YT audio channel's which we should not support

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by Gyro Gearloose, Oct 21, 2019.

  1. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    well...ppl get dumber and dumber thats why...
    just look into comments of this channels...
    common sense like you state in youre comment is einstein level these days...

    further this thread brought important stuff to light , namely that mixbus tv is a little fraud

    and on top using u-he vr crack for yt review but having 40k studio
  2. A Ghost On The Moon

    A Ghost On The Moon Producer

    Aug 18, 2019
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  3. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    so what are you doing to get saints debts paid ?
    divide live in youre own world when you think like this...only one who divides in this thread are the same little drama girl same as all you criticize also like me drama girl
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2019
  4. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    If you build a compressor from kit, then you build a compressor. It doesn't matter if the design is yours.

    Most compressors on the market are based on over 50-year old schematics. Circuits have been minimally changed and parts replaced because the original components are no longer available. What does that tell us?

    I'm not sure what that has to do with the quality of the channel content ...
    I mean, that's politics. I am not a politician. If two sound guys have a fight with each other, then that's their thing, right?
    And apart from that, that's completely normal in the world of music!

    As an example:
    If I work with artists who come from far away, I offer them my guest room or the couch.
    But I also know some producers who want to impress guest artists. They rent a room in 5-star hotels, rent a studio room where they work on their laptop, put on their most expensive clothes ... They pretend to be super successful. It's a tactic. Sometimes it works and sometimes not. No reason to talk bad about these people.

    Boy, I work in a multimillion € studio. And I also have warez on the hard drive. Especially for testing with old mix sessions. Nevertheless, not a single cracked plugin has found its way into commercial productions if I don't have a legal license for it.
    IMHO publicly playing around on YT with warez is a really stupid move. But that says absolutely nothing about whether he actually works with it.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2019
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  5. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    nope..maybe you even right in english gramar but he is fake....thunbnail must be like ive build a comp from a kit
    and for sure not like he shines in thumbnail
    come on....the guys from dbx or tegeler or what ever are just low level educated and schrauben kits together you cant present that no no..
    ok ok ..i go to next big name mastering class and sit my ass besides main tutor on console like im involved...and when he go out i get the crowd instantly and make my own tlakshow bout my mastering class (as a concurrent)...hell yeah
    thats easy
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2019
  6. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    yeah...suit tactics are needed in music biz..
    this fake shit destroy everything not only music...

    and im notv talking bad bout that ppl...i feel sorry for them...
  7. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    its bout the kids...rolemodels and such...:winker:thats what i criticize

    most subscripers are newbs and young...
    these narcissistic douche had even a site bout his tatoos explaining meaning for the clicks....he did take it down...:mad:
  8. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    The only difference between assembling a kit and designing your own compressor is that in the second version, you are responsible for board design and component selection. If it is a replica and a schematic is present, it is even closer to the first version.
    What I want to say is, design and assembly are two pairs of shoes.
    He shows that it is easy to do it yourself and that you can even save money. That's a good thing. It is educational.
  9. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    No, it does not destroy anything. Except maybe the credibility of this person when it comes to light. It has always been that some people have fluffed up and pretended to be taller than they are. That's the show business! Music, film ... everywhere that happens.
    It's called a bluff! Some people have made a great career and others have not. It is not up to us to judge these people. There is only one thing that counts: Either you are good at something or not! And if you're good, and a bluff takes you to the next level, then the bluff worked. So why not?
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2019
  10. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    because bluff has becoming the main thing in this world and it evolve in a black hole
    yeah ok..
  11. Synclavier

    Synclavier Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
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    I can't stand ANDREW HUANG and his retarded faces on video thumbnails. There is such a habit these days to put your most stupid face on the thumbnail.:facepalm:
  12. Fufutos

    Fufutos Member

    Feb 24, 2017
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    British Apartheid
    Around here it's called 'blag'... how can you convince us that 'blagging' does not hurt the industry? I'm all ears...
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  13. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Sorry, that's a stupid question. If you think bluffing and bragging are bad for the industry, maybe you should tell us? I don't see how...
    I see many things that hurt this industry. But I don't think people who are trying to get ahead in this industry or rise up are a threat.
    It has always been a bit gaga here in the music business and always will be.
  14. Fufutos

    Fufutos Member

    Feb 24, 2017
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    British Apartheid
    Why the need to call the question 'stupid' since you don't understand it?
    And why you can't understand that someone who uses lies, deception, impersonation etc to get ahead in a capitalistic market, is bad for said market and erodes the competition? You keep calling it 'bluffing' whilst in this industry it's called 'blagging'. This is not a poker game.
    So, I take it that you understand and endorse what MixbusTV did in that video... plus the videos that show he has the cash to splash out on expensive outboard gear but can't afford $49/sic to some hard working developer.
    Says a lot;)
  15. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    To complain about you dividing people with your clickbait threads is not to divide people. Your ”logic” is flawed.
  16. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    The question is stupid because you expect me to give you an answer that disproves my own statement.
    Lying, deception and imitation are part of the capitalist market. I'm not saying that I like this approach, that I support it. I'm just saying that has always been like that. There are people who go too far and hurt others to gain an advantage. Such things are rumored. Nobody wants to work with them anymore. The problem resolves itself and you know what? the industry has not suffered any damage. So why this discussion? this leads to nothing.
  17. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Even if we doesn't give a phuk about anyone who might not like him, with over 60k subs, it is clear youtube had become his largest source of revenues, and he is ready to do anything that might bring new subs, new forwards, or more people commenting. ..if the youtybe algo sees there is a ton of people postung comments, then, 'the video is interesting, and must be promoted'

    anyone who had followed him since the beginning, well notice his videos went from 90% mixing tips/other and 10% products presentation, to 50-50%... and these last months, is basically 5% mixing-related videos vs 95% products presentation.

    For those who don't know, even a small guy with 5 or 10'000 subs, can already be offered a BUNCH of deals, to present/review/simply talk about a particular product, and he can easily get 2..3...5'000 dollars/euros, to do it.
    when you are above 50'000 subs, you can easily get offers to present products, and EASILY get paid 10...15...20'000 $/€, just to talk 5-10m about it.

    another good example : mixbus tv.
    we all remember the bunch of great videos and tutorials he used to make. Now that he also bought nuendo, for sure, he could have enough material to make 10..20..30 videos about nuendo.. how he uses it, differences between protools and nuendo, etc etc...but where are those videos? None.
    99% of his videos are now 'PRODUCTS PRESENTATION'...'look, this fantastic ozone plugin'... 'look, this amazing little eq from this unknown company, that i absolutely adore'.... 'look, this is the new compressor from xy, and i absolutely love it'....

    often, he presents another small eq or compressor, that he absolutely loves. Seriously, with all his external gear, with all his 300-500 bucks plug-ins, why would he lose 10 minutes to talk about a plug-in that even the stock plug-ins can do better... if it wasn't a question of big money ?

    white sea studio,
    the guy looks desperate to make more and more money out of YouTube...
    ckickbait headlines (oh God i hate that) such as 'it's time to say goodbye'.... 'I'm going to quit'.... 'it is the end'.....but hey, what really matters is getting more views and new subs, right
    the snakoil videos... where the guy will install a plug-in, after reading the entire presentation text from the seller's website, and purposely butchering some words 'ohh, i have a bad time trying to pronounce the foreign words, lol', and already spending 4 minutes. ..then, he installs the plug-in, which might have 70 different options, features, exotic buttons naming (flavor. and it absolutely requires the user to read the manual. .. of course, he doesn't read it... he will spend 2 extra minutes complaining about the 3d screws or the brushed aluminum color, which has too much aluminum... and finally, he will play the same dar-fuking-rude --> sand-fukin-storm track, will turn a few random knobs from -100 to +200, durum by the last 2 minutes of the video, and will then claim the plug-in either does nothing to the sound. .. or it colors the sound too much... or bla bla... and IT IS HIS FINAL OPINION everybody must accept !

    then, he hates when someone criticizes something he said or did, going as far as telling the person 'if you don't agree, you can unsubscribe and go visit another channel ' !

    wow... let me understand. .. you create a youtube channel about a particular topic, you create videos where you express your opinion, you leave the comments section open, but you can't accept when 1 guy out of 60'000 doesn't 100% agree with you ?

    anyone has noticed since he has moved, he never talked about his alleged girlfriend, again. ..? With such fuking character, unable to accept the slightest criticism, or opinion, i wouldn't be surprised if the chick dumped him...

    then, of course, acoustica audio videos... just to get more subs, clicks and comments, the guy is ready to trash a great plug-in, because he knows it will mess with people/owners feelings, will attract a few thousand new subs, and the comments section will catch fire. .. which all means better algorithm placement, etc etc.. and MORE MONEY.

    YES, it's all about money. It's 100% about money. I feared mixbustv would also follow the money path, but had some hope, as the guy is a pro, has at least 500'000 bucks to invest in the 'bella' artist (which, btw, i don't like her voice AT ALL, and her body and boobs won't be enough to save her), and doesn't really need the extra youtybe money.
    but seems like i was wrong. .. him, too, it's all about money, now. Merchs, mugs, seeking discounted plug-ins. ..and now, 95% of the videos are about presenting new products. Even though he already has enough money, he simply can't say no to those 10...15..20...30'000 bucks he gets, to present his 'favorite' earbuds... his favorite' new eq... his 'favorite' new this or that... everything becomes his 'favorite' gear or plug-in. . During the 10m long presentation video...

    back to white sea... the guy used to make some interesting videos... like the amazon $22 mic, where he recorded his bud voice, drums, guitar and brass..

    but when he started receiving cash to present new products... it was over.

    Anyone had notice how he is always begging the manufacturer to send him a copy.. or a pair of units...etc etc, for him to test. .AND KEEP IT...

    also, sometimes, he trashes some plug-ins, hoping the coolant week send him a FULL license, so he can 'better test it'...

    so yes... music... video games... as sin as the youtubers start making 20...30...40+ thousands, EACH MONTH, content, quality , integrity, etc, no longer matter, and the only thing that matters is making EVEN MORE CASH, even if they have to sell their soul...
    a minority manage to resist, but most. ..

    whitesea studios and mixbus tv are prefect examples.
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  18. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    i can but with this thumbnails he makes himself so laughable but young folks need that dumb trigger to click nowadays , also this faked coolnes hippy de hip....a second of coolness weighs more then 10 seconds of showing spine nowadays...
    that stupido dumbnail thing they doing all now...
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2019
  19. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    seems mixbuzz tv have multible studios now....i guess one in LA and his home base
  20. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    this is a review
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