Licensing problems with shaperbox 2 V.R

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by FranckTheMiner, May 17, 2020.

  1. FranckTheMiner

    FranckTheMiner Newbie

    Mar 24, 2018
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    I got the V.R release of shaperbox 2.0.1, but I keep getting this problem where it starts off as a Demo, i use the .lic, it asks to restart the plugin, which I do, and it's no longer in demo mode, however when I restart FL Studio it goes back to demo mode... Could anyone help me with this issue?
  3. SomebodyIsHere

    SomebodyIsHere Kapellmeister

    Jan 28, 2020
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    Honestly, we never had a proper cable guys release. Always time bombs all over the place.
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  4. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Same for all of us. If you want to continue to try before you buy, re-apply the license for every session.
    Not much of a hardship.
  5. Batoumba

    Batoumba Producer

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Sry please delete , for some reason didn't even notice it was Mac Section ;p

    *edit , did some snooping around because i was sure i had seen it , but have you tried the
    CableGuys.ShaperBox.v2.1.0.MacOSX-CASHMERE release ? nfo says its a 19 December 2019 release , and i found a link . i will pm
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2020
  6. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    You're in a mac forum, bro!
  7. joe1432

    joe1432 Newbie

    Jun 17, 2020
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    was it ever fixed? Im having the same problem...
  8. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Today there are plenty of tools/ plugins that do the exact same thing as cableguys...
    Ok, cableguys now offer several plugins under one unique interface, and they have the multiband feature

    Not everybody can buy plugins, but, in the case of cableguys, they often sell their bundle, for less than 40 bucks, I think. If someone really needs their cool interface and workflow, the filter stuff, the volumeshaper stuff (plenty of companies do it, like xfer lfotools), the panning stuff... and absolutely love it, maybe it would be interesting, to walt for a promo (often) and buy it ??

    Cableguys copy protection is just a simple serial number. No online crap, no challenge response crap, no license manager running as a service, etc etc. Just a simple serial number.

    I tend to support the few companies that choose that copy protection over the anti- customer complex crap.

    But hey, if a well cracked version exists... go...go... go !
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2020
  9. joe1432

    joe1432 Newbie

    Jun 17, 2020
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    the legit one doesn't work for me.... , keeps telling me to install license every time I restart my DAW
  10. DWUW

    DWUW Noisemaker

    May 13, 2017
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    If you are asking for a fix for mac (since we are in the mac forum): as far as I know: No, there has been no fix.

    I have the same problem too and even worse, because it is asking for the license everytime I open up the plugin.
    But I always thought that this is due to that I am on OS 10.9.5, because when I posted this problem on the sister site (at the time when the shaperbox 2-release was still online), only people on OS 10.9.5 confirmed that they are havin the same trouble.

    So I considered buying it but then found a post here ( where the guy reports that he has the this problem with his legit version too. Although after he first installed and tried the cashmere crack.
  11. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    That sounds like a permission issue... if you use windows, some folders, like c:\program files, c:\program files (x86) require admin rights, if the user or an app, needs to write, paste, etc, some files or folders...

    It could also be the registry... which also has permissions like files or folders

    Again, if you have windows, you probably should start your daw as an admin, re- register the plugin, use it in one project (simply insert it somewhere), close the daw.
    Restart the daw as an admin (again) , reopen the project, to see if the plugin I'd well registered and doesn't complain.
    If OK,
    close the daw, and now restart it WITHOUT admin rights... open the project, and see how the plugin/ license reacts...
  12. joe1432

    joe1432 Newbie

    Jun 17, 2020
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    yes mac user here, I bought it legit from their website, im on OS 10.15.5, I emailed them [cableguys] , still waiting for a response..

    how long ago did you start having the problem? if there hasn't been a fix in a long time, I don't see it ever getting fixed,.. I hope I can get a refund.
  13. joe1432

    joe1432 Newbie

    Jun 17, 2020
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    thanks for trying to help man.. I'm on Mac tho, it's weird that my cable guys half time works fine, but shaperbox 2 doesn't..
  14. joe1432

    joe1432 Newbie

    Jun 17, 2020
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    so i followed all your steps (sorta) but on MAC and when I open my DAW with ROOT privileges shaperbox 2 works, doesn't ask for the license anymore, when I got back to regular it asks for it , im trying to figure out how to get it to work without ROOT privileges
  15. DWUW

    DWUW Noisemaker

    May 13, 2017
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    Sorry for the late reply.
    I am dealing with this since last december. First there was the (short lived) v2.0.0-IND release, and then some time later the v2.0.1 from Cashmere which did not fix this for me.
    Do you have this trouble with AU or VST or both?
    Because for me in Logic and Live the AU-version works without problems and without this permant license hassle, but in both the VST-version via BC Patchwork does not.
    Saddly in Bitwig, which is my main DAW and which uses VST, both VST and AU (via BC Patchwork) has this hassle.
    So that's why until now I thought, that this is a "some GUI make trouble in Bitwig on OS 10.9.5"-problem.
    I asked for help here in december and also on the Bitwig forum, but got no answer.
  16. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    u can use the shaperbox license file from earlier hy2rogen release it works with shaperbox 2 also
  17. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    This is strange. I just checked and my Shaperbox has stopped asking my for the license every time now! Cool.
  18. DWUW

    DWUW Noisemaker

    May 13, 2017
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    Thanks for the hint, but: I tried that more than once some time ago, and unfortunately that does not help either.
    Whereas Shaperbox 1 works without problems.
    I also deleted SB 1, deleted the prefs for both SB 1 and SB 2, but no luck.
    Does one of you know whether the license for SB 2 has to be in a specific folder?
    For SB 1 I found that this is not the case.
  19. DWUW

    DWUW Noisemaker

    May 13, 2017
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    To be more specific and as I have metioned earlier:
    the SB 2, both AU and VST (via BC Patchwork), works for me in Live, but both VST and AU (via BC Patchwork) have this license issue in Bitwig.
    So thats why I assume that in my case it has somthing to do with Bitwig.
  20. russiancircus

    russiancircus Noisemaker

    Nov 23, 2020
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    For anyone who bought the legit Shaperbox after installing the cracked version, I found a solution to this issue

    Basically, the cracked version installs some different files than the legit version, and therefore they do not get overwritten when you install the legit copy

    So in addition to following the instructions on Cableguys' website, you have to go to the hidden folder Installer Package Receipt database located at /private/var/db/receipts/ then delete the AU, LIC, VST .bom's and .plist's, and also de.cableguys.shaperbox2.plist (if there's one in that folder too, that might just be in the Library/Preferences or something)

    that worked for me, might be different depending on your crack. The way I figured this out was to install the crack on a blank external and see what files it put where, and then tracked them down on the main drive.
  21. itaudio

    itaudio Noisemaker

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Have exactly the same problem. I have delete the AU, LIC, VST .bom's and .plist's files and also the de.cableguys.shaperbox2.plist but can't have it working. Have also a problem that when I install it again it doesn't create the de.cableguys.shaperbox2.plist file under Library/Preferences which I think is the problem now with re-applying the licence file. I have emailed cableguys and the support try to help me but he failes all the time with his instructions.
    Do you think I should restart the MAC one more time after I have installed the plugin again?

    UPDATE: I hadn't deleted the de.cableguys.shaperbox2.plist file cause Spotlight couldn't find it. By the way. Spotlight is the worst search engine of all time... Now it's working.. Really great help u gave me russiancircus :)
    Last edited: May 23, 2021
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