Team R2R's Message

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by malco, Aug 6, 2012.

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  1. charlys

    charlys Newbie

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Does anyone knows where to upload an archive an post the encrypted message from the R2R encryptor?
  2. Snill

    Snill Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2015
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    Yes, wikileaks :rofl:
  3. Xiny6581

    Xiny6581 Noisemaker

    Aug 18, 2011
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    Yes, they long time ago handed out "all-you-need-in-a-tool", how to do it and why you do it.
  4. Xiny6581

    Xiny6581 Noisemaker

    Aug 18, 2011
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    Wasn't this lifted years ago or am I getting old? :)
    Yeah, time to get elite again. Time to do the rolling-thunder and really limit distributions and sources to be easy to find.
    Like in the "old days" when you had to spend hours to find an FTP and hunt for the software you wanted to have, those were the days. :)

    Even if the art of cracking has changed very much over the years, that "lust" sometimes brings up the challenge to break the pattern and show what you can do. I personally see this very clearly and I can say even if I buy the software I use there are occupations when I chose to use a cracked version of a software I already own.
    Simple! See the scenario when you're in a live situation, things must run smoothly and the option to get annoying "popups" or "copy protections" in your face is just not good! This situation cracked versions are really good. Many times cracked versions are optimized too. and This leads us back to the second patch I wrote above. "To take things to another level". Good and neat!

    But as discussed in previously posts, there are some rules you just need to follow! This has nothing to do with greetings or getting "liked". No, it's more the solid foundation of the whole "Audio Scene". Call me old fashioned but matter of fact, I've been around way long to know better.
    and I won't even go into that topic.

    However nothing will get done or solved to be disrespectful which I've seen many times here. Sometimes it's better to walk around the blocks a few times, come back to a situation and think one, two or even several of times before doing the "typewriter's waltz". You simply can't waltz in without any experience and think you're going to make yourself understood. Nope, it doesn't work like this.

    Finally I think and know there are a handful of good and respectful people out there and that's good!
    Also I have no intentions to kick low or attack anyone. I just wish to speak my mind and eventually broad the perspective a bit.
    Have yourself a nice day!
    Peace out!
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  5. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    where is the "comment of the month" icon ?

    you must be talking about the bad r2r.
    did you mean Reel 2 reel featuring the mad stuntman, "i like to move it",song ?
    they were r2r too...

    lol, r2r have released trucks full of apps... the best , the biggest, the most expensive, etc... they cracked everything, and released keygens for everything. and i guess when they must deal with 2048bit rsa stuff, cerfificates, etc, some huge genius-level skills must be required, i think about Sony, samsung,etc, engineers.

    i wish i had 50 millions, and could ask R2R to code some instruments or plugins. i think they could create some fantastic stuff.

    and because it's totally off topic, i think i've seen a zebra+bazillebeta + diva releases, these last days, but the pages on audiZ vanished so fast, that maybe only a couple of guys could see them.
    are they a joke ? are these releases made by uhe team themselves, just to fool people into installing it and seeing some new 3d fireworks, after it bombs day-d...
    because they claim they are the best devs ever, nobody can defeat their copy protections, with most teams not even cracking 3 or 4 security layers, among the +10 security layers, and their code and methods are so perfect, that they are going to license their code and techniques, so 100% of the apps made in the planet earth, until 2099, don't get cracked. Nasa, CIA, volkswagen, etc, are also interested, and will use uhe routines as soon as they are made available.

    so, can someone say if these releases are jokes ? (no, this isn't "talking about warez in audiosex).
  6. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    won't be easier to buy the product with all that money??
  7. n0xin

    n0xin Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2014
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    :like: ...and that's why we have those like, dislike, agree, disagree.... buttons right below every post:yes:
  8. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    charlys said:
    Does anyone knows where to upload an archive an post the encrypted message from the R2R encryptor?

    Xiny, your answer is not really that helpful. The tool you are referring to is the very R2R encryptor Charlys is talking about and obviously already has access to.

    Charlys question is where to post the results from the encryptor tool. This is because it is not specified by R2R inte the info given other than to a "public place". So, Charlys question still stand
    and I very much wonder myself where the encrypted file/archive should be posted to actually reach R2R. Does anyone know?
  9. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    that's a good question... :unsure:
  10. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    i wish r2r could use all their potential, skills, etc, and code some plugins or vst instruments. for sure, they would be fantastic.
    also, with 50 millions, i would hire some good guys.

    talking about hiring, are there some windows devs here, used to work as freelancers ?
    i need a tiny app on windows, to deal with wav-mp3, in a particular way, of course, i can't code it by myself, but i would pay anyone that would do it to me.
    i know i should open a new thread, but i quickly ask it here, maybe more people will see this thread than a dedicated thread.

    if i could return to 10-15 years ago, i would grab a c-c++ book, and would start learning it. so many fking ideas i just can't realize, code wise.. it sucks.
    while i'm at it, what is the best app for coding c-c++, that let us insert pre-made objects, like buttons, tabs, and other components, like in the old delphi 5-6-7 ? visual studio xx ? is it free ?
  11. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    could it be possible for you to create a sub domain like, or eventually,
    and have a simple custom page you would create, that would use the same login token as audioz (if i'm logged in audioz, i could access the /r2r page), where we could paste our encrypted text messages.
    if we create a new comment and paste our stuff, there would be no usernames displayed on the page. just comment 1, comment 2, etc,
    for example, i would encode my text, where i would put what i want to say + my email address, that way, that page would only have comment 1, comment 2, etc, enough to communicate with r2r. no other "thank you", "we miss you" comments, ONLY the encrypted messages.

    having a dedicated page to communicate with r2r would be seen as a responsible and nice move, by the r2r guys, unlike the r2r-encryptor threads, that appeared and disappeared several times, that surely made them think "nobody gives a fuck about our r2r-encryptor tool".
    alternatively, maybe we could receive an email with the confirmation and encrypted text we have sent to r2r, but after clicking "post message", the text would go to a different page(, that only r2r could access, via an htaccess file.

    i hope you can find a solution, and can give us a way to communicate with r2r, in an efficient and simple way. such page and encryptor tool are possibly the last and only gateway to r2r, and our last chance to change what we've done these last years.
    i really want the r2r guys to start their public releases again, and i really want to be able to talk to them.
  12. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    @ SAiNT
    Read it (Link) carefully... Maybe you will guess who... :drummer::chilling:
  13. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    LOL! Isn't this quite hilarious really. There is a now a tool to encrypt messages to R2R, but noone knows where to post the encrypted messages? I tried following Anthrax suggestion and read the whole thread carefully that was linked to in an effort to try to find an answer, but despite Anthrax cryptic instruction, it seems there is no answer to be found there either. Well, at least I can't find any answers there.

    I find the situation quite aggrevating. An awsome team is asking for supplies from the public, but we, the public, does not know how to supply even if we are trying to use the tool they want us to use.
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  14. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    it's possible, but then again for something like this i would need R2R to at least contact me :yes:
    otherwise, like i said everywhere, there is no connection between the scene and AudioZ - these are two different resources.
  15. eskimoz

    eskimoz Member

    Nov 21, 2012
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    we finnaly get in somewere
  16. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    and where is that?
  17. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    Yes that encryption tool is really confusing, in their nfo they wanted us to supply software to them but why use the encryption tool if its already available in public.. they shoud put some email address and should just send them! About the www(.)AZ/r2r also, no need to encrypt if it can be decoded by everyone, posting comments with text can also be just fine but still, other release groups can still steal that. I think r2r are being dramatic about their tool.
  18. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Well, as I see it, the ball is now rightly and politely handed back to R2R.

    What several people here at Audioz/Audiosex now seems to be saying is great: It is along the lines of: R2R, we hear you loud and clear and we want to step up and contribute, but please tell us how, we dont actually know. The R2R tool seems like a great idea, but only if you know where to post the encrypted messages, and this is not stated or answered anywhere.

    Therefore it is great that Wouala has come with a concrete suggestion that also Saint seems ok with in principal (I agree that something along those lines is a nice idea)

    Now it would be up to someone that knows how to contact R2R to ask them what they think about this suggestion as a reach out from Audioz to give them the support they been asking for.

    So lets hope for an answer from R2R about this, so there actually can be a clear way to contact R2R. As it is now, there really isn't.

    So I also think we might be getting somewhere here.

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  19. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    I think you have misunderstood the problem with the tool. The encryption tool can not be used to reverse the encryption, only R2R (and as an option in the tool - selected teams) can do this. The problem is that noone knows where to post the encrypted messages so that they actually will reach R2R.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2015
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  20. Sohill

    Sohill Noisemaker

    Nov 17, 2013
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    So, now what? Is that it ? they just gave up to help poor people (musicians)? Come with excite us , make us happy and Just check out Noncense?
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