology. The technology just changed the source of sounds and workflows and sometimes helps us to be more creative. If we love any music, we even would not think much about how it's been made.

    Music world is so diverse and finding the ones to be in harmony with our brains is a bit difficult. Please be honest. How many of these kinds of threads are just for our hating from some kinds of genres or styles and venting our frustrations or grievances on the technology? Let's be brave enough and say: I don't like Jazz, pop, that producer or whatever but not the technology. The technology is good.:chilling:

    Like me did it here:
    But I was not brave to choose "No".:hillbilly:Because my nasty button container is full.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2016
  14. DoubleSharp

    DoubleSharp Platinum Record

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Sarcasm ?

    From song

    It was actually banned on MTV, meaning the single died in America. Fred Mandel, who played the synths and signature solo on the track, explained in the Days of our Lives documentary: "It's a very British kind of humor, and I don't think it went over too well in the States. I'm Canadian, so I get it!"

    Roger Taylor seemed visibly annoyed: "In those days on MTV, it was Whitesnake, and f--king Whitesnake, and then another Whitesnake track! They must've thought men dressing up in drag wasn't 'rock' enough, I suppose." Brian May added, "I think at that point we lost America, which is a shame, as it means there's a whole chunk of Queen songs which never got played or heard there."

    Popular music is rarely the cream of what's on offer.
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  15. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I have to disagree, @foster911
    I have no music preference at all. Whatever the genre, I don't care. A song is a song and a good song is a good song. The better question you should ask yourself is: "Why do I like this song?"
    For example, I see no difference between good and liking it. Or to be more precise, a song that I like is a good song for me (and probably for everybody else this is also true). I never heard anyone saying: "This song sucks so bad, but I like it."
  16. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I'm not a normal listener. You can find it from my posts. I mostly like very deep impassioned and electronically synthesized intense sounds. For me guitar or other instruments' sounds are ... :bleh:
    It happens for me a lot when people have unfavorable opinion about a track but I like it very much.:rofl:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2016
  17. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    People have been cross-dressing in pantomime, minstrel shows and vaudeville for centuries. It's not explicit, and hardly worth getting your knickers in a twist over :winker:
  18. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    I love this song even though most people hate it, and as an added bonus they "stole" the chords from U2 :)

  19. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    Good music, bad music, it's all relative. Let me get my point across. In about 1994, this song was kind of groundbreaking in my country and I remember frowning at it. It was considered to be ugly by most people I knew, but it was a hit on the dance floor. Fast forward 20 years and now that I hear it, it's not bad at all. It's actually pretty good compared to mainstream reggaeton in Latin America. What will I think of current reggaeton in 20 years? I wonder.

    EDIT: What will I think of the heyday music of the late 2030s?

    Last edited: Aug 18, 2016
  20. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I remember was a scene in it that one of the girls' top been down by a wicked hand but this one does not have it or changed. Now I believed in @Von_Steyr for people going nuts.:hillbilly:

    BTW, Fergie (singer) looks so sexy to me. Now let's start off a thread for her being sexy or not.:bleh:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2016
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