Service Center fear

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by maximoman, Nov 26, 2015.

  1. maximoman

    maximoman Noisemaker

    Apr 5, 2015
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    Hi all,

    I’ve read most Kontakt related threads here (I think) but I haven’t really found something that explains my particular issue. Sorry if this has been answered before.

    Ok, I’ve used a K’ed Kontakt for years - I use about 40 or 50 legit (bought) libraries - from indepent developers to huge expensive orchestral stuff - along with maybe four or five unlegit ones. (aiming to buy those too in a not too distant future, but I’ll have to stay with the k’ed Kontakt for now)

    I own Komplete and Traktor and even a separate copy of Reaktor but I haven’t used them for years as I can’t upgrade…because I’m kinda TERRIFIED of opening Service Center!

    I’m guessing upgrading Komplete might be done from within Service Center even, but my fear is that Service Center will scan all libraries and block/report/make a mess. Would I have to temporarily move those unregistered libraries and my R2R Kontakt version before opening?

    So, can I upgrade my NI products - primarily so I can start using Massive and Reaktor again - without messing up all my Kontakt stuff?

    Bewildered. Confused. Any help would be much appreciated.

    OS X 10.9.5, Logic 10.2
  3. DKB

    DKB Producer

    Jul 25, 2015
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    Hi mate
    You can download your komplete updates from native instruments website
    log in to your user account / your products and serials and download the updates you need .
    then you won't have to open service centre to update them .
    Hope that helps you
  4. maximoman

    maximoman Noisemaker

    Apr 5, 2015
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    That is great news! So Service Center isn't necessary to activate for instance Massive after I download it? I remember activating lots of stuff through SC when I first installed Komplete.

    And what if I decide/need to get the latest Komplete (mine is from like 2011)? You sure I can install all that without SC?

    And thanks!
  5. HPF

    HPF Kapellmeister

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Block 4
    activation requires sc - once activated, the updates (downloads from ni) do not require sc anymore
  6. maximoman

    maximoman Noisemaker

    Apr 5, 2015
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    Thanks. But hmm...since I haven't upgraded in years and also switched computers (forgot about that), there's a fair chance that SC isn't even installed on my studio computer. So back to the OG Question I guess: What to do if I need to first install SC then activate everything from scratch, how do I keep it from screwing up my K'ed Kontakt and all it's (mostly legit) libraries?
  7. DKB

    DKB Producer

    Jul 25, 2015
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    If you've activated your plugins then service centre is installed . If not when you install plugins it will ask you if you want to install service centre . Once you've activated your plugs you don't need to update from there you can download from your ni user account
    But aslong as you don't activate you patched libraries when you activate you purchased ones you'll be ok . I've done it that way before . But to save hassle just download updates from ni
  8. maximoman

    maximoman Noisemaker

    Apr 5, 2015
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    Sorry for being slow in the head! The reason I don't know if SC is even installed is that the only NI software I've been using lately is the K'ed Kontakt, which operates totally independently from Service Center as I understand it.

    Definitely gonna get the download updates, but I might get the latest Komplete with all the new ish, wich will probably require me to open SC. But you're saying it's safe to open up SC and tick boxes (can't remember what the interface looks like but I'm sure there's ticking involved) for everything I own including NI libs and plugins + third party libraries and not tick boxes for libs I don't own? And I'll be safe?

    Sorry again for being overly thorough about this but I really want to get it right, can't afford the time it would take me to unscrew it all if it fails.
  9. Aggrotech

    Aggrotech Member

    Sep 3, 2015
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    I personally wanted to try battery 4 see if it was worth upgrading to it. I have an older legit copy of Komplete but with battery 3. I have battery 4 appearing on my service center now... cracked it was. I have no idea if I make a clean install if it will appear again but yeh... Battery 3 > batter 4 apart from the gfx
  10. DKB

    DKB Producer

    Jul 25, 2015
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    All you patched plug will show up in service centre but if you haven't got a serial number in the box then when you activate your legit ones there's no issue . You don't even have to activate from service centre you can do that online to . Just set sc to do an offline activation

    Aggrotech the only way I believe you can remove battery 4 from sc is todo a clean install of your PC/Mac there's some sort of xml file in it (I think that's the name) It won't activate if you haven't got the serial in the box . If your patched version doesn't have a serial there's no problem . I've never run into problems using komplete 10 legit with patched plugs and libraries I've had no problem from service centre .

    Here's another thread about it from someone else with your concerns
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2015
  11. Aggrotech

    Aggrotech Member

    Sep 3, 2015
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    Sadly there is a serial in the box albeit not all boxes are filled :( If I knew this I wouldn't even care to try Battery 4. Damn NI and their lack of demos
  12. bigFlow

    bigFlow Ultrasonic

    Sep 19, 2014
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    Just open service center and click activate, I use many k'ed versions just for convenience and when i once tried to activate some legit ones, I forgot to uncheck all the k'ed ones. No problem, it just tells you it can't active these and there was an error, they continue to work, so service center doesn't delete the licensing info from you registry. I'd recommend to uncheck the k'ed ones however, but still it's no problem if you forget some. Also didn't get any letters from NI's lawyers since then :wink:
  13. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    World 1, Scene 1
    0RGan1c says "DO NOT WORRY"
  14. boogiewoogie

    boogiewoogie Platinum Record

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Exactly. Don't worry. It only sends the serial numbers of what you enter. When you have cracked Kontakts installed ( including older versions 3 and 4) it will show a serial for those, but just delete that serial before you register any real stuff.
  15. Aggrotech

    Aggrotech Member

    Sep 3, 2015
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    Funny mentioning Kontakt 3 now. My komplete 5 had a faulty dvd for the kontakt library. I never got a replacement :(
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