Hans Zimmer - Randomly famoused composer

Discussion in 'Film / Video Game Scoring' started by metaller, Oct 30, 2019.

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  1. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    did disagree on that....heh heh...
    you should have read all heh heh..
    trolls dont read just fire and forget like ankit who goes in another thread cause he has no ego and begin to trolling the other thread which has nothing to do with this one , cause of this thread...:hillbilly:..and called me troll:lmao:

    Last edited: Nov 4, 2019
  2. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    yea im such troll cause i have spine and hate mainstream media which is the source initiator of so much bad social development nowadays... ...and contribute in a thread i didnt open...
    again again most here dont kno what trolling exactly is...its like they bring it up like ppl bring up the term conspiracy theory cause they kno nothing bout a certain topic...
    or cause its so easy and worx often...heh heh
    so lame

    often such ppl name you troll just because you defending youreself too ..

    and for the rec all who complained to much bout foster ..they did troll forest911 threads..he didnt troll the forum...you all cant pass drama and just click on threads which are you intersted in...

    and here : if you stay by youre opinion ppl trolling other threads of me like ankit

    and how much complain bout boring threads here on asex but never open any intersting threads but calling me troll cause i often open threads...

    Last edited: Nov 4, 2019
  3. thecastermaster

    thecastermaster Ultrasonic

    Jun 25, 2012
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    BRB, need more popcorn
  4. The Observer

    The Observer Guest

    Are you asking if I knew that Elton John was involved? Of course. The award was for the massive vocal, African rhythms, orchestration, arranging and melody - A soundtrack award, by the way, is for the soundtrack - meaning ALL the music behind the film. Did you know that seeing you are going this path? Of course you do. Testosterone or Estrogen floor sweeping is unnecessary.

    I also know who scored out the string parts as an arranger for 'Green Card' and he said that Hans scored out Clarinet Concerto In A Major: Adagio - W.A. Mozart (8:38) on the same film score. The person concerned is someone people Hans bashing here have said is a great film scorer and a real film scorer, which is quite hilarious, because he gave Hans his big break with the film studios.

    EDIT - Which also why I was not surprised Black Panther got an award because of a similar creative arrangement. with 6/8, 9/8 into 4/4 African rhythms with Orchestra and voices as Lion King.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2019
  5. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Oh yes he did. How can an account regged 4 months ago possibly know anything about Foster's shenanigans ?
    Don't get me wrong, i like your spirit but lemme ask you this. How do you call a person with no musical training stepping into a thread about jazz expressing nonsensical "philosophies" trying to dominate and "litter" the entire thread with bullshit ? At times he was a hilarious interruption but at all times his intent was to troll by definition, and wasn't as harmless as you may think.
    Abusing your freedom of speech rights for the sole purpose of causing chaos or unnecessary annoyance, is known as trolling mate. If i was you i'd leave the Foster comparisons out of this. You are not a troll, apart from the fact that i 'm having a hard time reading your posts :D
    I find nothing wrong about what the mainstream media term stands for really. You can't blame the salesmen if the majority selects to keep on buying their products. Education, either nurtured or gathered along the way or both, is important for the people to be able to develop aesthetics. Especially artistically. But as we can all see this is happening slow and many times through out man's history we have went various steps behind instead of forward.
    Personally, the kind of music i like to play or produce is, at its most successful, heard by a 5 % from the already targeted groups it is advertised/geared to. So the 5% of the 10% should be...lol. Therefore by default i don't belong to the mainstream but, I have been fortunate enough to be able to keep doing this for the last 35 years and i can testify one (mine) simple truth:
    People who hate the mainstream (kids are an exception, they haven't went through life's tribulations yet), are either creative geniuses or wannabe failures. Guess which one from the two is more frequent...
    I have the utmost respect for @famouslut 's spoken opinion, it seems he/she has some insight i lack. But still, i can't help but dig HZ as a personality (not his music mostly), he's one of us really. A tech enthusiast who will use any method, unorthodox or not, to get the job done. I gather if he wasn't so busy he'd be an audiosex member hehehe.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2019
  6. nobodyspecial

    nobodyspecial Platinum Record

    Feb 4, 2017
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    If you can compose me a track like this we will talk again

    or a score like Gladiator, The Last Samurai , Da Vinci Code, Blackhawk Down. etc...

    i think you just like to make a "popular" piss on someone discussion"
  7. shawnsdada

    shawnsdada Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Because I'm 99% sure he was known as "wasgedn" before he transitioned into "Gyro Gearloose"

    Same exact posting style and obsession with calling anyone who doesn't agree with him a troll.
  8. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

  9. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Hi @Von_Steyr I was a little curious if you actually would stay from comment this thread futher and threads like this in general in the future.... afair it was something about trolling etc.

    Since that you´ve added at least 3 comments here - so I was right... you have this habit changing your mind over and over and I must admit I find it very inconsistent and an odd approach to reality and truth.

    Is mr. HZ really that improtant for you and your ego that you have compromise that much on yourself?
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  10. Neuralgia

    Neuralgia Guest

    Have you ever noticed the similarity of these faces?

  11. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    What are you, my f-ing shadow or just the general AS psychotherapist....ffs.
  12. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Well, the "good composing" was incidentally wholly done by novice beginner Elton John, who must have felt lucky to have been plucked from obscurity by generous kingmaker Hanz.

    If you look at what being a Hanz fanz has made you do, it has (when you thought Hanz wrote the melody) describe it as "good composing". Whereas now you know better, unknown Elton John was merely "involved", somehow. This newcomer is obviously a novice with melody and harmony; easily discounted, lucky to have such a modest genius breathe in his direction. His work was a random accident in the background, prolly hidden under a blanket with HANZ embossed on it, explains why he's uncredited. Like many, many others.

    Anyway, congratulations! You've managed what superstar Hanzy has yet to do at least: change your tune =)
  13. The Observer

    The Observer Guest

    I am not a Hanz fan which tells me you read only what you want to read and hear what you want to. You could not even pick any counterpoint, any polyrhythmic structure or the remotest iota of what any decent experienced musician and arranger knows. Even a decent music critic uses some form of intelligent dissection. You seem to lack any of these skills and are taking a pathetic stance of Hans bashing. I doubt you could name my most liked film scorer because you read and saw only what you wanted.

    I actually make a living in the field you propose you know a lot about. Anyway back to work, holiday over.
    Hard not to laugh, your narrow mindedness is quite funny. Go back to your Hans bashing. It makes you look not even small, very tiny instead. I simply do not musically crap on someone whether I think they deserve it or not. You are one sad, envious and jealous mofo. You could not name even one technique or skill as a good critic would that a 1st-year music student could. Hilarious.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2019
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  14. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I've made no claims about myself or my knowledge, but I review myself as honestly as I do anyone else, as you can see in a spoiler reply earlier. I'm not sure of my reputation, but I've always tried (and prefer) to offer positive encouragement here on AS; when reviewing other public works. The same goes for Hanz. And I do know a little, tiny bit about him, and how he treats other composers. If you had spent as much time looking at Headshot's examination of Hanz as you have defending him, you might have learned what I discovered, when I felt like you did - a few years ago.

    I'll leave it to more experienced ears and minds than mine to give a technical critique of this playing style and structure. As far as the academy award goes, though, are you trying to convince us that a broad swathe of the academy knows about (and voted for) the "memorable counterpoint, polyrhythms, structure etcs" of the score; or because they liked and remembered the catchy songs written by Elton John?

    In reply, as a wiser, more observant person once said: "I prefer to think better of people".
    I think a lot of people make a lot of assumptions about motives, I don't pretend to know much about yours, just that you've spent some time defending someone based on their perceived status - "respect Hanz because he's respectable / rich / powerful". While claiming some sort of benign neutrality.

    I'd just like the long, long list of people (Lorne Balfe, Shirley Walker et al) who actually wrote the music people laud as Hanz' work to get the credit. As a composer, I'd imagine this is important to you? I assume that these people are well paid, ironically for their silence. It seems like exploitation when (for example) Hanz describes Shirley Walker (and others) work as "not very good", when she is no longer around to defend herself, her hard work and her reputation. The way, for example, Klaus Badelt's career evaporated after he was forced to sue Hanz to get recognition for writing the PotC score is another example of how much power is wielded by Hanz, how generous he actually is.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2019
  15. The Observer

    The Observer Guest

    I did

    Old saying

    "Three strikes, you're out"

    Which part of NOT defending him other than he serves a function (and has a reputation nobody here does) do you not understand? :rofl: So you are one of these people that thinks it's ok to crap on someone because someone else told you what he does and you did not have that experience first hand? Oh dear.

    Again - The award is given for ALL of the music.

    As I said you do NOT listen. There are many in the academy that do have those skills. Also in the Grammys else the home studio amateurs doing regurgitated bad DAW replications that have no originality worse than the techno of the 90s would win all the awards.

    You may find out one day as will others here the hard way if they are lucky, you do not get three strikes in the film industry, so this is why your sources may be very wrong. Do this bad-mouthing in the film industry you get ONE strike and it will be the last high-level gig you will ever get. So I'd check your sources. It's probably just an envious and jealous human being who felt the world owed them a living, which it does not, or they had a run-in with Hans or lost a gig that he got instead and has sour grapes.

    EDIT: Howard Shore wrote the score for Lord of the Rings and was dumped for King Kong with James Newton Howard as his replacement. The point of this being there are two primary pre-requisites for getting a film score and getting booked for the next one. One is that you are easy to get along with and do not crap on your peers and the second if the director and Producer do not like what you write, you get dumped. So crap on Hans all you wish because if the Directors and Producers disliked what he did, he would he been replaced from the multitude he's done (He was replaced in a few but he does not advertise it - most people do not advertise what they did not get or got dumped from). I can also name two scores John Williams vied for and did not get either. It is up to the Producer and Director, end of the story - If the people holding the purse strings do not like you or your music, no matter how great the music is, you are gone.
    It's good Karma NOT to crap on the musical skills of others (next time quote me in context).
    If Hans was half of what you said, he would have been dropped 20 films ago.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2019
  16. The Observer

    The Observer Guest

    If the people hating on Hans woke up and realised that they are actually crapping on the film director and Producer's choice of booking Hans and not Hans himself, this is why it is hilarious. If the people paying the bills hated what he did he would never have got the scores he received.
    It's not my mind or anyone else's on a forum that you have to change, it's the film-makers for everyone that is so sure it is Hans, because it is not. Hans does not pay the bills, they do.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2019
  17. Neuralgia

    Neuralgia Guest

    Those creatures are the most tasteless individuals in judging and utilizing music. They are just extra-musical entities (like lyrics) for exploiting the music. Whenever any of them gets involved, the music gets spoiled.

    If I was in charge of music, I would never allow them to touch (or even get closer to) music.:no:
  18. The Observer

    The Observer Guest

    The problem with your logic if that is what it is, being that without them, there is no film. :rofl:
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2019
  19. The Observer

    The Observer Guest

    In the event someone ACTUALLY wants to learn a little bit about the process...go here...then watch the whole documentary.
    It does give a better overview of the processes and how it works, not how many here think it does.
    It's not the whole process but it's a half decent overview.

  20. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    Von, why are you so aggressive and repressed angry all of the time? you get so upset when people simply react to what you write and and express their thoughts with pretty compelling arguments (like famouslut), but you instead of simply expressing your take you get judgmental an ridicule members putting down their as individuals implying they are insignificant, to insignificant to even express their opinion on your idol.

    you dont need to take regular comments as attacks and "strike back" you know. if people wanted to go after you personally their would be soooo much one could use to really make you bite the dust but the question is why would anyone want to do that? i observed in the past before you choose to leave your comments always had a nasty odour and baggage of chauvinism, elitism and other really nasty stuff hanging out.. now it seems you cant control it again.

    chill, its not a war going on here kid
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