
Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by angel, Feb 13, 2012.

  1. zevera

    zevera Newbie

    Feb 14, 2012
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    thank you for your honest feedback.... We do mention about oron traffic just on the purchase page.... BEFORE someone pays.....

    I do understand your frustration about the payment with 2CO.... but you also have to understand us as well.... We cannot deliver a paid service for free......2CO added quantity probably due to some page refresh and of course it was not us.... we will be using 2CO only for credit card soon..... Also we would have activated your account if you had actually paid.... BUT as you said you got the refund.... we never received the money for your account..... you could always try us again.... i can provide direct paypal should you wish....

  2. zevera

    zevera Newbie

    Feb 14, 2012
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    Drop us an email anytime! :)
  3. zevera

    zevera Newbie

    Feb 14, 2012
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    No oron without paying extra - TRUE but mentioned beforehand
    No ul without paying extra - False it is just limited.... now that thew actual limit on UL has increased it will increase on zevera as well
    No rapidgator - True... They lost payment systems and they are SO limited.... doing my best to keep it as good as possible


    PS: trully use a DM and the speeds will drastically improve.!
  4. starforce

    starforce Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2012
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    I hate the ZEVERA method. It's not working properly at all. It's pathetic realize again and again that you can't download for one reason else another. JET Downloader... The World's Pathetic Download System ever. Their last version 3.1.1 changes real size of the files you want to download so you got nothing but a useless file whit a different size than the original when pathetic JET finishes its work. And you can go to the FORUM... Yeah, it's worst!! You can create a post and never will be showed. Moderators decide if a post is convenient or not... What kind of dictatorship is that? I waste my money!!

    It could be awesome if it works but long ago they promised it and we are waiting and waiting wasting our money!
  5. samsong

    samsong Newbie

    Apr 12, 2012
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    I've downloaded a bunch of files over the last couple of days and I'm pretty sure the last Jet version is 3.2.2. Jet's been working great for me since I started using it maybe a month ago, even better and faster than browser downloads and I was mostly happy with those as well. Maybe you should update it -- maybe there are some bugs to the effect of what you're mentioning in the old version. I have no idea what your issue might be, but it's working great for me. Not just 'fine', but great. My only real gripe is that it takes nearly one minute to load on my machine, but I use a four-year-old budget PC, so I'd imagine some of it is because of that.

    I run a bunch of websites, and websites really are dictatorships: as a user you have to play by the rules and succumb to the whims of the site owner or you can be ignored, kicked off the site, lose your account, whatever -- that's the way it is nearly everywhere. I agree Zevera should do something about how people perceive their forum support, but if they want to give off the vibe that they don't want to answer certain questions or they delete certain posts on their forum or Facebook page (they did to one of mine) -- that's their right. They may lose customers over it, but sites generally are dictatorships - that's not unique to Zevera.

    I've been a member there for a long time, too, but I have no clue what you're talking about regarding Zevera promising it would work and now we're waiting and wasting our money. The service has worked for at least months, and I'd imagine it worked before I found it otherwise it wouldn't have been in business for me to find it in the first place. People will only waste money once on something that is broke. If Zevera's service is broke, their business will tank. If their service works, people will continually renew accounts and they'll stay available and viable so long as the laws allow it or until their admins get bored or tired of dealing with people. Who knows what'll happen tomorrow, but for now, the service works great for my downloads, so they've got my money and I'm not waiting or wasting any of it.
  6. starforce

    starforce Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2012
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    v3.2.2 is out. I didn't know it. And I don't trust it is working properly but I gonna download it and test it and I will come back here to say how well or bad is working.

    You are a couple of days user... HAHAHAHAHA. I have been paying for months and months and crying about its pathetic service. Did we old users deserved that? Paying money for a really bad service? Come on!!!

    They promised lot of things that they didn't carry out but we paid and paid again and they kept our money.

    Well, stop talking. I will try the 3.2.2 version.

    EDIT: Current Version is: 3.1.3

    I think you have no idea about JET Downloader because in their page I've just read that the current version is 3.1.3...
  7. samsong

    samsong Newbie

    Apr 12, 2012
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    Man... are you playing games here? Seriously.

    Here's the Jet version - screenshots from a few minutes ago:


    Here's a reference to when I created my first account:


    I'm not sure what you're doing, but you're obviously doing it wrong if you can't download files. Seriously -- who is the one who has no idea here?
  8. starforce

    starforce Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2012
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    No, no, I have no problem to re-test it. I will try with a french ISO film right now with the new version 3.1.3

    3.2.2 ? Look man
    But I have no problem to admit an error so let's actions talk. I'll try and I'll come back

    And seriously, what is your opinion about promising a easy downloading from lots of hostings and realize you can't download from many of them. Are you fuc*ing kidding me???

    Hey, and if you are an old member and you don't admit these continous failures... It's weird! You are saying that me I made things in a wrong way... Lots and lots of claimings but it's me who have made it in a wrong way... Now I'm sure you're someone deeply involved in protecting ZEVERA but me I'm just a really disappointed user.
  9. samsong

    samsong Newbie

    Apr 12, 2012
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    No, I know what the Jet Downloader download page says, but the text does not reflect the latest version. I use Jet now whenever I want to download several files, otherwise I just use browser downloads.

    Look at what I've written here on this forum and the language I use to express my dismay at some of Zevera's practices and policies. I'm and equalizing voice for a service I use. People come on here and cherry-pick their poor download speeds and harp on about their negative experiences -- should these people all be labeled as shills for Zevera competitors? If I were deeply involved in protecting Zevera, I wouldn't call them out on their bunk refund policy limitations and their deleting of user comments.

    What other users report doesn't negate my reality. I'm sure there are ticked off people, but I'm not presently one of them. It's statistically improbable that Zevera only works when I go to download files and doesn't work the rest of the time. That's ludicrous. So, there's some factor or factors that are different between the way I use Zevera and the way others use the service that affects their success. One thing I learned a long time ago was that using their site to download files is an exercise in futility and a mind-numbing experience, or at least it was mid last year: once I discovered browser downloads I stopped using their site and my experience was decent or better, and lately it's been great.

    My only recommendation is to find sources for files that list multiple download links. That, and don't use their site for anything unless you absolutely have to. I use download sources that have a bunch of comments with various file download links, and I weed through the links and see if I recognize a hoster as being supported, and if so, I copy it to my clipboard (for Jet) or open it in a new window (for browser downloads) and that's it. If a download fails to start for whatever reason, I find a new link, but that rarely happens as I use a hoster link checker that highlights live /dead links.

    It was wrong of me to say that you're 'obviously doing it wrong' if you're having poor success with Zevera. I know that there can be a multitude of factors that affect any type of download, Zevera or not, I was just being kind of a prick because of your response about the Jet downloader version number. Sorry about that.
  10. starforce

    starforce Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2012
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    I have serveral premium accounts: FILESERVE (useless), MEGASHARES (pretty useless), UPLOADED, NETLOAD and FILEMATES and working with JDownloader with these Premium Account Hostings is heaven. I needed to buy UPLOADED and NETLOAD accounts because of the continous ZEVERA failure. I thought ZEVERA account with JDownloader will be an easy and efficient way to download but it was a total disaster that made me really angry. (I haven't tested JET Downloader new version yet. Sorry about it).
  11. starforce

    starforce Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2012
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    Well, I tried to download a new ISO game using ZEVERA and JET Downloader from NETLOAD. It could be easy with JDownloader and my NETLOAD premium account but I gave v3.2.2 JET Downloader a chance and look this fuc*ing results:


    First: Once ISO has been completed it disappears from COMPLETED JET folder. WTF!!!

    Second: "Toy.Soldiers-SKIDROW.iso" or "sr-toysoldiers.iso" is a 1,46 GB ISO and you can see that I've found that pathetic mini ISO with some other parts that I don't know what I have to do with it because they are useless.

    So... I'm still thinking JET Downloader and so ZEVERA are crap, expensive crap.
  12. samsong

    samsong Newbie

    Apr 12, 2012
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    I'm having no issues with Jet using it nearly every day as of late - I have no idea what the difference can be between us other than you download bigger files than I do. That and I don't download ISOs, only .avi, .mpg or .mkv pretty exclusively. I use netload relatively often, too, because it works well, so that's doubly strange. I've never had a download disappear either, but it's not even showing that you completed a download in the screenshot (which, mine counts all of my downloads after they finish).

    However, you have the little files because Jet hasn't joined them together yet. You have to let Jet join them or they're useless, or at least I couldn't manually do it when I closed Jet before the downloads were finished 'joining'. I found that out on my own after ruining the download. I'm guessing they're made into archives during download to speed up the process, but I really have no clue how that works.

    If you look at the bottom of your screenshot, it shows you that those files are being 'joined'. Again -- I don't know what any of that means ( I know what joining files is, just not why Jet Downloader uses archives), I just stumbled through it myself. Maybe there's documentation, but I kind of doubt it.

    I'd say contact support, but it's really hit and miss with email and forum support in terms of a timely and helpful response, plus with forum support you have to wait too long for a response because they moderate it so heavy that it's pointless for other users to help you out even. I've been on with live chat a couple of times in the last couple of weeks and they were helpful, maybe that's worth a shot. Then again, if you come at them as frustrated in live chat... that may not get you anywhere either.

    If I were having your issues, I'd be frustrated as hell, too. I have no idea why there's such a disparity between what I get and what you're getting. It has to be the file size or the file type -- there isn't any other reason that makes sense.

    Maybe you're just complaining about it, but I wish I could help or point you in a better direction regardless. This is somewhere where Zevera falls flat: they need to give members better access to a real customer service rep who can cope with angry people and turn a negative situation into a positive rather than having us wait a day or three for a few-word response on the forums that may or may not address our question. Or ignore our questions. Maybe they're better now, but their support has had issues in certain places. I've experienced it and I've read about others' experience.

    Actually, if you're interested in using Jet, you can try the Jet support guy. His email is in the Jet Downloader forum in a thread somewhere or I can dig it up and PM it to you or something. I have no idea how he handles things, I only know that he's not the same guy that handles most of the forum support.

    For me, personally, if I was reaching out for help from support and they ignored me or didn't seem concerned to help me -- I'd drop them. I'd probably go out of my way to flame them a little bit too, but I'd stick with free downloads or risk buying a single premium account over wasting any time with a service that won't help me use their service. That's me, though. I think Zevera is decent to great depending on the day, but if I were in your shoes as you describe it, I would be livid.
  13. starforce

    starforce Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2012
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    First of all thanks for your time and support.

    I used "Direct Download" from ZEVERA site and I got success downloaded that "Toy.Soldiers-SKIDROW.iso" by NETLOAD, that's the true. Poor speed but success.

    Regarding JET Downloader: I unticked "Uncompress Files After Downloading" but I guess that just means unrar RAR files. But I think you're right and JET needed to join all these parts I had because it was a single ISO file and it seemed all data needed was downloaded but I couldn't do anything whit it. If I let "Part Split = 4" that means JET will cut the entire file in 4 parts to accelerate downloads but why JET didn't join all the parts?

    I'll try changing "Part Split = 1"

    Thanks again!

    EDIT: Checking JET with another file: "DWSD Virus Soundset WAV Edition WAV EXS" in Rapidgator, Uploaded, BitShare and FreakShare... None of them start... I went to the Direct Download ZEVERA site and none of them worked yet. Finally I used my UPLOADED PREMIUM ACCOUNT and I have an instantaneous response at full speed. Curiously, after that JET starts to download using UPLOADED link. Weird! Well, ZEVERA could be a fantastic solution but they had to wait to resolve all those issues before earn money with it.
  14. thc9

    thc9 Newbie

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Another warning:

    currently DebridMax.com is rather to avoid too ...
    90% of offered hosts are not working : you pay you get ... silly notifications, they don't answer your emails as a paying customer ...
    ... could have donated that money ...
  15. Zevsux

    Zevsux Newbie

    Apr 12, 2012
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    As I suspect, there are always Zevera moles masquerading as happy users of Zevera in any review site or forum that has negative reviews about their service.

    More complaints here : http://forum.zevera.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=449

    It's really strange that their awesome "Jet" downloader always works for their admins despite many users complain it doesn't work. Complain and it's tit for tat.

    Many filehosters which do not "work properly" are always labelled as "poor", "medicore" support. Easy to push away the blame eh...

    @Starforce : Stop complaining and do yourself a favor by looking for another service. To be fair, there are many similar sites like zevera around which provide RELIABLE downloads for RS/NL/UL. And almost any other host that Zevera is incompetent of. "Poor/Medicore" support is simply pure BS.
  16. samsong

    samsong Newbie

    Apr 12, 2012
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    So, if a user doesn't agree with your oh-so-unbiased assessment ('Zevsux' - ha!) and doesn't agree with the assessment of others, they're a mole? That's either an exceptionally ignorant assessment or the work of a troll. Using your username for context, it's not hard to make an educated guess which group you represent. Though, it could go either way I guess.

    How about, tit-for-tat, let's record our download activity using Zevera. Browser downloads, Jet downloader -- whatever. Maybe both. 10 files minimum using different hosters. If you don't have a Zevera account, buy it and I'll PayPal you the $20 USD for the account and your time if you do the video.

    My offer is legit - you have the opportunity to prove your case at my expense. Or, you'll look like a fool.

    I have some spare time the rest of the week, so let me know.

    FYI - I'm assuming that the hosters that are labeled as 'poor' and 'mediocre' support are labeled as such because they offer poor and mediocre support. How in the world is that pushing any blame on anybody other than Zevera? It's their programmers who either can't figure out how to leech off from certain hosters due to hoster updates to stop leechers or Zevera's losing too many premium accounts to allow certain downloads from taking place with certain hosters. That's on Zevera. I could be wrong, of course, but I assume most file hosters don't like multihoster sites like Zevera. It's Zevera's job to either build relationships with these hosters or work around protections in place by these hosters to stop services like Zevera from using them. Either way, that's not the hosters' role. If Zevera can't pay a hoster for accounts due to a PayPal or bank issue with the hoster, that's one thing -- that's on the filehoster -- the rest, though, is on Zevera as far as I know.

    I'll go ahead and do a video anyway, I think it'd be good to show some actual proof rather than just words. Let me know if you want in on it.
  17. Zevsux

    Zevsux Newbie

    Apr 12, 2012
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    Hey, did you go to their forum and send them ALL your links which aren't working for them to check? After all, this is what they are only most capable of doing. Assessing the links one by one with their JET and in the end letting you know it works. And what can you do after that? ;)

    FYI, this is their best way of getting to the "root" of your issues.. :D
  18. Zevsux

    Zevsux Newbie

    Apr 12, 2012
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    Just want to let you over-zealous Zevy defenders know I am not in the habit of making things up :


    Problems, problems and more problems

    Postby adler on 30 Apr 2012 22:26
    There are a lot of problems with both Zevera and Jet Downloader.
    your service almost doesn't work. Hosters are either unreachable, or hosters are innactive,
    or, Response ureachable or Jet gets in retrying cycle with no end...

    bitshare.com - doesn't work, 80% of files cant be downloaded
    filefactory.com - used to work nice, but in last several days downloads just stop and cant be resumed
    or just cant start to begin with
    filesmonster.com - although it says "Excellent Support!". since I'm member of Zevera it never worked once for me
    freakshare.com - it also says "Excellent Support!", but it doesn't work for days
    mediafire.com - "Excellent Support!" but can't download anything from there
    rapidshare - don't work, Jet only downloads a 15kb junk file
    turbobit.net - can't download a thing from it for weeks

    This happens rarely, Jet corrupts file that it downloads, if its rar, than its damaged CRC error,
    if its video than it skips on some parts.
    This only happens to files that are downloaded through Jet, downloads from IDM, or Firefox or JD always work,
    they never have CRC or any other errors.

    Jet has a nasty habit with if a "part split" option is above 1, if its 4 (default), sometimes it can't join file, and whole download is broken, i keep it at value 1, as its not fun to download a 2gig file and then find out that Jet can't join
    files so I have to download whole thing again.

    "Uncompress Files After Downloading" can lock up Jet, it get stuck while trying to unpack, and it can break a file when it get stuck, so i keep this turned off. Unpacking with WinRar or 7zip are much better, faster and safer option.

    Jet looks like a software in its alpha stage,not even beta, with all bugs and it doesn't function like it should.

    You say send links, send links, send links,.... and yet after a lot of link sending those hosters still don't work.
    We are not your alpha and beta testers, we are your customers that paid for a service, and we expect it to work,
    and yet we as your customers hunt bugs and problems in your service, that doesn't seem to get any better.


    Re: Problems, problems and more problems

    Postby Panos on 03 May 2012 09:31

    The main reason we are asking for links is tto debug the problem you mention.
    Jet is frequently updated and many bugs are fixed every day.
    Using your feedback we can fix any errors that may occur and proceed with the development of new features in Jet.

    You describe crc errors. Can you maybe export a report and send it to [email protected].
    This is top priority for me in Jet.

    As for the quote from my previous reply, this is the main functionality of Jet. So please provide me any links or at least the hosters that gave you the download status you mention.

    Kind regards


    And I believe there are a whole lot more of shitload user complaints that don't surface from there as every single negative post is being "moderated" (aka deleted) before being allowed to go public.

    Every single excuse is denial :rofl:
  19. google

    google Newbie

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Zevera is totally hit or miss these days

  20. Zevsux

    Zevsux Newbie

    Apr 12, 2012
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    I encounter this sometimes when I was using their service previously (Thank god I only bought a 1 month account)

    Same excuses always : http://forum.zevera.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=525

    1) User cannot download files hosted by specific links
    2) Admin tries and almost ALWAYS claims that those links are OK over his side

    One thing that really pisses me off is that they have the cheek to claim they support the most hosts but WHAT is the point when those hosts are always not working or just labelled with poor/medicore support as a convenient excuse? Total BS!
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