Reaper or Studio One

Discussion in 'Reaper' started by Starmaka, Oct 20, 2014.

  1. tapekiller

    tapekiller Kapellmeister

    Oct 5, 2015
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  2. Tabby

    Tabby Kapellmeister

    Aug 27, 2017
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    Deneb<*>Delta Cygni
  3. Spacely

    Spacely Producer

    Jan 4, 2015
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    I've used Pro tools and logic for a very long time. When Studio One hit version 2.5 I made the switch. Over the past few years Presonus really hasn't disappointed me as they keep moving S1 forward.

    So Studio One 3.5 man it's grown. They keep making it better and better. If somebody just starting out was to ask me what Daw should I demo first I would tell them demo Studio One it has everything you really need and it's a newer daw that presonus cares about because it's tied directly to all their hardware (Sales). So long term it is a sound investment. It's full featured and priced right for the market place.

    Studio one is start up and Go. It's plug n play. It's simple and in your face. From newbie to pro it caters to all. There isn't much hidden "Wow I never knew S1 could do that moments". Ease of use is one of it's strong points.

    Then you have Reaper. It's not really start up and go. It's not really plug n play. it's not simple and in your face. It doesn't cater to the lazy. There is so much that is hidden. The "Wow I never knew Reaper could do that moments" are plenty. If you come from Pro tools, logic, Studio one and so on you might find yourself discouraged when you first open up Reaper. In my mind Reaper requires some tutorial watching prior to trying reaper out. Understanding Reapers "lay of the land" is key to understanding it's true power and it can be anything you want it to be.

    When you dig into what Reaper can do you start to think why don't all the other daws offer this same functionality. Simply put they think the average user is lazy, stupid and content. Market research shows "Ease of Use" is a bigger seller than "Advanced settings". Plus you can charge more for fancy easy to use products.

    So to sum this up. Studio One gives you a Map of one country with all the major cities labeled including the popular/suggested sites to see. Reaper gives you a world map with only continents and oceans labeled.
  4. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    Ofc yes. Also i reinstall plugins and vcredist. zero effect.
    That's not an envelope. This is envelope

    I know you can draw it in the arrangement view but that's a whole different story. Btw that archaic automation scheme with manual picking parameter from 1 million available is killing me. This is so 2k4 (edit: there is "Last tweak" parameter hidden in the plugin window. Very "intuitive".)
    Yes, but that's mediocre. You can switch some custom mouse parameters but that's not helpful if you want your mouse to act like in cubase or SO3.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
  5. Dread_J

    Dread_J Kapellmeister

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Peru, Indiana
    should i put white socks or black socks ?
    Ernie ball or d'addario ?
    please, choose for me, i cant choose by myself.
    I want to be the next "playbutton hero", a genius of music like Stve Aoki (god bless his soul)
    help me achieve my goal

    should i use the spacebar to launch "play" or should i use "enter"
    Should i eat meat or fish today ?

    I'll call you later to know if i should raise or lower the reverb on the snare track, i'm so needy
  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    S1 :D
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  7. TW

    TW Guest

    Cubase ...


    Edit 9.5

    LALALA Kapellmeister

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Could those who choose Reaper over S1 explain what exactly they so love about Reaper? Exact features, exact usage of those features in your particular cases. Not just beautiful generalizations.
    For ex-l: I love S1 bc of speed of workflow; look; "mix fx"; splitter; the way and speed of bouncing and rendering; Scratch pad[I used to ignore the feature, but now I think it's a great stuff for forms, variations and so on]; browser; arranger; pool.
    What I really want to see in S1(actually, what must be in any DAW) - track templates. So you can save anything - routing; multi-channel midi instruments; any variations of folders and included tracks and so on. W/o the feature, working in the host sometimes is pain. I think this is the main problem with S1.
    Plus maybe some basic work with video.

    What I think about Reaper? Well, on the next helloween I'll make scarecrow, call it "Reaper-Creeper" and burn it. Bc it looks like Reaper became to be like a religious cult. :chilling:

    and btw even with all those skins it looks like shit[sorry guys]
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  9. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Obviously tracks templates are in Reaper...Any serious daw should have those. It's not the best feature of Reaper, but obviously it's in it since it's a real daw and not a crappy buggy toy.
    Cheers my man.:wink:
  10. LALALA

    LALALA Kapellmeister

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Yeah, agreed. This is shame that Presounus didn't made it in the first place. Bc of it I've even thought about move to other host . But I think S1 is best DAW from workflow perspective, but as we mentioned - with some problems. I bet Presonus will add the feature in the next update. At least in the next big update.
    Btw I don't about which buggs everybody talking about. The first bug, which I've noticed, was passing some midi notes in 3.5, but they've fixed it in .1.

    Anyway, I've dived into this thread bc I thought that maybe there are some more features in Reaper, which will allow me to do somthing faster. And if it's true, maybe I'll think about it, even in face of fact of ugly GUI. But as I see, there is nothing special.

    And for ppl like me. This is a S1 features req-t section, so you can see where S1 still sucks and what will be implemented in the host pretty soon:
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2017
  11. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Well tracks templates, for me at least, is fully part of the workflow. It's way more important than say "d'n'd" funcionnality all over the place, or the color of the interface.
    But frankly I can understand that those things would matter for others - and thus would please people different than me - and I completely understand that each and anyone has their own idea of what the perfect workflow should be. To each his own, it's legitimate.
    Reaper is more a powerhouse kind of thing. I didn't need month of tutorials and head scratching to figure it out, but it took at leat a couple of weeks. In many ways I'm still learning. All my daws are this way (Cubase, samplitude and Reaper), except Live which I just use to make loops and mess around. And I get that it's not every one cup of tea. Personnaly I dislike to feel limited with my daws, I love overcrowded menus (which you can personalize in Reaper, so if someone doesn't like it, he can trim them down), tones of options and endless possibilities. It doesn't slow me down, it motivates me and gives me options.
    But people should get, even if they don't like complicated things, why there would be a large number of people who appreciate it. We all have different applications for our daws, different need, and different views of what a daw and its workflow should be. But the strongpoints of Reaper, and why people love it, are pretty obvious once you accept that. Same with S1 or any daw really, they all have different DNAs and it's great that we get to chose.
    Cheers. :)
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
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  12. tvandlover

    tvandlover Producer

    Aug 27, 2016
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    ARA for Melodyne is coming to Reaper. It's official
    Methinks this changes the game somewhat

  13. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    That's awesome. and indeed a game changer, at least for me. Man Samplitude is going to get retired.....
  14. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    I have tried Reaper countless times along the years. Undoubtedly, it's a super solid DAW, however, its workflow is extremely disruptive for my taste.

    So, there's Studio One. The first time I tried it, it felt like I was a long term user after ten minutes or so. Ergonomically, it's simply outstanding. It never gets in the way of your creativity or disrupts your focus. Everything is just there. You don't have to open a billion windows to do whatever you want.

    I wish I could get used to Reaper, and I actually know my way around it reasonably well, but I just can't.
  15. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Once you give it a bit of time to set it up to your taste, Reaper is fantastic and very fast to work with. I'm talking about the track templates and Reaper presets. Routing is incredible, although a bit complicated, but you know - track templates... :wink:
  16. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    THat skin is good for hidpi/touch, but bad for lowdpi. I need my reaper to behave well for a wide variety of workflows & the default v4 skin does this well - it crams many buttons in a small area.

    Not really, i justarted poking & using it like a normal daw, arranging clips. It still works fine if you don't dig deep.

    This is tru if you're expecting fancy built-in instruments, because they're few & really basic.

    Seems like something very basic has going very wrong. Is it 32 vs 64bit?

    AFAIK this is the way to do it.

    Otherwise, The method in is the closest thing to your per-note automation. Not all DAWs have per-note automation that isn't MIDI.

    What annoys me is that people complain about X while not telling the whole story of wat they're trying 2 do. If you're trying 2 use R EXACTLY like $OTHER_DAW you will FAIL. THis is not $OTHER_DAW. THis is R. I've seen ppl use R like audacity, complain how it's very different & takes longer, and switch back to audacity.

    Let's go back to [​IMG]

    This is possibly a note-triggered lopass (aka envelope-following)

    Try this:

    Insert a ReaEQ after a synth. use parameter modulation: Audio control signal , on the frequency of the 4th band. Change the type to lopass. Tweak the ACS parameters. Now any FX can be envelope-following. PMOD also has LFO and parameter linking. Now every FX also has LFO.

    Expose the "WET" parameter of EQ to turn envelope-followin on & off.

    Cubendo can generate LFO Automation. That has its own ups & downs.

    If you're doing EDM &/ r used 2 some of the more specific features of the above, perhaps R is not 4 u, maybe you shouldstick 2 those 2. ALthough it is commendable you're trying R.

    QUOTE="LALALA, post: 298969, member: 24067"]Could those who choose Reaper over S1 explain what exactly they so love about Reaper?[/QUOTE]

    R starts up faster and chokes on less VSTs than S1. S1 = instant dealbreaker. I do a wide variety of workflows. FX-heavy, video, surround, MIDI, audio, 4-400 tracks, 2-2000 audio clips. Handles it all.

    As said above, Pmod LFO & linking. circular stereo or surround panning is easy. diagonal risers. vertical zigzags around you. Every FX is LFO-able. Also, i sometimes write my own FX & Scripts for R. & plenty of 3d pty scripts.

    Sorta, but depends on how easy & integrated the workflow is.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2017
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  17. voidSeeker

    voidSeeker Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2016
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  18. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    Many people are horny because of chord assistant in cubase. I found pretty awesome midi plugin with chord assistant and chorder on the board to use in every other daw.

    The fun part is that you can use it as insert plugin in reaper. Without any kind of routing. As example, In SO3 or ableton live you need to create a midi track, plug chordz, then send midi data from channel with chordz to your instrument channel. In reaper you're just using it as native midi plugin. This is pretty cool.

    Last edited: Dec 5, 2017
  19. AudioGL

    AudioGL Ultrasonic

    Dec 5, 2017
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  20. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Gotta agree with you on this one. Really enjoy that part too. And the thing is even if you want to route it to another track, well that's one part that you can actually "d'n'd" in reaper...Not to pull your leg or anything, but that you can do. Just "d'nd" from the send part of the tracks that you wish to send from to the sends of the track that receives, done. A window opens and you just choose which channel transmit the midi data, or audio whatever.