
Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by angel, Feb 13, 2012.

  1. angel

    angel Noisemaker

    Feb 13, 2012
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    I want to give a word of advice and a big warning to any of you thinking of getting an account from this scam company!!
    Zevera.com is a very small company based in Serbia. Unfortunately They take advantage of the current online situation and their advertisement seems too good to be true… And it is!!! Big time. Their online service IS HARDLY WORKING OR FUNCTIONING! BE WARE! You’ll not be able to download almost anything through them! Zevera.com service is absolutely terrible!! (plus the terrible armature tech support) It is extremely slow and buggy, each download link you try to use, produces tons of endless errors one after the other and the most unbelievable thing is… Your paid – Premium account is -LIMITED!!! – Yes, you pay for a limited “Premium” account, which is bullshit!!! Meaning for those of you that find it hard to believe, you can start downloading but after only one or two files, you’re done and you have to wait a day!!!! You’ll get an error saying:“you’ve reached your daily limit” That’s what I call fk, scam, fraud company!! So please! Don’t make the mistake like myself and many other people! DO NOT USE ZEVERA.COM!! ( look here for example, for their awful reviews!: http://www.webutation.net/go/review/zevera.com )
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  3. Rooster Cogburn

    Rooster Cogburn Member

    Aug 31, 2011
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    Yeah, I tried them out last month and they do have some sneaky tactics. They advertise on the site and mislead people to think that you can download from the list of supported sites just like you have a premium account, but in reality a lot of the sites have a limit b/c Zevera has agreements w/ a lot of the supported sites to limit the amount that you can download. They don't put this on the site along w/ all the misleading advertisements, instead they hide it in the fine print of the Terms of Use which they know most won't read at first. And even then, the paragraph about limitations in the Terms of Use is very vague and generalized.

    They don't specify which sites are limited and which sites aren't until you actually buy an account. Then there is a section titled "Hoster Limits" which tells you which are limited and by how much. Of course they wouldn't dare put this on the site for those who haven't bought an account to see b/c most would probably choose not to sign up.

    It still has some use but I wasn't pleased at all once I got blind sided by the restrictions. Probably won't be renewing once my account expires.
  4. angel

    angel Noisemaker

    Feb 13, 2012
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    THANK YOU, I'm glad other people agree!

    Zevera.com is a sneaky son of a bastard! No question about that, unbelievable of a bad service! Complete shame.

    How many hours or days, would you be willing to spend to download a 600mb or 2.GB files?
    6-7-10 hours? or maybe 2-3 days or more, if you really try hard… then go ahead, that’s if the sneaky error won’t pop up first “You’ve reached your daily limit” BS!

    They get away with this only because they know that many of the hosts are blocked in the US! THIS IS THE ONLY REASON!!
    And that’s why we are screwed! Because if their service was good and satisfying, it would’ve been wonderful!

    Save yourself a hell of a service, don't use Zevera!
  5. crumpy

    crumpy Newbie

    Nov 16, 2011
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    I have zevera, and minus the reported hosters that are down, i get working links from almost every other supported hoster,
    including all the ones which have banned US ISPs.
    i downloaded over 320gb last week alone.

    but yea, there is some discrepancies with them,
    I will agree on that, but thats ALL of them.
    I know when all the file hosting services first went down,
    zevera was pretty much useless for 2-3 weeks.
    now they're back on track.
    dunno what YOUR issues are.

    the system message, and error messages are normal when their server does not traverse a link correctly or resolve the captcha,
    it is generic, and generates on the fly for every hoster they support.
    sometimes you have to retry the link several times (depending on hoster entirely), and the links will resolve.
  6. angel

    angel Noisemaker

    Feb 13, 2012
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    Thank you "crumpy", but please, do not make a pretty pic!
    They have a terrible service! I guess you're one of the lucky ones.

    Yea.. this is what you get 60% of the times: “the host is offline, sorry, try again tomorrow”
    “You’ve reached your daily limit” or. “sorry, Zevera.com is not supporting this host anymore”
    Or tons of other errors and problems, including a ridicules slow speed! Sorry, but this is NOT the kind of service you deserve when you have a paid premium account.

    Thank you.
  7. crumpy

    crumpy Newbie

    Nov 16, 2011
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    i empathize with your frustration,
    because i found myself in the same situation right after i signed up,
    which just happened to be when all the file hosting shit happened.
    so basically i had an account that was more or less useless to me for almost a month.

    customer service (live chat) is terrible but at least they will try to talk to you,
    getting service from management is even less reliable, and negligible at best.
    i do know they will avoid honoring their money back guarantee at all costs.
    so i am in no way advocating that this service is just all that and a bag of chips, because its not.
    it has its glitches and annoyances just like the others.

    and with the hosts that have gone offline, it is so zevera can fix it.
    you got to remember, all of these file hosts have not only changed their API,
    but have implemented even more security measures due to all the anti copyright laws being passed.
    not to mention they all HATE debrid services like zevera.
    so they have to keep up with changes to ensure these services work.

    at one point, almost all of their hosts were offline, but most* are back up and working.
    at least they are fixing it, versus others that are down to only 2 or 3 working hosts.
    out of all the multiple links that are posted on this parent site,
    zevera works for all that are supported, for me, minus letitbit and shareflare, which has been down intermittently off and on for the past 2 weeks
    both were up the other day, but shortly after went back down due to technical issues.

    I use IDM too btw, and only use the zevera site to generate premium links
    i have a 10mbit connection, and i get full speed always with the hosts that work.
  8. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Also stay away from Filepost premiums extremally slow download speeds
  9. litlejohn

    litlejohn Newbie

    Feb 14, 2012
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    hello everybody......
    i`m reading all this, and i`m user for almost one year. and all service are working ass tech support said, as i understand they are providing links for files that i`m downloading, so i don't understand problems you have, all you need to read all what is whiten on their site. they explained all as it works.
    I`m very satisfied an i hope they will work long as they can :D many thanks for their work...
    thanks a lot zevera!!!! i hope there are more people that like zevera.com
  10. angel

    angel Noisemaker

    Feb 13, 2012
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    Did Zevera stuff told you to write this???(thanks a lot Zevera?...)
    Sorry, this doesn't sound that believable to me and i'm sure for other people as well,
    specialty after dealing with such a misleading company, with so much "under the table" stuff going on...

    Thank you.
  11. angel

    angel Noisemaker

    Feb 13, 2012
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    Wow... Mr "Litlejhon" I guess you're from Zevera.com,
    I don't think your false "good" review on http://www.webutation.net/ will change much.
    Instead of writing false reviews and taking money from people and giving them bullshit instead!
    You should start fixing the real problem within this corrupted company and provide good service to customers.
  12. zevera

    zevera Newbie

    Feb 14, 2012
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    Hello everyone,

    We got email from one of our user about this forum topic. Everyone have a right to write his honest review.
    I'm not going to defend us - I'm telling you - go to zevera.com and ask for test account. Use our service and see for yourself if all above is true or not.

    On our sales page it is clearly stated that some hosters have limits (YES - we have limits). We are not hiding them and after you register (for free) you can see limitation of each supported hoster. There is menu on the left and it is not hidden.

    If there is some file that you are unable to download all you need to do is to report this. We have live chat support 21/24 hours Monday-Friday. You can email us or you can post on our forums. If there is error we will fix it. Telling that nothing work is not true.

    We will not comment about our competition who is hiding under false username with only one purpose - mislead users about our service. Language and words used can tell enough about person education.

    So, all of you who want to test service can do it for free. Register on our website and send us email asking for test account.

    Zevera Team
  13. angel

    angel Noisemaker

    Feb 13, 2012
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    Welcome Zevera and I’m glad you’re here to defend yourself.
    One thing is clear Zevera, if people were satisfied with your online service you wouldn’t receive so much complains, negative reviews and so on…
    As I stated before – You take advantage of the current online situation, since you’re the “link” to many of the blocked U.S hosts.
    Yes, your service is misleading in many ways (including that “limited usage”, which is a complete joke!)
    You have a major problem with providing a steady, reliable and error-free downloads and speed! I’m not the only one and I have tons of people I know who are basically sick and tired of your slow and unreliable service. Sorry to see that you’re losing customers, but when you provide such sketchy service, there’s really no wonder. BE CLEAR ABOUT WHAT YOU’RE PROVIDING AND PROVIDE IT IN THE BEST AND MOST RELIABLE WAY. Then you’ll be gaining and not losing customers.

    Thank you.
  14. zevera

    zevera Newbie

    Feb 14, 2012
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    We don't have complains and as you can see we are telling users to go and try service. You probably represent our competition and your job is to mislead users about Zevera service.

    Also about limits - we only have limits on some hosters who have limits itself. ul.to have 10GB per day limit for example. For truly unlimited hosters like rapidshare we don't have limits.

    About speed - we don't have speed limits. Only limit is your connection speed.

    If you are truly one of our users - then let us know your username on zevera and we will give you account for FREE. Fair enough?

    P.S. You only have 6 posts and all of them are about Zevera? All of them are negative. Anybody can see that your purpose is to write bad review about us.
  15. angel

    angel Noisemaker

    Feb 13, 2012
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    First I’m not a competitor, but a well experienced user and do not go head to head with me Zevera, I’m a tough nut. I speak out for many users who are having difficult time with your service. Do not polish things that are obviously a real problem with your service. Bottom of the line Zevera. You cannot expect someone to spend hours by pasting a link into your “direct download” 20, 30 times maybe? To be able to download a single file of a 100mb or more, with extremely slow speed of around 50kb/sc or 80kb/sc going on may times! Not including the numerous errors. Please, this is not acceptable! Especially when you guys charging for this service. As for my internet speed, my overall speed is very fast and I can download a 1gb file in about 2 minutes, so no problem here thank you. As for the ul. Problem, excuse me, but your friendly “You’ve reached your daily limit” error can be quite random and displayed at 3-4gb of use. I also cannot even count the number of times I saw the error: “the host is offline, please try again tomorrow” when it’s not offline and you can download the file directly from that server as a “free” user (it will take forever, but you can) So, let’s not go on and on here… Dear Zevera your service is a blessing but its usage is a curse. I really hope you’ll improve your service quickly and dramatically so many people can use it.

    Thanks so much.
  16. google

    google Newbie

    Jun 18, 2011
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    I've only skim read this but I've used zevera for a while and they are pretty good.

    all file downloading went to crap after the big thing the last few months.

    But i can usually find a working link to download with zevera.

    (No capcha no BS pop ups or crappy cookies from download wesites)

    They have presented great value for money on the "block accounts"

    No-one be a twat and disrespect me by saying i work for Zevera (OK)

    My opinions are usually unfiltered....ask the regulars...

    But i gotta saw i give them a 7 out of 10

    compared to rapidshare premium account that cost me a fortune

    --- slightly ot

    astraweb premuim usenet is 96usd a yer

    or 50usd for 1TB! at the moment so get into that for value for money



    Also to add zevera speed are sometimes as fast as my connection

    2 or 3 mins

    but sometimes SLoowww

    35 mins

    but zeverz is still better than going to the file share site directly and doing capcha and getting pop ups and cookies

    i would only purchase a 'block account' from zevera
  17. zevera

    zevera Newbie

    Feb 14, 2012
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    We are the only one who is using it's own PayPal account and not micropayment etc.
    If we were indeed scammers PayPal would have cut us off way back.
  18. google

    google Newbie

    Jun 18, 2011
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  19. zevera

    zevera Newbie

    Feb 14, 2012
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    Depositfiles are not supported hoster - that's why you got error message. Please use only supported hosters.
    For a list of supported hosters take a look here: http://zevera.com/Member/HosterStatus.aspx
  20. google

    google Newbie

    Jun 18, 2011
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    30Mb Virgin media broadband

    speeds on zevera are these

    extra bit

    upload to

    i forget the other one

    but no capcha but still speeds are shit bro

  21. zevera

    zevera Newbie

    Feb 14, 2012
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    To get max speed you need to use some downloader. Downloading via browser may be slow.
    All instructions are in our forum FAQ.
    Also, we stated on Direct Download page that we do not recommend using that method for files over 100MB.
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