Not any religion- Do you believe in an intelligent GOD?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by foster911, Aug 19, 2016.

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  1. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Please explain your internal feeling about the topic. Personally I'm not a religious person and let's separate the GOD from any religion. I'm not talking about the origin of religions but just GOD (kind of an intelligent power). Unfortunately some people relate believing in GOD to illiteracy and sometimes their reasons would be fair and understandable. What's going on inside the brain of a 21st century human about this subject? Please suppose there is no religion on the earth and you're so free to think about it. How do you interpret GOD to yourself if you believe in an intelligence above (or wherever) us?

    Please be so civil and also talk more about your perception and comprehension, not referencing to any source. Thanks so much!:wink:

    I swear to Siva I did not see below thread before my thread::rofl:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2016
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  3. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    I don't believe there's a supreme being that created us and is watching from some other realm. I think we're all God in a sense that it is us who control our own destiny to a point. Earth is a grain of sand, not on a beach, but every beach in total in comparison to universe. And I refuse to just say a "God" created everything just because I don't have answers on things like why we're here or how we're so complex, etc.

    To each, their own. Anything with God in it can be very touchy.
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  4. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Honestly, I do believe in a being that created us. But I don't know what it is. For all we know, it could be a 14.3 billion-year old giant steaming burrito wearing a top-hat. I'm probably gonna get hate mail for that statement, but screw it. I have plenty of enemies as it is, so I ain't scared. :wink:
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  5. R4pToR

    R4pToR Ultrasonic

    Feb 18, 2015
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    I do not believe in a god (or gods) because god is not observable, at least as far as I know. I believe it is intellectually dishonest to believe in the unobservable, because empirical data is the basis for everything provable, be it deductive or inductive. Furthermore, it is also dishonest to believe that the unobserved does not exist. Maybe god is observable, but the chance to observe god is extremely rare.
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  6. Max Spelanzón

    Max Spelanzón Noisemaker

    May 6, 2016
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    I think you should read "Conversations with God" by Neale Donald Walsch. I am sure this book will answer your questions ... and much more.
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  7. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    I believe that GOD sent his son JESUS CHRIST to pay the ransom for my life. History is full of philosophers & intellectuals throughout the ages spending their entire career trying to prove the "intelligent designer theory" is nothing but a myth or a legend. All have failed. Some of those great intellectual's who could see past their blinding stubbornness came to know CHRIST as their personal LORD & SAVIOR too.
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  8. wuzzle

    wuzzle Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2014
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    Lesser Galactic Co-ordinates: Earth (0.0.0)

    This is about as far as I go regarding God or the like.
  9. atreehaseyes

    atreehaseyes Kapellmeister

    Jul 25, 2016
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    Elsewhere and otherwise
    No. But as Richard Feynman said, "I'm smart enough to know I'm dumb." So, I can't say so with complete certainty. That said, science has time and time again debunked what was once thought to be magical, mystical, spiritual, or supernatural. How many times has the supernatural debunked science? Not once. Philosophically speaking, there are some convincing ontological arguments against, at the very least, the typically Christian belief of an all-powerful, just, and kind god (some of which you can find here:

    Simply put, the body of evidence against there being an intelligent God, no matter how much I want there to be, outweighs the evidence that there is a God.

    Disagree? Want to argue? That's okay, you're right, I'm wrong. (See how easy that was?)

    My personal belief is that if there is some sort of underlying energy or spirituality connecting everything and all, it lies within the very atoms that make up both our bodies and the stars, not a white man on a white cloud with a white beard.
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  10. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    I subscribe to, and experience ecstasy in the search for truth through science, nothing more.
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  11. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    A religious experience changed my life real quick at 15. Yet, the more the years go by from that point, the more I struggle with the question of "did that really happen? No, it couldn't have." but it did. I do feel extremely lucky, but that doesn't change the fact that we must all go through the experience of living, terribly suffering, and dying, regardless of what your beliefs are. Those are the characteristics of the physics and biology of life.....the fragile and imperfect flesh body prototype. We are soft-flesh-bodied, temporary vessels given one chance only.
  12. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I know God. We're tight.
    We speak everyday. He's not only astoundingly enlightening, He's hilariously profound.
    He shows me things over and over again in ways that are meta-physically symbolic and ways that are blatantly obvious for when I'm being obtuse.
    He calls me kid. And loves me like my Father because He is.
    When I disappoint Him He reminds me to look to my oldest Brother.
    I'm the oldest brother in my nuclear family but the eldest is something else. He was (quite literally) the splitting image of my Father.
    And every single brother and sister there is strive to be just like Him.
    When I say image, I mean like like an ISO.
    Created from a cosmic disc made of star stuff and written to a type of media so completely different from the original source yet virtually the same.
    With read/write access because that's actual free will as opposed to being restricted slaves like some automated macro.
    This medium is not able to contain and manifest itself to be everything that was before it until it is mounted in a very particular drive built to exact specifications.
    Instructions on how to build this drive are distributed freely.

    I remember asking Him why He just sent everyone away from Him when we were all so together. Why he separated Himself like that.
    He said it was our idea.

    I asked Him why he would let us when He knew everything we would end up doing to ourselves and each other and this planet.
    He said it was because He loves us and because we are free.

    I remember asking Him why he lets all this shit happen to good innocent people.
    What He told me opened my eyes. He said that He feels the suffering because He is there in all those who suffer.
    I remember saying aren't You in those that are causing the pain too, though? Why don't You tell them to stop? Show them that it is evil.
    He said I do. Constantly. They don't listen.
    Sweetheart (He calls me that 'coz He's cool like that), there is nothing I want more than you all to realize my peace. Realize my love. But I don't make you do that. It is your choice to do so.

    Everything your world has done. You have done to yourselves.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2016
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  13. Erik_Menton

    Erik_Menton Producer

    Jun 16, 2013
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    I do not believe, i was born without enough faith so given that there is no observable evidence i treat god as any other great claim without evidence, i dont believe until i see some good piece of evidence.

    I studied physics at university and despite the common idea this thing had nothing to do with my "spiritual position", science will work with falsifiable claims,a god isn't one of these so it has nothing to do with science, i guess it all comes down to the fact of how much faith we have..

    I dont think a believer must necessairly be illiterate, i know plenty of religious people who successfull and intelligent, they simply have enough faith, obviously hardcore creationists are a whole different group...
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  14. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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  15. barrymung

    barrymung Noisemaker

    Jan 8, 2014
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    As with 'religion', society is programmed to dismiss that which is not 'the norm'.

    So, with all the evidence to hand, denying all the given facts and traits they want us to follow, that too can effectively be a 'religion'.
    Are we all 'beings' that origionated from other worlds? Are we all spiritually linked, like all the other creatures on this earth are?
    (Take a flock of birds on a field, one sees a preditor and they all fly off simultaneously, without sound or warning.)

    We do not fit in here (on Earth), we destroy anything and everything for our own good, one way or another!

    If there are alien beings out there, its being well hidden from us. There is almost always someone with a camera when something happens.

    Almost all religion is controlled by money if you think about it, but we are programmed to accept it and, as it's the only way to get what we want, so it controls us...

    Food for thought anway.
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  16. veeyou

    veeyou Newbie

    Nov 5, 2011
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    "We are all one, with the One who is all".
    Most macro level issues are paradoxical. e.g. God is One & God is all.
    We live in a fractal reality: "As Above, So below".
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  17. wil6415

    wil6415 Newbie

    Aug 19, 2016
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    Here's a thought: who do you cry out for if you are about to get into an accident or someone has a gun to your head? Hint: it's not mommy!
  18. wil6415

    wil6415 Newbie

    Aug 19, 2016
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    Religion has always been used to control the masses, but if you want to know the truth simply ask God yourself. I was surprised at the answers. I asked 12 years ago and I'm still getting more answers. What He gave me made more sense than anyone else trying to explain what they considered were what they believed.
  19. mywpmusic

    mywpmusic Newbie

    Oct 20, 2012
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    I believe in God as he is Celestial Spirit that has no form but is energy. There is evidence of his temple the Pillars of Enoch (The Great Pyramid of Giza) that was not built by the Egyptians as the Pillars Of Enoch was built long before the first Egyptian Dynasty. I also believe they God and his Angels travel in Chariots in the Sky (Flying Craft) that can be scene from time to time... So I feel with that evidence there is something more real than we are taught to believe......
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  20. Fer Zeleid

    Fer Zeleid Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    I've just met celestial god today and you know...he/she/it was laughing at me. I asked "why doy you laugh at me, mudafucka?". Answer: "I laugh at all of you, humans".
    Maybe there is "something" in dimensions we cannot see/feel in a comprehensive way. Maybe there were advanced civilizations and we are their creatures, maybe not. But the idea of a omnipotent god makes me fell like somebody is laughing at me. Sorry for my english.
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  21. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    Ok I know this may trigger quite a few people here, but this is my story.

    Jesus Christ, pulled me out of new age spirituality recently.
    So no belief required here, it's a reality.

    I have also received guidance by the Holy Spirit many times in my life. Up to this day.

    God's logic works differently to man's, we see everything in an inverted fashion.
    Everything that we get a hold of, we distort.

    And it takes a major event, for most people, to realize everything that Jesus teaches. Until that time, they may be dabbling in a myriad (an enormous) number of things, from spiritual practices/teachings to non-spiritual practices/teachings. And they may think ALL these things are of high value, until their catalyst makes them realize no amount of things accumulated or practiced has any worth, until one turns to the true God.

    From that moment they realize why there is such a plethora of distractions (esp. spiritual traditions and teachings and movements), they are there to lead one astray, simple as that. For one to lose one self and follow spiritual or non-spiritual teachings that lead to nowhere! That lead to a dead end. Literally.

    Of course humans because they have a child-like consciousness, they cannot, from their own intelligence, tell what leads to a good end and what does not. Which is why some individuals (who show promise in the eyes of God) end up facing a huge catalytic moment in their life, which makes them decide. And then finally they might accept the living God, whom they once used to make fun of and condemn. Or ignore.

    But yeah, spirituality, like sexuality, one of the most perverted subjects on this planet, and by purpose too. Through it, you can manipulate, vast, vast populations and draw energy from them.

    For example the new age movement, and quite a few oriental religions (through the practices the individuals do) allow the fallen beings to extract energy from the practicioners. Also, the biggest part, is influence and possession, in various degrees. A lot of that goes on, and most people do not realize it. They may think they are acting from themselves, but it is not so. But that's a whole other subject. A very heavy one at that! Not to be gone into lightly.

    I used to have sleep paralysis, kundalini energy risings, do reiki, predict the future (all successfully too) as well as channel high level (higher dimensional) civilizations/beings and think they were enlightened beings very close to God, whom it was safe to listen to and follow.

    At the same time the Holy Spirit was also at times speaking to me. I thought it was all the same thing, all coming from the "divine". It was not until last year, mid year, that after 5 years, it all came to a head and Jesus finally said, you've learned enough. Time to get out and expose all this for many others to learn.

    Looking on Youtube, it's amazing how many other individuals are exposing all of this as well. Quite a few people leaving the new age and doing a complete turn around. Within the new age, and even Buddhism, they used to hate the idea of turning to Jesus for salvation. It was ALL ABOUT "self-salvation!!!!!!!"
    And then one experience with the true God, and all their knowledge, their whole reality comes crashing down, and they are humbled forever.

    People are doing testimonies leaving: Satanism, occultism, new age, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Catholicism, Yoga/Tantra, Taoism, atheism, the Illuminati, Freemasonary, even Muslim terrorists... and are finding Jesus Christ. Because in some way, somehow, he appeared to them. Or they prayed to him, after years of hating him and got exactly what they prayed for. Usually reprieve from some life-threatening situation.

    It's quite extraordinary actually.

    And it has nothing to do with religion. It appears that, as Jesus taught, He really is the way out of the matrix. The only way. I used to absolutely hate that. And used to look for every way to avoid that.

    It's amazing to me how I used think that was not so, and how many people oppose that. But that's because they have energetic attachments and mental programs that were inserted into them, to make them think aggressively towards Jesus or God, and to disseminate that aggression and hate into other people. I used to have the same. Quite a big attachment actually. I was speaking to a very high level handler. They assign such beings to you, when you have the capabilities to understand them and to further make others believe their lies!

    And until all that stuff is clear from the person, the person will usually search for God in every other teaching, and in every other way, other than through the one way which actually is true and truly works.

    You can thank the fallen for that, they infest this world on many different levels. Within many different vibrations and consciousness levels. So that every level, within which an individual may exist, the fallen have their alternative answer for the individual to follow and fall into.

    They have a "solution" to every problem, just as long as you do not find the solution in Jesus!
    Of your own free will!


    I saw quite a few people above me answer with fallen teachings.

    These three are the example of how the fallen operate, these are their teachings disseminated in various parts of human society. So that every individual, or group, is in some way following the Satanic philosophy. Even those who think they are following no one's philosophy but their own, are following the fallen in some way:

    1. "We are all one, with the One who is all".
    Most macro level issues are paradoxical. e.g. God is One & God is all.
    We live in a fractal reality: "As Above, So below"."

    That is the typical new age simplified philosophy which leads to the rejection of Jesus.
    It's quite potent. But it's a simplification, which is not entirely true.

    2. New age channeling: "Conversations with God" by Neale Donald Walsch"

    That's NOT God, it's a high level being in the fallen hierarchy.

    You have to understand, they have A LOT of wisdom. So much so, that if you look at all of the arcane/occult teachings, the esoteric teachings, the teachings of oriental religions, teachings of the new age movement.... they are FILLED with KNOWLEDGE. Bursting at the seams. I was there and I know how it works. The promise of knowledge, wisdom and power are extremely potent and work on pretty much everyone. There are many different guides under which these poison chalices are offered. That's part of the deception, for you not to see what you are truly drinking from.

    That's because these beings, all they have to offer, is knowledge. [Remember they are fallen angels.
    How that translates in more modern way of expression is: higher dimensional beings existing at a higher reality, or at a different vibration of reality, a reality as real as the one we exist in. - (For you atheists out there.)]
    Through their philosophy of "self-salvation". They cannot offer true salvation, the one Jesus freely offers. Because they do not have the authority or the power of Jesus. So they offer something which to a human is perhaps more enticing, especially those who feel they lack power, lack understanding... and esp men. Men are more logically inclined than women. For women, they have a different approach, similar, but not so much focused on the promise of power. That one works only on some women. Not all.

    The fallen hate God, so of course they offer the false doctrine of "self-salvation" to innocent humanity.
    (Because they believe in it themselves and are trying everything in creation to escape judgement - the end of the cycle.) Humanity, who like a little child cannot differentiate between right and wrong <- How they address that, is by teaching you another false concept: that there is no such thing as right and wrong. So that at every turn, you are separated from God, rather than united, whilst they fill their teachings with false declarations that you are nearing God in all you do.

    That one day you will become GOD. That's their selling point. And it's quite enticing to a species which was first beaten down by them, only now to be promised powers, evolution into a higher state of being, and god-hood. It works, it works very well.

    3. "I do not believe in a god (or gods) because god is not observable, at least as far as I know. I believe it is intellectually dishonest to believe in the unobservable, because empirical data is the basis for everything provable, be it deductive or inductive. Furthermore, it is also dishonest to believe that the unobserved does not exist. Maybe god is observable, but the chance to observe god is extremely rare."

    That's a fair stance. An agnostic stance, not an atheistic one. Therefore God may yet show Himself to you, if you search diligently and do not get swept up in the 99% of falsities which abound this world.

    The atheist point of view could be called Satanic. There are actually two Satanic points of view. The theistic position, could be called Luciferian, which is all about higher wisdom, knowledge of higher realities, magic, psychic skills, and many many other things. This part of the fallen hierarchy is the one responsible for all of the occult knowledge, the channelings, most aspects of the oriental religions, the pagan religions, the gnostic traditions...

    And then there is the Satanic view, which is pure atheism. And pursuit of self-satisfaction through PURELY materialistic means. Sensually, as well as in thought, in relation of oneself to all reality.

    Whilst following pure logic and reason may seem reasonable. It in and of itself is a bit like only ever treating the left side of your body as alive and worth taking care of. You are completely missing out on the other half. And this is why the Satanic path is purely based on logic, on the cold hard facts. On the atheistic materialistic view of self and reality. From this fallen point of view and state of being, there is no room for true warmth, for true love, for true compassion, for FAITH! For something beyond oneself, for self sacrifice to an ideal that is not of the fallen nature...

    Those things, from the Satanic point of view, are for the foolish and the weak.

    But ironically enough, it is actually they who are only half the being, it is thus they who are foolish and weak. Which is of course why they have to conquer others, take from them everything, use their life force energy, their possessions, control them, abuse them and dominate them. This is why they are selfish, cold hearted and self-serving. Or why they are warm when it suits them and do not care for things that do not serve them! And why they are from their own point of view: "good".

    It's very easy to be good from one's own point of view.

    But how aligned is our good to the way God defines good?
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