Releases Based On R2R's Work Are Strictly Prohibited!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Catalyst, Sep 16, 2015.

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  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I don't know how many times I have to repeat this because it seems to be a recurring theme. If you can't reverse then find another hobby because making releases in which you hex compare another team's work and then call it your own for the glorification of your ego is the epitome of lame. Reversing is about working hard to find your own answer in an effort to overcome a difficult challenge, not copying or making use of someone else's solution. This is the reason that Strobe 2 for OSX was removed and certainly not because PiTcHsHiFtEr's work was "stolen" by HY2RO or anyone else. The release was based on R2R's work without permission or even so much as proper credit. Then we have the Reaktor release that demontoad posted which is hex compared and even includes the R2R activator. You must be fucking kidding me. These kinds of releases might be exciting for the end user but I guarantee you that, in the end, they will do more harm than good. I can only imagine that R2R weren't impressed one bit, pun intended. :dont:

    Message to PiTcHsHiFtEr:
    A lot of us were honestly amazed that you released that hack job to begin with. It's one thing if you were using it personally but to publicly release it was in very bad taste. There was some real intrigue when a look was taken under the hood. You replaced R2R's public key from Strobe 2 to DCAM to accept the DCAM license from R2R's FXpansion keygen and also patched a few bytes from R2R's previous FXpansion cracks and what really blew some minds was that you had the balls to speak about stolen work and ceasing releases. I hope you brought enough drugs for everyone. Let's wait until there are no more releases to hex compare and then we'll see who are the real reversers and who's just playing the part. You are no different than those that you criticized in your little tirade. How lame. :thumbsdown:

    Message to demontoad:
    The Reaktor release that you hex compared and included with the R2R activator is also not allowed. I don't want to see another release like this because you guys are going to ensure that they never return. This is the ultimate form of disrespect to the team and it simply will not be tolerated. :dont:

    UPD: Official explanation on this from SAiNT
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2015
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  3. Riansky

    Riansky Kapellmeister

    Apr 2, 2014
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    ^ This everyone.
  4. MaschineMan

    MaschineMan Ultrasonic

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Yes - the new rules are:
    R2R only give their stuff to the Elitist members.
    Reverse 2 Revolutionize is only for the chosen few and will be a small revolution of R2R and a few of their friends.
    If your a PC Peasant you must get what scraps of rubbish you are given by the upperclass elite
    and should say thank you to your superior masters for these scraps
    Any attempt of a peasant to use any part of a program (e.g an activator, etc) that was made for the Elitist Masters will not be tolerated.
    Only the rich and elite can own such things and you peasant must not even dream of them.
    You are not part of the Revolution - It is now 'Reverse 2 Revolutionize A Small Group Of Special People - NOT YOU - YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL - THE SCENE IS NOT FOR YOU - The Community Is For The Elite Now & All Peasants Must Smile And Not Talk Back To Upperclass Elite.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2015
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  5. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Studio One v3 was definitely not a scrap for me. I am grateful for that and a few other things that came up from R2R despite such inappropriate comments.
    Team obviously has some intention to care for peasants from time to time so lets help them by giving back some positive vibe instead, shall we?
  6. MaschineMan

    MaschineMan Ultrasonic

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Don't you realise that's exactly what the Elite have done for 2000+ years? They keep all the good stuff to themselves and their elitist friends and throw scraps down on the floor for the peasants to crawl down and pick up, while they laugh at them from their table while they are feasting on meat and fine wine. Its a joke Mr Floyd and you don't see it - shame on you for being so blind - THEY ARE LAUGHING AT YOU.
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  7. demontoad

    demontoad Kapellmeister

    Aug 20, 2015
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    Actually, I've used disassembler and not hex compare for this. Patching two jmps and feeding it a key is the most obvious and straightforward way of cracking these plugins. No wonders R2R used this method too, it's the first that comes to mind. Also wanted to make it compatible with R2R releases so included their registration tool and the key.
    Apparently I was wrong and apologize for breaking the rules. Next time I will make sure the cracking method will be different from R2R if they not only left us but even has prohibited to use their legacy and copyrighted their patched bytes. By the way I credited them for the original cracking in the comment (also by including their registry tool as it explicitly means the release is based on R2R work) and meant no disrespect.

    As you can see I've released two previously uncracked original releases before and at least know of the existense of the other methods besides hex compare.

    Even more, I see no disrespect even in using hex compare for updates and crediting the team if they're gone and won't be updating their releases any more. This rule will do no good for the site (all this stuff will be released on the other places which means people will be searching for warez elsewhere and not their favourite audioz) and means extra unneeded work, but if it THE rule, so be it.

    By the way lots of releases here are hex compares with R2R, especially most of HY2RO stuff. I'm requesting taking them down as well if my release was removed. HY2RO must obey the some rules as the others. Some of his releases even not only stolen but not working, which not improves the reputation of this site.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
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  8. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be

    Bitter.. much? Cmon man.. use what u have.. 15 years of the best free shit imaginable not enough?
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  9. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    I appreciate anyone who offers me something at no cost regardless what it is or how often they make the gesture. No one "has" to give anyone anything. And as far as elite goes.. the elite reside right in the realm of software development companies. For example, platform based software such as Logic Pro X.. on the public consumer shelf it is exclusively for MAC. However, there is an off the market shelf for PC which is not "free". If you haven't paid R2R for any of their services where do you find room to make a customer complaint? It should be pretty simple to grasp.
  10. siddolo

    siddolo Noisemaker

    Dec 18, 2014
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    p2p is sharing what you have with others (fuck the scene, fuck the elite) .. right?
    so... are we allowed to post stuff based on R2R work, crediting them, without putting our names on the release? just for fun, just for sharing... ?
  11. MaschineMan

    MaschineMan Ultrasonic

    Apr 17, 2014
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    None of you seem to get the point.
    This community is turning into a 2 class system.
    The upper class 'the elite' get all the releases off R2R, tell us peasants to not answer back and throw us scraps every now and again
    and 'the mac users' are enjoying the show and if they can they will help the 'elite' put the 'peasants' down keep them in their place by telling them not to answer back and be thankful for the scraps they are thrown (while they secretly laugh at the peasants - just as the Elite do) - I think people should be equal and there should be no such segregation, ridiculing and bully of people less fortunate than yourselves - South Africa tried that and it didn't work.
    Equal rights for all - not just the Special People - and those who don't agree with that should be ashamed of themselves.
    For a prime example of a elite bullying, see this thread below:
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
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  12. Hardlock

    Hardlock Ultrasonic

    May 5, 2015
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    Interesting analogy, but mentally floored, if you feel like a peasant then you will speak like a peasant
    If you feel your only obtaining scraps then you must turn and look for better food elsewhere.
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  13. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Can't we just post stuff while credit them For keygen/patch or whatever?
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  14. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    There's one major flaw in your rant here: What they're releasing is the good stuff. They put out Studio One v3, FL Studio, Omnisphere 2, Harrison Mixbus 3 (not my cup of tea but you get the point).

    I have a theory that they're putting the essentials out. In fact they had an NFO shortly after withdrawing from the public that said something like "we're releasing the things we feel we have to". Want to make music but don't have the money? Have these DAWs, and the best synth on the market. You're welcome. Want to collect every fancy, shiny new toy as soon as it comes out? Buy it or crack it yourself.

    You're confusing R2R themselves with the handful of nobodies who suddenly became active Audioz commenters to remind us all that they have access to things we dont. Fuck em--and their politics.
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  15. zero-frag

    zero-frag Producer

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Let me just point out a LITTLE BIT of hypocrisy here ...

    Sooo the teams whose sole purpose is to release the hard work of others (the developers) have no problem doing so but when someone uses a fraction of their hard work for a release, all of the sudden it's blasphemy and unacceptable ?

    You have to do some serious mental gymnastics to not see the double standard here.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm very thankful like many others to the team for all the tools they've provided to us broke ass musicians over the years.

    Just pointing out something that seems to be lost on a lot of people
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  16. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Not lost on me. It's crossed my mind. Just haven't had the balls to say it out loud :rofl:

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  17. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    This is all so confusing . . . . (not the part about not using R2R stuff, the part about who hates who and the elite stuff)
  18. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    Since when having access to unlimited copyrighted software without paying a cent for it is a right?
    I must have missed something.
    I stop here cause it makes no sense to talk about this subject anymore.
    Better just act silently. Or better, not act, depending on the point of view.
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  19. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    The Underground
  20. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Wow, you've got some balls. How long has the scene been supporting you again? They don't owe you a damn thing and with an attitude like that, it's not hard to understand why they're all sick of your crap. Like Einstein said, it's all relative. If you look at the origin, you would have a different perspective because in the old days nothing was shared with the public. Now that it is, there has grown some ridiculous demand like someone signed a lifelong contract to be your slave and if they're not then they're elitist. It's like the old saying: do something for someone a thousand times and they never say thanks, don't do something once and suddenly you're the bad guy. I'm really glad that they decided to go internal because now we can plainly see who is who and I wouldn't even give "scraps" to someone with your bullshit what have you done for me lately attitude. Give me a break, what a bitter and childish response. Grow up! They have a right to share what they want with who they want whenever they want because they're the ones that have put in the work to make it happen. Nobody is stopping you from learning reversing right? Please do so we can act like spoiled brats with your releases, that would be the day. Keep talking though and you'll keep reaping what you sow. There's a sweet justice in that. :like:
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  21. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Excuse me, but what makes you think you have a god given right to EXPECT someone's hard work to be handed to you on a plate for free? Your views epitomize EVERYTHING that is wrong with the internet.
    If you cannot be thankful for what you receive then you deserve to receive nothing.

    I have to explain the way things should work, for those who just 'cannot grasp it'

    1) Developers put in hard work to bring their software to the end user and charge for it's use.
    2) The 'Elite' you are referring to put in hard, time consuming graft to circumnavigate protection the developers inject into their code. Whilst not technically legal, nobody would ever bat an eyelid if they only did that for themselves. The fact you are getting software for free without contributing in any way is NOT a god given right no matter HOW you slice it. So either be thankful for what you get or pay for it. Either way, stop whining like a spoiled brat it does you NO justice.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
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