Problem load plugin WaveShell in FL Studio

Discussion in 'Software' started by Tuksra, Jul 11, 2021.

  1. Tuksra

    Tuksra Newbie

    Jul 11, 2021
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  2. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    The main issue with FL studio is that sometimes the plug in scanning is programmed to combine 32 and 64 bit versions and vst and vst3 - make sure these are unchecked when scanning the plug ins. I don't fully understand why or how it works, but waves didn't work with fl for a long time until fairly recently (not sure when) To fix this, they created a "waves shell" that you need to open up your plug ins with.

    My waves shell only opened studio rack, which was a pain in the ass to use all my plug-ins through. If your waves shell shows all of your plug ins you're good. However, you shouldn't need to open the waves shell first then the plug in, its possible to just click on the plug in name and it will open itself up automatically. If you search for a waves plug in and only one version of it shows up, you know that it is combining your plug ins which you don't want.
  3. Tuksra

    Tuksra Newbie

    Jul 11, 2021
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    Same problem ... i have follow what u say but same problem :/
  4. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Yes I agree about not combining, but that IS NOT THE PROBLEM.
    I had mine set to combine for YEARS on Win10, Win7 AND WinXP.

    For me it is an organizational, time and space saving thing.
    Waves has VST3 for everything, so I delete the VST2 (Waveshell**.DLLs) from "C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins\" so I only have VST3 versions.

    I only install VST3 plugins now if I know all the included VST have working VST3 versions.
    Some that only have VST2 versions I will install both VST2 & 3 , but delete the duplicate VST2 versions.
    (It is convenient to have one's own VST2 location added in registry and ALWAYS installing there ONLY.)
    Where to set VST2 path in registry (great if you do it when first setting up an install:

    FORGET all the other suggestions until you verify that you are using the version from 2021.02.17.
    Until THAT is known, all else is pointless.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2021
  5. Tuksra

    Tuksra Newbie

    Jul 11, 2021
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    I've tried this also, still not working, i don't know why it was working before, that's so strange ! Keep trying because it's important for me but, i dont really understand and still at the same point :/
  6. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    What package from sister site are you using? What is the DATE?
  7. DigitHandz

    DigitHandz Ultrasonic

    Jan 23, 2020
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    Check the files in this directory to see if it is pointing to correct Waves installation files - "C:\Users\{Your PC Name}\AppData\Roaming\Waves Audio\Preferences"
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2021
  8. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    What do you mean by "check the files"?
    Verify that files exist there?
    If they do, how should they be checked?
    There are usually several folders there with many files.
    In what way can the files be checked to verify "it" is pointing to the the correct Waves installation files?
    Is "it" Fl Studio?

    It is KNOWN that versions after February cause these kinds of errors.
    So BEFORE ANYTHING else is done: What date is the package from.

    As I said before:
    "The problem i see is that not all the Waveshell DLLs get installed, and it seems to vary which do and don't.
    I have done "Double-installs", going back and trying to fill in what is missing but never figured it out.
    I end up uninstalling and just installing the one from 2021.02.17.
    2021.02.24 MAY BE OK, but there was nothing add to make it worth downloading again.

    I believe the one from 2021.03.03 was the start of problems.
    That one made it impossible to update using Waves Central and failed to install everything properly.
    Yet remains posted there to cause trouble for anyone who uses it.Same for later versions as far as i can tell."
    I am not sure WHY those bad installs remain available - perhaps some people are able to use them, but for most people they only cause problems.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2021
  9. DigitHandz

    DigitHandz Ultrasonic

    Jan 23, 2020
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    Calm your tits.
  10. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Ok, I started to have the same problem, I will tell how it started happening:
    1. I used latest Waves R2R bundle before, and it had none of the problems above. R2R is the best, we all know, but it was a complete installation, it froze up my FL every-time I clicked on More plugins
    2. When I downloaded the non-R2R bundle, which gets updated quite often to see Waves 12.7 and check out some new plugins, it all went perfectly the first time. The plugin scan which I in-fact did with Combine VST and VST3 versions of a plugin and Combine 32 and 64bit versions of a plugin options selected, did show all Waves plugins separately like normal VST/VST3s just as they did on R2R bundle
    3. Unfortunately, I forgot to install some of the plugins I needed from the offline installer. So I installed them, but did not apply the FixMe.cmd and V.R patch this time as the instructions are pretty unclear as to what we need to do after we add more plugins. Idk what Waves Central did in the background, I started getting "not installed correctly" errors in FL.
    4. I uninstalled all the plugins from Waves Central, removed all plugin entries from FL's database, and installed all I need again, applying the FixMe.cmd and V.R patch. Did a restart
    5. Scanned for new plugins with the 2 combine options enabled as I thought it will work as it did first time and whoa, look what I find after all the scanning

    This is all I get, no API-2500, RBass Mono, H-Delay Stereo etc.
    Notice how it gave an error for WaveShell VST3. Its one thing common with many V.R plugins. So I assigned that as an effect manually. So I could at least open it.


    This is the thing they made for FL, because their shitty system can't even give a proper list of plugins to FL. Now I can select the plugin from this list but one thing is that FL doesn't save its name. Same window for VST2 version of the WaveShell.

    One thing I wonder is how in the R2R bundle there were different versions of WaveShells e.g. 11, 9.7 etc. and there's only 12.7. As far as I can think, even this version had different WaveShell versions, but I didn't need to care about that since plugin names were directly visible in FL's browser
  11. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    1st thing we need to know is : What is the DATE of the install you used? WHAT release is important, as some problems are related to certain releases.

    2nd thing: After a lot of suggestions, someone with similar problem went into the:
    C:\Program Files\Waves Central\resources\res\external\Redistributables\..." folders and uninstalled & reinstalled those to fix.

    3rd thing: I will test installing releases after February 2021 again. I had a bunch from March to late June that i deleted after they did not work for me. I will try the redistributables method & see if that helps.
  12. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    27.06.21, I used the same version before and after the waveshell problem started. Also I did uninstall R2R bundle before installing this
  13. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I tried the 6/27 one as well.
    I still have. Marked in my archive as "-BAD".

    It did not install all the waveshells for what i selected, so i tried again selecting products but it failed so i uninstalled and tried again.
    No luck.

    I DOUBT that was a "redistrution" issue, as there were missing waveshells in the plugin folders.
    VST3 location "C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3" and VST2 location "C:\Program Files\VstPlugIns\".. (I usually delete the VST2 "*.dll files before scanning with any DAWs as all Waves have verified good working VST3 and VST2 are not needed.)

    My method for installing mostly all waves products:
    Mercury Bundle includes most plugins, including 4 instruments:
    Codex, Electric Grand 80, Element 2.0, Morphoder
    The following are NOT included in the Mercury Bundle install:
    (select Mercury Bundle + any of these you want to install)
    - Abby Road Collection
    (AR Chambers, AR Reverb Plates RS124, AR Saturator, AR TG Mastering, AR Vinyl)
    - Dugan Automixer
    - Dugan Speech
    - DTS Neural Surround Coll(Broadcast & Surround Suite)
    - EMI TG12345 Ch Strip
    - eMotion LV1 Live Mixer (Soundgrid-Based)
    - GTR Solo 3.5 (But "GTR 3.5" is installed)
    - Inspire Virtual Instr. Coll. (All other instruments)
    - J37 Tape
    - NX Ocean Way Head Tracker
    - REDD
    - Reel ADT
    - RS56 Passive EQ
    - SSL 4000 Series (E-Channel,G-Channel,G-Equalizer, G-Master Buss Comp.)
    - SuperRack SoundGrid
    - SuperRack
    - The King's Mics
    - Tract System

    So, after you uninstalled, did you delete all Waves folders?
    As R2R states:

    Clean up Waves files.
    Uninstall previous Waves, WavesCentral, SoundGrid Driver.

    Clean up :
    %APPDATA%\Waves Audio
    %APPDATA%\Waves Central
    %LOCALAPPDATA%\Waves Audio
    %PROGRAMDATA%\Waves Audio
    C:\Users\Public\Waves Audio
    (normal directory names):
    C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Waves Audio
    C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Waves Audio
    C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Waves Central
    C:\Program Data\Waves Audio
    I also delete all registry entries, (soundgrid is the only thing i find, and i don't even use it, but ....just because..)
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2021
  14. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    When you say Waves didn't work with FL Studio, I am not sure what you mean- how recent is recent?
  15. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    No, and honestly feel like did a mistake by updating. Now none of my older projects will load Waves plugins properly since new Waves use 12.7 WaveShell for all and older one used 11
  16. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    If you have projects depending on V11, it seems like you should clean up and then install the V11.
  17. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    I did not say that ! It's a video that shows how to get Waves plugins working in FL Studio. So a problem solution video!

  18. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    OK - You said in an above post:
    "The main issue with FL studio is that sometimes the plug in scanning is programmed to combine 32 and 64 bit versions and vst and vst3 - make sure these are unchecked when scanning the plug ins. I don't fully understand why or how it works, but waves didn't work with fl for a long time until fairly recently (not sure when) To fix this, they created a "waves shell" that you need to open up your plug ins with."

    So, I said,"When you say Waves didn't work with FL Studio, I am not sure what you mean- how recent is recent?"

    Now you say you did not say that. I do not understand.
    Wait. I just looked at the video.
    So what you wrote was a quote? You included no quote marks and reference no video in that reply.
  19. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    The topic that was opened here is: "Problem load plugin WaveShell in FL Studio"
    I responded by suggesting a "solution to the problem.
  20. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    I have problems with vst3 in fl studio with ozone the complete screen start to lag like i have 10fps or so and with tone empire model 5000 fl crashes after a few minutes
    i had more problems with vst3 in fl studio
    I have a amd 3800x 32gb and a rx550 grapichs card that should be enough to run these plugins