You really should get into LINUX ! ! !

Discussion in 'Linux' started by 0on3, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Says the guy who thinks Wikipedia is an accepted and respected authority. There you'd be right.
    You did not even read the Britannica article did you? Yes there is brain issue, yours. Does your mommy know you are here? It speaks CLEARLY of the WinNT /VMS attachment. DUH.
    So name the MAC server running an entire major network? I CLEARLY do know - No MAC can do What AD or Novell NDS does so you clearly do not know shit about networks fool. It is not a server's asshole it is a joke. Thank God they got rid of Apple share. It's a desktop and their "Server" was a file server only. If you knew anything about networks not homeshare you'd know that. A MAC could not create and manage OU's on a network or assign inherited rights if the entire company depended on it, or create a separate proxy to protect every computer on a network either. Windows, Novell and Linux/UNIX servers can. The MAC is a network TOY.
    This very forum you are posting would not be hosted on a MAC -It's likely either a Linux/UNIX server or a Windows server. Most likely the first. Maybe Novell but definitely, NOT MAC.
    Do you even know what a Hardware Abstraction Layer is? It runs BEFORE the GUI FOOL.

    You are a moron.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2022
  2. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    As I've mentioned, there's no need for respected authority to find out that NT has nothing to do with Unix.
    And both VMS and NT have nothing to do with Unix.
    There's LDAP that works perfectly fine. And you have BSD userland, including most Linux tools available at a moment's notice from Homebrew.
    Nobody uses Novell for web servers. Nobody uses Windows or Mac for web servers either, unless you bought into ASP.NET and are forced to take the additional cost due to working in enterprise or not knowing better. Mac servers are a thing mostly where you actually do need macOS - in AV rendering farms, as build servers for Mac/iOS apps, etc.
    Yes, it's the thing that you say automatically means it's all Unix under the hood, even if it's an abstract concept and HAL is available for STM32F103 microcontrollers, which run at 72MHz and go as low as 16KB flash / 6KB RAM, and certainly have nothing to do with Linux.

    The only thing HAL means is a bunch of libraries that map an abstract name (say, CPU) and interface to a hardware device (x86, x64, ARM) depending on the target platform. Arduino and the library provided with it is HAL as well and has nothing to do with Unix.
  3. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    There's disproportionately more iOS users in professional audio though, because of software available. Meanwhile developers stick to iOS only because it had better audio performance for half a dozen years, iOS users were used to $20+ apps while Android users were not, iOS didn't allow sideloading while Android was dealing with piracy, etc. There's also just a few iOS devices while Android is a wild west and you're guaranteed to get complaints and reviews about poor performance from someone using a 8 year old tablet.
  4. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Google isn't interested in the desktop market. Its dominated by Windows and it will be that way till the death of desktop itself.

    Like it or not, cloud is the future and companies are doing everything to make it better and reliable. All our software on a cloud will mean zero piracy and entirely subscription based services, companies have already started understanding it, they won't need to pay for copy protection at all. Nobody dreamt of 100MBps home internet connections 15 years ago, yet today we have them. I remember using ADSL broadband @64 kbps 7-8 years ago. Standards don't become the standard unless they get backing from big companies. The biggest audio plugin companies aren't still big enough to push for a change I guess.

    Kontakt is a legacy tech, it reeks of its single thread behaviour everywhere, the GUI freezes aren't because our PC is slow. I am sure a much better alternative will replace it and streaming won't be the issue. There's games being streamed realtime @ 30fps HD already. I am sure they take much more bandwidth overall.
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  5. jon doe like pizza dough

    jon doe like pizza dough Ultrasonic

    Dec 14, 2021
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    good for you but most of us here are producers or composers or a musician etc we need software like cubase kontakt and many more win and osx exclusive programs and these aren't available on linux if you have manage to get linux to work cheers but for at least me and probably many more linux is simply too much work to get it running because creativity comes first in music production and random crashes and freezes are better than not having these vital pieces software

    ps i was a previous linux user only music production forced me to quit it

    so to any one reading this no i would not recommend to go with linux

    number 1 choice is windows 10 or 11 due to the sheer number of software and "free" software you can find
    2nd option is osx again due to the sheer number of software there are and lately a lot of "free" software is also getting released for osx

    pss "free" is ....a sister site
  6. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    I deal with RHEL and Debian for work shit, my work laptop runs Ubuntu and I run Debian for my network services, quite simple really.
  7. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Guys, please stay on-topic, (this thread is about Linux) and stop insulting each other or we have to lock this thread.
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  8. ptepper

    ptepper Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2021
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    Years go by, Linux keeps improving steadily, but the level of ignorance and malice being spewed by non-users is constantly staggering.

    If your workflow is tied to a specific DAW and specific set of plugins that aren't available in Linux version, and/or if you own an audio interface that is not supported in Linux, just stay with Windows, there's nothing wrong with it.

    In Linux, either you start with a clean sheet or forget about it. Assuming you have a compatible audio interface, that includes Class Compliant ones, first you see if there's a DAW that would suit you - Reaper, Bitwig, Ardour/Mixbus, Waveform, etc.

    Then you download AV Linux and create a bootable USB drive using Rufus. Now you instantly have a complete live turnkey system, optimised for low latency, with Ardour, Audacity, Reaper (demo) and Mixbus (demo) already installed, along with dozens of plugins, both instruments and FX. It'll take maybe half an hour.

    But you need to have a compatible audio interface first. And you need to accept that you won't be able to use every piece of software that is available in Windows.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2022
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  9. ptepper

    ptepper Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2021
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    ...and TAL...

    ...and Harrison...

    ...and airwindows, Audio Damage, Audio Assault, apisonic labs, Auburn Sounds, Decent Sampler, Dexed, DSP56300Emu, discoDSP, Nils' K1V, OverTone DSP (now called ACMT - Fairchild, Pultec, SSL emulations), TbT, Matt Tytel (Helm, Vital), Surge Synth Team, TheWaveWarden (Odin), Traction, VCV Rack...
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2022
  10. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    we can make this more general, if devs are using JUCE, they can build plugins for Linux. A few of them you have mentioned are native JUCE users, so there is no wonder they have a Linux build already.

    So one could say the market is growing slowly for linux plugin binaries, but its still some niche market.
  11. ptepper

    ptepper Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2021
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    It's definitely an incomparably smaller market and the gap is unlikely to be narrowed in foreseeable future.

    However, there's already plenty of decent native Linux tools, enough to invalidate claims that it can't be done.

    Not to mention a significantly improved situation with Windows plugins. With a relatively new VST 2/3 wrapper, yabridge, a clear majority of Windows plugins now work under Linux.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2022
  12. MdB

    MdB Guest

    what about soundcard drivers ?
  13. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Only garbage audio interfaces work on Linux. So you basically have to buy garbage for it to work on Linux
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  14. ptepper

    ptepper Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2021
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    If you want to use the one you already own and it's not supported in Linux, you simply stay with Windows and everybody's happy.

    If you want to use Linux, first you need to find a compatible interface. All Class Compliant interfaces will work. I'm using the SSL 2 and an Akai MPC in Controller mode.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2022
  15. Olaf

    Olaf Platinum Record

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Most sound cards and audio interfaces work out of the box without additional drivers. And unlike in Windows and macOS the compatibility is not removed in later versions. There are quite a few devices that don't work with Windows 10/11 or newer Macs anymore, but ironically still work with Linux even if the manufacturers never released Linux driver themselves.
    You won't find a complete list, but googling for "<model> linux" should give you an idea.
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  16. ptepper

    ptepper Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2021
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    RME stopped supporting the venerable RME DIGI9652 Hammerfall PCI card, for example, when Windows transitioned to 64-bit, but last time I checked it was still supported in latest 64-bit Linux distros, plug and play. And it has its own applet - control panel, for full parameter control.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2022
  17. recycle

    recycle Guest

    When the Linux discussion gets out of the geek domain and becomes more practical (audio oriented) everything becomes more interesting.
    You say that any class compliant interface will natively works under Linux. for sure, but with their basic functions. How to squeeze 100% from the interface without a dedicated driver? How to manage the mixer, the internal routing, how to activate talkback, or mono / stereo, invert polarity etc?
    From what I know, big companies like Audient, Antelope, Motu ecc, are not officially supporting linux, so no driver support
  18. ptepper

    ptepper Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2021
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    That's true. Most of the audio interface manufacturers refuse not only to support Linux, but to provide basic documentation for their interfaces so that Linux enthusiasts can develop drivers for free.

    That in turn removes incentives for the software developers, which keeps the user base small, which is why hardware manufacturers refuse to support Linux. Closed circle.

    Somewhere in that circle operate numerous vicious characters spreading disinformation about Linux. There have been quite a few in this thread alone.

    Apart from Merging Ravenna, which is a bit too specific and hi-end, I know of one advanced (onboard DSP etc.) interface that can be fully controlled from Linux: MOTU Ultralite AVB. Not because MOTU made a Linux driver/control panel for it, but because it can be controlled from any browser, via a home Wi-fi network. So for all intents and purposes it's compatible with Linux just as it's compatible with Windows.

    It's only one interface of that kind, but it's a good one and not too expensive either.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2022
  19. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    This is a typical lie from a Linux evangelist. They will lie you straight in the face to get you moving to "their" shitty OS.
    Of course people that makes ridiculous claims like this has never tried most audio interfaces themselves. They have just read it on a shitty lying scummy Linux forum that some fat geeky guy had it working. Never believe claims from Linux fanboys!
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2022
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  20. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Hey Daskeladden
    We're not here to call people names like "evangelist" , nor to replace the absence of argument with words like "shitty" or "garbage"

    If you have something to bring to the table, great, then please use rational, logical, acknowledged arguments.
    Thank you
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