One year of releasing my music...time for song no. 16

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Polymetrix, Nov 6, 2016.

  1. Polymetrix

    Polymetrix Platinum Record

    May 15, 2016
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    On Nov 3rd of last year I uploaded the first real track...I wanted to upload songs whenever they're done...things escalated (MORE ON THAT) and this is no. 16 already...I am really surprising myself here...only showed this much persistency with exercising. Well, here you go

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  3. kjfarrell

    kjfarrell Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Very Bad Religion. Nice
  4. Polymetrix

    Polymetrix Platinum Record

    May 15, 2016
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    I saw dozens if not hundreds of Bad Religion shirts in my lifetime and finally checked them out - enjoyed them a lot! So thanks for pointing this one out :)

    If anyone got any recommendations what I should/could work on mix-wise - feel free to let me know. And I don't need full blown tutorials just directions if there are issues I just can't hear myself (anymore). This includes earlier songs if you know them as this one is pretty straight forward and doesn't ask for fancy stuff (or: I didn't want any fancy stuff in there ;)).
  5. Sonny Crockett

    Sonny Crockett Kapellmeister

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Not much my style but song is really cool and vocals are kinda unique in my opinion which is great. Closest timbre I ever remember hearing is from Poets of the Fall singer.
    I would recommend to change something in the drums. I don't know how to technically explain it but drums sound so compressed (literally, and not related to mix compression or such), like, doesn't give me a sensation of wideness like the rest of the things do. I'd try to work a bit on that first of all.
  6. Polymetrix

    Polymetrix Platinum Record

    May 15, 2016
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    Thank you very much!

    It's the only instrument I can't play myself. I do my best to make it more realistic with all the extra-hits, nudging and stuff real drummers do all the time AND asking a drummer to listen to what I've programmed and then implement his feedback. Initially I wanted a real drummer to play at least on an edrumkit so that I get real playing but considering how much time it took for his first attempt (1st song) I would've released three songs last year at best...
    It would help me a little if you got a song in mind that I can check out where the drums are more like what you would suggest. I don't see my songs as "finished" at the moment because I see it as part of my project to learn and improve and at some point begin re-recording and remixing the older songs - which would of course include possibly new drums too.
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