Your Indoctrination

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Heisenberg, Mar 1, 2012.

  1. Heisenberg

    Heisenberg Heisenberg

    Jan 24, 2012
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  3. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Although some of this may hold some truth.. this isn't the Tin foil hat forum.
  4. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    Ha, One Reason, are you crazy? Everybody knows that a tin foil hat won't work. You need one made of carbon paper.
  5. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    Probably not, or at least not in the way we all think we exist as free people.

    Anyway this is not new, human beings have tried to do this to other human beings from
    beginningless times without so much success (i mean indoctrinate a behaviour). Of course
    there was fear but from time to time there was also some kind of revolution that tried
    to change things (at least for a moment).

    But now i firmly believe that things are really different from the past.

    After the WW2 things changed radically in the so called 1rst world (2nd, 3rd, and so on still
    are in the past). Of course there have been some attempts of revolution (may'68) but nothing
    changed in fact (probably other revolutions along human history also have not).

    What i mean is that the voice in off in the video is talking some truth. Theres a real fear
    nowadays to loose this so called "welfare-society" in which we've lived since the end of WW2
    and we've been indoctrinated somehow through all this years - media being the main source for
    that - to depend on it, physically as well as emotionally).

    Thanks to my job i meet many people daily, just to hear them to complain about the pressent
    situation (spain is in a real bad economical situation this days), but when you talk to them
    to go to demonstrate they say "this will do nothing, after all "they" do always what they want
    and us have to obey" ... that's true it's not my invention.

    Another example ... You have just to look here (and in its sister site) ... Few weeks ago when
    PIPA, SOPA acts were in the news, most of the people were afraid about what ? ... yes, just about
    downloads, nothing less, nothing more.

    Now, how many talked here or there about the possibility that those acts could mean (will mean
    eventually) a freedom of the speech being shut down ?. Or even, how many do think now that those
    acts have gone forever ?.

    Perhaps the voice in the video is right and we've been indoctrinated to have fear to loose the
    few things we still keep up from the already dead "welfare-society" ... "Do whatever you want but
    let me download anything i want" was the leitmotiv not so long ago, do you remember ?

    Videos like the one that Heisenberg has posted here should make us to think deeply on the
    present situation and enquire deep in ourselves if we all are or not 2nd-hand persons ...

    But of course, who wants to think nowadays, much less to think deeply, when the only think
    most of us are worried about is if we could download or not the last plug-in, dow, or
    whatever is posted in AudioZ (to name just one thing) ?.

    Thanks for listening!
    Kind Regards! :mates:
  6. Heisenberg

    Heisenberg Heisenberg

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Wrap your mobile phone with Tin Foil. Then try to call your own mobile phone.
  7. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    To those who this can be of interest:

    "We are connected globally, but our local relationships are becoming wafer
    thin and ephemeral. We are in danger of developing a society that is globally
    connected and collaborative, but one that is also impatient, isolated, and
    detached from reality. A society that has plenty of answers but very few
    good questions. A society composed of individuals who are unable to think by
    themselves in the real world.

    Future Minds (How the Digital Age is changing our minds)
    Richard Watson (2010)