i want to buy laptop and i need help.

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by orelcy, Oct 20, 2016.

  1. orelcy

    orelcy Newbie

    Oct 20, 2016
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    i want to buy new laptop for production.
    my budget is about 950$.
    i use in FL Studio and plugins like Ozone, nexus, syelnth1, spire, serum.
    i would like ssd hard drive in the laptop.
    i think i should mention that i going to buy with the laptop - focusright sound card and krk system rokit 5.
    can you reccommend me for good laptop ?

    thank you guys for the help.
  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    laptop is the worst you can do for production, it takes a short amount of time and you will get heat problems. laptop are not build to be power horses.

    if you can buy a desktop, its better when you use those cpu heavy plugins.
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  4. Bobs Ur Unkle

    Bobs Ur Unkle Ultrasonic

    Dec 23, 2015
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    If you can get a desktop it might be better, but most decent spec'd laptops can handle a fair amount maybe not ten instances of say Diva, with reverb and pitch mod on each track, but definitely enough for most uses, if you can get a good i7 with one or two m.2 pciE connections the performance should be fine, in my humble opinion..
  5. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Laptops are for the road or if you are wiring programs trough your main pc.
    They look cool in music videos though.
    For serious shit stick with a desktop, you will hit the cpu wall so much faster with even expensive laptops.
  6. orelcy

    orelcy Newbie

    Oct 20, 2016
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    ok, so if i will buy a desktop, which one can you reccomend me ?
    though specification will help much more .
  7. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Buy components and assemble it yourself.Case,cpu,hard drives,ram,sound card.If you buy it as one and decide to open it for lets say a ram upgrade you will loose warranty.
    If you can afford, go with the latest i7 cpu.
    SSD disk for the daw and a 3.5 " 2TB HDD for samples, etc.
    16GB of RAM or more.
    Motherboard that supports your cpu.
    Dont buy crap or you will buy twice.
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  8. Paul M.

    Paul M. Member

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Mainz, Germany
    There was another thread about "new PC". But couldn't find it yet.
    https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/ was a helpful hint there.

    Since a few days I have an i7 6800K + Asus X99 II board as basic parts.
    Couldn't check everything yet but it feels good.
  9. LoveKavi

    LoveKavi Kapellmeister

    Jan 3, 2016
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    London, UK.
    I am swaying towards a laptop for music production. I already have a good desktop anyway, but the laptop will be good for travelling to other houses, studios and such where I have my set up, plugins, sounds etc...

    However my desktop is always my home when it comes to production. I prefer it to a laptop by miles, prefer having 2 monitors etc... So desktop all the way. That's if you don't need to travel to produce. For the same price as a laptop you can build a pc that's better.

    @Paul M. above posted a good link that I used to create several pcs. They'll give you good deals on the prices, and also help you with compatibility between components as some CPUs may not work with some motherboards, or ram etc...

    I'm using a first gen i7 (i7 950) but overclocked to 4ghz with 12gb ram (which is cheaper than you think) and I have never gone close to my cpu limit or ram limit and I've used like 8 kontakt libraries and 6 omnispheres and many more programs at the same time. This is a pc that was 5ish years old and I haven't ever thought to upgrade it other than a new SSD and bigger hard drive. For your pricing you can easily get a good pc for that. An i7, like 16gb ram (probably) and a 480gb ssd (maybe less) and a 1tb hdd. You don't need a good gpu if you are mostly producing which means money saved on that can go to the system. But if you need a Screen then you'll have to take that into account.
  10. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    If you are interested in having to do a lot of extra work on top of all that and have some reliable friends that can provide tech support check out tonymacx86.com. They provide monthly hardware buyers guide that will get you everything that need to build a hackintosh tower. That being said i'd stay away from the laptop guides they are a lot of work to get right if you dont know what you are doing.
  11. Paul M.

    Paul M. Member

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Mainz, Germany