Somone please help me? Offering FREE Pro Engineering Session or Beat as compensation!

Discussion in 'Software' started by Sicktanick, Jan 22, 2016.

  1. Sicktanick

    Sicktanick Member

    Sep 9, 2015
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    What's up everyone, i'l get to the point - I have been doing audio engineering / production for the last 10 years, I am professionally established both as an artist / talent manager and producer (with that being said professionally established doesn't by ANY MEANS RICH, before anyone passes judgement). My credits include members of Psychopathic Records & Strange Music, Brokencyde, King Gordy and more. I have had the privilege of working and getting some tips and training from Grammy Nominated producer Tim Gerron (who's credit's are a who's who from Sinatra to Body Count, Danny Loher (who works regularly with Rezor / NIN, M.K from Tool and many more). With that being said I am still a hustler, and work for my food like the rest of you and one day if I make it on a bigger level I most CERTAINLY will pay for said over priced plugins, but anyway.

    I have ran into a problem I cannot find a solution for, if anyone can help me its one of you. My research and attempts at fixing it have been EXTENSIVE, but no luck. If someone can take the time out to successfully help me solve this issue I will give them their choice of 1 free mixing / mastering session done by me or 1 exclusive beat. No strings attached.

    Waves 9V30 - I have installed it and had it work a million times, never been an issue until recently I installed some Stienberg B.S. on my new system causing the Elicenser to revoke what warez I do have. I bit the bullet, did a fresh install. I have a small 100MB partition and on a 2TB internal SSD system I formatted both, started fresh W7X64 OS today, go to install Waves, same problem, when I run the patch (yes I run it as admin, and not a shortcut) it doesn't patch the plugins, the log file reads NOT PATCHED? So obviously i went ahead and tried to install the license (saving it in the proper spot) and well obviously it didn't work.

    Please help, it would be very much appreciated and you will be well rewarded, I am willing to also (if you don't want a session or beat) to have a 1 Hr audio engineering training session for your troubles.

    Thanks, I hope someone can help!
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2016
  3. Sicktanick

    Sicktanick Member

    Sep 9, 2015
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    P.S. When doing uninstalls I use ZSoft which from what I understand gets rid of EVERYTHING, including registry stuff. So I have already done that with this last install, ready to try whatever is suggested out right away. Thanks.
  4. Funk U

    Funk U Platinum Record

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Have you tried using the patch from Waves 9v27. When i first installed Waves 9v30, my system ID wasn't showing up either, but using the 9v27 patch solved the issue for me. Also there is a thread in here all about problems with Waves 9v30, in case you haven't read it yet.
    Alternatively, i would also try installing a previous version of Waves just see if that works as well, or not.
  5. an07her

    an07her Producer

    Jul 28, 2013
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    First - if says NOT PATCHED means they are already patched, or you are not running patch as admin, or not using the right folder (which is unlikely, but possible.)

    Second - your ID is your MAC address of the networking adapter, you can find exactly what it is when you click "Local Licenses" or go to your network adapter if that fails.

    Third - If you used newer Waves product (for example trial) and installed the latest Waves Center, you will be damned even if you uninstall it. Licenses get renamed every few minutes and says no licenses found. I can provide you with fix for that or do all via Teamviewer.

    P.S. I also like you had miserable problems similar to that. Since I learned how to fix it, I never have problem anymore.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2016
  6. Sicktanick

    Sicktanick Member

    Sep 9, 2015
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    But they couldn't already be patch because obviously this is a fresh install, which mystifies me, this whole situation does. My MAC Address I can find, i just said it wrong in the post. And well shit. LOL only waves I have has always been Warez, I feel they are on the top of the list for overpriced bullshit, so they unlike many indie developrers do not get mine, or my studios business. Any thoughts as to a solution?
  7. Funk U

    Funk U Platinum Record

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Have you tried installing an earlier version of Waves. or using the patch from an earlier version?
  8. richsketchy

    richsketchy Noisemaker

    Oct 3, 2014
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    If know cases work let me teamviewer it for you and I will fix it in front of you. I know how to get it working. It is just hard to explain. You can email me at [email protected]
    Make sure you use caps in subject with audiosex waves repair.

  9. Sicktanick

    Sicktanick Member

    Sep 9, 2015
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    Thanks, gonna shoot that e-mail off to you now.
  10. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    I'll get to the point. You couldn't have installed r2r's Waves v9r30 and had it working a million times.. because there's an off the wall procedure to get it installed and working to begin with. If you knew the steps to install it successfully there would have been no need for you to post this request for help. Read my post labeled "best answer" in this thread. I gave detailed instructions on how to install Waves v9r30.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2016
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  11. Sicktanick

    Sicktanick Member

    Sep 9, 2015
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    Well of course I was just speaking figuratively, however once I got passed the original issue (the dreaded networking card one) I had done the install multiple times without a hitch. All the same, i am going to go take a look at the thread and see if it helps, thanks for taking out the time to reply!
  12. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
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    Just wait until people start thinking you overcharge them and decide to get you to work for them without paying. Then you will be coming here to rant about people who could've gone with somebody else for less money and yet they stuck with you without paying you a cent. That would be hilarious. :rofl:
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2016
  13. Sicktanick

    Sicktanick Member

    Sep 9, 2015
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    My prices are actually very fair for the quality I provide, and I am always down to trade so ain't no thang to me, I have a solid enough client base that if I am not booked up, its no problem :)
  14. Sicktanick

    Sicktanick Member

    Sep 9, 2015
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    Sadly my dude that didn't work :( any idea as to why that may be? Further suggestions?
  15. AwDee.0

    AwDee.0 Kapellmeister

    Jul 5, 2015
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    dont know if you shutdown and reststarted your computer, but it worked for me...
  16. AwDee.0

    AwDee.0 Kapellmeister

    Jul 5, 2015
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    check the plist thing erase that maybe...
  17. Sicktanick

    Sicktanick Member

    Sep 9, 2015
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    Yeah, I have tried both rebooting as well as not rebooting.
  18. Sicktanick

    Sicktanick Member

    Sep 9, 2015
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    Plist??? I am unfamiliar, explain please?
  19. an07her

    an07her Producer

    Jul 28, 2013
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    No plist. This is not Mac OSX. My help would have been enough but since you ignored it and jumped onto the next guy that said the same as me - I aint gonna help.
  20. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    1. Before you install.. you have to make sure you've fully uninstalled. That means you have to manually remove things the uninstaller isn't going to do. The first mistake commonly made is not deleting all the Waveshells from the previous install. They install to 6 separate folder locations:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\VstPlugins
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VST3
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Digidesign\DAE\Plug-Ins

    C:\Program Files\VstPlugins
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins

    2. Don't forget to delete the registry folders:


    3. Follow the installation steps in my post in the other thread. Key mistakes can be:

    a)Not replacing the Waveshells in the VST folders with the patched ones from the Waves program folder.

    b)Not running the right patches. Although installing v9r30, you don't need the patch and keygen
    from v9r30. The only tools required are as said in the instructions:

    1: v9r27 keygen 2: v9r27 patch 3: v9r24 patch
    (You have to download r2r's v9r27 and v9r24 if you don't already have those tools available)

    c)When installing or running apps on Win7 you should be in the habit of right clicking
    everything you're going to run and selecting "Run as administrator"
  21. Sicktanick

    Sicktanick Member

    Sep 9, 2015
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    I would never intentionally ignore anyone my dude, I just went through this whole post and until this one that I quoted you hadn't made one??? So apologies if you took that the wrong way, I am humbled to this community and am looking for nothing more than a good exchange of information, so by all means if you have a suggestion I am more than willing to hear it out brotha!
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