Kontakt GUI all messy and scrambled

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by maximoman, Jan 30, 2016.

  1. maximoman

    maximoman Noisemaker

    Apr 5, 2015
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    Hi all,

    Every now and then when I load a Kontakt library it will (seemingly) load samples way too fast (sample load progress bar acts as if my computer was extremely powerful) and Kontakt's GUI will be all jumbled up, as in the Cinebrass example, or half empty as in the Iceni picture.

    When this happens, no samples are actually loaded and the instrument will be silent. Hasn't happened in a long time but today it did, as I remember it everything starts acting normally again within a few days. Restarting the computer a few times usually fixes it for a while and then the weirdness returns.

    What to do?



    Cracked Kontakt 5.4.1 (possibly R2R)

    Logic Pro 10.2.0, OS X 10.9.5, Macbook Pro 2,8 GHz i7
  3. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I would take your Mac to the "doctor" for some testing. It could be SSD or RAM failing. Or maybe it's just overheating, so it needs cleaning.

    Or maybe Mac people here could tell you about some programs to do the testing yourself. :wink:
  4. F3r

    F3r Producer

    Oct 19, 2015
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    South America
    hi ... i know that INTRO-NINJA = (kontakt guru ) coming to help you ...
    * This commonly happens when you install libraries, you know some libraries are installed and the photo (pic) of the gui They are installed on your system.
    if you moved it or rename a folder where are those pictures. have this porblem.
    i have exactly the same proble with two libraries that I remember, (they are installable), Prominy bass and 8dio Hybrid tools +(some of the 8dio installable).
    sorry i dont remember exactly as resolved, I think was reinstall .
    but check on kontakt directories :
    and check to not repeat the Spind SERVICE CENTER the photos are from third party libraries installed.
    and chek the number of spnid.
    if you have 64 bit sistem i dont know mac, but on windows have two service center for konakt, ther some times de photo of the guis of the libraries are installed.
    i hope i help.
    chek the topics fo kontakt, made by INTRONINJA (kontakt guru).

    like here: (problems with pic)


    I remember I had exactly the same problem : ( pic one yours ) whit 8dio hybrids tools
    *like i see and rember its a problem with pic (photo) and script.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2016
  5. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    There's nothing wrong with your Mac and nothing wrong with any R2R releases. I have them both. It can be a result of a variety of things though. Personally, I'd have to know everything about your set up to fix it (and I don't want to!). I had a similar thing happen to me years ago and I found that registry's had been duplicated, other's were corrupt, some of the .nicnt's were crossing over one another... all kinds of things.
    I found the bad libraries and compared them to the good ones. I studied the Preference folders, path and directories, etc. and It takes a lot of time but you learn a lot too. You'll start to notice things that look correct and the ones that don't.
    Then the simplest thing to do is to find out which ones are causing the problem(s) then isolate those, uninstall and delete everything pertaining to the corrupt library(s) and installer(s).

    Then cross your fingers, reinstall cleanly, check all directories in your Preferences folder (to be sure it all looks correct) and thank Jesus for the next breath you take...

    (* That's my grandfather in that image with Jimi Hendrix...)
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  6. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Your grandpa played with Jimi LuckySevens?! Wow! :wink: Cool! :cool:
  7. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Location Location
    Something must be triggering this action, only time I seen this happen was after a batch-resave but something pops up once in awhile usually kontakt or user error more tha latter.

    More details about when the error occurs would be more than pleasant.

    Like does it happen in standalone too, does it happen when you load more than one library, does it happen from a fresh restart or boot up. Thanks
  8. Edu100

    Edu100 Newbie

    Oct 4, 2015
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    I have Windows 64, (now 10, before 7), and use Ableton, and i have experienced that situation with cinesamples libraries, and is curious, yesterday it happened the other with Spitfire Mural xD But for me has been not problematic because i solved it almost instantly. The first thing you have to do as has been said is test if the pictures are correctly but if you have not renamed or change things try the next. In my case the problem with cinesamples libraries and corrupted GUI only happens when i deactivate the audio engine in ableton (sometimes i need to deactivate it to use the audio device for other things)
    But when i activate the audio again the GUI recovers so i have no problem. Mural (and some more libraries of other companies) the problem with the instrument GUI only happens when after loading an instrument, i use the next and previous instrument keys < > for loading the next. In the cases if fails, generally the GUI loads correctly but i have no sound, but in mural the GUI fails too. Again it is not problematic for me because the only thing i have to do in these cases is loading the patch directly and works correctly.

    Another thing that can seem very simple but you should try is to minimize and maximize the instrument with the - + buttons. Sometimes the GUI is restored only doing it.

    PD I have seen now that deactivating audio in Spitfire library, the GUI doesn´t load and appears like yours too until i activate.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2016
  9. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    This usually happens when Kontakt outputs are either not open or improperly routed. In REAPER, I get the same thing when I forgot to enable input monitoring on Kontakt VSTi track.
  10. maximoman

    maximoman Noisemaker

    Apr 5, 2015
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    Thanks all for helping out, sorry for the late reply.

    Just to clarify: when this happens, none of the libraries work or make any sound at all - until the problem magically disappears and all is back to normal a few days later. So when it does happen it's not just a specific library but any library I load. Real weird...

    I know I haven't moved any snipd files or directories, all libraries are in the same folder; properly installed ones (legit) alongside non legit ones with no installer, but I'll definitely try to look into to the whole path thing if I can figure it out.

    I just opened standalone for the first time ever and the GUI is correct, but all libraries are in demo mode in the standalone version.

    In AU version It just starts happening one day, and happens no matter if I'm in a song with libs already loaded or if I start a fresh song w no libs loaded. I can however open an older song full of Kontakt instruments and it will play fine and libraries will look correct, but if I try to load a new Kontakt and load another library it will look f-ed up and make no sound. Also, other libraries will load ultra fast (probably cause it doesn't load any samples) with the GUI looking alright, but they make no sound. Other times a library will unsuccessfully try to load forever and I have to force quit Logic.

    I've restarted Logic a few times with no luck, going to try a reboot in a minute.

  11. maximoman

    maximoman Noisemaker

    Apr 5, 2015
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    Ok, two days and a couple of reboots later and all is back to normal. Lib GUIs look right and make sound again. Hella weird.
    Just wish I knew how to get rid of this the next time it happens. So theories still welcome.

    Thanks all!