Audio problems after rendering

Discussion in 'DAW' started by Nick12, Jan 18, 2018.

  1. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I have made and I have finished my first track based on the idea, arrangements, sounds, etc. It's still not mixed or mastered and it's really focussed on film and game music. It's really agressive and fast. I am actually pretty satisfied with it whereby I think it's a shame that I am experiencing rendering issues.

    Anyway, a few sounds are totally being cut out of the track at some points. You can hear it clearly at 1:48, 2:08, 2:18, 2:40 and especially at 3:00. This occurs only with rendering. I don't have this when I just play the song in FL Studio 12.

    I would like to have all the stems of it, because I would like to send it to someone that wants to help me further with this track. When I render the song with split mixer tracks (this is when you want to render seperate tracks in FL Studio) it starts to give issues. Without also by the way.

    I think my computer specifications are fine. I have an Intel Core I7-7700K with 16GB of RAM. One M.2 SSD and one second hard drive with 7200 RPM. I am using Focusrite ASIO with a buffer size of 12 ms. All my other audio drivers like Realtek are disabled.

    Here is the track:

    Down below is a picture of the render settings that I had used for this track. Nothing really wrong with it I quess?


    Here is a picture of my audio settings:


    Hopefully I have given enough information and hopefully I have explained my issue very clearly. If things are unclear or more information is needed, then please let me know and I will try to do my best for you. Does anyone have an idea?

    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2018
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  3. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    I don't work with FL Studio. My guess in that case would be to toggle off the buttons one at a time.. "Disable maximum polyphony", "Alias-free TS404", and "Trim PDC delay". Maybe one of those options is considering parts of your audio to fall in that category and it's doing something to it you don't want.
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  4. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Not I :(
    Without looking at the nuts & bolts, TL;DR:
    Your settings look fine.
    ASIO/audio driver settings don't matter when you render -- rendering doesn't use these drivers.
    You can always export *exactly* what you hear inside FL by sticking Edison in the last effects slot of the "Master" insert (master track, in FL lingo) & recording. Chose "On play" option next to the record button, save file (.wav32 by default).
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  5. Are there plugins that are demos? They work intermittently. Also, is the muting exactly in the same place every time that you try to render? Have you tried to just render the problem tracks by themselves to see if can be done in an isolated instance?

    If there are whole chunks missing it doesn't sound like a delay compensation thing.

    P.S. Register at Image Line so you can read the posts of those that have had similar problems...even if your copy isn't registered. Just don't participate or ask for help by uploading your files, you never know.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2018
  6. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    i'd turn save acidized off, is of no use, alias free ts-404 also unless you're using it, set bit depth to 24 instead of 32
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  7. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    not an FL user here but... are you bouncing 'realtime' or 'offline' (logic options)... if offline maybe do it realtime. you can hear where the problem occurs and address it at the source. Also SLSun suggestion of potential demo plugs dropping out and Statik's suggestions of turning off anything unnecessary
  8. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Try 16/44,100 and see what happens
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  9. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Thank you so much for the answers everyone!

    Yeah, the weirdest thing is that if I start changing the settings one by one it doesn't get any better. It's actually only getting worse, unfortunately. More sounds are cutting out of the track.

    I know, but in this case I also really would like to make stems of all my seperate sounds of the whole track all in one time. Is that possible with Edison? I would like to send it and he needs the stems of it. That Google Drive thing should be fine now by the way.

    Nope, the plugins are not demos. It's maybe coincidental that the problem sounds are coming from Kontakt. So maybe something is set wrong in the Kontakt settings? Altough, I have no idea where I should look at or what I could try to change.

    What do you mean with if muting is exactly in the same place?

    If I only render the problem sounds with the same render settings I did before, then I think there is nothing wrong with it.

    Sound 1:

    Sound 2:

    I will turn off Save ACIDized and Alias-free TS404 for now after I found out what it is. I think you're right. Changing bith depth is not really helping either, unfortunately. But one interesting fact that I got from the past is that when I changed from 32 to 24 the issues were immediately gone. But now 32 or 24 the issues still remains the same. Maybe because I have added more sounds and stuff in the meantime. I will stick on 24 for now anyway. It looks like that 32 is better, but I believe the differences aren't even that big.

    I have no idea. As far as I know FL Studio does not have these options. Hope someone else can confirm this?

    Not really sure what you mean. You mean Buffer size, right?

    I started to think that phasing issues are happening, because of the sounds that are cutting out of the track. But probably not, because otherwise I have to get it in FL Studio aswell, right?

    I also actually have a feeling that it probably have something to do with my CPU and RAM. I mean when I am rendering I see that they are at around 80-90%. Normal or too high?
  10. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Location Location
    @Nick12 how do you have your kontakt settings set-up?

    I wrote Fl & Kontakt tutorials how to's, they may be of help in this case. Careful thou this will affect all your instruments level from kontakt, your gonna hear more openness and feel more dynamic instead of clogging up in one out, which can be great but for different usage

    Any automation problems?
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2018
  11. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Depends on what you mean by "at once." I suppose you can stick an instance of Edison in the last effects slot of every mixer insert, select "On play" as record option, arm them all & hit play on the main transport.

    Edison gets synced to the play/pause button, so the files will be in sync, sample-perfect (it also throws in a "song jump" marker when you press play, or whenever a pattern gets looped, for what it's worth). A really clumsy way of doing things, but will work if you're in a bind.
    If things only break when you render, disable these:
    Both will try to change your render plugin settings from draft (what you hear while in FL).
  12. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    Here are a few other things you can try as well,

    Mix in buffer switch - on
    Triple buffer - on

    Resampling quality 24 point sinc
    Play truncated notes - on
    Reset plugins on transport - off

    Then go to the wrapper settings on Kontakt or any error plugins
    and chouse / processing / Use fixed size buffers and give it an other go,
    these can be unticked again after.

    I found sometimes using Kontakt and Omnisphere in a project can give errors
    when trying to render them to audio, i just leave Kontakt with fixed size buffers
    and it works ok even when playing live.

    Would do no harm as well changing the input / output
    to ASIO4ALL or Fl Studio ASIO.
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  13. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    Yeah, something isn't right. It doesn't seem like FL Studio is the culprit based on what you've tried already. I see you have a Focusrite interface. If you have a 2nd gen Scarlett by chance check the Focusrite site to see if there's a newer driver than what you have installed. It could just be the asio driver acting up with FL Studio. You could troubleshoot and test your render with with a different driver like asio4all if you haven't done so yet, and see if you get the same result.
  14. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I actually took all the suggestions including the newer ones that are right here all in one time to render again. I found out afterwards that the issues are gone. I say this carefully. I don't know what the real solution is, because I just tried everything all in one time. So I will try to experiment to find out what it is. Might be interesting or helpful for others or just to prevent time. I will be back right here soon.

    Also thanks again to everyone for trying to help me out. I really appreciate that. I wish I could do something back.
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  15. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    It looks like that the real causer was probably that this thing was not turned on:


    I saw this in a picture from Introninja in his Kontakt tutorial through the link that he had sent. I then turned this on on every plugin. I already had a feeling that it was because of this after the issues were gone. So I changed the settings slowly one by one until the point everything was back to it's standard setting. At that point notify about rendering mode was still on and the issues were still not there. So yeah it looks like that this is the solution.

    Again thanks to everyone!
  16. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Thanks for your feedback for the community.
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