Are any of you guys out there using Rosetta to run any older (Power PC) plugins on the Mac? If so, how are they running? I have a 2012 Mac Mini with Mavericks. I would like to install it but I can't go back to Snow Leopard. Is there a way to install it and zip it up to install (relocate) it on a newer Mac system? I have been doing a lot of research on it but haven't been able to find the answers I need.
You can relocate your PPC FX to a >10.6 system, but they won't run, because Rosetta was axed on >10.6. It's a whole subsystem of stuff, and there is no simple fix for getting PPC plugs to run on >10.6. You could virtualize 10.6< on >10.6, and then running some audio pipes but eh. I'd suggest getting a universal/x86 alternative instead. Which plugs of yours are PPC?
Roland Edirol Orchestral and I need Rosetta for setting the content location on Steinberg Hypersonic 2.
IN terms of alternatives, try Garritan stuffs or And does not work?
For Edirol Orchestral, I specifically need it because of the sounds as well as I have older beats that I need it so I can continue on them. As far as the Hypersonic 2 UB installers, they work but they don't have the Set Content Location ability set up so when I manually set the location, it's just good for that time I have my workstation on. every time I reset my Mac, I have to set the content again.
At one point I was thinking of using my dad's Mac that I can install wnow Leopard on, install the two softwares that I need then I wanted to Time Machine the installation with the softwares and Rosetta. Only to bring that Time Machine data over to my 2012 Mac Mini containing Mavericks. It's just a thought though.
I've been using Orchestral back in 2007 i think.Now i listen to those sounds and i'm not very pleased at all.Try anything that is sampled.VSL Contact etc.I think sampled strings and horns are much more realistic than synthesized sounds although brass section is easily created with some sawtooth waveforms.
You might just have to use a second, older, Mac (G4 Powerbook, G4 or G5 iMac), or a second Mac with the older OS installed on it. G4 Powerbooks are going for $50–$100 on Craigslist (depending on where you live). There might be some inventive bouncing to be done between "old" and "new" projects/machines.